Метод проектов является составной частью обучения английскому языку как на начальном этапе, так и при дальнейшем совершенствовании владения им. Этот метод наиболее полно отражает два основных принципа коммуникативного подхода к обучению иностранному языку: мотивации к учению – в проектной работе она всегда положительная – и личный интерес: проект отражает интересы учащихся, их собственный мир. Учащиеся 11«а» класса осуществили интегрированный проект в рамках изучения английского языка и экологии.
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Проект «Проблемы Экологии в России и в Кунашакском Районе» Выполнили учащиеся 11а класса МОУ «Кунашакская СОШ»Слайд 2
Project. “ Problems of ecology in Russia and in Kunashak district”.
Слайд 3
Содержание Обращение (на русском языке) Appeal Introduction Ozone depletion ( истощение озонового слоя ) Air pollution ( загрязнение воздуха ) The greenhouse effect ( парниковый эффект ) Muslyumovo ( Муслюмово) Eco - glossary (словарь)
Слайд 4
Обращение Наша планета в опасности! Озоновый слой истощается. Кислотные дожди разрушают леса. Реки и океаны загрязнены. Многие виды рыб исчезают. Всеобщее потепление может угрожать миру голодом. Государства поодиночке не могут решить эти глобальные проблемы. Мы выражаем свою обеспокоенность и говорим : «Давайте объединяться!» Самое простое, что мы уже сегодня можем делать, - сажать деревья. « Планете нужны деревья , а не войны !»
Слайд 5
Appeal Our planet is in danger! The ozone layer is thinning. Acid rains are destroying forests and lakes. Water in the oceans, seas and rivers is polluted. Many species of fish and animals are disappearing. The warming of the atmosphere may threaten the world with hunger. A single country can't solve these problems. So we want to say: Let's join together! The most effective step we can do to help our planet is to plant trees. «The globe needs tree-planters more than soldiers!»
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Introduction Let's use our imagination and think of the apple as the Earth. Let's cut the apple into quarters. Look! Three quarters of the Earth's surface is water and only one quarter is land. If we cut the piece representing land in half you will see that only one-half the land or one/eighth of the Earth's surface is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice caps and other places where people can't live. What will happen if we do not protect it and this part of the world is destroyed? Yes, nothing will be able to live on it. Three quarters of the Earth's surface represent water but only one per cent of Earth's water is fresh and drinkable. Each year there are more and more people living on the Earth, yet the amount of water remains the same. We must remember about it in our everyday life. Our planet is in danger because peoples activities disturbed the ecological balance in nature and caused great problems. We got interested in some of them studied some articles and papers, We'd like to emphasize these problems by reporting our researches.
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Ozone depletion Ozone depletion is also a very important ecological problem. The ozone layer is thinning. For the last 20-25 years as it was announced by experts it became 2% thinner. First ozone depletion war found out over Antarctic in 1978. It increased from 5 up to 20 million square kilometers. The international researches show that ozone depletion is still increasing in size. Besides new ozone «holes» appeared over Europe and the USA. The ozone layer is being damaged by gases which are .called CFCs. Unfortunately emissions of these gases especially freon grow every year because they are used in refrigerators, air conditioners, plastic foam and other things. Spaceships and planes also influence the ozone layer. One of the effects of the ozone depletion may be genetic mutation. According to the papers of the ecological conference the number of children and adults with diseases of blood and skin is growing. Different countries began to unite their efforts to stop the ozone layer from disappearing and we care about the environment and we are concerned about ozone depletion too.
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Air pollution Air pollution is one of the most important problems nowadays. This problem is especially urgent in large cities such as Chelyabinsk. More than 2,5 million tons of polluted substances are emitted in the atmosphereof Chelyabinsk annually. A lot of dangerous gases enter the atmosphere from tall chimneys of factories and power stations. But the leading cause of smog in towns and air pollution is car fumes. It threatens the health of one in five people. The car numbers is increasing. About 80 per cent of air pollution in Chelyabinsk is caused by transport. Besides road traffic is the fastest growing cause of carbon dioxide-the main «greenhouse» gas. Today the air is so polluted in some places that it is not always safe to breathe. Polluted air is also harmful for trees and other plants. The easiest and most effective way to clean up the air is to plant more trees because they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
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The greenhouse effect The Earth receives short-wave radiation from the sun, one-third of which is reflected back out to space. The remaining radiation is absorbed by the surface and heats up the planet. Then the Earth emits infra-red radiation because of the greenhouse gases contained in the atmosphere. This process is responsible for warming the planet. To have a better idea of it let's imagine sunrays inside a greenhouse. In natural situation the heat, the Earth receives from the sun, equals the heat, re-emitted by the Earth, Problems arise when greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane increase due to human activities and the Earth gets hotter. In one way or another the problem of global warming affects the lives of everyone on the planet. If the weather changes, the level of the sea will rise, there will be floods and not enough food, many animals will die out. The scientists suggest to plant trees because a tree can recycle 48 pounds of carbon dioxide each year.
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Muslyumovo We have the problem of radiation in our district because we live not far from the river Techa. And we know that it is famous for ist radiation because since 1949 the plant “Mayak” had been throwing out its waste materials into water and atmosphere and polluted the river and the environment. That’s why there are many seriously ill people there in Muslyumovo,many of them have died because of radiation. There is a decision now for people living there: to move to a new house in Novomuslyumovo or to get 1 mln roubles and to move somewhere else.
Слайд 14
Our region, our country, the whole world faces today really a burning ecological situation. It is difficult to speak about the protection of environment until people knew all the fatal consequences of the eco-systems damaging. Only by the ecological education, kind attitude to the forest, mountains, rivers, lakes and other eco-systems we’ll be the society with future. We must do many things to make the earth cleaner. Factories must stop polluting air, rivers, lakes with waste products and chemicals. We can plant trees, make homes for birds. We mustn’t disturb animals, birds’ nests. We must always put garbage in garbage bins. We shouldn’t throw away things which we can reuse. We must plant trees and flowers. We should recycle paper, cans and glass. It’s necessary to save the planet from ecological death. The earth is our home. It cries for love, care and respect… To begin with recall V. Astafiev’s words: “You should plant a tree at least…” How many of us have done it? Let’s hurry up.
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Eco-glossary Environment Earthquake Flood Overpopulation Pollution Deforestation Ozone depletion Acid rains Emission Species Harmful substances Disaster Consequence Threat Nuclear power stations The polluted water Fertilizer To emit Emission окружающая среда землетрясение наводнение перенаселение загрязнение вырубка леса истощение озонового слоя кислотные дожди парниковый эффект вид,род вредные вещества катастрофа последствие угроза атомные станции загрязненная вода удобрение выбрасывать выброс
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промышленные и ядерные отходы пестицид на грани исчезновения вымирать исчезновение атмосфера разрушать углекислый газ защищать незаконно охотиться браконьер вымирающий дикая природа мусор мусор перерабатывать «Красная книга» экология причина исчезающие виды газы естественная среда кислород Industrial And nuclear waste Pesticide On the brink of extinction To die out Extinction Atmosphere Destroy Carbon Protect Poach Poacher Extinct Wildlife Garbage Rubbish Recycle Endangered Species List Ecology Cause Endangered species CPCs (chloro- fluoro- carbons) Habitat Oxygen
Астрономический календарь. Февраль, 2019
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