Работа нацелена на активизацию знаний,умений и навыков учащихся по экологическому направлению о Дальневосточном регионе,о жизни животных и птиц в Хинганском заповеднике.Использование краеведения позволяет значительно углубить знания и представления детей об окружающем мире, освоить навыки использования методов различных научных дисциплин.
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Слайд 1
Grane: Bird of Peace Проблемы окружающей среды становятся актуальными с каждым днем. Земля - наш общий дом. Наше будущее и будущее нашей планеты зависит от того, как мы будем относится к нему. Экологическое воспитание на уроках английского языка помогает учащимся по-новому взглянуть на окружающий их мир, учит правильно вести себя в природе, не нанося ей вред, бережному отношению ко всему что нас окружает, что делает нашу жизнь разнообразней и красочней. Тема, представленная в данной работе, помогает развить у учащихся исследовательские навыки. 3Слайд 2
Crane: Bird of Peace Executed: Orlov Roma Leader: Korzukova M.V. Belogorsk-2008 School № 4 - 13-
Слайд 3
«I want to live and not to die, I want to laugh and not to cry, I want to feel the summer’s sun, I want to sing when life is fun. I want to fly into the blue, I want to swim as fish can do, I want to shake all friendly hands of all the young of other lands. I want to work for what is right, I want to love and not to fight, I want to laugh and not to cry, I want to live and not to die.» - 14 -
Слайд 4
What is ecology? Some years ago we didn’t know nothing about this word, we thought that everything is all right with nature. But now people begin to worry. We see that nature is dying. The water in the oceans and seas isn’t clean, it is dirty. The air isn’t fresh, the forest isn’t green. And this is very dangerous. So we, Russian people, call:
Слайд 5
We live in the Far East, in Amur Region. Our land is full of beautiful flowers, plants, trees which grow and blossom in the meadows, on the banks of the rivers and lakes, in the forests and in our gardens. Many flowers have become rare and vanish.
Слайд 6
Our useful insects, rare animals, birds: bees, bumblebees, butterflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, tigers, sables, minks, ermines, cranes can’t live in the atmosphere of chemicals and pesticides. Hunters kill thousands of animals every year.15 000000 big cats : tigers, snow leopards, jaguars and lynxes are killed every year for their skins. - 1
Слайд 7
There are many different kinds of birds. They are: swallows, sparrows, doves, blue magpies, white storks, amur nightingales, cranes, golden eagles, and others. Some birds are big, others are small. The body of bird is covered with feathers. The feathers of the birds are of different colours. All the birds make nests and lay eggs. Birds are useful to man. They are beautiful, they sing nice songs, they eat harmful insects, they kill mice and small animals that harm crops. - 1
Слайд 8
As you see there are many different kinds of birds. Cranes are among them. 17 types of cranes live on our planet. 7 of them meet in Russia - grey, daursky, canadian, black, white, manchursky, krasavka. A crane is a rather big bird, about a kilogramme and a half. These birds do not sit on the trees, they eat seeds, berries, frogs. Best of all they like to live in the steps and marches. Their feathers are light-grey, the ends of the wings are black, the head and the neck are white. There is a red crown on it's head.
Слайд 9
The man influences upon this bird. Their number is reducing. The nest of a crane is pressed grass. Usually there are two green-brown eggs in it. The small cranes are very weak. Cranes can dance very well. They are perfect ballet-dancers. Their dance is one of the exotic sight in the Earth. This bird is a symbol of peace, friendship and happiness in the Earth. - 18 -
Слайд 10
Zeiski and Khingansky and 24 monuments of nature. Khingan nature reserve is the largest one in our region. Different kinds of animals, birds, among them cranes, live there. The Khingan nature reserve was founded in October 1963. “ To protect cranes” is the main task of Khingan nature reserve. There are 2 reservations in Amur Region: - 19 -
Слайд 11
Only 1.000 Japanese cranes are on our planet. They live in Japan, China and Russia (in Preamurie, Khabarovsk territory and in Amur Region, in Khingan Nature Reserve). О nly 40 pairs of Japanese cranes live in Amur Region. There are 7.000 black and 5.000 daursky cranes on our planet. Only 13 pairs of daursky and 22 pairs of black cranes live in our region. These birds are very beautiful: snow-white, graceful. The Japanese crane has a red crown on it's head. Cranes have no enemies in nature, except a man. You can read about cranes in the Red Book, we must protect them. There are 7 types of cranes on the continent, 6 of them live in our region -we have no only canadian crane. Some years ago a group of american teachers-biologists came to study our cranes. The 5th of June is an international day of nature protection. This day some years ago an exhibition "Crane: Bird of Peace" was opened in Blagoveshchensk and in Belogorsk. But the first exhibition about cranes was organized in the USA. - 20 -
Слайд 12
The rivers, lakes , seas and oceans are in danger now. We must keep our environment clean. There are many places on our planet that need immediate help. - 21 -
Слайд 13
They are lake Baikal, the Aral Sea, the Volga river and some other places. In the Volga there is very little fish now. It isn’t eatable often, because of oil, petrol and waste which is thrown out into the water. - 22 -
Слайд 14
Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries — members of the UNO — have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment. - 23 -
Слайд 15
Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water tidy. Love and protect our nature. - 24 -
Слайд 16
"Oh, Russia, I'm in love with you!" (L.A.Khusainova) Remember, Russia, you are great Not in the field of battles past But in the green fields full of wheat And forests, gardens, free of dust. I love you deeply, dear land, Your hills and rivers, sand of strand. Your songs and dances, lakes and seas, Your beasts and fish, and birds in trees. Your sunrise in a splendid sight, Which gives me always such delight! -25 -
СОШ № 4
им. Приёмыхова В. М.
Научно – исследовательская работа
«Журавль – птица мира»
Ученик 9 «В» класса
Орлов Роман
Научный руководитель:
Учитель английского языка Коржукова М. В.
г. Белогорск – 2008 г.
«Журавль – птица мира»……………………………………….. 7
а). Птицы и животный мир Дальнего Востока.
б). Заповедники Амурской области.
Хинганский заповедник.
в). Защита журавлей – главная задача Хинганского заповедника.
г). « Журавль – птица мира».
« К тебе с любовью, Россия»
( Л. А. Хусаинова)
Цель научно – исследовательской работы – активизировать знания, умения и навыки по экологическому направлению, расширить кругозор о Дальневосточном регионе, его флоре и фауне.
Учебная задача – расширить и углубить словарный запас по экологическому направлению, укрепить знания краеведческого материала.
Развивающая задача – развить кругозор учащихся, повысить их интерес к изучению иностранного языка, научить использовать учащихся полученную информацию на уроках, развивать у учащихся возможности для проявления у них чувства самостоятельности и приобретения опыта творческой деятельности.
Воспитательная задача – помочь учащимся по-новому взглянуть на окружающий их мир, научить правильно вести себя в природе, не нанося ей вред, бережному отношению ко всему, что делает нашу жизнь разнообразнее и красочнее.
« I want to live and not to die,
I want to laugh and not to cry,
I want to feel the summer’s sun,
I want to sing when life is fun.
I want to fly into the blue,
I want to swim as fish can do,
I want to shake all friendly hands
of all the young of other lands.
I want to work for what is right,
I want to love and not to fight,
I want to laugh and not to cry,
I want to live and not to die. »
Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase.
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.
Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises.
Many years ago people lived in harmony with nature because industry was not much developed. Today the contradictions between man and nature are dramatic. Environmental problems have become exceptionally acute in the country. That is why, we want to speak about environmental problems in our country and in the world, how to help nature, how to help ourselves and future generations.
What is ecology?
Some years ago we didn’t know nothing about this word, we thought that everything is all right with nature. But now people begin to worry. We see that nature is dying. The water in the oceans and seas isn’t clean, it is dirty. The air isn’t fresh, the forest isn’t green. And this is very dangerous. So we, Russian people, call:
Our useful insects, rare animals, birds: bees, bumblebees, butterflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, tigers, sables, minks, ermines, cranes can’t live in the atmosphere of chemicals and pesticides. Hunters kill thousands of animals every year. 15 000000 big cats: tigers, snow leopards, jaguars and lynxes are killed every year for their skins.
Excessive radiation and transport are harmful to people, animals, birds. So, the Far East is our home and protect it, that is to protect ourselves. Our Russian writer M. Prishvin said:< To protect nature that is to protect our Motherland.>
How right he was, as we see now.
There are many different kinds of birds. They are: swallows, sparrows, doves, blue magpies, white storks, amur nightingales, cranes, golden eagles, and others. Some birds are big, others are small. The body of bird is covered with feathers. The feathers of the birds are of different colours. All the birds make nests and lay eggs. Birds are useful to man. They are beautiful, they sing nice songs, they eat harmful insects, they kill mice and small animals that harm crops.
There are 2 reservations in Amur Region:
Zeisky and Khingansky and 24 monuments of nature. Khingan nature reserve is the largest one in our region. Different kinds of animals, birds-among them cranes, live there.
The Khingan nature reserve was founded in October 1963.
"To protect cranes" is the main task of Khingan nature reserve.
As you see there are many different kinds of birds.
Cranes are among them. 17 types of cranes live on our planet. 7 of them meet in Russia - grey, daursky, canadian, black, white, manchursky, and krasavka. A crane is a rather big bird, about a kilogramme and a half. These birds do not sit on the trees; they eat seeds, berries, frogs. Best of all they like to live in the steps and marches. Their feathers are light-grey, the ends of the wings are black, the head and the neck are white. There is a red crown on it's head.
The man influences upon this bird. Their number is reducing. The nest of a crane is pressed grass. Usually there are two green-brown eggs in it. The small cranes are very weak. Cranes can dance very well. They are perfect ballet-dancers. Their dance is one of the exotic sights in the Earth. This bird is a symbol of peace, friendship and happiness in the Earth.
Only 1.000 Japanese cranes are on our planet. They live in Japan, China and Russia (in Preamurie, Khabarovsk territory and in Amur Region, in Khingan Nature Reserve). Only 40 pairs of Japanese cranes live in Amur Region. There are 7.000 black and 5.000 daursky cranes on our planet. Only 13 pairs of daursky and 22 pairs of black cranes live in our region. These birds are very beautiful: snow-white, graceful. The Japanese crane has a red crown on it's head.
Cranes have no enemies in nature, except a man. You can read about cranes in the Red Book, we must protect them. There are 7 types of cranes on the continent, 6 of them live in our region -we have no only canadian crane. Some years ago a group of american teachers-biologists came to study our cranes. The 5th of June is an international day of nature protection. This day some years ago an exhibition "Crane: Bird of Peace" was opened in Blagoveshchensk and in Belogorsk. But the first exhibition about cranes was organized in the USA.
The rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are in danger now.
Animals, forests are disappearing. You know, of course, about acid rain, which is harmful to people, plants, rivers and lakes.
It pollutes the water that animals and people need to drink .It kills forests. The pollution of the air, oceans, seas, rivers and lakes is very dangerous for living beings. The Earth is our home, that’s why we must take care of it, for ourselves and for the next generations.
We must keep our environment clean. There are many places on our planet that need immediate help.
They are: lake Baikal, the Aral Sea, the Volga river and some other places. In the Volga there is very little fish now. It isn’t eatable often, because of oil, petrol and waste which is thrown out into the water.
When we have a rest in the forest or near the river we must think about every tree, flower, we mustn’t leave tins, bottles, papers after our picnic.
Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water tidy.
Love and protect our nature.
We know that a great number of people all over the world are taking part in the policy of controlling the atmosphere, the water, the climatic changes, because of man’s interference in nature.
Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken.
Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries — members of the UNO — have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organization Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.
But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.
"Oh, Russia, I'm in love with you!"
Remember, Russia, you are great
Not in the field of battles past
But in the green fields full of wheat
And forests, gardens, free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, sand of strand.
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas,
Your beasts and fish, and birds in trees.
Your sunrise in a splendid sight,
Which gives me always such delight!
Let everybody remember: we live only once and not a very long life. We have one earth for all those who love it and who do not.
«На окраинах Благовещенска появились журавли»
Автор: Андрей Анюхин
// Инф. Бюл. РГЖЕ. 2004, вып. 7-8
Заповедники Советского Союза, М., 1969; Банников А. Г., По заповедникам Советского Союза, 2 изд., М., 1974.
«До встречи, журавли!»
Автор: Штанько С.
«Журавлиный клин над Хинганом»
Подольский Сергей
«Прилетел, как в сказке, Гонгор»
Автор: Нехаев Олег
Статья научного сотрудника Окского Государственного Биосферного Заповедника Постельных Кирилла. 23 декабря 2005 год
Авторы фотографий: Гаврилова И. и Кашенцева Т. В.
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