Работа написана на английском языке и посвящена празднику 23 февраля.
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по английскому
Ученика 6 «А» класса
Абдулаева Арсена
СПБ 2012
February 23 - Day of Defender of the Motherland is. However, the popularity of the holiday February 23 gradually fizzled out after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Today the celebration of Defender, Feb. 23, just used as an occasion to congratulate your favorite men - my father, brother, husband, son, friends, colleagues and superiors. February 23 - it is an opportunity to tell your favorite men that we love them, and give a special, original and unusual gift on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.
The first time the celebration took place February 23 in Petrograd (now - St. Petersburg) in 1918, when officially proclaimed February 23 Day of defending the socialist Fatherland of the imperial troops, the Austro-Hungarian invaders. After the Soviet government to fully come into its own after World War I, with the 1922 celebration February 23 - Day of the Socialist Fatherland Defender gained a total nation-wide.
Traditionally, the Soviet Union believed that February 23 - this is a red letter day, birthday of the Red Army of the Socialist. In 1923 celebrate 23 February was officially legalized by Order of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS) of the USSR and became celebrated as the Day of the Red Army.
Since then, every holiday celebrated on February 23 all socialist citizens - both men and women, and children, and an old grandparents. Earlier in Moscow and other capitals of Soviet Socialist Republics on February 23 were solemn military parades with brass band, a show of force to the West in the form of advanced military heavy equipment - tanks.
After the victory in World War II February 23 holiday was renamed the Day of the Red Army on the Day of Soviet Army and Navy.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the militant spirit of the CIS countries has begun to decline, Ukraine and the altogether renounced nuclear weapons, but still - by force of habit, each February 23 parades, rallies of veterans, honoring the "culprits" Defender of the Fatherland Day - soldiers of the army, military, and and dads, brothers, husbands, sons, friends and colleagues.
Not every modern young man he served in the glorious Soviet Army, and many men in my age already served, and still February 23 all of our favorite men become our favorite Defenders of the Fatherland - they protect us! For what it - many thanks!
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