THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL TRAINING IN SYSTEM OF SOCIAL WORK WITH THE POPULATION Роль физической культуры в системе социальной работы с населением. Халықпен әлеуметтік жұмысы жүйсеінде дене шынықтрудың рөлі.
Pavlodar State University named after S.Torajgyrov.
Мақалада халықпен әлеуметтік жұмыс жүйсінде денешынықтырудың рөлі көрсетіледі.
In the article the role of phisical training in social work with people is observed.
Social work allows to solve a wide range of problems of social protection of
the population by means of methods and physical training and sports means , their number and a variety is so great that at times covers the basic, an ultimate aim of social work. Therefore social workers quite often have an impression that such purpose is well-being of wards of persons, that is, maintenance minimum or maximum of household comfort, a satisfactory food and granting of a sufficient set of services. However an ultimate aim of all efforts is health protection and lives of served persons. Without understanding of this purpose social workers not always can correctly organize the work. They should understand accurately that at the basis of any social program there should be inquiries of health, that is, recommendations of hygiene of a medical science about health, ways of its preservation and improvement, about a healthy way of life. Deviations of programs from a principle of hygienic validity lead to their lameness and reduce their efficiency.
Social workers should have accurate representations about a phenomenon of health and about a healthy way of life. Without such representations social work is defective.
The concept "way of life" is treated as type of ability to live of the people, caused by features of a socioeconomic structure. Main parameters of a way of life are work (study for growing generation), a life, political and cultural activity of people, and also various behavioral habits and displays. If their organization and the maintenance promote health strengthening, there are the bases to speak about realization of a healthy way of life which can be considered as a combination of kinds of the activity, providing optimum interaction of the individual with the environment. The healthy way of life is the unique style of life, capable to provide restoration, preservation and improvement of health of the population. Therefore formation of this style of life at the population is the major social technology of the state value and scale. Physical training plays the major role in formation of a healthy way of life.
"Physical training" is accepted to understand a series of measures as concept on health strengthening, development of physical and mental properties of the person by means of impellent exercises in a combination to rational use of natural factors of the nature and carrying out of hygienic actions. The physical training is a set of achievements of a society in business of creation and rational use of special means, methods and conditions for purposeful physical perfection of the person.
Physical training and sports, representing subjective and objective aspect of life of people, play a huge role in formation of working conditions and human life.
The physical training and sports help preservation and strengthening of health and working capacity of people, give the chance to them to rise to tops of physical, spiritual and cultural perfection. Thereby they enrich creative abilities of people, culture, formation, education, give cheerfulness to them, raise labor activity, are the perfect factor of formation of a way of life of each person separately and all society as a whole.
Physical training possibilities in sphere of social protection of people are boundless. It is not obviously possible to open here all technique of rehabilitation or recreational work by means of physical training. But it is necessary to list the basic directions and the practical importance:
1. recently, according to World Health Organization, noninfectious diseases have great development: cardiovascular, a backbone osteochondrosis, losses from which many times over exceed losses from infectious diseases, industrial and transport traumas and even loss from wars. The special place in preventive maintenance of these diseases is occupied with special programs of physical exercises as they directly influence those physiological mechanisms which infringement leads to occurrence and development of diseases;
2. social protection of invalids as the most restrained in social and economic and moral and psychological relation of levels of population demands purposeful activity of the state and other subjects in the field of formation of civilized living conditions which necessarily include also physical exercises. One of leading directions in restoration of the lost possibilities of normal impellent certificates is application of modern training devices. Training systems are probable not unique means for rehabilitation and improving employment of invalids;
3. features of modern manufacture and relations of production demand from the person of high functionality of an organism: attention, memory, operative thinking, speed of reactions, stability to adverse factors, high working capacity, etc.
In our opinion, it is necessary to specify overall aims and physical training means in population social protection:
1. Principle of an improving orientation is one of main principles of the mass sports activity, following from the purposes and physical training problems in a society;
2. The physical training is means of active high-grade rest of people, employment by physical exercises on a nature , i.e. its kinds which promote regulation of vegetative functions of an organism have especially important hygienic value;
3. The physical training for many becomes the form of self-development. Physical training is a natural way of display of the person in a society. In the majority of sports we deal not only with physical strength or endurance display, and with complete expression of the human person or force of collective. In this plan sports give to the person multilateral satisfaction from display of the intrinsic forces. As well as art, sports constantly opens new human abilities and possibilities.
4. It is difficult to find more an effective remedy for decrease in social intensity in a society, for preventive maintenance asocial behavior of youth, than employment physical exercises and in-inclination it in a circle of persons, interested in sports.
For the decision of these problems it is necessary for social worker to work in close contact to experts of physical training: trainers of children's sports schools, heads of sports societies and the organizations, teachers on physical training of educational institutions, trainers-public men in a residence. In commonwealth with them it is necessary to solve and problems on strengthening of material base for employment by physical training and sports in region.
Necessity of radical reorganization of physical training is dictated by a sharp aggravation of a question about population health.
Daily in connection with time invalidity about 4 million persons don't come to work, about 60 % of pupils are ill respiratory diseases, about 20 % have excess weight, 43 % of pupils suffer various chronic diseases. The quantity of healthy children for years of studying at school is reduced four times.
The considerable part of youth doesn't get sufficient education in physical training sphere, mass sports isn't formed. Level of physical health of youths as a whole doesn't correspond to modern social and economic requirements to development of the person.
The system of knowledge and belief, valuable orientations and motivational sphere of the person will organize and direct its informative and practical activities, define actively positive relation to the physical training, the generated requirement for daily employment by physical exercises, aiming at a healthy way of life and physical perfection, display in them amateur performance.
Radical reorganization of system of physical training of rising generation assumes the organization of continuous process of physical training taking into account concrete social situations, since early children's age, its carrying out in various microhabitats: in a family, a class, a group, a section, a club and etc.; with participation of all subjects of education: teachers, parents, social pedago-gov, trainers, the public, instructors and etc.
Reorganization of system of physical training in system of a social population protection is carried out on the basis of following requirements:
- optimization of a mode by realization recommended on structure and volume of a moving mode;
- expansion of a spectrum of offered systems of physical exercises with the maximum coverage of all children living in microdistrict and teenagers, and also their parents, families;
- streamlining of organizational structure of management by improving and sports-mass work with the population in a residence;
Any social worker should know about positive sides of physical training which has huge value in strengthening of health and social population supports.
Thus, the physical training in system is directed to social protection of population, strengthening and development of health of the population as psychophysical basis of ability to live.
Used literature.
1. Pavlenok P.D. “Basis of social work” М – Infra, 1998
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Предварительный просмотр:
Pavlodar State University named after S.Torajgyrov.
Мақалада халықпен әлеуметтік жұмыс жүйсінде денешынықтырудың рөлі көрсетіледі.
In the article the role of phisical training in social work with people is observed.
Social work allows to solve a wide range of problems of social protection of
the population by means of methods and physical training and sports means , their number and a variety is so great that at times covers the basic, an ultimate aim of social work. Therefore social workers quite often have an impression that such purpose is well-being of wards of persons, that is, maintenance minimum or maximum of household comfort, a satisfactory food and granting of a sufficient set of services. However an ultimate aim of all efforts is health protection and lives of served persons. Without understanding of this purpose social workers not always can correctly organize the work. They should understand accurately that at the basis of any social program there should be inquiries of health, that is, recommendations of hygiene of a medical science about health, ways of its preservation and improvement, about a healthy way of life. Deviations of programs from a principle of hygienic validity lead to their lameness and reduce their efficiency.
Social workers should have accurate representations about a phenomenon of health and about a healthy way of life. Without such representations social work is defective.
The concept "way of life" is treated as type of ability to live of the people, caused by features of a socioeconomic structure. Main parameters of a way of life are work (study for growing generation), a life, political and cultural activity of people, and also various behavioral habits and displays. If their organization and the maintenance promote health strengthening, there are the bases to speak about realization of a healthy way of life which can be considered as a combination of kinds of the activity, providing optimum interaction of the individual with the environment. The healthy way of life is the unique style of life, capable to provide restoration, preservation and improvement of health of the population. Therefore formation of this style of life at the population is the major social technology of the state value and scale. Physical training plays the major role in formation of a healthy way of life.
"Physical training" is accepted to understand a series of measures as concept on health strengthening, development of physical and mental properties of the person by means of impellent exercises in a combination to rational use of natural factors of the nature and carrying out of hygienic actions. The physical training is a set of achievements of a society in business of creation and rational use of special means, methods and conditions for purposeful physical perfection of the person.
Physical training and sports, representing subjective and objective aspect of life of people, play a huge role in formation of working conditions and human life.
The physical training and sports help preservation and strengthening of health and working capacity of people, give the chance to them to rise to tops of physical, spiritual and cultural perfection. Thereby they enrich creative abilities of people, culture, formation, education, give cheerfulness to them, raise labor activity, are the perfect factor of formation of a way of life of each person separately and all society as a whole.
Physical training possibilities in sphere of social protection of people are boundless. It is not obviously possible to open here all technique of rehabilitation or recreational work by means of physical training. But it is necessary to list the basic directions and the practical importance:
- recently, according to World Health Organization, noninfectious diseases have great development: cardiovascular, a backbone osteochondrosis, losses from which many times over exceed losses from infectious diseases, industrial and transport traumas and even loss from wars. The special place in preventive maintenance of these diseases is occupied with special programs of physical exercises as they directly influence those physiological mechanisms which infringement leads to occurrence and development of diseases;
- social protection of invalids as the most restrained in social and economic and moral and psychological relation of levels of population demands purposeful activity of the state and other subjects in the field of formation of civilized living conditions which necessarily include also physical exercises. One of leading directions in restoration of the lost possibilities of normal impellent certificates is application of modern training devices. Training systems are probable not unique means for rehabilitation and improving employment of invalids;
- features of modern manufacture and relations of production demand from the person of high functionality of an organism: attention, memory, operative thinking, speed of reactions, stability to adverse factors, high working capacity, etc.
In our opinion, it is necessary to specify overall aims and physical training means in population social protection:
- Principle of an improving orientation is one of main principles of the mass sports activity, following from the purposes and physical training problems in a society;
- The physical training is means of active high-grade rest of people, employment by physical exercises on a nature , i.e. its kinds which promote regulation of vegetative functions of an organism have especially important hygienic value;
- The physical training for many becomes the form of self-development. Physical training is a natural way of display of the person in a society. In the majority of sports we deal not only with physical strength or endurance display, and with complete expression of the human person or force of collective. In this plan sports give to the person multilateral satisfaction from display of the intrinsic forces. As well as art, sports constantly opens new human abilities and possibilities.
- It is difficult to find more an effective remedy for decrease in social intensity in a society, for preventive maintenance asocial behavior of youth, than employment physical exercises and in-inclination it in a circle of persons, interested in sports.
For the decision of these problems it is necessary for social worker to work in close contact to experts of physical training: trainers of children's sports schools, heads of sports societies and the organizations, teachers on physical training of educational institutions, trainers-public men in a residence. In commonwealth with them it is necessary to solve and problems on strengthening of material base for employment by physical training and sports in region.
Necessity of radical reorganization of physical training is dictated by a sharp aggravation of a question about population health.
Daily in connection with time invalidity about 4 million persons don't come to work, about 60 % of pupils are ill respiratory diseases, about 20 % have excess weight, 43 % of pupils suffer various chronic diseases. The quantity of healthy children for years of studying at school is reduced four times.
The considerable part of youth doesn't get sufficient education in physical training sphere, mass sports isn't formed. Level of physical health of youths as a whole doesn't correspond to modern social and economic requirements to development of the person.
The system of knowledge and belief, valuable orientations and motivational sphere of the person will organize and direct its informative and practical activities, define actively positive relation to the physical training, the generated requirement for daily employment by physical exercises, aiming at a healthy way of life and physical perfection, display in them amateur performance.
Radical reorganization of system of physical training of rising generation assumes the organization of continuous process of physical training taking into account concrete social situations, since early children's age, its carrying out in various microhabitats: in a family, a class, a group, a section, a club and etc.; with participation of all subjects of education: teachers, parents, social pedago-gov, trainers, the public, instructors and etc.
Reorganization of system of physical training in system of a social population protection is carried out on the basis of following requirements:
- optimization of a mode by realization recommended on structure and volume of a moving mode;
- expansion of a spectrum of offered systems of physical exercises with the maximum coverage of all children living in microdistrict and teenagers, and also their parents, families;
- streamlining of organizational structure of management by improving and sports-mass work with the population in a residence;
Any social worker should know about positive sides of physical training which has huge value in strengthening of health and social population supports.
Thus, the physical training in system is directed to social protection of population, strengthening and development of health of the population as psychophysical basis of ability to live.
Used literature.
- Pavlenok P.D. “Basis of social work” М – Infra, 1998
Data on authors
Ajguzhinova Gulmira Zejnullinovna, undergraduate PSU named after S.Torajgyrov
Article name
Роль физической культуры в системе социальной работы с населением.
Халықпен әлеуметтік жұмысы жүйсеінде дене шынықтрудың рөлі.
УДК 364:796
Г.З. Айгужинова
Павлодарский государственный университет им. С.Торайгырова
Мақалада халықпен әлеуметтік жұмыс жүйсінде денешынықтырудың рөлі көрсетіледі.
In the article the role of phisical training in social work with people is observed.
Социальная работа позволяет решать широкий круг задач социальной защиты населения посредством методов и средств физической культуры и спорта, их число и разнообразие настолько велико, что порой заслоняет основную, конечную цель социальной работы. Поэтому у социальных работников нередко складывается впечатление, что такой целью является благополучие подопечных лиц, т.е. обеспечение минимального или большего бытового комфорта, удовлетворительного питания и предоставление достаточного набора услуг. Однако конечной целью всех усилий является охрана здоровья и жизни обслуживаемых лиц. Без понимания этой цели социальные работники не всегда правильно могут организовать свою работу. Они должны четко понимать, что в основе любой социальной программы должны быть запросы здоровья, т.е. рекомендации гигиены медицинской науки о здоровье, способах его сохранения и улучшения, о здоровом образе жизни. Отклонения программ от принципа гигиенической обоснованности приводят к их ущербности и снижают их эффективность.
Социальные работники должны иметь четкие представления о феномене здоровья и о здоровом образе жизни. Без таких представлений социальная работа неполноценна.
Понятие «образ жизни» трактуется как тип жизнедеятельности людей, обусловленный особенностями общественно-экономической формации. Основными параметрами образа жизни являются труд (учеба для подрастающего поколения), быт, общественно-политическая и культурная деятельность людей, а также различные поведенческие привычки и проявления. Если их организация и содержание способствуют укреплению здоровья, то есть основания говорить о реализации здорового образа жизни, который можно рассматривать как сочетание видов деятельности, обеспечивающее оптимальное взаимодействие индивида с окружающей средой.
Здоровый образ жизни - это единственный стиль жизни, способный обеспечить восстановление, сохранение и улучшение здоровья населения. Поэтому формирование этого стиля жизни у населения - важнейшая социальная технология государственного значения и масштаба. Физическое воспитание играет важнейшую роль в формировании здорового образа жизни.
Под понятием «физическая культура» принято понимать комплекс мер по укреплению здоровья, развитию физических и психических свойств человека посредством двигательных упражнений в сочетании с рациональным использованием естественных факторов природы и проведением гигиенических мероприятий. Физическая культура - это совокупность достижений общества в деле создания и рационального использования специальных средств, методов и условий для целенаправленного физического совершенствования человека.
Физическая культура и спорт, представляя собой субъективный и объективный аспект жизни людей, играют огромную роль в формировании условий труда и жизни человека. Физическая культура и спорт помогают сохранению и укреплению здоровья и работоспособности людей, дают им возможность подниматься к вершинам физического, духовного и культурного совершенства. Тем самым они обогащают творческие способности людей, культуру, образование, воспитание, вселяют в них жизнерадостность, повышают трудовую активность, являются совершенным фактором формирования образа жизни каждого человека в отдельности и всего общества в целом.
Возможности физической культуры в сфере социальной защиты людей безграничны. Раскрыть здесь всю методику реабилитационной или рекреационной работы с помощью физической культуры не представляется возможным. Но перечислить основные направления и практическую значимость просто необходимо:
1) в последнее время, по данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения, получили особое развитие неинфекционные заболевания: сердечно-сосудистые, остеохондроз позвоночника, потери от которых во много раз превышают потери от инфекционных заболеваний, производственных и транспортных травм и даже потери от войн, вместе взятых. Особое место в профилактике этих заболеваний занимают специальные программы физических упражнений, поскольку они непосредственно воздействуют на те физиологические механизмы, нарушение которых приводит к возникновению и развитию болезни;
2) социальная защита инвалидов как наиболее ущемленных в социально-экономическом и морально-психологическом отношении слоев населения требует целенаправленной деятельности государства и других субъектов в области формирования цивилизованных условий жизни, которые обязательно включают в себя и занятия физическими упражнениями. Одним из ведущих направлений в восстановлении утраченных возможностей нормальных двигательных актов является применение современных тренажерных устройств. Тренажерные системы едва ли не единственное средство для восстановительно-реабилитационных и физкультурно-оздоровительных занятий инвалидов;
3) особенности современного производства и производственных отношений требуют от человека высоких функциональных возможностей организма: внимания, памяти, оперативного мышления, быстроты реакций, устойчивости к неблагоприятным факторам, высокой работоспособности и т.д.
По нашему мнению, необходимо указать общие цели и средства физической культуры в социальной защите населения:
1) принцип оздоровительной направленности - один из основных принципов массовой физкультурной деятельности, вытекающий из целей и задач физической культуры в обществе;
2.) физическая культура является средством активного полноценного отдыха людей, особенно важное общегигиеническое значение имеют занятия физическими упражнениями на лоне природы, т.е. ее виды, которые способствуют регуляции вегетативных функций организма;
3) физическая культура для многих становится формой самовыражения. Физическая культура - естественный способ проявления личности в обществе. В большинстве видов спорта мы имеем дело не просто с проявлением физической силы или выносливости, а с целостным выражением человеческой личности или силы коллектива. В этом плане спорт дает человеку многостороннюю удовлетворенность от проявления своих сущностных сил. Как и искусство, спорт постоянно раскрывает новые человеческие способности и возможности.
4) трудно найти более эффективное средство для снижения социальной напряженности в обществе, для профилактики асоциального поведения молодежи, чем занятия физическими упражнениями и вовлечение ее в круг лиц, заинтересованных спортом.
Для решения этих проблем социальному работнику необходимо работать в тесном контакте со специалистами физической культуры: тренерами детских спортивных школ, руководителями спортивных обществ и организаций, преподавателями по физической культуре учебных заведений, тренерами-общественниками по месту жительства. В содружестве с ними необходимо решать и задачи по укреплению материально-технической базы для занятий физической культурой и спортом в регионе.
Необходимость радикальной перестройки физического воспитания продиктована резким обострением вопроса о здоровье населения.
Ежедневно в связи с временной нетрудоспособностью не выходят на работу около 4 млн. человек, около 60% учащихся болеют респираторными заболеваниями, около 20% имеют избыточный вес, 43% учащихся страдают различными хроническими заболеваниями. Количество здоровых детей за годы обучения в школе сокращается в четыре раза.
Значительная часть молодежи не получает достаточного образования в сфере физической культуры, у нее не формируется потребность в регулярных занятиях физическими упражнениями, массовым спортом. Уровень физической подготовленности молодежи в целом не соответствует современным социально-экономическим требованиям к развитию личности.
Система знаний и убеждений, ценностные ориентации и мотивационно-потребностная сфера личности организуют и направляют ее познавательную и практическую деятельность, определяют активно положительное отношение к физической культуре, сформированную потребность в повседневных занятиях физическими упражнениями, нацеленность на здоровый образ жизни и физическое совершенство, проявление в них самодеятельности.
Коренная перестройка системы физического воспитания подрастающего поколения предполагает организацию непрерывного процесса физического воспитания с учетом конкретных социальных ситуаций, начиная с раннего детского возраста, проведение его в различных микросредах: в семье, классе, группе, секции, клубе и т. д.; с участием всех субъектов воспитания: педагогов, родителей, социальных педагогов, тренеров, общественности, инструкторов и т. д.
Перестройка системы физического воспитания в системе социальной защиты населения осуществляется на основе следующих требований:
- оптимизация режима путем реализации рекомендуемого по структуре и объему двигательного режима;
-расширение спектра предлагаемых систем физкультурно-спортивных занятий с максимальным охватом всех проживающих в микрорайоне детей и подростков, а также их родителей, семей в целом;
- упорядочение организационной структуры управления физкультурно-оздоровительной и спортивной-массовой работой с населением по месту жительства.
Любой социальный работник должен знать о позитивных сторонах физической культуры, которая имеет огромное значение в укреплении здоровья и социальной поддержки населения.
Таким образом, физическая культура в системе социальной защите населения направлена на охрану, укрепление и развитие здоровья населения как психофизической основы жизнедеятельности.
1Павленок П.Д. “Основы социальной работы” М. – Инфра, 1998 г.
Сведения об авторах
Айгужинова Гульмира Зейнуллиновна магистрант ПГУ им. С. Торайгырова E-mail
Название статьи
Роль физической культуры в системе социальной работы с населением.
Халықпен әлеуметтік жұмысы жүйсеінде дене шынықтрудың рөлі.
The role of phisical training in social work with people.