Данная работа является частью "Электронного пособия по грамматике английского языка" созданного учениками. В данной работе ученица рассматривает типы условных предложений, предлагает тренировочные упражнения для закрепления усвоенного материала и прилагает страницу с ключами.
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Слайд 1
– if ( если ), when ( когда ) , as soon as ( как только ) ,in case ( по причине ) … Conditionals ?Слайд 2
Zero conditional First conditional Second conditional Third conditional Mixed conditional Contents keys
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Zero conditional Main clause ( главное предложение ) Sub clause ( придаточное условия ) Form Use Example Present simple (if) + Present simple General or scientific facts and definitions ( главные или научные факты и определения ) If you have faith in something, you believe in something you cannot prove. ( Если у вас есть вера во что-то, значит вы верите в то, что не можете доказать )
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First conditional Main clause Sub clause Form Use will + infinitive ( без частицы to ) (if) + present simple Real or likely conditions in the present or future and their results in the present and future ( Реальные или вероятные условия в настоящем или будущем и их результаты в настоящем и будущем ) If you have a birthday party, you’ll get loads of cool presents. If you’re working till half past six, we’ll have dinner at about eight. If you have revised properly, you won’t have any problems in the test next week. Example
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We can also use may, might, can, could, shall, should, ought to, have to instead of will, depending on the meaning. If you have a birthday party, you might get loads of cool presents! We can also use should + bare infinitive instead of present simple. This suggests the situation is possible, but unlikely to happen. If you should bump into Alex at the concert, you’ll be able to get a lift home. We can also use a form of the first conditional to give instructions about real or likely situations in the present or future. This is: if + a present tense, imperative ( просьба, приказ) . If you decide to have a birthday party, tell me! Remember!
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Unless Unless, in case, as/so long as, provided (that) In case As/so long as Provided (that) Meaning ‘ except if’ or ‘if…not ’ ‘ because he/she/it/etc might’ ‘ if’ or ‘only if’ ‘ if’ or ‘only if’ Example I’ll be there at six unless I get delayed. Я буду там в шесть, если не задержусь. Let’s take our wellies in case it’s muddy. Давайте возьмём резиновые сапоги, потому что может быть грязно. As/so long as I’m happy, my parents don’t care what job I do. Только если я счастлив, моим родителям всё равно, какую работу я выполняю. Provided (that) I’m happy, my parents don’t care what job I do.
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Second conditional Main clause Sub clause Form Use Example 1) Impossible, unlikely or hypothetical conditions in the present or future and their results in the present and future ( Невозможные, нежелательные или предположительные условия в настоящем или будущем и их результаты в наст. и буд. ) 2) Advice ( Совет ) would + infinitive ( без частицы to ) (if) + past simple or past continuous 1) If you had a beard, you would look just like Charles Dickens! If you were flying to Rio, would you get there much quicker? 2) If I were you, I would think very carefully about my future. (more formal). If I was you, I’d have a party at the weekend! (more informal)
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Third conditional Main clause Sub clause Form Use Example (If) + past perfect (simple or continuous) would + have + past participle Hypothetical conditions in the past and their results in the past ( Предположительные условия в прошедшем и их результаты в прошедшем ) If she’d been wearing her new glasses , I would have noticed them. ( Если бы она была в своих новых очках, я бы их заметил )
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Mixed conditionals Main clause Sub clause Form Use Example Hypothetical past condition and a present result ( Предположительное прошедшее условие и результат в настоящее время ) would + bare infinitive (If) + past perfect (simple or continuous) If I had listened to my parents, I wouldn’t be in so much trouble now. ( Если бы я послушал своих родителей, у меня бы не было стольких неприятностей ) Would + have + past participle (if) + past simple (or continuous) Hypothetical present condition and a past result ( Предположительное условие в настоящем и прошедший результат ) If I had a mobile, I would have called you last night. ( Если бы у меня был мобильный, я бы позвонил тебе прошлой ночью )
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Remember! For all conditional sentences, when the condition comes before the result it is usually followed by a comma. When the result comes first, no comma is necessary. If I had a mobile I would have called you last night. I would have called you last night if I had mobile phone. ,
Слайд 11
A Write Yes or No to answer the questions about each sentence. 1 If Carl doesn't come to the party, I'll be really upset. Is it possible that Carl won't come to the party?......................... 2 If my neighbour became prime minister, he'd give everyone a million euros. Is it likely that the neighbour will become prime minister?......................... Is it possible that the neighbour will become prime minister?......................... 3 If Helen weren't here, I don't know what we'd do. Is Helen here now?......................... 4 If Tarek had had enough money, he'd have bought a car. DidTarek have enough money?......................... Did he buy a car?......................... 5 If Debbie hadn't gone to the UK, she wouldn't have met Will. Did Debbie go to the UK?......................... Did she meet Will?......................... 6 If the police had investigated the case thoroughly, they wouldn't have arrested Keren. Did the police investigate the case thoroughly?......................... Did they arrest Keren?......................... 7 Had she not gone to university, she might not have started her own business. Did she go to university?......................... Did she start her own business?......................... Exercises
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В Complete the definitions using your own ideas. Example: If you trust someone, you believe that they won't let you down. If you bully someone,.............. If you accuse someone,........... If you are a liar,......................... If you are rich,.......................... If you are lucky,........................ If you are lazy,.......................... If you look up to someone,..... If you look down on someone, Bully- запугивать Accuse- обвинять Liar- лжец Look up to someone- уважать кого-либо
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С Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. be • call • find • forget • get • leave • see • take • want, work If she .........................at five o'clock, she'll be there by half past seven. We .........................you if we have any problems. It might not be a good idea to go out tonight if you .........................an important test in the morning. If you .........................ill all day, you shouldn't come to the club tonight If you should .........................my wallet, call me on my mobile immediately! Let's get a different DVD if you .........................that one already. If Sean.........................so hard lately, he'll welcome the chance to have a few days off. If you're going into town,.........................a video for tonight while you're there! If you see Carol tonight,.........................to say hello from me! Don't feel you have to come if you .........................to.
Слайд 14
D Circle the correct word or phrase. 1 Six months from now I'll beat university unless/if I decide to take a year off first. 2 We'd better leave early tomorrow unless/in case there's a lot of traffic when we get to Doncaster. 3 You can watch the film as long as / in case you promise to go straight to bed when it finishes. 4 Let's go to Mirabelia's tonight unless / if you haven't been there before. 5 Unless / So long as I've still got my health, I don't mind how poor I am! 6 You'd better take a sweater with you now if/in case it gets cold tonight. 7 Do what you like provided / unless you don't make any noise. 8 I'm not going to worry unless / as long as she hasn't called by midnight. Conditionals: zero, first, second, third, mixed, inverted / unless, in case, as/so long as, provided (that)
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Keys A) 1 .Yes 2 .No,Yes 3 .Yes 4 .No,No 5 .Yes,Yes 6 .No,Yes 7 .Yes,Yes B) If you bully someone, you tease them or pick on them. If you accuse someone, you say that they did/they’ve done something wrong. If you are a liar, you tell lies/don’t tell the truth. If you are rich, you have lots of money. If you are lucky, good things happen to you. If you are lazy, you don’t work hard. If you look up to someone, you respect/admire them. If you look down on someone, you don’t respect/admire them. C) 1 .leaves 2 .will call 3 .are taking 4 .have been 5 .find/see 6 .have seen/got 7 .has been working 8 .get/you could get 9 .don’t forget 10 .don’t want D ) 1 .unless 2 .in case 3 .as long as 4 .if 5 .So long as 6 .in case 7 .provided 8 .unless
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