Презентазия на тему " Отечественная война 1812 года" О
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Слайд 1
Russian army at the beginning of the war In 1812 the Russian army was in dire straits. Tsar Alexander Ibadly versed in military matters and is often appointed to important positions incompetent generals, courtiers, who had never ledtroops into battle, and could only participate in shows andparades . All the Russian troops were divided into three main army. 1st Armycommanded by General Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay deTolly,ministerofwar . Second army commandedbyGeneral PyotrBagration. 3rd Army, South,was in the Ukraine. She commanded Alexander P. Tormasov. Царь Александр I
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Napoleon's attack He wanted to break the main Russian armies separately, and then impose Russia is advantageous to the world of. Russian army retreated, but continually attacked by the enemy counterattacked, wore down the enemy. Apsit AP "Crossing the Niemen Napoleon June 12, 1812 r". June 12, 1812 the troops of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte crossed the Niemen River and invaded Russia. The Great Patriotic War of 1812. Crossing the Niemen, Napoleon said to his marshals: "Army of Bagration and Barclay will never meet ".
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The Battle of Smolensk June 22 near Smolensk, 1st and 2nd Russian armies joined. The soldiers of the Russian army generals enthusiastically welcomed Barclay and Bagration, who, despite their differences, together toured the system. But changes in the course of the war did not happen. At Smolensk Napoleon was concentrated 250 thousand people, in both Russian armies were only 120 thousand soldiers. Russian troops and the inhabitants of Smolensk bravely defended the city, but Napoleon could not stop. Napoleon entered the burning of Smolensk. In this battle he lost about 20 thousand soldiers and has not reached a decisive victory. Russian troops were not defeated, they continued their retreat toward Moscow.
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Commander M. Kutuzov Russian army retreated from Russia's western borders. Loudermurmur was heard: how long will we retreat? The soldiers were dissatisfied, they rushed into battle. Many accused Barclay, who was not popular with the troops.? And then, Alexander Iappointed chief of the Russian army Mikhail Kutuzov. He was 67 years old, he was a famous military leader, he had experience in managing large-scale military operations, and he enjoyed great prestige in the army and the people. August 17 General Kutuzovarrived at the location of Russian troops. Soldiers enthusiastically welcomed the new commander in chief. They joked: "I came Kutuzov beat the French."
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М.И. Кутузов
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The Battle of Borodino The Russian army was 125 kilometers from Moscow. Near the village of Borodino, Kutuzov decided to give the French a decisive battle. At Borodino was easy to take a strong position. Here were erected fortifications, land and buildings of logs, placed artillery batteries. August 24, French troops approached the Borodino field. The Battle of Borodino was one of the biggest battles of his time. Napoleon's army numbered 135,000 men and 560 guns, Kutuzov was more than 120 thousand people and 620guns. Early in the morning of 6 September (26 August) began the great Battle of Borodino. During the eighth attack Bagration was mortally wounded. The brutal fight broke out at the center of the Russian position - battery Rajewski. Several times the battery is passed from hand to hand. The cost of enormous losses of the French managed to seize the battery Rajewski and Bagration'sFlash, but Napoleon was convinced that they can not keep the evening ordered to withdraw to their original positions.
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Attack on russkoy kavaleryy frantsuzskuyu battery in srazhenyy at Borodino.
Слайд 9
Partisans' 1812 year First of something partyzanskaya War has been officially landed our government, already thousands of people enemy army - otstal maroder , furazhyr - were ystreblen Cossacks and peasants, pobyvavshymy tyh people also bessoznatelno, asbessoznatelno dog zahrzayut zabehluyu beshenuyu dog. DenisDavydova svoym russkym bit first understood that terrible dubynsignificance , which will be not sprashyvaya rules voennohoiskusstva, Destroy frantsuzov, and emu prynadlezhyt glory for the first shaha uzakonenyya do this, the admission of War.? August 24 was a first centers partyzanskyy Order does Davydova, and vsled for his squad were uchrezhdatsya others. Replace with further podvyhalas Campaign, topics more than uvelychyvalosnumber tyh otryadov.? Partisans Destroy Velykuyu Army in often. They podbyraly that otpadavshye leaves that are a symyspalys s yssohsheho trees - frantsuzskoho troops, and Sometimes this is shaking the tree.
Слайд 10
Partisan Denis Davydov According to information available to the Davydova, in the countyYukhnov French was not. The city kept in the hands of local militia.Therefore , on reflection, Denis decided to send a transport of prisoners there, in order to pass their superiors Yukhnov receipt.?After sending prisoners Dennis gave villagers an enemy weapons: guns, bullets, swords, lances, hatchets. At the same time andcharged them boldly to resist marauders whom they have called in their own way - " miroderami ..."
Слайд 11
Gerasim Kurin partisan When the troops of Marshal Ney took the gang of maraudersBogorodsk and scattered over the county, picking at the bread of the population, livestock and fodder, the peasant village of PavlovGerasim Kurin Rohtinskoy parish gathered worldly gathering andurged all farmers to defend themselves against the "infidels."World unanimously supported Gerasimos , and then of two hundred people was fighting a guerrilla squad. The commanderchosen Kurina , he was known as a man brave, competent, intelligent. Old men, women and children went into the woods, and the guerrillas opened operations against the enemy. Sinceall clashes with the French Gerasim Kurin almost always proveda winner, news about him spread through all the surroundingvillages and towns, where hundreds of volunteers knocking him.Gerasim Kurin soon possessed by a host of already: he had five thousand eight hundred guerrillas ...
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Napoleon in Moscow Under Moskvoy Kutuzov polahal dat Novoe srazhenye. But uznavthat the reserves are not podhotovlen on voennom Sauve inwood Fyly on tyazheloe took the decision - ostavyt Moscow Frenchmen. "With the loss of Moscow is not Russia poteryanaelse. Obyazannostyu the First ask yourself Save the Army, withthe theme sblyzytsya troops that are on ydut podkreplenye, and samm ustuplenyem Moscow prepare neyzbezhnuyu death often enemy" - said Kutuzov at Sauve in Fylyah. 14 (2) September napoleonovskaya army entered Moscow. Butthe garden was a Delivered population. Neither food, recreationus frantsuz ы not received the. Moscow horela. Nachalys robbery,pyanstvo. Demoralyzovannaya Borodynskym srazhenyem Armystremytelno razlahalas. Those who schytal themselvesvlastelynom world, okazalsya guard pepelyscha
Слайд 13
Twice offered Napoleon peace. But received no reply. The third time he sent a special envoy to Kutuzov J. A. Lauriston with very favorable terms for Russia. But peace was rejected. His would not accept any sovereign, neither the army nor the people. The ancient capital of Russia was burned and looted. The French tried to blow up the Kremlin, but fortunately the destruction were not too great.
Слайд 14
End of War in Russia In mid-November the Russian forces surrounded the army of Napoleon at the Berezina River. After the Berezina Napoleon fled to Paris. To the question "What position is the army?" He said: "Army is no more". November 28, old style Russian troops occupied Vilna. December 2 Kovno crossed the Niemen about 1,000 soldiers. These were the last remnants of the main forces of Napoleon. A total of six hundred thousandth of the "Great Army"fled about 30 000 people.War,wrote Kutuzov, "ended in complete destruction of the enemy."
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