Russian 101 Syllabus

Liubov Nicholas

Course Description

  • This course introduces the student to the language of the Russians and to the people of the world’s largest nation. Fundamental grammatical notions and basic discourse skills will be taught;
  • Students will learn to write Russian and to make and understand simple conversations about their families, academic interests, and daily lives, as well as about the geography and culture of the Russians.
  • No knowledge of Russian is required.
  • Beginner’s Russian is an introductory course designed to give the student of Russian skills for basic communication


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Russian 101 Syllabus

Introduction to Russian

Course Description

  • This course introduces the student to the language of the Russians and to the people of the world’s largest nation. Fundamental grammatical notions and basic discourse skills will be taught;
  • Students will learn to write Russian and to make and understand simple conversations about their families, academic interests, and daily lives, as well as about the geography and culture of the Russians.
  • No knowledge of Russian is required.
  • Beginner’s Russian is an introductory course designed to give the student of Russian skills for basic communication

 Course Goals and Objectives 

  • The course focuses on introducing and developing basic discourse and writing skills.
  • The student will learn to write in Russian, to understand and respond to simple utterances and to speak about himself and selected topics in Russian culture.

Course Requirements:

  • Attendance is essential for success in acquiring language skills and is mandatory in this class. Unexcused absences will be reflected in the participation grade (see below); after four such absences, the final grade will be reduced by one point (A > A-, A- > B+, etc.) for each absence.
  • Students are encouraged to attend as regularly as possible.
  • All students who attend this class are sure to learn some Russian and will be treated with respect.
  • Participation includes not only attending class and participating in discussion and debate, but also completing homework on time, reading a preparing the assigned text materials, and asking questions when you do not understand.
  • do written homework assignments on time as much as possible, participate in class recitation and discussion, ask questions, take quizzes and tests with good humor and equanimity.
  • The key to learning a language is good, steady work, work that is sustained and pleasurable that is goal-directed toward real results. Be prepared to enjoy what you are doing and to do it regularly.
  •  In the course of the semester we will have three or four scheduled in-class conferences to discuss your progress and your grades in Russian.
  • Tests I will offer weekly or bi-weekly quizzes summarizing class material;
  • Grades The course grade will be computed on quizzes 40% recitation/homework 40% final exam 20% Scale: 93-100 A 72-76 C 89-92 A- 69-71 C86-88 B+ 67-68 D+ 82-85 B 62-66 D 79-81 B- 58-61 D77-78 C+ x-57 F

Vocabulary: vocabulary is based on the lexical-grammatical minimum developed in Russia for the elementary levels and ACTFL proficiency guidelines to ensure the students should be able to obtain the Novice High or Intermediate Low levels of proficiency by the end of the course. The course material contains approximately 1000b words and expressions for active use.

Grammar selection is thematically oriented, but at the same time all basic Russian grammar constructions are introduced and practiced.

Conversation themes have been chosen to prepare students for study and travel to Russia. After one year of instructions students will be familiar with situations they could encounter.

Vocabulary and Themes



Communicative situations


Unit 1 The Russian Alphabet Part 1

About myself and members of the family

The consonants  м, п, т, к, д, н, ч, б, с, р, й

The vowels а, о, э, е, я , у, ы, soft sign  ь

Hard and soft vowels

Unstressed o and a

E in syllables before the stress

About Russian intonation

The introductory word Это This is, that is, it is, these are, those are

The question words who?/Кто? What?\Что?

Personal pronouns

How to say NOT in Russian

Gender and using the pronouns Он, Она, Оно

How to say hello and good bye

How to say what someone is

About the Russian


Unit 2 The Russian Alphabet Part 2

About myself and my family

About my friends

What you can find in the city

The names of professions

Counting from 1 to 10

The consonants в, з, ц, г, л, ф, ш, х, ж, щ

The vowels и, ё, ю

The hard sign Ъ


You: formal Вы and informal Ты

Plural endings for masculine and feminine nouns

The possessives (мой, твой)

The conjunction а

How to answer the question where? Где?

The first and the third person singular forms of verbs

Other ways to say hello and good bye

How to ask someone’s name and introduce yourself

Small talk: how are you?

Russian names and nicknames

Names of some Russian cities

Unit 3 I want to study in Moscow!

Talking about your school

The names of some subjects

Counting from 11 to 20

Pronouncing unstressed o and a

The Russian case and noun endings for the prepositional case singular

Adjective endings for the nominative case singular and interrogative Какой? Какая? Какое ?

What kind of? Which? What?

The present tense of the verbs

Getting acquainted

Small talk: what classes do you like?

Levels of education in Russia

Survey: what type of school is better in Russia, public or private?

Unit  4 My schedule

School and the names of some academic subjects and majors

Schedules, the days of the week

Counting from 20 to 50

Pronouncing e in syllables before the stress

Noun and adjective endings for the Accusative case singular

The Accusative singular from for the interrogative Какой? Какая? Какое?

Using the Accusative case with the names of the days of the week.

Getting information about schedules

Small talk: what do you study

A Russian university

Survey: “Your favorite school subject”

Unit  5 Weekends

Your typical weekend

Likes and dislikes

Counting from 60 to 99

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Conjugating verbs  читать, делать, слушать, писать, любить, хлодить, смотреть

Going places: answering the question  Куда? Where to?

Nominative plural forms for nouns and modifiers

Accusative plural forms for inanimate nouns and modifiers

Small talk: how do you spend your free time?

Survey: “Exercise habits in Russia”

Unit  6  Where do you live?

Describing a house or an apartment

Counting from 1000 to 900



“To have” constructions Genitive forms for personal pronouns

The past tense pf the verb

The demonstrative Этот

Small talk: Where do you live?

Survey: “Where do students live in Russia?”

Unit  7  At home

Your room and apartment

The pieces of the furniture

Counting from 1000 to 100000

Hard p and Soft p

The Genitive case singular: negation

Answering the questions: Чей? Чье? Чья?Чьи?

Counting things: 1-4

Asking for the information about the apartment

Apartment in Russia

Survey: “Where do live now in Moscow?”

Unit  8  This is a great neighborhood

Your neighborhood


Ordinal numbers 1st-10th 

Hard л   and  soft л

Indicating proximity около, недалеко от

Prepositional singular endings for adjectives,  the demonstratives  этот and possessives

Giving your home address

Renting an apartment


Survey: “How much does it cost to rent an apartment?”

Unit 9  What do you like to eat?

Name of food and where people shop for food

Ordinal numbers 11th- 20th 

Devoicing of the voiced consonants at the end of the words

Verbs of eating and drinking

Verbal aspect

Timе expression 1 раз в неделю, 2 раза в месяц, 3 раза в год, каждый день

Discussing what food to buy

Asking how much something cost

Зввтрак, обед и ужин

The Moscow diet

Survey: “In what supermarkets Muscovites buy groceries?”

Unit 10 Let’s go to a Restaurant and Visiting

Dining out

Ordinal numbers 21st -101st 

The letter ц

Pronouncing сч

The future tense of imperfective verbs

The future tense of perfective verbs

Going places: walking vs riding/driving

Ordering food in a restaurant

Inviting people to sinner

Writing a “thank you” note

Russian food

Survey: “What do Russian like to eat most of all?”

Unit 11 Family

Family and family members


The unstressed vowel я

Genitive singular endings for adjectives, possessives, and demonstrative этот

Accusative singular endings for animate nouns, and their modifiers

Accusative case forms for personal pronouns

Small talk: chatting about your family

Survey: “What should a Russian woman be like today?”

Unit 12 A Family Album

Family history

Russian last names

The pronunciation of numerals

Saying what year it is, and indicating the year in which something happens

The prepositional case with the preposition о(б), and the prepositional case forms for personal pronouns

Expressing age

Asking for and giving information about one’s family

About Block, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Tsvetaeva

Numbers and facts: a family in Russia

Unit 13 What  do we look like?

Describing what someone looks like

What kind of people you like

Pronouncing unstressed e in syllables after the stress

Dative singular forms for nouns

Dative singular forms for adjectives, possessives, and demonstrative этот

Asking for and giving information about one’s appearance

Expressing likes and dislikes

Survey: “What kind of women do Russian men like?” “What kind of men do Russian women like?”

Unit 14 what are we like?

Personality traits

What kind of people do you like?

Pronouncing  ы at the end of the words

Adverbs derived from adjectives

The Dative case and impersonal constructions

Expressing possibility, prohibition, and necessity

Describing people

Expressing agreement and disagreement

Survey: “What do Russian women want?”

Unit 15 What hurts?

Parts of the body

Symptoms of illness, health, advice

When pronunciation differs from spelling

How to say you are going to see someone

The prefixes по-/ при- with the verbs of motion

How to say where you are coming  from

Talking to a doctor

Giving advice

Survey: “How often people in Russian get sick and buy medications”

Unit 16 Every day…

Everyday routines

Time by the clock

Intonation type 1: declarative sentences

Где? Куда? Откуда? with inanimate nous

Где? Куда? Откуда? with animate nouns

The prepositions до and после

Discussing everyday routine

Making plans to go out

Years in Russian University

Unit 17 What are you interested in?

Leisure and activities

Interests and hobbies

Intonations type 2: intonation of questions with question words

-овать/ -евать Verbs

Instrumental case: uses and forms for pronouns, singular nouns, adjectives, possessives, and demonstrative этот

The possessive modifier свой

Inviting someone out

Asking for free time and interests

Survey: “Where do Russian spend their free time?”

Unit 18 In the City

Asking about and describing a city

Intonation type 3: questions without a question word

Genitive plural forms for masculine nouns

Using a Genitive case with numerals

Genitive plural forms for adjectives, possessives, and demonstrative этот

Giving advice about visiting a city

About Russian cities


Survey: “St. Petersburg and Moscow: two capitals?”

Unit 19 How can I get there?

Getting around town

Places to visit in a city

Practice with intonation type 3: questions without a question word

Genitive plural endings for feminine and neuter nouns

Accusative plural forms for animate nouns and their modifiers

Giving and understanding simple directions

Riding the subway

About the Moscow subway

Survey: “About Moscow”

Survey: “What is the most popular type of the transportation?”

Unit 20 Geography

World geography

People and languages

Intonation type 4: incomplete questions introduced by the conjunction a

More about the prepositions  в and на

По- русски, русский язык and the names of other languages

Prepositional plural forms for nouns and their modifiers

Asking and answering questions about geography

Small talk: what languages do you speak?

The geography of Russia

The ethic composition of Russia

The official language of Russia

Survey: “Many languages- one America”

Unit 21 Travelling around Russia

Travelling by train, plane, or car

Reading travel brochures

The intonation of the complex questions

More about verbs of motions

Using the prefixes  по- , при- and у- with the verbs of motion

Using the prepositions по with the dative case

Buying train/ plane tickets, booking a hotel, renting a car

Types of trains

Types of plane tickets

Types of hotel rooms

The Trans-Siberian railway

The Decembrists

Survey: “How do you like to travel?”

Unit 22 Weather

Seasons and weather



Absence or lack of something or someone

Dative plural forms of nouns and their modifiers

Small talk:  what is the weather like?

Asking and answering questions about packing for travel

The climate of Russia

Survey: “your favorite season”

Unit 23 Happy Holidays

Russian holidays

Holiday greetings

More uses of intonation type 2

Months and dates

More about Instrumental case. Instrumental plural forms for nouns and their modifiers

Complex sentences ; “if” and “when” clauses with future tense

Wishing someone happy holidays

Writing greeting cards

Survey: “What’s your favorite holiday?”

Unit 24 Vacation

Things to do on your vacation

Places to see and stay at

Direct quotations and complex sentences with the verbs знать, думать. Спрашивать/ спросить

Sentences containing enumerations

The relative pronoun который (которая, которое, которые)

Answering the question Когда? this (last, next) year; this (last, next) month

Comparative forms for adjectives and adverbs

Small talk: “Where will you go on your vacation?”

Small talk: “How did you spend your vacation?”

Sightseeing in the Crimea

Survey: “How did you spend your summer vacation?”