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Слайд 1

Blood Donation Донорство

Слайд 2

Blood Donation (from Lat. Donare - «to give") - the voluntary sacrifice of his own blood or blood components for subsequent transfusion to needy patients or for components of the medication. ICD-10 code Z52.0 Donor blood. Blood transfusions are doing a half million Russians annually, according to statistika.Krov want to victims of burns and injuries, in complex operations, with heavy labor, and hemophilia and anemia - to sustain life. Blood is also vital to cancer patients during chemotherapy. Every third inhabitant of the Earth once in your life needs a blood supply. According to statistics for the years 2007-2008 - in Russia do not have enough components and blood products of domestic manufacture, and therefore open the federal program "The service of blood" for the development of altruistic donation.

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World Blood Donor Day June 14 is World Blood Donor Day. The day was chosen and set up three organizations acting for the voluntary donation blood donation: the International Federation of Red Cross Societies, the International Society of Blood Transfusion and the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations.

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Benefits of donating Thanks to the donation of the hemopoietic system is activated - bone marrow cells and stimulation of immunity. Discharge affects some organs that are involved in the disposal of dying red blood cells: spleen and liver. prevention of the body: resistance to blood loss in accidents, accidents, burns, severe operations; extension of the youth due to the stimulation of hematopoiesis, self-renewal of the body; prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system; prevention of immune system diseases, digestive disorders, atherosclerosis, and the liver and pancreas; elimination of unnecessary ballast from the body: an excess of blood and its components .

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Types of donation . Autodonorstvo . Autodonorstvo - Procurement patient's own blood before elective surgery follow-up. The transfusion of alien blood is stressful for the body, and transfusion of his own to minimize negative effects. Autoplasma. Proprietary, pre-harvested blood plasma. It is used in obstetrics, and other operations. Blood Donation Involves drawing blood, which then resuspended in a special preservative solution is divided into components transfused or processed.

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Requirements for the donors in Russia: In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the donation of blood and blood components", the donor may be every able-bodied citizen of 18 years, passed a medical examination . Have a passport with registration On the morning of delivery of a carbohydrate not fat breakfast. The more liquid - the better. It is not recommended to donate blood on an empty stomach. Depending on the place of delivery require a certificate from a physician and / or infectious disease the absence of disease and contact with infectious patients. Restrictions on blood donation Donors are not recommended - The night before the blood donation is a fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, dairy products, butter and eggs. - Drink alcohol in two days (48 hours) before the procedure. - Take aspirin, analgin and other preparations containing analgesics, for three days (72 hours) before the procedure. - Smoking is less than an hour before the procedure.

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Blood donation involves some strain on the body, when the loss of fluid and pressure must be replenished. In this regard, we introduce formal measures to support the donors: provided paid days off, etc., as well as some limitations: According to the rules in force in Russia donate whole blood can be no more than 1 time in 60 days. Men can donate whole blood at most five times a year, women are not more than 4 times a year. After passing the whole blood to pass through the plasma can be 30 days. Repeated delivery of plasma or blood components are allowed in two weeks. You can not donate blood after a sleepless night. Women can not take the whole blood during menstruation, prior to its occurrence in the last 7 days, and within a week. Also , during pregnancy and lactation (lactation when hormones have not bounced back, and the body needs time to recover after childbirth and breast-feeding, usually 1.5-2 years) Weight of the donor must be at least 50 kg], the pressure of not less than 100 at 80 .

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General conditions for delivery To become a donor, you must first undergo a medical examination, which includes the delivery of blood. After the procedure is recommended to refrain from intense physical activity, plenty to drink and eat high-grade. In order to restore pressure to the donor recommends the following products: chocolate, coffee, hematogen.

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donor plasmapheresis

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The procedure for sampling of blood plasma : In manual plasmapheresis blood is taken in a sterile package (as in the usual procedure krovodachi), centrifuged, separated into red cell mass and plasma using plazmoekstraktora, then packed red blood cells returned to the donor. Blood volume is compensated by introducing an adequate amount of saline. The automatic plasmapheresis donor through a special system connected to the separator, the blood is taken in full, then it is separated into plasma and corpuscles and more uniform items are returned back to the donor blood. Depending on the amount of single-phase unit of blood withdrawn may be different, but it is always much less than the amount that is taken by using a centrifuge (discrete) method, typically from a few tens of ml to 300 ml. The time taken to return single-phase blood volume also varies depending on the device and can be from several seconds to several minutes. Similar way, the blood is purified by the method of cascade filtration plasma. Donated plasma is transfused with severe burns, and crush syndrome (for example, found themselves under the ruins of buildings during an earthquake).

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Donor trombotsitoferez Using a special device (separator) from the blood platelet released. Platelets are necessary for carrying out intensive chemotherapy cancer patients . Donation of immune plasma Volunteer immunized safe strain of a pathogen. The plasma was obtained from a donor, contains antibodies to this pathogen and can be used for the manufacture of medicines. Sometimes it is poured in a pure form debilitated patients as a preventive measure or as a component of polyvalent therapy. Donation of erythrocytes Red cells is necessary for patients with anemia, Diamond-Blackfeet and other diseases in which decreased blood formation, and its own low level of hemoglobin.

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Russia * For proper functioning of the health care system requires that each country in 1000 accounted for 40 donors. * In Russia in 2007 was harvested 1.8 million liters of whole blood by mid-2008 1.125 million liters. At that time, as in 2007, 1,000 people had 12 donors by mid-2008 - 14. * Blood collection in Russia are engaged in medical institutions of the blood service. * In 2008, the federal program was launched to develop blood service. In view of the program - to achieve the indicator 24 donors per 1,000 people.

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Thank you for your attention!

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