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Summer Garden Аксенова Лера Группа 217Слайд 2
History Парк был заложен по повелению и первоначальному плану Петра I в 1704 году и создан в стиле голландского барокко. Летний сад изначально создавался как летняя царская резиденция, и для его постройки была выделена часть острова Усадица для устройства летней резиденции Пётр I выбрал обжитую и выгодно расположенную мызу на этом месте. The park was founded at the behest and the original plan of Peter I in 1704 and created in the style of the Dutch barokko. Summer Garden was originally designed as a summer royal residence, and for its construction a part of the island Usaditsa was given to allocate the summer residence for Peter I. He himself chose that profitable manor located on this site.
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Первым строителем сада стал Иван Матвеев. В 1707 году Матвеев умер в Шлиссельбурге, и наблюдение за строительством в отсутствие Петра I было поручено А.В.Кикину. Активное строительство в саду началось с 1709 года архитекторами Леблоном, Земцовым.Тогда же и был построен Летний дворец Петра I (1710—1714, архитектор Трезини). Остров Летний сад был отделён от Усадицы постройкой Лебяжьей канавки. The first builder of the garden was Ivan Matveev. In 1707, Matveev died in Schlusselburg, and construction monitoring in the absence of Peter I was ordered to A. V. Kikin. Active construction of the garden began in 1709. Architects Leblond, Zemtsovym. Togda were in charge of it. The Summer Palace for Peter I (1710-1714, architect Trezzini) was buuilt at the same time. Summer Garden Island was separated from Usaditsy by creating the Swan Canal.
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Петровская эпоха It was a regular Garden with pruned trees, decorated with sculptures Peter I brought from Italy, and the first in St. Petersburg fountains. To operate the fountains many kilometers of Ligovsky channel was constructed , whose waters are coming to the Summer Garden from Fontanka river. It was a venue for assemblies, balls and fireworks. The garden was closed to the public, to get there you needed Peter’s invitation. Empress Elizabeth authorized to let the public into the Summer Garden while she was in St. Petersburg. Any neatly dressed man had the right to walk along the paths. On May 25, 1752 the garden was opened to the public on Sundays and public holidays. On May 10, 1755 Elizabeth decided to let the public on Thursdays. June 16, the garden reopened on Sundays, and from May 24, 1756 public rank below the grade 2 was again shut in the absence of the empress in Petersburg.
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До 1760-х годов Нева подступала вплотную к саду, но для развития города потребовалось обеспечить сквозной проезд. С помощью ряжевых в русле Невы была засыпана полоса шириной около 70 метров. На базе этой засыпки была устроена свайная набережная. В 1771—1784 годах со стороны Невы была установлена знаменитая решётка, один из символов Санкт-Петербурга. Авторы решетки — архитекторы Фельтен, Иван Фок и Егоров. Up to 1760-ies Neva was creeping close to the garden, but it was necessary to provide pass-through tolls for the development of the city. In the mainstream of the Neva the band with 70 meters width was created. On the basis of the backfill pile embankment was arranged. In 1771-1784 from the Neva River side the famous grate, one of the symbols of St. Petersburg, was established. Its authors are the architects Felten, Ivan Fok and Yegorov.
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1. The plan of St. Petersburg construction in 1705. 2. The temporary bridge over Fontanka river by Ivan Marveev. Summer garden Summer Palace, 1716.
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In 1851-1855 a monument to Krilov was established by Klodt. The idea to erect a monument to the Russian fabulist came in 1844. At the same time money raising act started to collect money for the monument. В 1851-1855 годах скульптор Клодт установил памятник И.А. Крылову. Идея воздвигнуть памятник русскому баснописцу возникла ещё в 1844 году. Тогда же стали собирать пожертвования на его сооружение.
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