Рендеринг статьи
Рендеринг статьи по Медиатексту
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Saaya Aldyn-Chechek
I would like to render the article is headlined “At the Crossroads of Gender and Racial Discrimination”.
The main idea of the article is about problems of discrimination.
At the beginning of the article the author gives information about different kinds of discrimination. Further the author writes that women are subjected to gender and racial discrimination. Then, according to statistics the author considers that related intolerance faced by women. Also women work a triple working day in the most unhealthy locations and have limited employment opportunities. In addition the author gives a report presenting another serious aspect of compounded discrimination, trafficking women. And there are several countries represent race-based targeting of women. The author finishes saying that the United Nations “gender mainstreaming” policy is acknowledge the different ways shape women’s and men’s access to rights, recourses and opportunities.
The text raises several problems. But the most important problem is trafficking in women. Trafficking is a phenomenon that affects and implicates all regions and most countries of the world. While trafficking routes are constantly changing, one constant factor is the economic distinction between countries of origin and countries of destination. As with all other forms of irregular migration, trafficking invariably involves movement from a poorer country to a wealthier one. Southeast Asian women are trafficked to North America. African women are trafficked to Western Europe. The breakup of the former Soviet Union and the resulting economic and political dislocation has led to a dramatic increase in the number of women trafficked from Central and Eastern Europe. Trafficking will also flourish during and after protracted social conflict. The former Yugoslavia has become a primary trafficking destination as well as an important transit and processing centre for women from central and Eastern Europe. There is evidence to suggest that during the Kosovo crisis, women and girls were kidnapped by armed gangs or otherwise lured from the refugee camps of Northern Albania. [http://www.un.org/WCAR/e-kit/issues.htm]
Now I would like to show another article about trafficking women. The article which is headlined “Women trafficked to Glasgow for sham marriages” shows that many of the women were forced into sham marriages with men, mainly from Pakistan, who were seeking to apply for residency in the UK. According to Angelika Molnar, the victims were encouraged to leave poverty and deprivation in countries such as Romania and Slovakia with the prospect of a well-paid job in Scotland. After the marriage, the women are kept under control by the traffickers and are exploited as domestic service by the husband but also raped and sexually exploited by fellow nationals of the traffickers. [http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-39855287]
In conclusion I would like to say that trafficking in women from poor and rural to urban areas is particularly widespread. All people need money, but it is not the way to earn them. Women, who face trafficking, suffer because they have families and homes. Women do not have power and strength to overcome traffickers. I believe that organizations against trafficking in women can stop women-trafficking around the world in the future.
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I would like to render the article which is headlined «Managing the US – China triangle».
To start with the author states the fact of three powers stand out as the leading political and military players in the international system during the initial decades of the 21st century. The author stresses: The USA, Russia and China. This triangle is very powerful because they are the leading political and military powers. The author points out that the US was skeptical to China, but after a few times when China diplomatically supported US the relationship was getting better. As for China, the author says that now China worries about partnership of the US and India. There is a possibility that this partnership will be directed against China. Also the author pays attention that the US considered China as the ally. The author stresses that when Bush was a president, the relationship was very difficult. And after Bush took office, more than 50 Russian diplomats were expelled by US. The author points out that they were charged of espionage. The author says that Russia helped US a lot of times and it has established relationship. There is the example of the September 2001, terrorist attacks. Here the author points out that Russia gave the US substantive assistance. Also the author gives another example, when Russia demanded to cut its oil output to prevent a fall global oil prices. Also the author shows us that a few years later after the Cold war Russia and China named their relationship as a «strategic partnership». And now they still cooperate. The author pays attention that they criticized US policy and don't want America to be dominant in Asia.
If we speak about triangular relationship we can note at least three problems. So, let us consider the problem of relationship between USA and Russia as the main problem. Russia clearly prefers a close, cooperative relationship with the United States and is not willing to close the door on that possibility. But, if Washington continues to take unfair advantage, Russia can and probably will pursue other options.
According to our article we can say that the USA and Russia are major powers which strongly influencing the situation over the world. Forecasting and studying many ongoing crisis’s are hardly possible without understanding of them. Many agree that the latest world conflicts involving Russia and the US are a demonstration of a Cold War II.
During the cold war, it could be argued that there was nuclear stability, although it was a very tense stability. The relationship between Russia and the USA was well worked out and both sides knew where they stood with each other. However, the end of the cold war changed this situation drastically. Russia and the USA’s relationship is significantly less stable. The collapse of the Soviet Union has resulted in Russia being unable to maintain its nuclear arsenal in a safe and secure manner and its army is on the brink of collapse. And despite the numerous treaties which have been negotiated to reduce nuclear weapons, both Russia and the US have enough missiles to destroy one another at a moment’s notice. As well as the change in Russian/US relations, there is now the added factor of nuclear proliferation in numerous states. The recent nuclear tests in Pakistan and India have shown how nuclear weapons can be used for regional conflicts. And also, the recent seizure of scud missile parts to Libya have shown that many states want to have nuclear capabilities regardless of the lessons learnt during the era of super power confrontation.
As far as I remember, I have read on the problem in mass media one day. It was an article which is headlined «Why Trump Should Seek Détente With Russia». The author of the article shows that many among the U.S. foreign policy establishment who love to hate Russia seem ignorant of the dire economic and political circumstances there and still espouse cracking down on the Russian Bear. The author stresses that they argue that any concessions to Russia would embolden Putin to broaden his sphere of influence and encourage him to confront the U.S. Also the author points out that If Trump and Putin decided to see each other’s government as a potential ally, it could even lead to more productive mutual efforts to eliminate ISIS and the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism. Consider the alternative: if Russia and the U.S. go the other way and become more antagonistic, it could lead to a belligerent alliance between Russia, Iran, North Korea and China, in conflict with the U.S. and NATO nations.
Nevertheless, I believe that the article "prospects for the development of relations between Russia and the United States", describes this problem most accurately. I think that the United States will need to engage Russia, and the incoming Trump administration has to determine if it will challenge Russia where necessary in key areas that are of particular interest and importance to America. The author of the article considers that unfortunately, at present, there is no trust and the ability to understand each other's actions in relations between Russia and the United States. In today's conditions the most urgent task is to change the dynamics of the crisis from negative to positive. This could create the conditions for setting tasks that are more ambitious in the next stage.