Это научно-исследовательская работа ученика о Стоунхендже и об Аркаиме.
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Министерство образования Республики Башкортостан
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«Башкирская гимназия-интернат»
Городского округа город нефтекамск
«Stonehenge and Arkaim»
Фасхетдинов Альмир
ученик 7а класса
Научный руководитель:
Резеда Анасовна
учитель английского языка
Нефтекамск 2007 г.
Цели и задачи исследования.
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Предмет исследования: достопримечательности Англии и Башко.
Объект исследования Аркаим и Стоун.
Актуальность: Why exactly Arкаim and Stonehenge? When I came to do this site that was based only on external resemblance and that riddle, which they were encircled. Through pair of the days could with confidence to say that relationship really exists and not small. By the end of work I was in this is definitively run away! Neither itself I was only in Arkaim and can say that did not feel sorry nor about one second of that time, which has conducted there. All and each advise to visit it. Arrive better to day of year solstice, then there is going to much interesting and unusual people, mass of the impressions to you is guaranteed! Stonehenge? This is one of the most interesting riddle in the world and, naturally, was of interest conduct to parallels. Presently Stonehenge - a symbol to Great Britain, but I think, as Arkaim, and Stonehenge - a symbol of folk, named itself "ariya"-arias.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire, about 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury. One of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world, Stonehenge is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones. Archaeologists believe the standing stones were erected around 2200 BC and the surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC. The site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1986 in a co-listing with Avebury henge monument, and it is also a legally protected Scheduled Ancient Monument. Stonehenge itself is owned by the State and managed by English Heritage while the surrounding land is owned by the National Trust.
History Stonehenge
Stonehenge, ancient building, is located in the south to England and is completely examined with big height only. Stonehenge presents itself system of the concentric circumferences by diameter more than one hundred metres, marked on terrain gross, small whole and enormous stone-megalite. The most amazing part Stonehenge five "trilite", two-set stone block, covered overhand heavy plate. Fifty tons blocks trilites are installed in most centre of the building and in plan remind the horseshoe. Not more commanding is «sarsen ring" (sarsen mineral), covering complex trilites with all sides. The stone ring somewhat less seven meters of the height weigh "whole" on 25 tons at March 1996 society "English inheritance" has published the results careful two years studies of Stonehenge with using the latest methods of the mathematical analysis and the most modern methods tests, giving accuracy before 80 years. For reasons given the latest study of the building of Stonehenge were dated approximately 2965 before RH (2%) that is to say turned out to be that they else senior, than shown previous. As a result of close examination of the buildings of Stonehenge archeologists have realized that its planning for time of existence was changed several times. On the most early stage was built that is referred to as "fence" (henge) stone, spread in the manner of circumferences by diameter more than 300 foots (100 m) with ditch and embankment around. On this early stage was a mortgaged the most notable particularity Stonehenge: four base stones, placed on circumferences, form the rectangle and serves approximate mark for spying for 19-year annual cycle of the moving the Moon! Possible, additionally time pertain and 56 enigmatic yam, on circumferences along gross. One of the most intriguing secrets Stonehenge is concluded in that, why these pits, named Pit shave off by name open them in XVII age John shave off, were bury immediately after their have dug. Initial "railing" remained basically to be unchangeable for the following 300 years, but has then occurred the row of the change. In Stonehenge were delivered from Welsh for 250 miles, 80 stones bluish-sulphur of the sandstone, each weight in 4 tons, and place double ring around yam Q and R inwardly "fence". When these stone were installed, here was for the first time formed "stone fence" (stone henge) in sense word. However remains not clear, was is terminated construction stone rings since approximately since 2665 before RH (7%) to builders have altered by sawing to greatly new project. Bluish-gray stone were removed and replaced enormous of the sandstone, which are identified «sarsen". These stones were what that image are delivered from Marlborough-Dauns, terrain lying in 12 miles northward, be carry through river and are lifted on steepness. Then their have placed so that they have formed Kolica Sarsen, consisting of vertical stone, united on top horizontal stone plate. These plates carefully so that at assembly they formed the correct circumference, and for reliability unites with vertical pole with the help of familiar any carpenter of the lock-thorn, falling into jack. Many from these stone cost (stand) hitherto that allows us to visualize Stonehenge in its initial type. After building Kolica Sarsen builders created the gigantic embankment, named Alley, which pull on two miles from entry in ring before yard Avon. Nobody so else and has not explained, why needs was such long embankment. Probably, in this time was installed 35-tons stone the known under name Pyatochnogo stone. This stone by height in 16 foot(3,3 m), on 4 foot (1,3 m) in the ground, is installed on distance 100 foot (33,3 m) from ring, opposite entry in it, and forms the line, directed on sunrise during year solstice. Has then followed the break at 400 years whereupon builders, on some unknown us reason, have solved to carry in Stonehenge else more grandiose stone. Inwardly Kolica Sarsen were erected installed in the form of the horseshoe five pairs enormous stone, united overhand transverse plate. The age these gigantic stone winch (Trilitonov) by height in 13 foot (4, 3 m), which is most of all glorified Stonehenge is numbered since 2270 (7%). Some of them and are presently found in excellent condition. It is expected that approximately in this time was here realized new axis, oriented on year solstice. In this connection directly fold was erected for railing from two stones, but Pyatochnyy stone have mildly shifted on orient that he did not disturb the observations on lines of the fold. After else small time, approximately in 2255 before RH (6%) in Stonehenge once again have returned bluish-gray stone. One of them, 16-one-foot (5, 3 m) stone altar, was installed in the centre Stonehenge, directly on axis of year solstice. Then from stone blue sandstone were stand two concentric ring between Ring Sarsenov and ring Trilitonov. Finally, around 2100 (8%) before RH inwardly ring Trilitonov were installed in the manner of horseshoes else 19 blue stones. After such blast of active activity all quieted down approximately for 500 years. Then something is added were dig so named pits Y and Z. And finally, complex Stonehenge was quite abandoned. History Arkaim At November 1986 in valley stream Big Karaganki and Utyaganki was commenced construction Bolishekaraganskogo reservoir The Springtime of the following year here appeared the archeological expedition Chelyabinsk university, before which stood the problem to conduct archeological exploring in bed future reservoir. In the course of functioning(working) the expeditions was openly city Arkaim - a first monument new then type of the settlings of the bronze age steppe Eurasia. Monument, relationship its material with material not insemrted then nor in to what concepts grave Sintashta, high degree to safety have spurred the specialist to enter in unprecedented fight with Ministry of the land reclamations and its structure for cessation construction reservoir and conservation city. As a result, advice Minister RSFSR has came to a conclusion about tap of the grounds under game reserve. At May 1992 Chelyabinsk Advice public deputy has came to a conclusion about making the network branch game reserve ("Country city"). Presently game reserve has a cluster nature and comprises of itself base territory by area 3761, 4 ga and 14 branches by general area 653,2 ga. Already then in study city have took part specialists from Moscow, Leningrad, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and other scientific centre. There were mortgaged bases of the scientific directions, which develop in museums-game reserve "Arkaim" today. The opening Arkaim, fight for its salvation, the first scientific results found the broad reflection in mass media. This vastly promoted shaping the public interest to monument. Following distorted information, has here spouted crowd "wild" tourist. The single facility "fights" organization professional became with this phenomena excersion service. So regulation and excersion a servicing the flow tourist became the second direction to activity museum-game reserve. Today game reserve "Arkaim" known as object, in the first place, history tourism. The whole on base territory of the game reserve numbers more than 70 archeological monuments. The most known is city Arkaim. Became already by celebrity, legend Arkaim; the known whole scientist world and name to archeological culture Sintashta; the more known, but already it is enough studied Mouth; becoming overgrown popularity on result of the last excavations Kuysak and Alandy this entire south-Ural Country city. Scientific this clot of the consolidated settlings XVIII-XVI ages before our era monuments to civilizations of the bronze age on South Ural. The country city name for the general everyday life, comprehensible and not understanding in archeological terminology, for the best answering essences Chelyabinsk phenomenon. Already in the muddle ages Gardarika, and all understood that this Country city Rusi. There were country city and is befitted of Chelyabinsk? Most certainly, there were. Not from cosmos came down they on South Ural in time of the Egyptian pyramids. And after one and a half age, not in cosmos have flown off. And came they to us and have left on the ground. Find the remainder a city-fortresses, like Arkaim and its neighbor, for a thousand kilometer, basically, more than. To example, the figurative rank Arkaim «grandfather touch" is given therefore that he by written Gomerom hail in small Asia on many and many ages. The City, but bronze age find, but to aiming "country" nearly four thousand-year ago... while no. But can, and will not find more such. Millenniums to civilizations not once and not two collapsed the past before basis. Possible, without trace wiped rest "country Arkaim". Our simply much lucky. Only one and a half age back here appeared the rare villages. And that not whole our Country city escaped injury, but hail in wholeness-safety, like Arkaim, in her while nobody will not name. Country city The Country city has clearly outlined borders. On card "country" is inflicted 17 points city, but their already more twenty, villages Sintashtins many groups of ten. Each hail was a centre countries, as it were rural region, with many, like modern, village. "City" strangely similar between itself. Is it without fall served wall and trenches (apropos, rather complex fortification buildings)? In plan this oval, the circle or rectangle close to square. "Oval" city six: Bersaut, Alandy, Isiney, Dogwood... As much as round, Arch from their numbers. Most of all: Steppe, Mouth, springs... There is and such, in plan which sidebars of the fortifications are superimposed friend on friend. To example, on photos Steep and Kuysaka see all three figures. Here thrice reconstructed the fortifications. It is considered, in the beginning they were raised on oval, afterwards around, but on sundown of the Country city rectangle. What forms nor was a hail, was built he on type design as it were. In the centre obligatory area. One -two streets put log, under them, here sewers from home sewerage. In house (this, sooner, apartments, their wall general one-story house on 10-30 "apartments") pit, kitchens with centre and bedrooms. See, how many comforts! "Apartments" enormous before group of ten is singed-rooms. The general area each "apartments" 100-180 kv.m. To all appearances, they were generic, bedrooms on count;calculate;list family, but the whole on 60-70 relatives. Under each "apartment" workshop. Were a cabinetmaker and collected the combat chariots (ancient in the world). Much were a metalworker bronzovar, smiths and founder. The live-stock townsfolk did not keep. The city was a centre rural counties on several villages, where divorced the cattle, sowed; sown the cereals. Traces of the irrigation are found even. Today the most wide-spread opinion that "city" were a spiritual centre, here veins rites priests, here were going to on holy celebration comrades with the whole counties. The area in town centre was their temple under opened by sky. The fortresses were a garrison warrior tribe; under their protection tribe took cover at foray enemy. The city was a production combine. The handicraftsman of the vein under protection not accidentally: their skill cherished, specifically creator of the metal and instruments from it. There is opinion that Country city appeared exactly because of available and kind of copper ore here. And fortresses were put for protection mine and metallurgical "plant". The local metal and instruments went on "export" long after limits Yuzhnouraliya. Particularly make impressions metallurgical "shop" Sintashty. The City-fortress reformed and grew, was carried wall and trench. Internal was covered nearly solely departure metallurgical production. Here (yes in what amount!) is found nearly all that him today. This has allowed the archeologist not only to present, what melted bronze our countryman, but also reconstruct the ancient and even melt bronze upon their technologies. Around half ages prospered in South- Urals Country city. Afterwards sintashtins has left. Their place emptily did not remain,its have occupied, to all appearances, related tribes. But nothing like here already ever was. The Miscellaneous of the opinions about one, such were sintashtins, why and where they have left, much. No wonder! The opening and study Arkaim and Country city nowhere near not ordinary. "Must be considered as scientific event of the epochal order", considers the competent authority on ancient settlings Eurasia N.YA.MERPERT. Add to its opinion nothing. It now is already recognized: here ancient ari, which scientist so long searched for on extensive territory from pridunais of the steppes before Priirtyshiya... But somebody from so reserved in suggestions scientist ready even to declare these place by native land Zaratushtry, creator holy hymn "Avesty", so storied, as Budda or Magomet. Who has built Stonehenge? Stonehenge - famed and mysterious ancient monument, which for many is a symbol to Great Britain, continues to live its life in public folklore. Stonehenge - much ancient, than supposes the person. Its purpose bewilders because of big age. Served him for astronomical measurements? There was this simply place for meeting under moon light with sweetheart? Did not remain any messages. Did not remain no people, in whose memories Ed something about Stonehenge. According to local legend, the gigantic blue stone possess advisable power, they appeared on this ground due to magician Merlin, wizard at courtyard of the king Arthur, which carry them from Ireland. The origin huge Pyatochnogo stone is bound with the other legend already. Speak, once upon a time devil has seen amongst stone monk. Previously than wretch has heaved time to escape, devil has started in it enormous boulder, which has pressed down him heel. For a long time ruins of Stonehenge were associated with priest cult ancient Celt - Druids though specialists this relationship deny. The other version speaks of that, possible, Stonehenge was a child Swiss or German engineering thought. The Archeologists, under study remains rich, discovered last year in grave, which age is valued in a thousand of the years, have reported that buried was from the Alps - sooner whole, with territory of the modern Switzerland, Austria or Germany. The wealth grave, discovered Andrew Fitcpatrikom, affords ground consider that in region Stonehenge he was much cordon bleu, but sooner whole, played the important role in building of the monument. So-called Eymsberskiy was found in grave in 5 kilometers from complex, under him was more than one hundred subjects - a gold embellishment, copper knives, the dishes. Tombs, made around 2300 before n.e., turned out to be not only one of the most known in Britain, but also one of the rich monument of the Bronze age in Europe. So buried has even got the second nickname - a king Stonehenge. New study, employee Essex Archaeology - now object of attention became enamel a teeth - has shown that he was born and grow near Alps. This manages to realize on correlation of the miscellaneous isotope oxygen in bones. The Scientist consider such result by new proof that that culture, brought on British island with continent, helped to remove here society from stone age.
Myths Stonehenge
He costs, severe and cool, secret of its secret hidden so deeply that nobody can not it’s understand. However secret opens easy if take into consideration its age. Stonehenge senior visitors with 12-y Planets. The senior rambling cave person - most early representative mankind. He is created so early that photos nor in what culture, and all threads ragged. He empty-handed does not resound, as they are expressed representatives of the motion New Eydzh (the New Era), this means that its cultural purpose has no cultural equivalent. Stonehenge has outlived the preceding cataclysms due to the fact that is located on rocky base and has carefully chosen a location stone. The hard mountain sort during serious earthquake feels the single push, and vertically costing stone from turnover are protected if they remain in higher part, but overlaying stone forming higher part, are prevented from falls therefore that they were put by unceasing chain, and their end underused each other. However, several arrays Stonehenge fell. That has forced these stone to fall, wind? Really did not fall because of earthquake in England artificial around London? Obviously that Stonehenge damaged from earthquake. Since a great deal in Stonehenge was created oriented in certain moments of time for year on Sun so this can be shown by some type solar hours, that such orientation occurred in any event, regardless of that, what was a location stone. Simply changed time of the year. Stonehenge is not neither solar hour, nor device for astronomical measurements, neither revenge of the worship or give sacrifice, nor revenge for meeting. All are these interpretations - only attempt mankind to explain the purpose Stonehenge since true explanation can provide in too strong confusion. Is exactly Stonehenge? Stonehenge was erected on order king, which lived on the ground so long ago, when people only appeared. However building was intended for appearing people, which existed for that moment. This is a subconscious message, containing sadistic address and influence upon one, will is immolated. The people must look at Stonehenge and present the frantic efforts virgin, resting upon table under knife. Why there needs was else table? That they presented the gathering a villain, surrounding victim. Why there needs the circle? That they do not imagine of no power, penetrating inside circle to rescue the victim. Why else all this is found outdoors? Stonehenge was built to perform that purpose, which in he has pawned to creators, - penetrate itself in the subconscious mankind, having done its worrisome. This was made by group Serving itself, which hoped to score a victory from number appeared here human shower. In the Universe exist one, should like that live awe in mankind, and, thereby, conquer its showers. Will calm down, so much for only one of the myth enigmatic Stonehenge...
The Anatomy to one sensation Arkaim...
In modern Russia, probably, do not to find other archeological monument, to which shown such interest and refined clever, and miscellaneous of the sort politicians, and mass media. The Arkaim has already generated the ensemble a myth - but after all else slightly more ten years back about he did not know even specialists. That in all this amazing? In the last decennial events in world science has newly flashed up the interest to Indo-European to problem: where was found homeland Indo-European, what was their ancient culture and as she developed, where passed the way migration their separate groups. Many soviet archeologists were run away in that that main zone of the settling early Indo-Eurasian were a steppe and Eurasia, where in epochs Neolith and bronze age were formed cultures mainly cattle-breeding population, subsequently begin brilliant culture of the Scythian world. On language Scythians belonged to Iranian , but Iranian languages are found in the kinship with Indo-Ari, the most known from which is a Sanskrit - a language literature holy beside Indo-Ari. At one time Iranian and Indo-Ari languages formed united group. The Archeologists link the with steppe culture of the second millennium before n. e. Disputes are about that only, when and in what region Indo-Ari stood out in special group and on what route passed their way in India. In the opinion of many specialist, the Arkaim and related him monuments could be created ancient Indo-Iranian long before their division, transmigrations on Eurasian steppe corridor and motion on south in Iran and India. Some scientist conduct the parallels between round consolidated settlings of the type Arkaim and city storied reigning Yam, reproducing model the Universe and described in "Aveste" - a holy book ancient Iranian.
Arkaim in political interior
All these hypothesize, of course, required careful check. The Arkaim ranked to circle "national and spiritual shrine", for what happened to resort to quite already doubtful idea about close kinship Indo-Ari and Slavyans. The unique sample of the harmonious relations saw In Arkaim between culture and surrounding natural ambience. "Country city" other once was categorical provided with by some person «spiritual", but term «Ari" became be arbitrarily used in sense as the synonym Indo-Iranian or even Indo-European. So use was got that opening Arkaim and intensive archeological study "Country city" has complied with process of the quick disintegration of the SOVIET UNION. The space Russian begins disastrous be narrowed. The growing of the local notions on fringe, in CENTRAL ASIA particularly, on Caucasus and in Baltic states, has for the first time forced Russian to feel itself stranger, and many of them started to return in central regions of the Russia. Since shaping to enormous Russian empire during the last century went to account of the victorious wars basically, territorial acquisition and quick expansion Russian in regions, occupied foreign group, that not surprising that with growing ethnic notions before local non-Russian population and themselves Russian has sharply got up the question about presences Russian in different region of the country. The Special anxiety this has caused beside Russian nationalist, which have begun febrile to search for the history arguments, capable to justify Russian dominate on the whole territory of the former empire. Recent and medieval history, full march, little for this approached. The more tempting prospects opened the ancient times, allowing give the free buildings for reliable theories. The Russian nationalists have newly opened for itself long ago rejected by science and forgotten statement "Slavonic history school", vain tried to identify Slavians with ancient steppe nomad (the Scythian,Sakami, Sarmats and pr.). But also they were shown little. Armed given modern archeology, they have begun to persist on that that "ancestor Slavians" had steppe Eurasian belt as far back as epoch of bronze, but, possible, and earlier. These limit they all more often started to identify with "aria", "аri", arbitrarily including in this category of that group Indo-European, which wanted to consider their own limit. Hereunder conquest policy to Russian empire introduced already in other light - as return Russian on their own suit grounds. At the last years this argument is used, in particular, for ivil rights of the Russian population in North Kazakhstan - here myth about "aria-limit" and "ancient root" easy finds the adherent. Birth of the myth about Arkaim
It’s shaping culture Arkaim is obliged preceding culture of the nearby areas steppe and forest of the zones - anyway so speak the archeologists. Meantime there is its glance beside Russian in belongings. After 1991, when Russian nationalists have sharply felt the reduction "its" territory and offset it northward, amongst they became popular «idea", to science not having any relations. According to this idea motherland "white people", the «ari" was situated in arctic zone, possible, on North Pole. The Cold snap and approach glacier have forced these ari search for the new shelter an south . Passing along Ural, they stopped in edge, which separate author’s link as with "Semirechiem", mentioned in "Aveste", so and with mysterious "Belovodiem" Russian folk legends. In any event the question is South Ural, where Russian and place "second homeland Ari", subsequently from there on elbowroom Eurasia from Karpat west and before China in the east. The adherent of these presentations consider South Ural as the source believes and region hardly do not ancient in the world , which capital is woke; waked was shown holy Arkaim. Some of they go further out and name this "Slavonic", "Russian". The feeling, which generates the Arkaim in Russian, reaches other once passionate tops. "Was Russia, were their own spiritual value, and proof that - an Arkaim", - declares E. Schukin from newspapers "Our Fatherland». The author does not talk "Public protection" V. Malikov, considering Arkaim "integral part to histories of Russian folk". The representative of the Irkutsk branch National-republican party to Russia Leonid Nechipurenko in newspaper "Russia Vostok'" names the Arkaim"symbol of the Russian glory". This concept is not deprived raid of the racism and is called to bring up beside Russian frankly of the mood. After all she appeals to "great aryan civilization - full-grown Russian tribes", calls Russian to recall about their own "race root" and "aryan origin", declares the Arkaim "revenge of the upshot groups of aryan folk" and in ditto time laments on cause of the modern spiritual dependency "white race" from some alien her cultures, going "from prophet Moiseya". With mediums 1990-h years in pilgrimage on Arkaim started to participate the inhabitants Bashkortostan. The local mass media have also begun to show the interest to Arkaim, seducing reader all same pseudoscientific plot about ostensibly special climate on Arkaim, about being present there "bioenergy", about located there "saint place" and t. d. All this could not go by bashkir nationalist, which, like Russian, have begun febrile searching for their own distant primitive limit. Some of they also address to old good "aryan theory" - they or raise all bashkir to aryan root, or try to with аri one of separate bashkir people. The bashkir nationalists appeal to archeological data and, first of all, certainly, to Arkaim. So, leader company "Abzelil" Scarlet-Bridal veil Fazylov, elected in 1994 chieftain of the bashkir tribe tamyan, identifies South Ural with Atlantidoy, but source territory Ari names Abzelilovskiy region of Bashkortostan, where hitherto live the members of its tribe. This seems him sufficient to name the Arkaim and related him monuments spiritual heritage scolded, t. e. bashkir, folk. The bashkir historian S. Gallyamov also does not avoid the Arkaim by attention - a construction of the settling he prefixes the direct limit a bashkir, but Zaratustru declares the bashkir prophet, lived on South Ural. This theory advertised newspaper "Evening Ufa", but its rave admirer writer Shafikov has declared the bashkir direct descendant «Ari". Little what archeological monument was got at our time so much so broad, how and doubtful, glories, as Arkaim. Has enriched this science? Gave anything archeologist? There are limits of the participation of the academic science in political play? The questions remain...
1. N.V. Bikbulatov, R.F.Kuzeev «Archeology and ethnography of Bashkortostan» Ufa-1968
2. Farlong D. «Stonehenge and pyramids Egypt» 2001
3. Harry Harrison, Leon Stouver «Stonehenge»2002
4. Wait Dg.,Hokins Dg. «Solution mystery of Stonehenge»
5. R.F.Kuzeev,K.K.Salnikov «Archeology and ethnography museum» Ufa-1964
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