Now a large number of the youth wants to go in for sport. But after attending this or that sport section they stop training and at last give up sport. They start smoking and drinking alcohol. But it is not the best way to solve the problem. You can go in for sport just walking along the street. It is Parkour. Parkour (a French word) is a rational surmounting obstacle in most fast and beautiful ways. The obstacle is the whole town.
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Слайд 1
Parkour as a Type of Freedom and Self – Expression. Move in Your Own Way ! The work has done by Limarev S tas 9V Form Supervisor : ELT Morozova S . М. “There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” Alexander The GreatСлайд 2
“Leisure is Time for doing something useful” Benjamin Franklin Nowadays teenagers generally spend their leisure time doing sports, shopping; sightseeing, theatre-going, watching TV or playing computer games. Also the Internet with its services, , is very popular with the youth. According to the statistics Russia takes the 11 th place with 21 million of users.
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The MAIN problem I prefer going in for sport. As for me sport is my life. Sports build character. It is a serious and expensive business involving hours of daily training. Now the number of the young eager to go in for sport is growing larger and larger. But after attending this or that sport section they stop training and at last give up sport. They start smoking and drinking alcohol. But it is not the best way to solve the problem of spending free time. You can go in for sport just walking along the street. It is Parkour . It is the representative of the Extreme Sports .
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What `s Parkour ? Parkour ( a French word ) is a rational overcoming an obstacle in the fastest and beautiful way . The obstacle is the whole town. David Belle became the founder of this kind of extreme sport. Parkour appeared not long ago at the end of the 20 th century. But it became very popular among the youth all over the world.
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The philosophy of this sport The philosophy of this sport is that there are no boarders, only obstacles and any obstacle can be surmounted. Another aspect of the philosophy is the freedom. Another main thing is to be able to overcome one’s own fear. Parkour consists of 4 main parts: acrostreet freerun buildering martial arts Also there are many special terms designating different parkour elements and flips, for example , wall-run, monkey jump, cat-leap, cat jump, roll, under-bar, regular vault, etc.
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Parkour masters Besides French parkour masters such as Belle, Rafaele , the brothers Ermitage , we have our own Russian stars – Oleg Krasnyansky and Oleg Vorslav .
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Parkour in Balakovo . Nowadays there are more than 2000 tracers in Saratov region ( a tracer is a person indulging in parkour). The most famous parkour teams of Balakovo are B10, OBEL x-style, Don’t-Fall Clan . The teams in Balakovo are not numerous but they are successfully developing . .
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Training Places For such training the Balakovo tracers choose places with different bars and walls. Large heaps of sand are very popular among our tracers – they make possible to work. If you have no gymnasiums with special sport equipment such sand heaps are the ideal sites for improving your skills. Winter time is also loved by the tracers as snow is as helpful as sand .
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Facing the Problems… Т he main problem – the absence of proper attention to the youth’s free time including doing sports . I think that the main problem in our town is the absence of gymnasiums provided with special equipment . …but the number of persons wishing to go in for parkour is increasing .
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Conclusion Parkour made me a high achiever. I sincerely hope that the grown-ups will pay attention to the problems of the youth. We want to be able to enjoy every minute of our free time. Very often our difficulties are usually ignored by the grown-ups in real life.
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We ask the local administration of our town to give us the chances of spending our leisure time in a useful way. Or is the perspective of starting smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and breaking the law the alternative way???
Слайд 12
Мы падали, мы учились, Но каждый раз поднимались, И на край становились Смотря вниз с высоты, С осознаньем того, Что ты сделаешь трюк несмотря ни на что. Прыгнул вверх, группировка, раскрытие, ролл Ты гордишься собой, ты свой страх поборол.
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