Презентация к уроку "Общество благосостояния" по учебнику Кузовлева 11 класс.
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Слайд 1
The System of Social Welfare. USA & Russia.Слайд 2
Some people believe, that directly growing changes of the federal government at the best mean struggle against poverty. Others consider that the system of social welfare does not open the individual initiative-it encourages people to give up work and not to save money, but to spend them. Адамчук
Слайд 3
If people know, that in state of social security they will be provided with financial help, they will not try to be employed assiduously. Others don’t think so because there are people who want to work but cannot find a suitable job. Адамчук
Слайд 4
The System of Social Welfare in the USA and in Russia are very similar: There are allowances paid to elderly people. Retired people can get a salary or a wage and still receive their pension in full. A wide range of other payments exists. For example, a child allowance is a small monthly payment for each child, usually paid to mothers. Блондинская Women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men at 65. Women who leave work to have a baby have a right to ask for a maternity allowance from the government.
Слайд 5
People who do not work have the right to a monthly payment, too. Scholarships are paid to young people, college and higher school students, if they do not pay fees (money) for their education. People who are disabled can receive invalidity pension. Widows can get payments for their husbands who died. Блондинская
Слайд 6
But the systems of Social Welfare in these countries have advantages and disadvantages. In the USA some free-of-charge or inexpensive care are provided for those who cannot pay it. In Russia medical aid is public and free-of-charge, but at the same time there is shortage of money and equipment. Ступак
Слайд 7
Now we shall discuss how the system of social welfare works in various countries. In the USA the system of public health services is not free-of-charge, but in Russia it is public. The USA is one of the most provided countries in the world. But it doesn’t provide with medical care all requiring people. Ступак
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There are people receiving medical aid through social programmes. While some elderly people see only bad points in being old, some other people do not feel any disadvantages. Sometimes it caused by various financial resources of elderly people and their families. Ступак.
Слайд 9
There are some good and bad points: Bad points Good points Elderly people… become ill and disabled become a burden to children suffer the fear of death have financial problems become incapable of living independendently, need regular care and nursing lose friends and spouses live a boring live. The elderly… do not have to go to work have adult children, who are not a burden any more have a lot of time to meet with friends, read, travel, go in for sports, work in their garden get wiser, have more experience and the ability to help with advice Адамчук, Блондинская, Ступак.
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Pensions, pension funds and accounts. Pensions and pension programmes allow citizens working and paying taxes to provide their existence in the old age or at disability. Due to the tax of social security the state provides the guaranteed minimally necessary allowances at the age, named with payments of social protection. Payments of social protection are the earned pension, connected with the size of the income received during the lines of the years, previous to a pension. Адамчук, Блондинская, Ступак.
Слайд 11
There are various pension plans and accounts. They allow doing payments not assessed by taxes during all able-bodied age in special funds. The size of a pension social security depends on the size of the earnings the person had. Адамчук, Блондинская, Ступак.
Слайд 12
The chart below shows average Social Security expenditures in the USA and Russia. Elderly and retired people are entitled to 48% 2% are available widows and others 11% are paid to unemployed people 19%go to long-term sick and disabled people Short-term sick people receive 2% Families on low incomes are entitled 18% Адамчук, Блондинская, Ступак.
Слайд 13
The conclusion. In welfare state you don’t have to be poor in order to receive your pension or your dole money or your child benefit. This blanket distribution of benefits should be modified. Only those people who really need benefits should get them. In the welfare state, nobody is allowed to live in poverty. Everybody is to have proper health care and education regardless of their income. The welfare state helps the disabled, people who are unable to work to earn money on their own. The welfare state system provides the elderly with an income that allows them to live some degree of dignity. Without financial help, many people would have been reduced to begging . Адамчук, Блондинская, Ступак.
Слайд 14
Список используемых источников: www.km.ru www.ssu.samara.ru/~nauka / www.library.ru www.abc-grammar.com
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