Cочинение ученицы 10 класса Черниковой Александры МАОУ "СОШ №12 с УИОП" "To Be Successful Means..." было представлено для участия в муниципальном этапе Всероссийского конкурса сочинений на английском языке " Быть успешным - значит..." среди обучающихся общеобразовательных учреждений г. Губкина и Губкинского района Белгородской области, организованном Губкинской ассоциацией учителей английского языка "Gubkin Rainbow". Работа заняла 1место в номинации "Нестандартный подход к раскрытию темы".
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Конкурсное сочинение на английском языке
«Быть успешным – значит…»
Ученицы 10А класса
Черниковой Александры
Учитель Богданова Г. В.
Губкин- 2011
To be Successful Means…
Which person can be called successful? In my opinion, the word “success” means different things for different people. One of the English proverb says, “So many men, so many minds.” I agree with this saying because people understand it differently.
For someone to be successful means to have a lot of money. I believe that money itself does not have much influence on person’s future because if a person has concrete goal he will achieve it by his hard work. In order to be successful he needs to work and to achieve his goal. In this case, he learns to be strong and value all money he has earned. On the other hand, some rich young people think that all doors are open before them and do not work hard but only use their parents’ money.
I think that nowadays it is impossible to be poor and successful. However, at the same time we cannot say that wealth automatically leads to happiness.
For me a successful person is an independent person. He has independent point of view on different things and he is not afraid of expressing his thoughts directly and openly. He should have strong character because life is full of difficult situations. He must overcome all these difficulties if he wants to achieve anything in his life and become a successful person. In other words, to be successful means to be persistent.
I think one of the characteristics of successful person is optimism. He must have positive thinking and never give up.
A successful person as I see it should have personal charm, the ability to cooperate with others and to work in a team.
It is good if a successful person has many friends though friendship and success not very often stand next to each other. I think so because if a person achieves much his friends become envious to his success and quit often can stop communicate and even become enemies.
In my opinion, young people of my age should understand that the main factors of success are highly- paid jobs, strong family and well-being. It seems to me that to be successful means to do something well. If a person has any talent, I believe, success will not make him wait for a long time.
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