Контрольная работа для "Конструкторов"
методическая разработка
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Контрольная работа №1
1.1. Прочитайте текст, постарайтесь понять его содержание:
1) The civilizations that developed in Mesopotamia near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers between 3000 and 300 B.C.E. developed impressive skills for fashioning clothing.
2)Although the earliest civilizations used animal skins to protect themselves from the environment, people soon learned how to pound wool and goat hair into felt or weave it into cloth. Wool was the most common fabric used to make clothing in Mesopotamia and was used for practically every type of garment from cloaks to shoes. Looms for weaving fabric were in use as early as 3000 B.C.E. The skill of early weavers is extraordinary. Some fragments of linen discovered in royal tombs are almost as finely woven as modern-day linen fabric. Linen was a more luxurious fabric and was woven for the clothing of the wealthy, priests, and to adorn statues of gods. Other finely woven fabrics also became available for the wealthiest in Mesopotamia. Soft cotton was introduced in Assyria around 700 B.C.E., and silk became available later.
3) At first men typically wore waist strings or small loincloths that provided barely any coverage. However, later the wraparound skirt was introduced, which hung to the knee or lower and was held up by a thick, rounded belt that tied in the back. These skirts were typically decorated with fringe or pieces of fabric cut in a petal shape. All classes of men seem to have worn these skirts. Women seem to have worn only a shawl wrapped around their bodies. These shawls were often decorated with simple border patterns or allover patterns. Later Sumerian women typically wore sewn outfits covered with tiers of fringe. These included skirts much like those worn by men and shawls or tops that were also fringed. By the end of 2000 B.C.E. both men and women wore skirts and shawls.
1.2. Подберите соответствующий заголовок:
1.3. Переведите в письменной форме 3 абзац.
1.4. Подберите русские эквиваленты:
- Pattern a) войлок, фетр
- Felt b) тесёмка
- Cloak c) бахрома
- Belt d) узор
- Fringe e) мантия (нарядный плащ)
- Tier f) пояс
1.5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
- What was the most common fabric used to make clothing in Mesopotamia?
- Describe typical man clothes in Mesopotamia.
- Describe typical woman clothes in Mesopotamia.
- Name similarities and differences between clothes in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Контрольная работа № 2
1.1. Прочитайте текст, постарайтесь понять его содержание:
1) The kimono’s form was first introduced from China as an undergarment. Its use as a normal form of dress for men and women dates from the Muromachi period (1392-1568). At that time the samurai, or warrior class, replaced the court nobles who always wore ceremonial clothing and lived in castle towns. Clothing increasingly needed to be wearable for travel and urban outdoor life and the kimono was the foundation of these trends. Women’s kimonos became very decorative from the middle of the Edo period (1600-1868), in spite of bans on luxurious living imposed by the Tokugawa shogunate, the rulers of Japan at the time.
2) Japanese clothing was not traditionally accented with costly or decorative accessories, particularly jewelry, hats, or gloves, as Western dress traditionally is. Instead, all of the expression of taste and elegance was focused upon the kimono, the central and key garment in Japanese dress, particularly in the case of women. Thus developments in the kimono as the principal garment for men and women of all social classes revolved around patterns and colors. At first the only patterning used was in the weaving of the fabric, but, given that the expansive robe was a great canvas for the artist, distinctive designs stretching across the whole garment were created in tie- dye, embroidery, and other methods, particularly for wealthy customers. The wealthy could also layer more kimonos and coordinated the colors that peeked out at the neckline and cuffs.
3) Some kimonos were painted upon with ink, like a brush painting on paper. The kimono is a comfortable garment for people to wear who sit on the floor or on a tatami mat, a straw floor covering common in Japanese homes, as is done in Japanese culture. Its length can be adjusted by how much it is folded over when the belt is tied; its width can vary depending on how much it is wrapped and how tightly the belt is tied; and it can be layered for changes in climate.
1.2. Подберите соответствующий заголовок:
A.INDIA B. The history of the kimono C. Japanese dress
1.3. Переведите в письменной форме 3 абзац.
1.4. Подберите русские эквиваленты:
- neckline a) перчатка
- cuff b) предмет нижнего белья
- fabric c) «варёный» (способ окрашивания ткани)
- tie-dye d) вырез (у платья)
- undergarment e) ткань
- glove f) манжета
1.5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
- Did Japanese wear much decorative accessories?
- How did the rich differ their kimonos from the others?
- What is tie-dye?
- How was the length of the kimono adgusted?
- What other Japanese garments do you know?
Контрольная работа №3
1.1. Прочитайте текст, постарайтесь понять его содержание:
1) The Byzantine costume tradition took its form from the Roman Empire (27 B.C.E.-476 C.E.) and its color and decorative tradition from the Orient and the Middle East. The Roman roots are easy to understand. After all, the Byzantine Empire began in the fourth century C.E. as the Eastern Roman Empire; its capital, Constantinople, was for a short time the capital of the entire Roman Empire. From the Romans the Byzantines inherited their basic clothing forms, the tunic and toga for men, and the stola, a type of long dress, for women, as well as their shoes and their hairstyles. These basic garments had become more ornate and luxurious late in the Roman Empire, yet it was not long after the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 C.E. that the Byzantines began to modify and extend the Roman costume tradition to become something uniquely their own.
2) The standard overgarment of upper-class men, and sometimes women, in the Byzantine Empire (476-1453 C.E.) was the dalmatica. The basic form of the dalmatica, like the tunica, or shirt, from which it descended, was simple: it was made from a single long piece of fabric, stitched together along the sides and up the sleeves, with a hole cut for the head. The Byzantines added two changes to this basic form. They enlarged the sleeves, making them large, draping bell shapes, and they broadened the hem dramatically, also into a bell shape, allowing the garment to hang in folds about the legs. The basic Byzantine dalmatica was made from fairly simple cloth, usually linen, wool, or cotton. Depending on the wearer’s wealth, however, dalmatica could become quite ornate. Decorative trim could be added to the hem, sleeves, and neckline, and woven or embroidered patches could be sewn on to different parts of the garment. Dalmatica might have clavi, vertical stripes that ran down from either shoulder, or segmentae, stripes on the edge of the sleeves or hem. The dalmatica worn by the very wealthy or the emperors might be made of rich silk brocade, with its raised patterns of silver and gold, and could be ornamented with pearls, gemstones, and even enameled metal panels. Like other Byzantine clothes, the quality of the cloth and the richer levels of ornament indicated the social status of the wearer.
1.2. Подберите соответствующий заголовок:
1.3. Переведите в письменной форме 2 абзац.
1.4. Подберите русские эквиваленты:
- ornate a) отделка, украшение
- brocade b) кайма, край, подогнутый и подшитый край одежды
- dalmatica c) парча
- hem d) нашивка, лоскут, заплата
- patch e) богато украшенный
1.5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
- How was dalmatica made?
- How did basic Byzantine dalmatica look?
- What decorations were used for wealthier owners of dalmatica?
- What did the quality of the cloth and the richer levels of ornament
Инструкция для студентов
На выполнение письменной контрольной работы отводится 90 минут.
Среднее время выполнения одного тестового задания обязательной и дополнительной части – 1-3 минуты.
Соблюдайте последовательность работы:
- Внимательно прочитайте задания.
- Внимательно прочитайте текст, постарайтесь понять его содержание.
- Приступайте к переводу текста. Если вам не понятно значение какого-то слова, не старайтесь сразу найти его в словаре. Прочитайте текст дальше. Часто бывает так, что последующие слова раскрывают значение предыдущих. Подключайте догадку. Прежде чем записать предложение сформулируйте его мысленно. Порядок слов в английском и русском языках не совпадает.
- Исходя из содержания текста, подберите соответствующий заголовок.
- Запишите перевод текста. Прочитайте свой перевод, чтобы убедиться, что все предложения построены правильно.
- Найдите в тексте слова из упражнения 1.4, подберите перевод. Ответ записывайте в форме: «цифра-буква». Пример : 1-a; 2-c; 3-b.
- Прочитайте вопрос, найдите ответ в тексте. Сформулируйте ответ на вопрос мысленно. Не забываете о грамматических правилах построения предложения.
- Запишите ответ.
- Прилагательные в степенях сравнения запишите в три столбика.
- Если вы не можете выполнить какой-либо пункт задания, не тратьте на него много времени, а переходите к следующему. В конце работы вернитесь к этому заданию.
- Если вы ответили неправильно, то зачеркните неправильный ответ, сверху напишите правильный.
- Пишите разборчиво и чётко.
Будьте внимательны!
Делайте всё тщательно и неторопливо. Будьте уверены в своих силах!
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