Презентация английской народной сказки на английском языке "Старуха и её свинья"
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The Old Woman and Her Pig D one by KravtsovY., Zhuravlev A.Слайд 2
ONCE an old woman was sweeping her house, and she found a little crooked sixpence. “What shall I do with this little sixpence?” she said. “I will go to the market, and buy a little pig.” And the old woman did so. As she was coming home, she came to a stile, but the pig wouldn’t go over the stile. The old woman went a little farther, and she met a dog. So she said to him, “Dog! Dog! Bite the pig won’t go over the stile; and I shan’t get home tonight.” But the dog wouldn’t. She went a little farther, and she met a stick. So she said, “Stick! Stick! Beat the dog, the dog won’t bite the pig; the pig won’t go over the stile; and I shan’t get home tonight.” But the stick wouldn’t. She went a little farther and she met a fire. So she said, “Fire! Fire! Burn the stick; the stick won’t beat the dog; the dog won’t bite the pig; the pig won’t go over the stile; and I shan’t get home tonight.” But the fire wouldn’t. She went a little farther , and she met some water. So she said, “ Water! Water! Put out the fire ; the fire won’t burn the stick; the stick won’t beat the dog; the dog won’t bite the pig; the pig won’t go over the stile; and I shan’t get home tonight.” But the water wouldn’t. She went a little farther, and she met an ox. So she said, “Ox! Ox! Drink the water; the water won’t put out the fire; the fire won’t burn the stick; the stick won’t beat the dog; the dog won’t bite the pig; the pig won’t go over the stile; and I shan’t get home tonight.” But the ox wouldn’t.
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She went a little farther, and she met a butcher. So she said, ‘Butcher! Butcher! Kill the ox; the ox won’t drink the water; the water won’t put out the fire; the fire won’t burn the stick; the stick won’t beat the dog; the dog won’t bite the pig; the pig won’t go over the stile; and I shan’t get home tonight.” But the butcher wouldn’t. She went a little farther; and she met a rope. So she said, “Rope! Rope! Bind the butcher; the butcher won’t kill the ox; the ox won’t drink the water; the water won’t put out the fire; the fire won’t burn the stick; the won’t beat the dog; the dog won’t bite the pig; the pig won’t go over the stile; and I shan’t get home tonight.” But the rope wouldn’t. She went a little farther, and she met a rat. So she said, “Rat! Rat! Gnaw the rope; the rope won’t bind the butcher; the butcher won’t kill the ox; the ox won’t drink the water; the water won’t put out the fire; the fire won’t burn the stick; the stick won’t beat the dog; the dog won’t bite the pig; the pig won’t go over the stile; and I shan’t get home tonight.” But the rat wouldn’t. She went a little farther; and she met a cat. So she said, “Cat! Cat! Kill the rat; the rat won’t gnaw the rope; the rope won’t bind the butcher; the butcher won’t kill the ox; the ox won’t drink the water; the water won’t put out the fire; the fire won’t burn the stick; the stick won’t beat the dog; the dog won’t bite the pig; the pig won’t go over the stile; and I shan’t get home tonight.” Then the cat said to her, “If you go to the cow and fetch me a saucer of milk, I will kill the rat.” So the old woman went away to the cow.
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But the cow said to her, “ If you go to the haystack and fetch me a bundle of hay, I’ll give you the milk.” So the old woman went away to the haystack; and she brought the hay to the cow. As soon as the cow had eaten the hay, she gave the old woman the milk; and the old woman gave the milk in a saucer to the cat. As soon as the cat had lapped up the milk, the cat began to run after the rat; the rat began to gnaw the rope; the rope began to bind the butcher; the butcher began to kill the ox; the ox began to drink up the water; the water began to put out the fire; the fire began to burn up the stick; the stick began to beat the dog; the dog began to bite the little pig; the little pig in a fright jumped over the stile; and so the old woman got home that night.
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The end
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Астрономический календарь. Февраль, 2019
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