Тема проекта: «Доброта. Милосердие. Благотворительность».
Творческое название проекта: «Подари жизнь».
Обоснование проблемы: отсутствие у подростков сознательного самовоспитания чувств доброты, самопожертвования, сострадания.
Актуальность проблемы: дефицит информации для подростков на английском языке о благотворительности и милосердии в России и англоязычных странах.
Цель проекта:
- актуализировать и развивать знания сверстников о благотворительной деятельности известных людей;
- привлечь внимание одноклассников к изучению английского языка.
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Управление образования
Администрации Краснокутского муниципального района
МОУ – Средняя общеобразовательная школа с. Карпёнка
Краснокутского района Саратовской области
проект выполнила:
ученица 11 класса
Зарешева Айна
руководитель проекта: учитель английского языка
Еськова Елена Леонидовна
Красный Кут 2012 год
Тема проекта: «Доброта. Милосердие. Благотворительность».
Творческое название проекта: «Подари жизнь»
Обоснование проблемы: отсутствие у подростков сознательного самовоспитания чувств доброты, самопожертвования, сострадания.
Актуальность проблемы: дефицит информации для подростков на английском языке о благотворительности и милосердии в России и англоязычных странах.
Цель проекта:
актуализировать и развивать знания сверстников о благотворительной деятельности известных людей;
привлечь внимание одноклассников к изучению английского языка;
расширить лингвистический, филологический и общий кругозор сверстников, развить их познавательную активность.
Задачи проекта:
«разговорить» сверстников по данной проблеме;
выработать у них эмоциональное личностное отношение к социальным проблемам нашего общества;
воспитывать добродетель, толерантность, внимательное отношение к окружающим и выражать сочувствие тем, кто находится в беде, испытывает трудности и лишения.
Тип проекта: информационно – творческий.
Форма проекта: индивидуальный.
Предметно–содержательная область: межпредметный.
Область исследования: английский язык, английская литература, обществознание.
В проекте используется: самостоятельный поиск информации; индивидуальная работа по заданию выбранной «миссии»; обсуждение полученной информации, создание слайд – шоу.
По окончании проекта сдаётся: эссе по заданной проблеме, презентация на слайдах, буклеты, благотворительный концерт.
Introduction……………………………………...p. 3
I.Volunteer Work………………………………………………p. 5-6
II. Charity in our life…………………………………………...p. 7-14
2.1. Mother Teresa. …………………………………………….p.7
2.2. Helen Keller………………………………………………...p.8-9
2.3. The Charity Wristbands Trend…………………………...p.10-11
2.4. Chulpan Khamatova & Dina Korzun Fund “Give life”…p.12-14
The list of literature……………………………………………..p.16
Good afternoon dear friends!
Dear members of the Conference Committee! Dear students and all those present! Glad to see you!
I’d like to bring your attention to a research project on the topic «Kindness. Mercy. Charity» and begin it with the following quotation:
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”
How could you interpret this statement?
Доброта, даже самая маленькая, никогда не пропадает даром. Эзоп
The aim of the project is:
to investigate the problem of mercy and charity;
to prove that the topic about kindness, mercy and charity isn’t boring;
to raise students’ awareness of charity in English – speaking countries;
to increase/activate vocabulary;
to improve English language;
to produce a pack of materials for English lessons.
What I did:
I studied a lot of English and Russian sources such as books, newspapers, magazines, Internet information;
I systematized all these facts and materials;
I looked for pictures and photos to illustrate my work;
I found proverbs and saying;
I made presentation and prepared a charity mini – concert.
Please, let me start!
It is not easy to say exactly what teenagers in different countries do in their leisure time. I think that, in the main our interests and tastes do not differ very much. They are engaged in sports activities. They listen to their favourite music bands or take part in different concerts. Teenagers discover the world and themselves. In the main, all young people are individualists. Youth is the time when young people work out their outlook. At the same time they need collective experience to share their dreams and interests.
I think that teenagers have to become really good volunteers. They don’t have money in their hands but they can do much useful work - volunteer work.
Volunteer work is important at all time.
I. Volunteer Work.
Work without pay? Yes! Volunteering may be one of the most valuable experiences of your life. It's a double win: your community or cause benefits from your work and you benefit from your experiences. How? Read on…
The Basics:
Why volunteer?
Volunteering is a great way to get work experience! You learn new skills by trying new jobs.
You might find something you'd like to do for a living, or discover what you would not want to do.
Better yet, you can meet people who can give you guidance and possibly help you to find a paid job later on.
Some volunteer opportunities involve travel across Canada or to other countries.
Employers will be impressed that you took the initiative to learn new things.
You can learn how a charitable organization works.
Best of all, you will be taking action to promote what you think is important and probably be helping someone else along the way.
Be the change that you seek!
Who needs volunteers?
Overseas development organizations
Music and arts festivals
Sporting leagues and events
Children's camps
Environmental organizations
Crisis lines and peer counselling organizations
Human rights organizations
Religious organizations
Political campaigns
Government agencies (local, provincial, federal)
What are some of the things a volunteer can do?
Coach a team.
Read to children.
Raise money for charity (fight diseases, reduce poverty, help the sick and injured, etc.).
Care for the elderly.
Feed the hungry.
Provide counselling and support.
Run errands and do deliveries.
Gather and analyze data.
Raise awareness of important issues.
Do clean-up and repairs in the community.
Build houses or playground equipment.
Care for animals.
Stage concerts, plays and other cultural events.
Protect the environment.
Plant trees.
Help-out with a political campaign.
Where can you find volunteer opportunities?
Visit your community's volunteer bureau, community information centre, or town hall.
Call a service club.
Visit a hospital.
Ask family, friends and neighbours what they recommend.
Join an organization whose activities you support.
Consult the web sites of major volunteer organizations - some can be found through the links listed below.
II. Charity in our life.
2.1. Mother Teresa.
Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania. Her real name was Agnes. She was the youngest of three children. Her father was a good businessman and the family had a comfortable life. Her parents were very religious. Agnes’s mother taught her children to pray and to love and her other people. They often gave food and money to the poor. They were the first lessons in kindness for little Agnes.
When Agnes was only nine, her father died. The family became poor. But later her mother opened a shop, and the business did well. That was the second lesson in life from her mother: when life is difficult you must try, try and try again.
In 1928 Agnes left her family to become a nun. She chose a new name for herself – Teresa. Sister Teresa went to India to teach poor children. Later she began to help the poor. She took care of people who had no one else to look after. She worked hard. She was sure that she would succeed. She believed that “all men are created equal”. In 1948 she and her pupils set up Missionaries of Charity. They worked at hospitals and schools, took care of children without parents and helped the sick and the dying.
Mother Teresa never worried about the money. She always said that the help would come when it was needed. In 1979 Mother Teresa got the greatest prize in the world – the Nobel Peace Prize. She received the prize of $190,000 not for herself but for the poor people of the world. She used this money to feed hungry people and to give help to the sick and dying. Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize because all her life she loved and helped people.
After Mother Teresa’s death her Missionaries of Charity continue their work trying to help people all over the world.
2.2. Helen Keller.
Life is not always easy. Sometimes it presents serious problems that make people sad and cause despair. At such times it might be good to think about the example of Helen Keller, born in America in 1880. She never gave in.
There was nothing wrong with Helen when she was born. Her parents were very proud of their pretty baby. She was able to walk when she was one and could even say a few words. But one day she refused to eat and started crying. She had a high temperature and they had to call the doctor. When she recovered, it was clear that little Helen would never again be able to see or hear. Before Helen Keller was even two she was blind and deaf.
Her parents were very upset and at first decided to let her grow up untaught. But soon they understood that their pity could not help her, but could do her a lot of harm. They did their best to find a good teacher from the Institution for the Blind in Boston. It was a wonderful day for Helen Keller when Ann Sullivan came to their place. Ann by great effort and patience taught Helen the meaning of words.
When Ann arrived she was only 20, and Helen – 7. From the first day they became good friends. Helen turned out a very capable pupil: she quickly learned to communicate through sign language and later she was good at reading, writing and typing in Braille. For fifty years they were good companions till 1936, when Ann died. It was due to the patience and skill of Ann Sullivan that Helen Keller developed into one of the most remarkable women of our time.
Miss Sullivan loved her pupil who was so quick to learn. She lived with Helen, played with her, and worked with her every hour of the day. By means of the hand language, Helen and her teacher were able to talk to each other. By this time she was also able to go on a vacation trip, to swim, to ride a pony, and to do many of the other that any other child might do.
Helen was determined that she would learn to speak, too. At first she had difficulty with her speech, but Ann Sullivan understood what she was trying to say. Helen practiced speaking day after day until at last she developed a clear voice. Later she was able to speak before large crowds which came to hear her whenever she lectured.
When Helen Keller completed formal schooling she went on to college. She graduated from Radcliff with honours. One of Helen Keller professors was so pleased with the things that she wrote for her English classes that he suggested she write the story of her life. Helen did write “The Story of My Life” while she was in college. It was such a cheerful account of how this young girl was able to live a happy, useful life in spite of terrible difficulties. In her writings and lectures Helen Keller did everything possible to help and encourage those who were blind.
2.3. The Charity Wristbands Trend.
A charity wristband is a bracelet fashioned from a variety of materials for the purpose of advertising a donation or otherwise act of support of a charitable organization. Charity wristbands became very popular in the new Millennium as a way to publicly display support for an individual's favorite organization. When a donation is given to a particular organization or foundation, a token of appreciation in the form of a decorative bracelet is given. These reminders can be of any color, texture or size. Some are made of plastic or rubber, while others are made of string, wood or metal.
Youth groups are often moved to sell these items at school or church to promote a worthy cause. Wrist decorations provide a foundation or organization a way to raise funds for their cause. Selection of a particular decorative bracelet is an option through some organizations. There are even websites that include a collection of charities that display individual company's decorative bracelets for viewing. The organization offering the token charity wristband has discretion in design. Children in elementary school through high school are sporting charity wristbands as a statement of their desire to help the community and as support of a particular nonprofit organization.
For a Christian, it should remind them to pray for the organization every time they look down and see the decorative bracelet. While donating to charity is certainly a worthy cause, children should be aware of the reason behind the charity wristband. The wearing of charity wristbands should enable the donor to be reminded of the cause. Those who wear the wrist decorations for style purposes or to make a fashion statement should evaluate their mental attitude towards that particular charitable cause. If the wearing of the bracelet is the motivating factor, perhaps researching a group that means more can be found.
God wants Christians to genuinely seek out ways to help others. Those who donate to a cause by purchasing charity wristbands for any other reason than to honestly give and support it from their heart are donating for the wrong reason. True giving and offering of support come from the heart. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver". This is true even in times of charity wristband popularity. Be sure that the reason for wearing the piece is in support of the actual charity, not the fashion statement.
The trend started with the popular yellow band which is inscribed with ,livestrong’ and was set up by American cyclist Lance Armstrong to raise awareness of cancer. Lance Armstrong survived cancer to win the Tour De France a record seven years in a row and his yellow wristband has raised around 50 million pounds for his charity which helps young people coping with cancer.
Who is wearing what?
One of the most popular wristbands in the UK is the white ,make poverty history’ band worn by UK celebrities like Bono, lead singer of U2 and Elton John.
Premiership footballers Wayne Rooney and Rio Ferdinand wear the black and white ,stand up speak up’ bands to combat racism. The pink breast cancer campaign bands have seen an increase in sales since Australian pop singer princess Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with and underwent surgery for breast cancer earlier this year. Fellow Australian Nicole Kidman has been spotted wearing one too. If you want to support the beat bullying campaign you need the blue band which is on sale for 2.50 pounds and is worn English football captain David Beckham and singer Natasha Bedingfield.
The average price of the wristbands is 1 pound and all the money goes to charity. They are seen as trendier than traditional charity pins and things like poppies which is why so many young people are seen wearing them. The criticism is that they are only wearing them because they are trendy and a fashion statement which could be true but is this a bad thing? If it raises money for charity and increases people’s awareness of various health and social issues then surely it’s a good thing.
2.4. Chulpan Khamatova & Dina Korzun Fund “Give life”.
«Не щади себя - подари жизнь»
The charity fund “Give Life” was set up in 2006. The members of its board of trustees are famous actors, politicians, journalists and doctors.
The foundation raises funds for children with oncological and hematological illnesses. Patients from four clinics (Federal Center of Pediatric Hematology, Russian Scientific Center of Radiology, Scientific Practical Center of Medical Care for Children with Developmental Disabilities, Cranio-facial Region and Congenital Diseases of the Nervous System, Institute of Neurosurgery Russian Academy of Medical Sciences N.N. Burdenko) are currently under the fund trusteeship.
Фонд «Подари жизнь» создан 27 ноября 2006 года.
Учредители фонда – Дина Корзун и Чулпан Хаматова.
В попечительский совет и правление Фонда вошли артисты, врачи, благотворители и волонтеры инициативной группы «Доноры детям».
Под опекой фонда находятся клиники, в которых лечатся дети, больные раком: Федеральный центр детской гематологии, детское отделение РНЦ ренгентологии, отделение нейроонкологии и паллиативной помощи НПЦ помощи детям с заболеваниями нервной системы.
Привлечение общественного внимания к проблемам детей с онкологическими и гематологическими заболеваниями
Содействие строительству и оснащению нового современного онкогематологического центра и помощи другим детским клиникам данного направления
Оказание социальной и психологической помощи детям больным раком, а также нахождению средств на их лечение и реабилитацию
Развитие безвозмездного донорства крови
Фонд привлекает артистов, музыкантов и волонтеров для участия в благотворительных акциях, вечерах и аукционах, или мероприятиях, проводимых для детей в помещении Российской Детской Клинической Больницы.
Наименование организации | Благотворительный фонд помощи детям с онкогематологическими и иными тяжелыми заболеваниями «Подари жизнь» |
Краткое наименование организации | Фонд «Подари жизнь» |
Юридический адрес | 123007, г. Москва, 3-ий Хорошевский проезд, д.5 |
Фактический адрес | 123007, г. Москва, 3-ий Хорошевский проезд, д.5 |
Телефон | +7(495) 585-7492 |
Факс | +7(495) 936-0397 |
E-mail для связи |
Сайт |
ИНН | 7714320009 |
КПП | 771401001 |
Код ОКПО | 94122873 |
ОГРН | 1067799030639 |
Расчетный счет | 40703810000020105994 в ОПЕРУ Сбербанка России |
Корреспондентский счет | 30101810400000000225 в ОПЕРУ Московского ГТУ Банка России |
БИК | 044525225 |
Валютный счет (USD) | 40703840300020105994 SBERBANK (OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT) MOSCOW |
Валютный счет (EURO) | 40703978900020105994 SBERBANK (OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT) MOSCOW |
Swift code: | SABRRUM 011 |
Председатель Правления Фонда | Чаликова Галина Владимировна |
In conclusion I’d like to say that charity is a very important part of our life. At present more and more people are working as volunteers. They help without being paid and make the world a deter place! People work for charities to help poor and needy people. They care for orphans by collecting clothes, toys, school things and organizing concerts.
I’d like to know what is your opinion of charity. What wristbands or charity things would you like to set up and why?
Don’t wait till tomorrow to reach out and grow,
To learn something interesting you didn’t know.
Don’t wait till tomorrow to find ways to share,
To make a new friend, really show what you care.
Don’t wait till tomorrow to follow your heart,
To savor the beauty that life can impart.
Don’t wait till tomorrow to let yourself start…
Take time to do it today!
The list of literature.
Биболетова М.З. Английский язык с удовольствием, 8 класс, «Титул». Обнинск.
Клементьева Т.Б. «Счастливый английский», «Титул». Обнинск.
Научно-методический журнал «Иностранные языки в школе», 2008 г. №5, стр.26-28.
Научно-методический журнал «Иностранные языки в школе», 2009 г. №8, стр.34-36.
Научно-методический журнал «Иностранные языки в школе», 2010 г. №6, стр.23-28.
Методическая мозаика. 2004 №3, стр.4.
Методическая мозаика. 2005 №3, стр.33.
Слайд 1
Project "Give Life. (Kindness, mercy and charity)"Слайд 2
“ No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” Aesop How could you interpret this statement? Доброта, даже самая маленькая, никогда не пропадает даром. Эзоп
Слайд 3
The aim of the project is: to investigate the problem of mercy and charity; to prove that the topic about kindness, mercy and charity isn’t boring; to raise students’ awareness of charity in English – speaking countries; to increase/activate vocabulary; to improve English language; to produce a pack of materials for English lessons.
Слайд 4
What I did: I studied a lot of English and Russian sources such as books, newspapers, magazines, Internet information; I systematized all these facts and materials; I looked for pictures and photos to illustrate my work; I found proverbs and saying; I made presentation and prepared a charity mini – concert.
Слайд 5
Why volunteer? Volunteering is a great way to get work experience! You learn new skills by trying new jobs. You might find something you'd like to do for a living, or discover what you would not want to do. Better yet, you can meet people who can give you guidance and possibly help you to find a paid job later on. Some volunteer opportunities involve travel across Canada or to other countries. Employers will be impressed that you took the initiative to learn new things. You can learn how a charitable organization works. Best of all, you will be taking action to promote what you think is important and probably be helping someone else along the way. Be the change that you seek!
Слайд 6
Who needs volunteers? Hospitals Charities Clubs Overseas development organizations Music and arts festivals Sporting leagues and events Children's camps Libraries Environmental organizations Crisis lines and peer counselling organizations Human rights organizations Religious organizations Political campaigns Government agencies (local, provincial, federal)
Слайд 7
What are some of the things a volunteer can do? Coach a team. Read to children. Raise money for charity (fight diseases, reduce poverty, help the sick and injured, etc.). Care for the elderly. Feed the hungry. Provide counselling and support. Run errands and do deliveries. Gather and analyze data. Raise awareness of important issues. Do clean-up and repairs in the community. Build houses or playground equipment. Care for animals. Stage concerts, plays and other cultural events. Protect the environment. Plant trees. Help-out with a political campaign.
Слайд 8
Mother Teresa Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania. In 1928 Agnes left her family to become a nun. She chose a new name for herself – Teresa. In 1948 she and her pupils set up Missionaries of Charity.
Слайд 9
They worked at hospitals and schools, took care of children without parents and helped the sick and the dying. Mother Teresa never worried about the money. She always said that the help would come when it was needed.
Слайд 10
In 1979 Mother Teresa got the greatest prize in the world – the Nobel Peace Prize.
Слайд 11
The Charity Wristbands Trend.
Слайд 12
The Charity Wristbands Trend. The trend started with the popular yellow band which is inscribed with ,livestrong’ and was set up by American cyclist Lance Armstrong to raise awareness of cancer.
Слайд 13
One of the most popular wristbands in the UK is the white ,make poverty history’ band worn by UK celebrities like Bono, lead singer of U2 and Elton John.
Слайд 14
Premiership footballers Wayne Rooney and Rio Ferdinand wear the black and white ,stand up speak up’ bands to combat racism.
Слайд 15
The pink breast cancer campaign bands have seen an increase in sales since Australian pop singer princess Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with and underwent surgery for breast cancer earlier this year. Fellow Australian Nicole Kidman has been spotted wearing one too.
Слайд 16
Chulpan Khamatova & Dina Korzun Fund “Give life”. «Не щади себя - подари жизнь»
Слайд 18
Мы хотим, чтобы дети были предметом любования и восхищения, а не предметом скорби! Детский рак излечим. Это опасное, тяжелое, но излечимое заболевание. Каждый год в России около пяти тысяч детей заболевают раком. Но мы больше не боимся думать об этих детях. Мы знаем, что им можно помочь. Мы знаем, как им помочь. Мы обязательно им поможем.
Слайд 19
Город: д. Молога, Костромская обл. День рождения: 4 января 2007 Диагноз: глиобластома Группа крови: O (I) Rh+ Нужно собрать: «Авастин» и «Темодал» до 27 мая 2011 Даша Калинина
Слайд 20
Город: г. Тула День рождения: 25 июня 1999 Диагноз: саркома Юинга Группа крови: A (II) Rh+ Нужно собрать: 568 000 рублей до 29 апреля 2011 Егор Лёвин
Слайд 21
Олег Тедеев Город: г. Владикавказ День рождения: 16 декабря 2002 Диагноз: апластическая анемия Группа крови: O (I) Rh+ Нужно собрать: «Вифенд» до 29 апреля 2011
Слайд 22
Ира Финагина Город: с.Захарово, Рязанская область День рождения: 17 августа 1993 Диагноз: острый лимфобластный лейкоз Группа крови: A (II) Rh+ Нужно собрать: 17 000 евро до 6 мая 2011
Слайд 23
Don’t wait till tomorrow to reach out and grow, To learn something interesting you didn’t know. Don’t wait till tomorrow to find ways to share, To make a new friend, really show what you care. Don’t wait till tomorrow to follow your heart, To savor the beauty that life can impart. Don’t wait till tomorrow to let yourself start… Take time to do it today!
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