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The Loch Ness MonsterСлайд 2
The plan The history of the Loch Ness Monster The response of the media and the Scottish Government to Nessie’s existence The question about Nessie’s existence
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It is the symbol of Scotland, which attracts tourists’ attention and a lot of people visit Loch Ness
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One priest, who was a Catholic, had his triumph over the water beast in the Ness River. He kicked away the Monster by a prayer.
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I n 1880 the boat with people sank although the weather was calm. Then the Scots recalled the monster
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The stories about the Loch Ness Monster were typed on the pages of one of the largest newspapers
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The road was built to Loch Ness and a lot of people went to the lake out of curiosity
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The Scottish Government put on the agenda the problem of catching the Monster
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In 1943 the English Pilot saw a subject like Nessie . In 1951 one forester and his friend said that they had come across the Monster. In 1957 the book «It's more than a legend» was published. «Surgeon’s photo»
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Is the Loch Ness real or not? What do you think?
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the flora of Loch Ness is very poor and such large Monster couldn’t live there The Loch Ness Monster isn’t real, because
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The Loch Ness Monster was a bathing elephant. When elephants were swimming they were similar to Nessie’s description
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There is tectonic activity in this area
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It may be a waxwork made by the owners of the local hotels to attract tourists
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Thanks for attention
It’s difficult to find a person who has never heard about the Loch Ness Monster. It is the symbol of Scotland, which attracts tourists’ attention and a lot of people visit Loch Ness.
So, I want to tell you the story about the Loch Ness Monster. The first information of this mysterious subject appeared in 565. One priest, who was a Catholic, had his triumph over the water beast in the Ness River. He proselytized the Picts and the Scots at his new monastery that was located near the west coast of Scotland. Once he went to Loch Ness and saw the locals who were burying one of their people. He had been maimed and killed when he had been swimming in Loch Ness. When the locals were trying to pull the casualty’s body, a large strange beast like a toad rose from the water but it wasn’t a toad. The priest kicked away the Monster by a prayer. That was the beginning of the story about the Loch Ness Monster. Then all the memoirs about Nessie disappeared. Only in 1880 the north Scots recalled the monster when the boat with people sank although the weather was calm.
The rumors spread fast and wide. Even the couple’s story was typed on the pages of one of the largest newspapers. The couple announced that they had seen the Monster with their eyes. Then the road was built to Loch Ness and a lot of people went to the lake out of curiosity. So what was once a calm area became a noisy place.
The agiotage was increasing and the Scottish Government put on the agenda the problem of catching the Monster. Then that idea was cancelled because the scientists said that there was no evidence of the Nessie’s existence.
In 1943 the English Pilot saw a subject like Nessie. But during the war people forgot about it very quickly. In 1951 one forester and his friend said that they had come across the Monster. In 1957 the book «It's more than a legend» was published. It included all the spectators’ stories. May be you have heard about the «Surgeon’s photo». There was Nessie in it. When the detailed analysis had been done, the scientists claimed that it was forgery. Then the authors admitted that fact.
Is the Loch Ness real or not? What do you think?
I’m sure that the Monster doesn’t exist. The flora of Loch Ness is very poor and such large subject couldn’t live there. Also a lot of declarations about the Monster were made, when travelling circuses stayed near Loch Ness. And the Loch Ness Monster was a bathing elephant. When elephants were swimming they were similar to Nessie’s description. In Picardi’s (the Italian scientist) opinion, high waves raised and strange sounds were heard because of the tectonic activity in this area. People mistook it for the Loch Ness Monster. Besides it may be a waxwork made by the owners of the local hotels to attract tourists.
As for me I think that such mysterious stories adorn our life, don’t they?
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