Эту презентацию подготовила ученица 7 класса. Презентация была сделана к предметной неделе английского языка на тему "Наша планета" или "Our World".
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Слайд 1
Eiffel Tower location : Paris , France construction : 1887 – 1889 use : TV , radio , cellular antenna / spire 324 m / roof 300.65 m specification : architect Gustav EiffelСлайд 2
Leaning Tower of Pisa Location: Pisa, Italy Height: 56.7 m, 8 floors. The outer diameter of the base: 18.484 meters The inner diameter of the base: 1.368 m Weight: 14,700 tons The thickness of the walls at the base: 4.05 m The direction of the slope: 1173-1250 North, South 1272-1997. Number of bells: 7 The largest bell: L'Assunta , established in 1655 The oldest bell: Pasquarreccia Steps: 294
Слайд 3
Big B en Location : London , England Construction : 1858 Set in motion : May 31, 1859 Height : 96, 3 meters Architect : Charles Berry
Слайд 4
T ower of Twins Location: New York, USA Construction: August 25, 1966 - April 4, 1973 Use: April 4, 1973 - September 11, 2001 Antenna / Spire: 1 World Trade Center: 526.3 m roof: WTC 1: 417.0 m 2 WTC: 415.0 m WTC 7: 186.0 m Upper floor: WTC 1: 413.0 m 2 WTC: 411.0 m Number of floors: WTC 1 and 2: 110 floors 3 WTC 22 floor 4 and 5 WTC: 9 floors WTC 6: 8 floors WTC 7: 47 stories The area inside the building: 1 and 2 World Trade Center: 400 000 m2 4, 5, and 6 WTC: 50,000 m2 7 World Trade Center: 170 000 m2 Number of lifts: 239 Architect: Minoru Yamasaki, Emer Roth and Sons Owner: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
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