Заповедные места Алтая.
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Altay reserveСлайд 2
Arrangement and history of the Altay reserve The reserve is officially created in 1932 though need of its creation was since 1920. Nearly 12 years the government of the country couldn't decide on the sizes of the territory of the reserve, as a result its actual area was more than 1,3 million hectares. In 1951 it was liquidated in a ligature with difficulties a lesorazrabotok . In 7 years it was restored, but with considerable territorial losses. After a while in 1961 the reserve was liquidated in the second time and in 6 years is again restored. Today the area of the reserve makes 881 238 hectares. The Altay reserve is located in the central and east parts of Altai, including the water area of the Teletsky lake. On borders the reserve high ridges settle down, for the majority of them the high-mountainous Alpine relief with narrow crests and sharp peaks is characteristic, on the others – is high - and a srednegorny slaboraschlenenny relief. The majority of the rivers of the reserve begin on Abakan and Shapshalsky ridges, they cross all territory on width. Among the longest rivers allocate the rivers Chulcha (98 km), Bogoyash (58 km), Shavl (67 km), with Chulyshman (241 km, on the reserve – 60 km). Generally valleys of the rivers have the abrupt slopes covered with the wood. The rivers of the reserve are very picturesque, more than ten have the falls which height fluctuates from 6 to 60 km. The most beautiful and the biggest "Unapproachable" Chulche on the river is considered. The main part of lakes is in highlands, this them in the reserve 1190, the largest is in a hollow of Dzhulukul and carries the name with the same name. The most beautiful lake of Altai – the Teletsky lake with surrounding mountains and a dark-coniferous taiga, its extent of 78 km, and the area of only 232 sq.km, but contains in it 40 billion CBM of pure fresh water.
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Nature of the Altay reserve The climate has the continental character caused by position of the reserve near Asia, however in various parts climatic conditions aren't identical. For example, in a northern part summer warm and damp, average temperature of July + 16,0 0С, winters snow and soft (average temperature of January - 8,7 0С) while in a southeast part in the winter the temperature falls to - 50 0С, and in the summer – to 30 0С. The soil cover of the reserve is various. It changes from the chernozem – on steppe slopes to sour skrytopodzolisty – in a taiga. More than 20 % of the area are covered with stony taluses, galechnik and rocky breeds. The vegetation is presented by steppes, the mountain woods (fir, cedar, listvennichny , fir groves), subalpine bushes and light forests, meadows and the mountain tundra. In the reserve the plants included in the Red book meet: from mushrooms – сетконоска dual, грифола umbellate, blackberries coral, a mushroom umbrella maiden; from lichens – a lobariya pulmonary and mesh, стикта bordered; from the mokhoobrazny – кампилиум Krylov . In the territory of the reserve 1480 types of vascular plants are known. The golden rod of daurskiya is widespread on meadows and the woods on the territory of all reserve.
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From the especially protected the stately – a semi-bush meets white and lilac inflorescences baskets дендратема , meets on rocks of the coast of the Teletsky lake and Chulyshman's right bank. Among cereals are widespread an ovsyanitsa sfagnovy , an ovsets a fluffy, fragrant cone Alpine, a foxtail meadow, Kitagava's zmeevka , Sobolevsky's meadow grass, an ovsets Mongolian, Vereschagin's veynik , and also a feather grass plumose and Zalessky are considered as the most rare. On meadows and glades rare species from family orkhidny , included in the Red book – липарис Lezelya , a palchatokorennik Baltic, a yatryshnik a shlemonosny , Venus shoe real and krupnotsvetkovy , a nadborodnik bezlisty meet. From the especially protected Martyanov's volodushka and an ostrolodochnik puzyreplodny - recently appeared plants, a rhubarb Altay, widely used in selection meet onions Altay, used for preparations. Such rare species, as a lady's bedstraw surprising, meeting only in the reserve, and a brunner Siberian, not growing in other reserves. The real and meadow steppes are most widespread in the reserve. The real steppes are widespread on gentle slopes.
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Especially interestingly violet flowers of a lumbago doubtful against the dry turned yellow grass, filled in with beams of the first sun in the early spring look. The woods are presented, mainly, by coniferous breeds. The larch forms light forests, separate, standing alone trees in highlands sometimes meet. The cedar forms dense plantings in the reserve and is the main wood breed. A fir-tree Siberian and a pine ordinary don't play in the reserve of a leading role, but their plantings sometimes meet on coast of the rivers and sfagnovy bogs. A birch povisly and an aspen ordinary are characteristic for the Priteletsky area, also meet on abrupt slopes and in the heart of a taiga where never was cuttings down. In the woods the meadow vegetation meets extremely seldom, sukhodolny meadows can be seen separate sites as well the low-lying meadows developed in flood plains of the rivers occupy the small territory. Only on separate sites of Abakan ridge, upper courses of Chulchi and Shavla's right bank the subalpine meadows, differing are well presented by beauty and diversity. Soils of the ernikovo -moss tundra are entirely covered with the mosses, creating effect, стелющегося under carpet feet. The stony and shchebnisty tundra, occupies the greatest space of highlands. Marsh plants occupy insignificant sites of the reserve as the real bogs meet extremely seldom. But in the reserve territory there are a lot of lakes, rivers, streams, but water vegetation they are rather poor.
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Animals of the Altay reserve In fauna of the reserve 73 species of mammals, 310 birds, 6 reptiles and 2 amphibians. To especially protected insects of the Altay reserve carry only галлоизиану Pravdin , living under stones in the coniferous and small-leaved woods. Apollo, Feb are included in the Red book, Gero's senniyets , махаон , and also Apollo Eversmann and a butterfly a tape the medal blue. Fishes in the reserve 16 types are. The pike, a perch live in the Teletsky lake and a burbot . Along the coast of the Teletsky lake bull-calves whom the burbot eats meet. The most widespread look in reservoirs considered хариус . The largest fish in the reserve – таймень , and the smallest – сиг doesn't exceed Pravdin on weight of 20 g from family of the salmon. Through thin ice in November in Chulyshman's mouth it is possible to see a flock of the small fishes named Teletsky Yelets. If it to frighten off, it floats to the smallest places and turns over sideways, moving between ice and a bottom. In Chulyshman's valley all species of amphibians and reserve reptiles meet. The Ostromordy frog is usual for the reserve, but it lives much higher, than in other places, so, if on Altai – from 400 to 1800 m, in the reserve it meets at height of 2140 m. The steppe viper is quite rare, but the viviparous lizard and an ordinary viper are widespread everywhere
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