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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Лицей №4»
Школьная научно-практическая конференция
«Интеллект XXI века»
Тема: «Образование в Англии»
Выполнил ученик 9 «А» класса
Исаев Павел Витальевич
Руководитель: Оганисян Елена Нориковна
I. Introduction. The aim of my work.................................... (p.1-2)
II. Theme of work:
«Education in England»
a) Controls formation in England................................................................... (p. -3-)
b) The brief characteristic of a modern condition of an education system in England............................................................................................................ (p.-4-)
c) System of obligatory formation in England:..............................................(p. 5-6)
Elementary education,
Secondary education.
d) System of the further formation................................................................. (p.-7- )
e) System of higher education in England:................................................... (p.8-10)
History and general characteristic.
The characteristic and kinds of universities and polytechnic high schools.
Transformations of the higher school.
III. Conclusion......................................................................(p.-11-)
IV. Application.....................................................................(p.-12-)
V. Literature.......................................................................(p.13-18)
My work is devoted to the system of education in UK. I suppose that the topic. I have chosen is very actual nowadays. I hope that my research will be interesting and useful.
The aim of my work is to find out interesting facts about the system of education in Great Britain.
Speaking about the system of education in Great Britain we should say that it is rather complicated. The education in the UK is compulsory. By law children start going to school when they turn five. First they go to Infant School and study there for two years. At the age of seven they move to Junior School, So, it takes English children six years to get primary education. There is an examination at the age of 11 that children have to take. It is called 11+Examination (Eleven Plus Exam). This examination checks two disciplines: English and arithmetic. It also includes intelligence testing. Each boy or girl gets a printed test paper. There are 100 questions and five answers to each question on the list. It is called multiple choice testing. Pupils have to find and choose the correct answer to each question. Time is limited of course. Those children who show very good results in this test can go to Grammar School. Grammar School prepares students for a university or a college. Some children choose to go to Secondary Technical Schools. At the Secondary Technical School pupils are taught some practical subjects as industry, commerce and agriculture. As for those who have rather bad results in this test, they go to Secondary Modern School. Secondary Modern School gives education in a very limited way. They are taught skills in woodwork, metalwork, sewing, shorthand, typing and cooking. We should also mention Comprehensive Schools, which take pupils without even 11+Examinations. At schools of this kind teaching children is based on their ability and their level of intelligence. Speaking about the system of education in Great Britain we should mention Independent Schools (they are called “public” schools what surprisingly means “private”). A public school is a school which is usually prestigious which charges fees. It is for children from rich and influential families. Today most public schools are highly selective on academic grounds, as well (ability to pay high fees) and social grounds (often a family connection to the school is very desirable in admission). Often but not always they are boarding schools. Among the most expensive boarding schools we can name exclusive public schools like Eton and Harrow colleges for boys and St. James’s School for girls.At the age of 16 pupils take another important exam which is Ordinary Level (called 0-level) examination in three of four subjects. Those who have passed their “0” level examination are admitted to the 6th form. In two years time they take their Advanced Level examinations (called A-level) in one or two subjects. Those students, who pass this examination successfully, can go to a college or a university. Universities accept students mainly by their results of A-level examination. Upon graduation from a University a final-year student gets a degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Sciences (BSc). While studying at the university some receive grants (money) to pay for books, accommodation and food. The most famous and oldest universities in Great-Britain are Oxford and Cambridge. Together they are often called Oxbridge.
The first act of national significance considered to be the act of education of 1944. Which, although, was mostly devoted to school education, significantly regulated the educational system and identified the bodies of its management. Then adopted acts were revised and added. But by 60th it became necessary to revise and improve the quality of education, has tendency to exist in to modern England. Thus, the National Educational Commission of Great Britain in 1993 published, a report with the eloquent title “Learning to succeed”. A radical look at education today and strategy for the future. Recommendations of how to make positive changes, expressed in terms of several goals: reduction of compulsory education, improvement of the professional development of teachers, training of teachers, increase of investment in education, increase public participation in school activities.
The central education authorities in England is: Department of Education and Science.
Department of Education and Science is directly involved in formulating an overall strategy for development of all types and levels of education, influence the majority of educational institutions, including universities by means of financial transactions.
It should be noted that the Department of Education does not control the activities of individual schools. Such control is entrusted to Royal inspection and local education authorities. Royal Inspectorate implement overall control, which applies to all forms of education except university.
Direct supervision of schools and school systems and further education is implement by local education authorities.
A characteristic feature of the education system in England is the predominance of the public sector. The process of "nationalization" of education began much later than in other countries in Western Europe.
In recent decades, the state's influence on the development of education has increased even more, due to the need of its financing. Currently, the state pays 80% current and 90% of capital expenses of universities.
The Ministry of Education, governs the system of Education which develops national standards, recommendations, inspects schools, subsidize up to 60% of the school budget. Each school determines its own curriculum, guided by the recommendations of the Ministry.
Municipalities’ rights have substantial. They finance the remaining 40% of public expenditure on schools. Ministerial grants are distributed, depending on whether the institution is guided by the recommendations of the center, as well as on the success of the institution.
In accordance to the administrative division and established traditions of British educational system is divided into three subsystems: 1) England and Wales, 2) Northern Ireland, 3) Scotland. Educational systems of England, Wales and Northern Ireland in their structure differ slightly, of the educational system of Scotland has its traditional features.
UK educational system includes:
. preschools;
. primary education;
. general secondary education;
. system of further education;
. higher education.
In Britain about 50% of three-four years old brought up in kindergartens or in Malyshev centers. In addition, many children attend pre-school playgroups which are established by voluntary organizations and parents.
From 5 years old the compulsory education begins, and children attend infant schools. From 7 years old they attend junior scool, and at the age of 11 they attend secondary school. The system of secondary education in the country includes the combined, grammatical, technical, modern, special and private schools, among which are “public skulz”.
The most widespread type of schools are combined (in their study about 90% of students study in secondary schools of England and Wales). Comprehensive schools were organized in order to create equal opportunities for education.
Most of the other children attend grammar schools, which differ with a significant degree of differentiation, and providing general upper secondary education.
Their main purpose is to prepare students for studing in high educational institution.
The level of the first "professional education" is, similar to Russia's scheme in the UK does not stand out, as workers are prepared by apprenticeship and directly in manufactur.
For further education (in our understanding of "vocational education") is a wide variety of colleges, institutes, special schools, providing training at various levels - from vocational to higher education.
To the system of higher education in the UK academic universities and vocational-oriented polytechnic colleges concern.
c) Compulsory education
The country has a system of free secondary education for all children, regardless of social status, or national origin. There are municipal and private schools. Education in the first one is free of charge. Private educational institutions are paid.
The system of compulsory education involves children and teenagers from 5 to 16 years. The duration of the academic year is 38 weeks. Year is divided into trimesters, which are alternate with vacations: summer (6 weeks), Christmas and Easter (2-3 weeks). In the mid-trimester has a week break. The training week is usually of 5-days. Training day lasts from 9.00 to 15.30 with a break for lunch and morning prayers.
There are a minimum number of academic hours per week; the schools have an opportunity to increase week load.
According to the Act of Educational Reform (1988) the period of compulsory education is divided into four "key stages: from 5 to 7 years, from 7 to 11 years, from 11 to 14 years, from 14 to 16 years.
Primary education occupies the first two stages. Children of the same age are usually grouped in classes. All subjects are taught by one teacher. The lesson lasts from 15 to 45 minutes. After graduation, children do not pass exams and do not receive certificates.
In primary school, most of the time is devoted to English (40% of teaching time), 15% to physical education, about 12% to manual labor and art, the rest of the time is distributed among the arithmetic, history, geography, natural science and religion lessons.
In the system of secondary education of the UK there are two main types of schools: grammar and combined (except them there are technical and secondary modern schools). The most widespread type of schools are combined, there are about 90% of students in such schools. The combined school accepts graduates primary school of with different levels of mental abilities and opportunities.
The average all round schools can be organized in different ways: the combined upper secondary schools for children from 11 to 18, intermediate schools, where students go to high school at the age of 12, 13 or 14 years, finishing it at the age of 16 or 18 years of school for age group 11 or 12 years to 16 years, combined with the so-called "sixth grade".
Combined schools were organized in order to create equal opportunities for education. They had to provide education of students with different abilities, interests and abilities. However, in reality, in many integrated schools remained streams or branches, based on the selective screening of students.
General secondary education is given in the grammar schools students are trained for and studing in higher educational eastablishments.
Educational work in grammar schools is based on the principle of differentiated curriculum. After finishing grade 5 almost 60% of students who passed the exams and received a general education certificate at the normal level, leave school. The remaining 40% continue their education according to individual curricula in the two-years 6 th grade, which is graduating.
Among a large group of secondary schools in England, we can mention a small group of school direct subsidizing by the Department of Education and sience and private schools. Among last the most important is so-called “public skulz”, whose graduates enter the most prestigious universities, and subsequently occupied bich positions in political and economic hierarchy of British society.
The school year begins in September and ends in late July. Its duration is 40 weeks. It is divided into trimesters, the school week – lasts for 5 days.
So far in Britain there was no uniform curricula and textbooks. Curriculum development was the responsibility of directors and senior teachers in schools. However, in accordance with the Education Act (1986) teachers must coordinate training programs with local education authorities.
But today, reforms in education policy, touched the curriculum. First of all it concerns secondary schools. Approximately half of teaching time in this institution is dedicated to the so-called core - basic disciplines required for everybody.
The other half of teaching time includes required subjects of choice offered in the form of "packages", each of which contains several courses of humanitarian, natural-scientific or mathematical content.
Final exams in high school are held in two stages: on reaching the compulsory minimum age - 16 years and 18 years.
General certificate of education, received by school-leavers, is mainly designed for students, who continue their education in higher educational establishment. Most graduates receive a Certificate of Secondary Education, General Certificate of Education has two levels - normal (O) and elevated (A).
All in all in the system of further education, there are about 700 specialized institutions - from community colleges, up to polytechnic, complex institutions where training at various levels takes place, including the high crone. In further education there are more than 7 thousand of evening institutes and educational centers for adult. These institutions are trained in various specialties and provide increasing of educational and cultural level of the adult population.
All institutions of further education are under the control of local authorities. The exceptions are schools that have royal charter.
Compared with previous years in total student enrollment is growing contingent of full-time study.
Since 60-ies in the system of further education great changes took place - its educational institutions were given the right to award academic degrees, it was the opportunity to get higher education not only in universities but also in the polytechnics, opened on the basis of the largest technical and commercial colleges.
Currently, polytechnic colleges are the main institutions of the system of further education, in which the training of specialists with higher education takes place. But it should be mentioned that they represent a comprehensive educational institutions, engaged the preparation both normal and advanced levels (in order to get higher education), and the proportion of students engaged in programms of higher educational programms, makes more than 30% of the total contingent.
Lack of common training plans and programs (training program is approved by the local educational authorities and professional societies) leads to significant differences in the level of training of graduates of educational institution of further education.
Higher education in the UK is represented by universities and polytechnic colleges. Under 60's. it was carried out exclusively in universities. But in the 50's and 60's. in the UK the contradiction between the opportunities of the education system at all levels and social needs of socio-economic nature beginning to increase dramatically. Educational reforms in the UK began with high school. The shortage of highly qualified personnel took place in ten early 60-ies.
60's are marked by rapid growth of university education. During this period the country was established 23 universities.
In 1964-1977 a new type of higher educational institution was created for
UK - University of Technology. 10 former 'colleges of advanced technology became Technology University
The first university in the world of distance learning was created in 1969 --
The Open University. During the period 60-70-ies the number of university students doubled (259 thousand students are taught in the UK universities in 1970), and the total number of universities rose to 45.
Thus, a binary system of higher education is formed in the 60's - early 70-ies in the United Kingdom, provided on the one hand, by universities and on the other by the polytechnic colleges and other institutions of public sector of higher education.
In 1979 the Conservative government began to adopt the tactics of rapprochement between the two sectors of higher education, balancing the legal basis of all higher educational institutions, regardless of their status. The main activities of this period were aimed at the promotion of higher education institutions to improve governance arrangements and funding in order to meet the socio-economic needs of the country.
The main lever of influence on the system of higher education is financing. In the early 1980's. government conducts series of measures to reduce expenses of university education and use it.
If the universities’ main problem was the professionalization of education, for polytechnic colleges for - increasing general scientific and general vocational training. The last one from the very begining had strong links with industrial and commercial enterprises, firms. However, they largely dependent on local education authorities both in the financial, administrative and academic respect. Therefore the main task of these colleges was the limit "petty" custody of local authorities and the transition to the jurisdiction of the central educational authorities. In this regard, the purpose of universities and polytechnic colleges have the opposite,character.
Characteristics and types of universities and polytechnic schools.
According to the structure of the universities are divided into collegiate and unitary. The most striking example of peer universities is Oxford and Cambridge, which include 39 and 29 colleges. The structure of unitary university includes faculties and academic offices.
Activities of universities is governed by their royal charters or statutes.
Formally, the university is headed by a Chancellor, appointed by the Queen and who is usually a ceremonial figure. In fact the head of administration of the university is the vice-chancellor or rector (Scotland).
The governing bodies of universities is the Board and the Senate. Council is the highest administrative body, which forms the teaching and support staff, financial issues. Senate - an academic authority. Chairman of the Board and the Senate is the Vice-Chancellor, who is chosen. Composition of government is also elected.
The academic year in the universities of Great Britain begins in October and is divided, usually on trimesters of 8-10 weeks each. The duration of the summer vacation is for four months - from June 1 to September 30.
The main occupations in the UK universities are lectures, seminars, laboratory work and tutorials (individual and group learning method, involving classes with 2-10 students, which are held by a tutor at least once a week). Much attention is given to of students’ independent work. Practical exercises are out of the curriculum and are not taken into account in calculating the balance of training time.
The establishment of the Open University was the start of the country's higher distance education. The University provides training in the following areas: humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, mathematics, pedagogy and technology of production processes. Education is based on self-study textbooks, teaching materials, recommended reading (60% of teaching time), educational television and radio programs (10%), working with a tutor or a teacher (15%), practical application, monitoring of written assignments (15% ).
The system of examinations in the universities is determined by the charter, but in most cases two major exams are carried out - at the end of the 1 st and 3 rd years of training, the results of exams normally set the type and level of grant degrees. Graduate students are assigned to academic degrees, university and the Council for national academic qualifications.
According to its educational level degrees awarded in universities, divided into first and higher. In most universities the first degree is in the humanities and natural sciences - a bachelor. The training course for the first degree is about 3 or 4 years (in medicine - 6 years).
The first academic degrees are of two types - regular and honorary.
The course, designed to receive the honorary degree, involves a deep study of a limited number of items (in most cases the primary and one or two subsidiary). The course leading to the usual degree, is designed to study a wider range of disciplines.
The highest degrees awarded in universities are the degree of Master of Arts, Sciences and Philosophy, doctors of philosophy, literature and law. Master of Science or Arts are assigned after receiving a bachelor's degree and further education (1-2 years), or doing a research work. Recently a Master of Philosophy was introduced, which is mainly awarded for research work carried out within 2 years or more. It should be noted that a master's degree in general is not prevalent in the country, and it is often awarded to persons who were unable to complete a full course of doctoral training.
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy may be regarded as a first degree in England. It is assigned after the preparation and successful defense of the thesis, which is the result of scientific research. Typically, such work requires at least 3 years.
For outstanding contribution into science or practice universities confer the highest doctors degree of science or literature.
The education system of England is largely financed from public sources. Private investment does not exceed 4% of total expenditure on education.
Reform of higher education.
Modernization of higher education requires further computerization of higher education in the new conditions, the appropriateness of subsidizing research on this issue.
In order to assist in the reform government creates a special counseling service for an explanation of the new structure and mechanism of its implementation.
Thus, improving the educational system Britain in recent decades is one of the significant processes of social and cultural life of the country, a reliable instrument for addressing the socio-economic problems of the state.
Thus the educational system of England includes:
. Preschools;
. Primary education;
. General secondary education;
. System of further education;
. Higher education.
Each step has its own specific characteristics. The system has a strict order, giving suffident opportunity to choose a specialty and excellent education.
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3. Tarasyuk, LN, Tseykovich KN Education in the UK. / / Socio-political magazine, № 3, 1997
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