Зенцова Элина – студентка IIIкурса группы 3А-1 УКСИВТ
Научный руководитель: Ерофеева С. М.
Elina Zentsova is a 3rd year student of the department “Automatic Systems of Management”. She is very active and creative. She thinks that everyone should know English, as it has much practical appliances in all spheres of human activities and jobs.
Студентка 3 курса Зенцова Элина отделения “Автоматизированных систем управления и обработки данных”. Она очень активная и творческая личность. Она считает, что каждый должен знать английский язык, который имеет огромное применение во всех сферах человеческой деятельности и является необходимым условием карьерного роста.
The Seven Wonders of the World (or the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) is a widely-known list of seven remarkable constructions of classical antiquity.
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Зенцова Элина – студентка III курса группы 3А-1 УКСИВТ
Научный руководитель: Ерофеева С. М.
Elina Zentsova is a 3rd year student of the department “Automatic Systems of Management”. She is very active and creative. She thinks that everyone should know English, as it has much practical appliances in all spheres of human activities and jobs.
Студентка 3 курса Зенцова Элина отделения “Автоматизированных систем управления и обработки данных”. Она очень активная и творческая личность. Она считает, что каждый должен знать английский язык, который имеет огромное применение во всех сферах человеческой деятельности и является необходимым условием карьерного роста.
The Seven Wonders of the World (or the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) is a widely-known list of seven remarkable constructions of classical antiquity.
Ancient times:
Seven official Wonders of the World
Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Colossus of Rhodes
Location: Mesopotamia (now Iraq) Location: Aegean Sea,
Built by: Nebuchadnezzar II island Rhodes (now Turkey)
Date: 600 BC Built by: sculptor Haret
Today: does not exist Date: construction started in 304 BC
Feature: the gardens were and lasted 12 years.
made to look like a natural Today: does not exist
Median wilderness. Feature: the statue was built for god Helios
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus The Statue of Zeus
Location: Ephesus (the west coast Location: Olympia (Greece)
of modern Turkey) Built by: sculptor Pheidias
Built by: architect Chersiphron Date: around 457 BC
Date: around 600 BC Today: does not exist
Today: does not exist Feature: the statue was so high
Feature: was destroyed and that, even while sitting the head of the
rebuilt several times. god Zeus was near the roof of the temple
The Mausoleum The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Location: in the city of Bodrum, on Location: Ephesus (the west coast
the Aegan sea, in south-west Turkey. of modern Turkey, south of Selcuk
Built by: King Mausolus county about 50 km south of Smyrna. )
Date: around 353 BC Built by: architect Chersiphron
Today: does not exist Date: around 600 BC
Feature: this Mausoleum was Today: does not exist
built in memory and as a burial Feature: was destroyed and
tomb for the King Mausolus. rebuilt several times.
The pyramids in Giza
Location: Giza (Egypt)
Built by: laborers
Date: around 2560 BC
Today: exists
Feature: each side is oriented towards one of.
the cardinal points of the compass that is north, south,
east and west.
Our times:
Christ the Redeemer, Eiffel Tower, The Taj Mahal, The Colosseum or Roman Coliseum, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, The Great Wall of China, The John F. Kennedy Space Center, Concorde, etc…
The wonders of the world are symbols of human creativity and craft. Still more and more architecture masterpieces appear all around the world and later historians will make a new list of Wonders of the World. Perhaps, our generation will make its contribution to the word treasury of architecture masterpieces, too.
Знание языков предполагает и знание культур разных народов. Современная молодежь, в связи с возросшими профессиональными требованиями, заинтересована в изучении иностранных языков. Но помимо требований появились широкие возможности, способствующие изучению языков и культур народов мира. Познавать мир стало намного проще, однако, без знания истории нельзя создать будущее. Неоспоримыми шедеврами античного мира являются представленные в этом проекте «Семь чудес света».
Чудеса света являются символом творчества и мастерства их создателей. Все больше и больше архитектурных шедевров появляется в различных точках мира. Позднее историки составят новый список «Чудес света» и наше поколение, возможно, внесет свою достойную лепту в этот список.
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