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Исполнители: ученики 9 Б СОШ № 1338 Шаров Никита Проничкин Саша Гаммершмидт Клим Смирнова Катя Выходец Ольга Завгородний Ярослав Антонова Даша Научный руководитель: Саркисова Э.Г Проект Тема: "The Ecological problems of our district"Слайд 2
Тема проекта: « The Ecological problems of our district » Предмет: английский язык Класс 9 «б» Возраст 14-15 лет Кол-во учащихся 7 Цели образовательные и воспитательные - развивать умение проектировать, мыслить на английском языке в процессе изучения экологической проблемы - воспитывать чувства проблемы нравственности, ответственности за свой район. Задачи учебно-педагогические - развивать интерес к предмету английский язык - развивать умение а) формулировать мысль на английском языке и грамматически правильно выражать ее б) использовать экологические термины-обращения в) издать газету посвященную проблемам экологии в нашем районе г) создать фильм посвященный экологии района Ховрино
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Содержание Начало урока. Вступительное слово учителя. Основная часть. 1. Экологическая обстановка в мире. а) загрязнение воды; б) загрязнение воздуха в) влияние экологии на животный мир 2. Красная книга. 3. Международные экологические организации. 4. Издание газеты «Школьный курьер» 5. Создание видеоклипа «Экологические проблемы нашего района»
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Тему «Экологические проблемы нашего района» изучали согласно плану, но только 9 учащихся захотели проработать ее более глубоко и самостоятельно выбрали темы для своего изучения: решили изучать проблему загрязненности нашего района, выясняя причины вымирания рыб и птиц на канале Москвы. Информационно – техническое обеспечение: учащиеся использовали домашний компьютер, изучали документы экологический конференций и акций, использовали фотографии, делали рисунки. Работа над проектом Этап: организованный: выбрав темы своего исследования, учащиеся разделились на группы, определили задачи и спланировали свою деятельность. Роль учителя – направляющая на основе мотивации. Этап: поисковый и исследовательский – учащиеся изучали документы, собирали информацию по своей теме на русском языке, готовили наглядное предъявление своих исследований. Роль учителя – наблюдательная, учащиеся в основном работали самостоятельно. Этап: языковая работа: исследование языковых явлений и развитие навыков правильного лексического и грамматического оформления полученной информации на английском языке. Этот этап оказался самым длительным. Убедившись, что при помощи компьютера грамотный перевод получить нельзя, учащиеся переводили сами. Роль учителя – обучающая (путем консультаций) Этап: предъявление проекта и его продукта. Роль учителя – сотрудничество. Презентация проекта проведена в форме видеоклипа, на котором учащиеся предъявили свои исследования и сделали выводы о том, что проблемы экологии района «Ховрино» являются глобальными.
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The world we live in is really wonderful: blue oceans, seas and rivers, mountains, hills, fields and valleys. We live surrounded by this beauty. But the situation isn’t the same in different parts of our planet. Let’s take Elba River. One of the most beautiful in Europe is dying. That is a result of people’s action. There are a lot of places like that in the world. The nature faces a great threat. That’s why people who take care of our planet have established the 22 nd of April as a special day around the world – the Earth Day. It’s the day for people to learn what they can do to protect the planet. So, at our project we are going to discuss one of the main problem of the time – the ecological problem. What does “ecology” mean? – The word “ecology” came from Greek word which means “home”. This idea of home includes the whole planet of ours. Let’s start with water pollution. The situation is really gloomy and sometimes even hopeless. Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans cover more than 70% of our planet. Scientists say “man will die if oceans die”. Over 5 million tons of oil products pollute the ocean each year. About 2 million tons of this products come from cars. First the oil products go to atmosphere. From the atmosphere they go into oceans. A ship wrecked tankers spill a lot of oil into the ocean. In addition big river carry into the ocean a lot of waste from industry and agriculture. Pollution means death to oceans. It kills fish, plants, birds. Experts believe life in ocean will be destroy within 25 years. The industry affects the nature greatly. For example more than 30 years ago a pulp-and-paper factory was built on the shore of lake Baikal. As a result , because of the water pollution, more than 50% of the world’s purest water has been ruined. The whole ecological system of lake has changed greatly. Some organisms that can be found only in the lake Baikal are disappearing: trees are dying from the dust and gas blow-outs of the factory. Well, we see that water which is necessary for our life is polluted awfully. We want to focus to another problem – the problem pf air pollution. Nobody and nothing on the Earth could live without air. People pollute the air all over the world. A great number of threes growing on the planet produce oxygen and clean the air. But vast forests are cut and burn fire. Their disappearance upset the oxygen balance. Besides, the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects the Earth from the dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. It’s like a kind of a roof. But now, because of the air pollution, the ozone layer is destroyed. The dangerous rays get through the atmosphere, causing different diseases. In addition awful harm is caused to our home by nuclear tests of atom bombs , accidents on the atomic power stations, for example, Chernobyl tragedy in 1986. About 18% of the territory of Byelorussia was polluted with radioactive substances. We must keep in mind that not only the industry pollutes the nature. Every year each family create one ton of rubbish. A great number of dumps are all over the country. Just only some facts: it takes more than 2 years to decompose paper. Cans and tins destroy more than 90 years. Plastic packets decompose more than 200 years, glass – more than 1000 years.
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People in cities suffer greatly from the pollution. But as for animals, the situation is really dramatic. Almost all animals, insects, and birds living on our planet need help. They could disappear forever. During 300 years 280 species were destroyed on our planet. Nowadays the destruction of animals is going on. Indian tigers are among them. Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They are skilful hunters and people are afraid of them. So they kill them to safe their lives. But some people hunt tigers for their beautiful skins and for fun. They sell the skins and get a lot of money. The result of money. The result is sad. There are few Indian tigers on the Earth. Let’s pass to the problems closer to us-problems devoted to the ecology of our district. We have been living in this area for a long time « Khovrino « . It is one of the most beautiful districts of Moscow/ Side by side with newly built high-rises in our district there are old monuments/ Fist of all I mean a beautiful park/ There are no people living how remember the original beauty of this place/ Besides it is interesting to mention thief during the great P. War there was a military hospital in this country seat. That’s why hot far from the mention there is a common grave for soldiers perished depending Moscow with a monument to the Defenders of Moscow which was built later. It is here where my friends and I bring flowers to honor the perished soldiers. The veterans of the whole area come here on special days too. That is why we feel very hurt that there is too much litter in the park some of which comes from the nearby market. Then packs of homeless dogs find refuge here. So we decided to make a special project and fight for tidiness cleanness of the park. For every great deal is made jf little undertaking. And we hope that our initiative will find a broad response among the adults and we will manage to get rid of litter not only in our park but we will make our planet a bit cleaner. Let us keep our planet clean!
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