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Слайд 1
The Un i ted Kingdom of Great Brita i n and Northern Ireland Подготовила ученица 10”A” класса TИТОВА ДАРЬЯ и учитель английского языка Знаменской средней щколы №3 Лебедева Н.В.Слайд 2
Задачи 1. Развитие страноведческой компетенции 2. Умение работать с текстом и исполь-зовать полученную информацию в пра-ктических целях. 3. Использование визуальных средств для развития познавательного интереса к предмету. 4.Использование и развитие лексико-грамматических навыков в занима-тельной форме.
Слайд 3
The United Kingdom of Great Brita i n and No r thern Ireland It is the official name of the state . The UK is situated on the British Isles. Four parts constitute the UK: England, Scotlan, Wales, No r thern Ireland. The country is divided into counties. There are no great forests in Great Brita i n. Historically Sherwood Forest is well-known. It is located to the north of London.
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The British flag The British flag is sometimes called the Union Jack. The flag combines the red cross of St George of England, the white cross of St Andrew of Scotland and the red cross of St Patrick of Ireland.
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The National Anthem of the UK People all over the world know the first line of the national anthem of Great Britian which is called “ God Save the Queen”
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God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen- Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the Queen.
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Seas, Rivers and Lakes. Great Brita i n is washed by seas all around. The western coast of Great Brita i n is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The eastern coast is washed by the North Sea. The Irish Sea is between Ireland and Great Brita i n. The southern coast i s washed by the English Channel or La Manche The chief rivers of Great Brita i n are: the Severn, the Thames, the Clyde, the Tweed.
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Population and Languages. P e ople outside the Br i tish Isles often call the inhabitans of the UK the Engl i sh. This is incorrect: the English, the Scots, the Welsh, the Irish. English is not the only language that is spoken in the UK. Wales is officially bilingual. Both English and Welsh are spoken in this part of the country. The Scottish and Irish forms of Gaelic survive in some parts of Scotland and No r thern Ireland. The English language that is spoken by educated people in Britain is known as Standard English or the Queen ´ s English.
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Large Cities of the UK The largest and most important cities in the UK are the following: London Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, Glasgow, Swansea, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Bradford, Leeds, Sheffield,Oxford, Cambridge, Stratford-upon-Avon.
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Match and quess : 1 London 2 Edinburgh 3 Belfast 4 Glasgow 5 Cardiff 6 Liverpool 7 Manchester 8 Oxford 9 Stratford-on-Avon Is the capital of Scotland Is the capital of Wales C. Is the hometown of « Beatles » D. Is the most industrial centre E. Is educated town in England Is the hometown of Shakespeare G. Is the capital of England H. Is the capital of N. Ireland I. Is the biggest port in England
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The Political System of the UK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and No r thern Ireland is a parlamentary monarchy (or constitutional monarchy). In law, the Queen is the head of the state . In practice, the Queen acts only on the advice of her Ministers. The power of Her Majesty the Queen of the UK is limited by the British Parliament. Parliament is the legislative power of the country.
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Political Parties The Main Brit i sh poli-tical parties are - Conservat i ve , - Liberal - Labour - Liberal Democrats.
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Holidays in the UK New Year ´ s Day Good Friday E a ster Mond a y May Day Bank Holiday Late Summer (August) Bank Holiday Christmas Day Boxing Day. St. Valentine ´ s Day Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) April Fool ´ s Day Mother ´ s Day (Mo-thering Sunday) Father ´ s Day Halloween Guy Fawkes Night
Слайд 14
British Council is cooperate d with our Tambowe Unstitute of Training Teaches (the Ka-binet of Methodology of Foreighn languages. Konina I.A.) And there a re some cooperative organisations in industry as sugar factory in Znamenka was cooperated with Sugar Corporation in London There are many coopera-tive organizations between the UK and our country:f.e. British Council. British Council it ´ s the main agencey for British cultural relations overseas and is represented in 100 countries. It ´ s activities are: helping to study, teaching English, promoting education, arts, science, technology.
Слайд 15
Answer the questions? What parts are in the UK? How many caunties has England? By what is washed the UK? What are the main rivers? What are the languages in the UK? Who is the head of the state? What is the role of Parliament? What is the name of the B r itain ´ s flag?
Слайд 16
Fill the right word into the sentences: The United Kingdom of Great Britain is divided into … parts : England , …, …, …, and …. The country is washed by the A… ocean. The longest river is S…. The national flag of the U.K. Is called …. The national symbol of England is …. The national symbol of Scotland is …, of Wales is …, of N. Ireland is …. The Head of the U.K. is …. The capital of England is …, of Wales is …, of Scotland is …, of N. Ireland is …. The fashionable shops are in the … End of London. … is an administrative part of London, … is busy part, … is the mountains part of the U.K.
Слайд 17
Read the text about the parts of the UK and answer the question What is Hogmanay, Eisteddfod, Ulster and Soho.
Слайд 18
ENGLAND (Albion- White Land) England is the largest and most densely populated part of the UK. As for the English, they are considered to be cold, reserved and rather haughty people. The Englishman ´ s home is hs castle. This saying is known all over the world.
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The oldest British settlements were on the territory of England. Traces of ancient monu m ents such as Stonehenge can be found in the south of England.Stonehenge is an enormous structure built of stone. The largest stones of the Stonehenge weigh 50 tons and the smalles on e s weigh 5 tons. The red rose is the national symbol of England.
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Westmi n ster -(admi ni strative part) Westminster Abbey was built in the 11th century. Many kings, queens and famous people were bu-ried and crowned there. Parts of the Abbey are set asibe for the me m orials and fombs of outstanding people. (Newton, Da r wing, Dickens, ect.)
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England. London. The name London comes from the Romans. There was a bridge over the river and ships came to Londinium from the sea. It is d i vided into 4 parts: Westminster -(adminis t rative part), the West End (is a symbol of weal th and Iuxury), the E a st End -(the poorest district of London), the City -(commercial heart of the capital.
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Houses of Parliament Houses of Parliament- home of the British governmen t . The Houses of Parliament sits in Westminster Palace. It was build in 1840.The style is rich Gothic.
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The Tower Bridge The Tower of London was build in 1078 by William the Conqueror to difend London. Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge which can be raised when big ships come up to the bridge.
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Thames This is the river, on which London stands. It is the main river . Many ships come here from different countries.
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Trafalgar Square The Square was named to commemorate Admiral Nelson s na-val victory over the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. It is a place where people meet and a traditional place of political demonstrations.
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Hyde Park In Hyde Park every weekend you can listen to people making speeches at the Speaker s Corner.Anyone has the right to speak here.
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Albert Hall The Royal Albert Hall was built in 1867-1871; capable of seating about 8,000 people. Now it is used for concerts, balls, boxing, public meetings and
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Bucki n gham Palace Buckingham Palace- the London home of the Queen ´ s Gallery houses paintings drawings and furnit u re from the royal collections. You can see the Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace. The new guard led by a band, arrives to take over from the old guard . The ceremony lasts half an hour.
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Big ben Big Ben is a symbol of London. It s clock tower 316 feet high. It s situated in Saint Stephens Tower of the Houses of Parliament. It is called after Sir Benjamin Hall who rebuild it . The great clock was installed in the Tower in 1858.
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St Paul ´ s Cathedral St Paul s Cathedral was built between 1675 and 1710 by Sir Christopher Wren. It is the fifth church put on the same site. It is 111 m high.
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Oxford Oxford has one of the oldest Universities in Brita i n, consisting of a large complex of colleges was founded in 1167. Other famous buildings such as the Sheldonian Theatre and the great Bodlian Library are found here too.
Слайд 32
Read and match : 1. Big Ben a) a shop 2. The Thames b) a museum 3. The Tower of London c) a bell 4. Hamleys d) a river 5. St. Paul ’s Cathedral e) a concert hall 6. Buckingham Palace f) church 7. Albert Hall g) a queen's home 8. Hyde Park h) an ancient monument 9. Trafalgar Square i) a place where there are demonstrations 10. The Houses of Parliament j) the home of the British government 11. Stonehenge k) a park
Слайд 33
William Shakespeare William Shakespe a re (1564-1616)- English dramatist and poet. He was born in Stratford-on-Avon. He wrote lyric plays, comedies, historical plays and tragedies: “ Romeo and Juliet”,”Hamlet”,The Comedy of Errors”
Слайд 34
Sonnet XCL William Shakespeare Some glory in their birth, some in their skill, Some in their wealth, some in their bodes force, Some in their garments, though new-fanglend ill. Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse; And every humour his adjunct pleasure...
Слайд 35
1. Who was the founder of London? 2. What are the parts of London? 3. What is the national symbol of England? 4. What is an ancient and poetic name for England or U.K.? 5. What airports in London do you know? 6. What are administrative units called in U.K.? 7. What is «The Derby»?
Слайд 36
Fill in: very or much. London is becoming a 1) … very … popular place for American tourists. All the big attractions are now 2) … busy in the summer months. The crowds of tourists around places like Buckingham Palace are 3) … bigger than they were a few years ago. Sales of postcards and other souvenirs are 4) … higher now than in past years. This is 5) … good news for the British tourist industry.
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SCOTLAND Scotland is divided into three regions: Highlands, Lowlands and Southern Upland. Scotland became the part of the U.K. In 1707. One of the things Scotland is famous is the kilt. It is a kind of skirt made of a checked stuff and worn by men in Highland.
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The pipers maths playing the bagpipers. The Scots speak English with their own accent. In the Highlands the ancient Scottish language, Gaelic, is still heard. A lot of Scottish surnames start with Mac or Mc (e.g. MacDonald, McDonald.) Mac means “son of”. The thistle is the national symbol of Scotland.
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An interesting custom is observed in Scotland. It is connected with the New Year s Eve and is called Hogmanay . Scotland is associated with the names of Walter Scott , Robert Burns, Byron .
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Scotland Edinburgh Scotland- lies north of England, includes many groups of islands. The capital is Edindurgh. Edinburgh was built upon hills in a superd natural setting.It became the capital since the 15th century. It has the title “ Athens of the North”. The international Festival has been held here annually since 1947.
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Bagpipes Scotland ´ s national instrument is the bagpipes. The bagpipes make a very loud sound. They say Scottish sold i ers played them before a battle, and the noise frightened the soldier on the other side.
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Multi Activity Centres. Scotland is the ideal place to put the more adventurous side of your nature to the test and indulge in some of the fantastic outdoor activities on offer. The brethtaking backdrop of the Scottish countryside and the range of activities and locations should be enough to quench the thirst of even the most seasoned thrill - seekers. There are many camps and activity centres in Scotland. You may use this address and choose any caps for your holidays abroad:(British Tourist Authority, Thames Tower, Black’s Road, London W6 9EL, England).
Слайд 43
1. What is the highest mountain in Scotland? 2. What is the national musical instrument and the clothes of the Scots? 3. What do the Scottish surnames mean ? Underline the correct word, adjective or adverb. 1. The waters of the Severn is quiet / quietly. 2. It was raining heavy / heavily yesterday. 3. She speaks perfect / perfectly English. 4. Have you seen Big Ben recent / recently? 5. This trip was good / well. 6. The view of London is nice / nicely. 7. In Scotland there are many great / greatly poets.
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WALES Wales is it the west of Britain. Population- 3 mln people. Capital- Cardiff. It is a mountainous country. The Mount Snowdon is 1, 085m. Language- Welsh. The beauty of its landscapes attracts many tourists.
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The Welsh call their country Cymru [ kimru]. Wales is the land of rocks, mountains and valleys. Snowdonia and its scenery is the pride of Wales. The largest cities in Wales are Cardiff and Swansea. Cardiff is the main city of Wales and Swansea is its industrial center. Wales is often called«a Land of Song». Wales is famous for Eisteddfod. It is a festival of bards and singers of Welsh culture. Wales has two national symbols - the daffodil and the leek .
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In Wales there are many castles,old wishing wells.People throw money into the wells. They think wishing wells can help them in their life.
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The Gates of the King’s Castle This is a beautiful architecture view .The architects used the same local stone favored by the Romans
Слайд 48
Find the mistake and correct it. 1. We are going swimming on Saturdays _____ go____ 2. I have written a book last year. ___________ 3. My bag is heaviest than yours. ___________ 4. Look out! The wall will fall down. ___________ 5. Will we go to the beach tomorrow? __________ 6. He have seen that film three times. ___________ 7. I have been a teacher since three years. __________
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NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland is the smallest part of the U.K. «Ulster» is sometimes used as equivalent to Northern Ireland. Ireland is often called «the Emerald Isle». Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. It is a great industrial center and large port. The shamrock and a red hand is the national symbol of Northern Ireland.
Слайд 50
Put the verbs in brackets into Present S., Present Cont. or Future tense. Gary: What 1) … are you planning … (you/plan) to do after the exams ? 2) ……..(you/stay) in London ? Angela: No, I 3) …… (leave) on Seturday. I’ ve bought my ticket already. 4) …… (visit) my brother in Wales. What 5) …… (you/do) ? Gary: I think I 6) …… (start) looking for a job. I 7) …… (need) some extra money because my mum 8) …… (come) here in August. Angela: When exactly 9) …… (she/arrive) ? Gary : Her flight 10) …… (arrive) at Heathrow airoport at 4 :30 p.m. On August 3rd. I 11) …… (meet) her there.
Слайд 51
Read & match the facts and the picturies
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