Творческая работа учащися 11 класса "The unusual monuments in Novosibirsk"
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The unusual monuments (Необычные памятники)
1. | Ф.И.О. участника | Учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории Сгибнева Светлана Владимировна. Учащиеся 11 В класса:Крысина Евгения, Бочарова Дарья, Красноярова Надя, Петрова Вика, Лучникова Вика, Попова Оля, Устюжанина Кристина, Дудина Настя, Ахмедова Анжела, Канунникова Лия. |
2. | Образовательное учреждение | МБОУ Экономический Лицей Центрального района г. Новосибирска |
Novosibirsk is the geographical center of Russia (whether you go to the west or to the east till the Russian border, the distance is the same). Nowadays it's a third largest city of Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg) both by population and area, and is often called: The Uncrowned capital of Siberia! You can admire a lot of magnificent places of interests. But we want to tell you about unusual monuments. Informal sights - that's what we want to represent. You'll find a collection of non-common monuments, interesting buildings, amazing yards, strange graffities, etc. Everything that surprises stupefies and catches eye.
“Happiness is being built” The sculpture was opened in 2006. This year was proclaimed in the City as Family Year. The creators considered that storks symbolize happiness, family ties and birth of children. There is a legend in the City that if a throwing up coin falls and keeps in the nest of this monument, the family will have a baby in the nearest future.
Our City market is the only market in Russia which has such a very interesting monument to a seller and a customer”. It is a lively and funny composition. . The main plot of this sculpture is: when the seller offers to buy some flowers and seeds to the man, a nice puppy is stealing sausages from his bag! It is like a caution to any customer at the market. Keep your eyes open! In another market of the City you can meet the monument to sausages.
Pervomaisky Park is a cozy park in the very middle of the city; popular among recently married couples. There have been erected a few stone monuments where everyone who wishes may sign. One of the favorites is “Love” - popular among recently married couples. It is made from the stone in the form of a heart. “The monument to the traffic lights” at the crossroads of Serebrennikovskaya and Sibrevkom Streets, and the monument to the pretty grandmothers- are worth of seeing too.
So these wonderful places you'll never find in official guidebooks. They are not so magnificent and huge, but they are very expressive and dear to the citizens. Welcome to our City and enjoy its unusual sights!
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