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What is entrepreneurship ? Entrepreneurship is an essential element of a modern market economy, without which the economy and society as a whole will not be able to exist and develop. Independent entrepreneurs are the most numerous layer of private owners and by virtue of its mass play a significant role not only in the socio-economic and political life of the country.
Stages of entrepreneurial firm birth Childhood Adolescence Early maturity the Prime Full maturity
How to become a successful entrepreneur?
1 ) Important! it is correctly selected activity
2) Lack of emotional factor
3) Iron logic
The development of the Adidas brand Adidas is a German industrial group specialising in the production of athletic footwear, apparel, equipment
The concept of action First, the new management team, hired away from Nike and Reebok fair amount of managers and designers. Secondly, gradually brought production outside of Germany - now the company, like its competitors, produces footwear enterprises in Indonesia, China, Thailand: save on cheap labor from third world countries newly made products competitive on the world market.
In Adidas refused to work with retail chains, and began to build a network of shops, to avoid mass production and glut the markets of their products. The results of the efforts on the creation of innovative products and network of brand stores began to affect already in 1996, when Adidas once acted as the General sponsor of the Olympic games is stimulated unprecedented sales growth: +50% per year.
In 1997, Adidas bought a French firm Salomon, a leading manufacturer of products for winter sports, and now the company is called "Joint stock company "Adidas-Salomon". This step has allowed the company to become the world's second largest manufacturer of sports goods after Nike. So with the end of the last century concerns giants and struggle with varying degrees of success for the buyer.
Growth continues and still, but most importantly - was able to gain a foothold in the American market, where Adidas had "bitten off" portion of the 12% of the market of sports clothing and 10% of the market of sports shoes. Today, Adidas introduced to the market the widest range of products, starting with basketball shoes and football boots and finishing the sports clothing and footwear for tourism
Thank you for your attention 23/02/15 Moscow
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Unit 7
Task 1
Read the text, single out the key sentences, make up a summary of the text.
Activities involved in getting goods from the producer to the consumer are called Marketing. The producer is responsible for the design and manufacture of goods. Early marketing techniques followed production and were responsible only for moving goods from the manufacturer to the point of final sale. Now, however, marketing is much more pervasive. In large corporations the marketing functions precede the manufacture of a product. They involve market research and product development, design, and testing.
Marketing concentrates primarily on the buyers, or consumers determining their needs and desires, educating them with regard to the availability of products and to , important product features, developing strategies to persuade them to buy, and, finally, enhancing their satisfaction with a purchase. Marketing management includes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling decision making , regarding product lines, pricing, promotion, and servicing. In most of these areas marketing has complete control; in others, as in product-line development, its function is primarily advisory. In addition, the marketing department of a business firm is responsible the physical distribution of the products, determining the channels of distribution that will be used and supervising the profitable flow of goods from the factory or warehouse.
Pricing the Product
The two basic components that affect product pricing are costs of manufacture and competition in selling. It is unprofitable to sell a product below the manufacturer's production costs and unfeasible to sell it at a price higher than that at which comparable merchandise is being offered. Attempts to maintain resale prices were facilitated for many years under federal and state fair-trade laws. These have now been nullified, thereby prohibiting manufacturers from controlling the prices set by wholesalers and retailers. Such control can still be maintained if the manufacturers wish to market directly through their own outlets, but this is seldom feasible except for the largest manufacturers. Attempts have also been made, generally at government insistence, to maintain product-price competition in order to minimize the danger of injuring small businesses. Therefore, pricing decisions are reviewed by the legal department of the marketing organization.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:
Federal and state fair-trade laws; wholesalers and retailers; outlets; product pricing; unprofitable; unfeasible; resale prices.
Services and marketing
Services unlike products, are intangible commodities. A service is the provision of work, accommodations, or ministrations desired by a consumer. Services familiar to most consumers are in the fields of maintenance and repair, transportation, travel, entertainment, education, and medical care. Business-oriented services include computer applications, management consulting, banking, accounting and legal services, stock brokerage, and advertising. Services, like products, require marketing. Usually, service marketing parallels product marketing with the exception of physical handling. Services must be planned and developed carefully to meet consumer demand. For example, in the field of temporary personnel, a service that continues to increase in monetary value, studies are made to determine the types of employee skills needed in various geographical locations and fields of business. Because intangibles are more difficult to sell than physical products promotional campaigns for services must be even more aggressive than those for physical commodities. Through extensive promotion, temporary-personnel agencies have convinced many companies that hiring on a temporary basis only in times need is more economical than hiring permanent, full-time personnel.
Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of your own:
computer applications; management consulting; banking; accounting and legal services; stock brokerage; and advertising; to meet consumer demand; intangibles; promotional campaigns; temporary personnel agencies ; full-time personnel; maintenance and repair; transportation; travel; entertainment; education; a medical care; business-oriented.
Marketing profession
Perhaps nothing is more conducive to the success of a d firm than the image that it conveys of itself to the public. The marketing activities of a company, because they act directly on the consumer, do most to shape this image and thus must be developed with great care. As marketing has become increasingly more complex, a need has arisen for executives trained in the social sciences who also possess statistical, mathematical, and computer backgrounds. Many to colleges and universities now have programs designed to train marketing executives. Courses are offered at the undergraduate and the graduate level in such specialized fields as advertising, administrative practices, financial management, production, human relations, retailing, and personnel administration.
Answer the questions:
1. Give the definition of marketing.
2. What are the main marketing constituents?
3. Are there factors influencing the salability of products? What are they?
4. What affects product pricing?
5. Where can pricing decisions be reviewed?
6. How can people be induced to buy products?
7. What is known as the primary objective of advertising?
8. Which sources of advertising do you know?
9. What is the purpose of sales promotion?
10. Are consumers today more sophisticated than those of past generations?
11. What does «positioning» of the product mean?
Task 2
Make up a report «How can a manager save his time?» Use some information given in the texts below.
Studies of managerial activities find some common time wasters, including the following:
1. Drop-in visitors.
2. Telephone interruptions.
3. Cluttered office.
4. Unessential tasks.
5. Unnecessary or over-long meetings.
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