Рассказ про волшебный, открытый учеником остров ...на английском языке. Работа к конкурсу)
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Stepping ashore, I saw the wonderful world …unknown before. It's so easy to breathe. A warm breeze stirred the leaves of tall trees.
Trees are not just big, but huge.
The butterfly sat on my outstretched hand. She smelled strawberries.
She quickly flew away when she heard the tramp of hoofs. What is this? I turned. Massive horses were galloping in my direction.
They were really big, so I did not see people sitting on their backs. Next to them were running large dogs with horns. They are approaching fast.
The riders were not hostile. To get to the village gave me a horse. The horse was very obedient. People took me to their village.
We drove leisurely pace. While traveling, I look at locals. They were about my height. Well-dressed. All the way they laughed. The horses were very different from the ordinary.
Not only growth, but also character. Seemed to me that horses are also intelligent as humans.
We drove for a long time. The forests were changeing by the mountains, the mountains were changing by fields. Finally, I saw the village. The village was great.
Buildings are built irregularly. What made them more attractive. Each house had large corrals and stables. There were big, grazing horses, behind which I looked like a teenager. Children were playing everywhere .
Adults were working in the fields.
I was introduced to the old village headman. He told me that I'm on the island of Alicia, which means Paradise. It’s so-called because it is divinely beautiful.
I was allowed to be with them for a long time. Warden talks about of life islands that
he is big and has many secrets. Everything here has a great growth. It is always good weather. And people do not bother.
Favorite animal there is a horse. Here, a lot of things depends on them.
People other than the work involved in the races on horseback. I was intrigued.
During the competition people do not work, and look for the competition. But it was hard to call competition, but rather a struggle.
During the race the horse wearing the best armor..
They say start. Participants began the competition.
The horses were running at an incredible rate. They run through the forest. Cross the bridge. In the water, stood a huge animal with a long neck. Their bodies were covered with moss They were halfway. Not much left . Ahead of the gulf. Riders ran to it. The first horse is pushed back from the precipice, its body stretched out in front,and wings of the horse appeared. They were barely visible. The wings were not real , but magic. I was shocked.
The horse landed successfully. The other participants did the same.
This island is not as developed as others. But it is much more beautiful than the others.
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Астрономический календарь. Март, 2019
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