Творческая работа, в которой автор делится своими впечатлениями об известных фактах из истории и повседневной жизни британцев
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2, р. п. Мокроус, Федоровского района, Саратовской области.
Вторая школьная научная конференция
Исследовательская работа
по английскому языку языку:
«My Dream of London»
ученица 7 класса
Меркулова Юлия
Руководитель: учитель английского языка
Скалина Ирина Васильевна
Мокроус 2011
I chose this topic because London’s life is very interesting for me, and I am going to connect my future job with the English language. We know that there are a lot of stereotypes about the British, and I want to find an answer to question: «What people are the English like in fact?»
London was founded 2000 years ago. In 43 A.D. the Romans actually occupied Britain and it was one of the provinces of the Roman Empire up to 410. The Romans built towns with streets, markets and shops. Their houses had central heating; the baths were decorated with columns and fine statues.
The London Thames was deep and still within the tidal zone: an ideal place for the berthing of ships. The area was also well-drained and low-lying with geology suitable for brick making. There was soon a flourishing city called Londinium in the area where the monument now stands. The name itself is Celtic, not Latin.
London is without any doubt one of the most fascinating cities in the world. There are a lot of beautiful sights. The main parts of London are Westminster, the City of London, the West End and the East End..
Westminster is the government part of London. The most imposing building is the Westminster Palace, in which the British Parliament sits. You can find the Lord’s Chamber, Westminster Abbey here.
The City of London is one of the major banking centers of the world and you can find there the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the offices of many financial companies.
Fleet Street, St Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London.
The West End is the richest part of London, the symbol of wealth and luxury the largest and best hotels, theatres, cinemas, shops, restaurants, museums are to be found here.
The main streets of this part are Regent Street, the best shopping centre, Charring Cross , famous for bookstores, Oxford Street, the busiest street in London and many others. The district between Regent Street and Charring Cross is Soho, where there are all kinds of foreign restaurants.
The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories and the Port of London there. The dockland area in the East End of London used to be a busy port.
An Londoner’s day begins when he sits down to breakfast . He has his favorite breakfast of corn flakes with milk and sugar or bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, tea or coffee. But some people like to begin with porridge which they eat with milk or cream and sugar.
Round about 11 a.m. some Englishmen who work have their tea or coffee break. But it is not a meal, of course.
Then at midday, everything stopped for lunch. Most offices and small shops are closed for an hour, and the city pavements are full of people on their way to cafes. The usual midday meal consist of two courses. First a meat course is served with plenty of vegetables. It can be potatoes, peas, beans. This is followed by a sweet dish, perhaps fruit pudding with tea. Most Englishman like it and call it «good plane food», but who eat at home usually call it «dinner».
Afternoon tea is taken at about five o’clock, but can hardly be called a meal. It is a cup of tea with bread-and-butter and cake or biscuits. It is often not served at table; each person has a cup and saucer, a spoon and small plate in his hands.
The evening meal, when all the family gather round the table after their working day, goes under various names – tea, high tea, dinner or supper. It is usually a meat course followed by tinned fruit or cake and tea.
But certainly meal is not the same in every English home. Tastes differ.
A lot of stereotypes are about the British. Some people think, that:
the British are very cold, not sociable, reserved;
Every English family has a pet;
every Englishman eat a porridge in morning;
Albion is very mist;
the English wear only a strict costumes;
the Scotch wear only traditional skirts (and Scotchman too);
the Englishman like to do gardening;
the British like to do sports.
We can not say, that the British mans are very cold and reserved, because they go to pubs in the evening, where watch football, speak and drink a beer. The English are fine fans, and everybody has a favourite football club.
This stereotype is false!
Englishman like animals very much! As a rule there is a pet in every English home. It can be a dog, a cat, a bird, a hedgehog, even a snake or monkey.
This stereotype is true!
We know , that not every Englishman eat a porridge in the morning.
This stereotype is a false!
The Russian, when speak about Britain, like use a n expression «the mist Albion», but it is rain in London as often as in Moscow.
This stereotype is false!
In XIX century and in the beginning of XX century the English wore strict costumes, the hats and the black umbrellas. The British are very big conservators, but we live in XXI century, and the Londoners wear other clothes: and skirts, and trousers, and jeans, and T-shorts, and blouses.
The British remember and observe their traditions, the testaments of relatives. But the Scotch mans put on their traditional check skirts only for national holidays.
These two stereotypes are false!
Englishmen are fond of gardening. They like to grow plans and to look after them. Special attention is given to every bad of flower, each bush or tree.
This stereotype is true!
England is a native land of a lot of sport’s variety: football, golf, tennis, cricket, rugby, cycling, squash.
And every Londoner has the favourite sport, which he or she does!
This stereotype is true!
Thanks to this researching work I’ve learned a lot of interesting and new things about London, its architecture of its sights, about English character. I think, I’ll have an opportunity to visit Great Britain and use my knowledge speaking with English/and I’m sure, I’ll go on studying and researching the British culture.
ГЛАВА ТРЕТЬЯ, в которой Пух и Пятачок отправились на охоту и чуть-чуть не поймали Буку
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