Презентация - интересные факты о России
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The title of my project is Welcome to Russia Malisheva Alexandra Form 8 A My teacher : Malisheva Zh.V .Слайд 2
I have chosen this project because Russia is a great and wonderful country which has a lot of traditions and unusual things.
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The biggest Christian Chirch in the world is in Moscow. It is The Cathedral of Christ the Savoir.
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The first synthetic heart was made by Demikhov . He lived in Russia.
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only in Russia - We can meet so many people of different nationalities living together.
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Russian people make a repair in the houses themselves although the Russians are not very saving. I can do it myself!
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The most interesting thing for the foreigners is our food. Tradition Russian food is blini , borshch , shchi and pelmeni .
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Russian people like to drink Vodka and eat salted fish or cucumbers .
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Tradition Russian souvenirs are Matryoshka , balalaika and valenki .
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Russian people live not thinking about the future «Here and now» -is their motto.
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Russian people are very optimistic , friendly and helpful .
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Welcome to Russia
Сказка "Узнай-зеркала"
Воздух - музыкант
Мальчик и колокольчики ландышей
Волшебные звуки ноктюрна