учебно-методическое пособие
Методические рекомендации предназначены для обучающихся Университетского колледжа ОГУ и составлены с учетом федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по специальности ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности
В методических рекомендациях даны общие положения о самостоятельной работе обучающихся в рамках указанной дисциплины. Описаны цели, виды работ, требования к итоговой форме отчетности по самостоятельной работе в процессе обучения обучающегося, в том числе с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.
Вложение | Размер |
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Предварительный просмотр:
федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения
высшего образования
«Оренбургский государственный университет»
Предметно-цикловая комиссия иностранных языков
по дисциплине ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности
Оренбург 2021
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы обучающегося по дисциплине ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности/сост. О.С.Проданова. – Оренбург: Университетский колледж ОГУ, 2021. - 47 с.
Методические рекомендации предназначены для обучающихся Университетского колледжа ОГУ и составлены с учетом федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по специальности ОГСЭ.04 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности
В методических рекомендациях даны общие положения о самостоятельной работе обучающихся в рамках указанной дисциплины. Описаны цели, виды работ, требования к итоговой форме отчетности по самостоятельной работе в процессе обучения обучающегося, в том числе с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.
Преподаватель ________________________ О.С.Проданова
« __ » _______ 2021 г.
Рассмотрены на заседании цикловой комиссии иностранных языков
Протокол № __ от « ___ » _______ 2021 г.
Председатель ПЦК иностранных языков ______________ Ю.В. Чаплыгина
2. Порядок прохождения материалов учебника………………………………….3
3. О запоминании слов…………………………...………………………………..4
4. О работе с общим англо-русским словарем……..………………………..…..5
5. О переводе с английского языка на русский………………………..…………6
6. Обучение аудированию, чтению, письму с помощью Интернета……………8
7.Учебный материал для самостоятельной работы обучающихся…………….10
8.Список мультимедийных обучающих программ по дисциплине "Английский язык": ………………………………………………………………………….…..45
Данные методические указания предназначены организации самостоятельной работы обучающихся, изучающих английский языка, а также для людей с ограниченными возможностями. В них подробно объясняется, в каком порядке следует проходить материалы учебника, самоучителя, либо методического пособия, как более эффективно запоминать иноязычные слова, как работать со словарем, как правильно производить перевод текстов с английского языка на русский.
Порядок прохождения материалов учебника
При работе над материалом урока надо сначала прочитать грамматические пояснения, тщательно продумать все примеры и сравнить их с переводом этих примеров.
Идущие за ним упражнения в чтении обязательно нужно выполнить вслух.
После этого следует переходить к изучению текста. К тексту следует обращаться повторно до полного усвоения его содержания. Рекомендуется сначала прочитать текст про себя, обращаясь за справками к словарю и примечаниям, которые даются после текста, и возвращаясь, в случае надобности, к грамматическим разделам. Добившись полного и точного понимания текста, перечитайте его еще раз (желательно вслух) и переведите устно и, если позволяет время, то и письменно.
После этого нужно выучить новые слова. Это особенно трудоемкая, но абсолютно необходимая работа. Послетекстовые упражнения содействуют запоминанию слов. Особенно важно постоянно повторять слова пройденных уроков как путем чтения текстов, так и всеми другими способами. О том, как проводить эту работу, говорится подробно в разделе “О запоминание слов”.
После этого приступайте к выполнению упражнений. Делайте их в том порядке, в котором они напечатаны в книге. Выполнять их нужно письменно, если нет указания об устном выполнении данного упражнения. Пропускать упражнения нельзя.
Для занятий заведите себе общую тетрадь, чтобы можно было возвращаться к выполненным упражнения. Писать на отдельных листках не рекомендуется. Для слов нужна отдельная тетрадь, алфавитный блокнот или карточки.
Заниматься нужно регулярно. Лучше заниматься пять раз в неделю по часу, один раз в неделю пять часов подряд. Занятия без помощи преподавателя требует сосредоточенности и организованности. Но изучить язык таким образом можно.
1 О запоминании слов
Запоминание слов обычно бывает основной трудностью при изучении иностранного языка, особенно взрослым. Вам нужно будет проделать большую и сознательную работу, прежде чем вы овладеете хотя бы самым необходимым словарным минимумом.
Знание слов обеспечивается сочетанием тренировки в их запоминании с аналитической рабой над ними. Начнем с последнего. Встречая новое слово, всегда старайтесь анализировать его- тогда вам легче будет его запомнить.
Во-первых, старайтесь подмечать сходство с аналогичным или сходным русским словом. Например ,Locomotive локомотив;visit визит. В некоторых словах сходство носит не столь прямой характер, но все-таки нетрудно заметить, например, что слово total общий имеет тот же корень, что и слово тотальный.
Важно также научиться подмечать родство некоторых новых слов с уже известными. Так, слово works завод тесно связанно со словом work работа, и поэтому его нетрудно запомнить.
Одним из наиболее действенных способов усвоения слов является выполнение упражнений. Это относится не только к специальным лексическим упражнениям, но и ко всем другим упражнениям, помещенным в учебниках. Не выполняйте ни одного упражнения механически :всегда проверяйте, помните ли вы все входящие в него слова.
Уделите особое внимание предлогам, союзам, наречиям –они особенно трудно укладываются в памяти.
Полезно повторять слова вслух или переписывать их в тетрадь. Если какое-нибудь слово упорно не запоминается, составьте предложения с этим словом, взяв за образец предложение из текста или упражнения.
Большую пользу приносит ведение собственной словарной картотеки :все пройденные слова переписываются на карточки(в 1\8 листа писчей бумаги).Для имен существительных с нестандартной формой множественного числа записывается так же и эта форма. После слова записывается и его произношение, чтобы не заучить его неправильно. Повторение слов производится путем перелистывания карточек и называния слов.
Самое главное – не запускайте эту работу, ведите ее повседневно и помните, что чем активнее и сознательнее будет ваша работа над словами, тем скорее вы научитесь читать по-английски.
2 О работе с общим англо-русским словарем
Умение пользоваться словарем состоит в том, чтобы, во-первых, быстро находить нужное слово, а во-вторых, из всех значений слова выбирать нужное по смыслу.
Прежде всего, для этого нужно твердо знать английский алфавит, так как слова расположены в словаре по алфавиту, причем твердое значение алфавита помогает при нахождении слова не только по первой букве , но и по всем остальным буквам. Если вы не знаете алфавита наизусть, вам придется постоянно обращаться за справками к таблице , что сильно замедляет работу. Целесообразно начинать искать нужное слово по напечатанным на крайних углах словаря словам :в левом углу дается первое слово левой страницы , а в правом углу - последнее слово правой страницы. Это сразу определяет, что именно можно найти на развороте этой страниц.
Важно также уметь сразу определить основную форму слова, которую так же называют словарной именно потому, что в таком виде слово дается в словаре.
Ниже дана таблица изменения орфографии слов в связи с прибавлением
суффиксов и окончаний, которая поможет вам при работе со словарем.
body | bodies | Множ. число существительных :у после согласной переходит в i |
easy | easier easiest | Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий:после согласной у переходит в i |
to try | he tries he tried | Глагол:перед окончаниями –es,-ed буква у переходит в i |
easy | easily | То же при образовании наречий с суффиксом –ly |
die | dying | Глагол: ie меняется на y |
hope | hoping | «Немое» е выпадает перед –ing |
to put | putting | Конечная согласная слов с одной корневой гласной удваивается перед –ing, -ed, -er, est. |
to beg | begged | |
hot | hotter hottest |
Суммируя вышесказанное, для правильного и быстрого пользования словарем нужно:
1.Знать алфавит наизусть.
2.Помнить условные обозначения частей речи.
3.При выборе значения слова опираться на общий смысл предложения и, в первую очередь на уже известные слова и словосочетания.
4.Дочитывать каждую словарную статью до конца.
Будьте осторожны , используя электронный словарь, не все словари хорошего издания, многие словари вместо транскрипции используют транслитерацию, что снижает уровень качества подготовки по иностранному языку.
3 О переводе с английского языка на русский
Чтобы сделать хороший перевод, надо, во-первых, правильно понять текст; во-вторых, передать его как можно более точно средствами русского языка; в-третьих, сделать перевод максимально ясным, предотвратить возникновение сомнений у читателя.
Этим трем требованиям к переводу соответствует три основных этапа над ним: 1) разбор текста; 2) перевод его; 3) стилистическая отделка перевода.
Прочтите всю статью с начала до конца, чтобы уяснить ее основное содержание. Отметьте трудные места. Потом прочтите еще раз первый отрезок (абзац, параграф) и проанализируйте внимательно каждое предложение. Найдите в словаре все необходимые слова и выберите нужное значение слова, руководствуясь общим смыслом статьи. Возможно, что при этом вам понадобится не только общий англо-русский словарь, но и специальные словари (технические, энциклопедические, толковые, словари условных сокращений и т.п.).
Только после этого приступайте к переводу абзаца. Следите прежде всего за смыслом высказывания, старайтесь передать его как можно точнее, не прибавляя от себя никаких уточнений или оценок. (Если такая оценка или уточнение необходимы, сделайте их в примечании «от переводчика».) не переводите слово за словом: прочтите предложение, уясните себе смысл и передайте его на русском языке, строя русское предложение так, как это требуется согласно правилам русского языка. Например, не пишите он покачал своей головой, так как покачать чужой головой нельзя, и по-русски такое уточнение излишне; не пишите моя жена и я были в театре, это звучит не по-русски. Следует сказать мы с женой были в театре, хотя по-английски and I всегда ставится в конце перечисляемых лиц, по соображениям учтивости.
Пользуясь большей свободой расстановки слов в предложении, предоставляемой русским языком. Английский язык, в котором отношения между словами выражаются преимущественно предлогами и расстановкой слов в предложении, имеет относительно твердый порядок слов. Русский язык, имеющий обширную систему падежных окончаний, гораздо более гибок, и следует пользоваться этой гибкостью для большей ясности перевода. Не забывайте о падежах еще и в другом смысле. Начинающие переводчики нередко делают следующую элементарную ошибку. Возьмем в качестве примера предложение: she loved and trusted her friend. Неопытный переводчик нередко пишет: Она любила и доверяла своему другу, забывая о том, что любить требует дополнения в винительном падеже (любить кого? что?), а доверять сочетается с дополнением в дательном падеже (доверять кому? чему?). Поэтому следовало написать: Она любила своего друга и доверяла ему.
Затруднения могут возникнуть при переводе различного рода фразеологических, т.е. более или менее устойчивых словосочетаний. Например, to take part принимать участие to hold a meeting проводить собрание, a good deal много, how do you do здравствуйте. Самое важное – установить точное значение этих словосочетаний.
Важно устанавливать точное значение условных сокращений. Самые употребительные даются в англо-русских словарях, обычно в приложении. За расшифровкой других надо обращаться к специальному словарю сокращенных наименований и к энциклопедии.
Необходимо следить и за написанием собственных имен: географические имена следует проверять по указателю или атласу, собственные имена по энциклопедии или по газетам. Например, мужское имя Sean переводится не Сеан, а Шон.
После того как вы разберете и переведете таким образом статью, можно приступить к отделке перевода с литературной стороны.
И, наконец, заключительным этапом работы над переводом является сверка с оригиналом, чтобы установить отсутствие пропусков и отхода от оригинала, который мог возникнуть в процессе ее литературной обработки.
Для работы над переводом вам будут нужны словари. В первую очередь, это англо-русский словарь под редакцией В.К. Мюллера. Затем нужны словари русской транскрипции географических наименований США и Британских островов. Полезно иметь и фразеологический словарь (автор А.В. Кунин).Полезен толковый словарь, изданный в США под редакцией Вебстера.
Кроме того, вам понадобится англо-русский словарь по вашей специальности. Таких словарей издано множество, почти по всем отраслям науки и техники (геологический, медицинский, строительный, военный, ядерный, лесотехнический, сельскохозяйственный и многие другие).
Большие возможности сейчас предоставляются учащимся - инвалидам. Они могут обучиться основным аспектам языка не выходя из дома. Данные рекомендации особенно актуальны для них.
Обучение аудированию, чтению, письму с помощью Интернета
Обучение аудированию.
Сайт компании Lucent Technologies, ее подразделение Bell Labs позволяет услышать, как звучит любая фраза на иностранном языке. Здесь разработан синтезатор речи, который превращает печатный текст в звук. На сайте http://www.bell-labs.com/proiect/tts/index.html можно выбрать один из семи языков - английский, немецкий, французский, итальянский, испанский. Затем нужно вписать в окошко что-нибудь на выбранном языке. Через несколько секунд написанное будет произнесено пусть и несколько механическим, но все же голосом. То есть озвучить можно любую фразу из учебника или любого другого пособия, и особенно подойдут онлайновые пособия, откуда можно запросто копировать куски текста, не утруждая себя перепечатыванием. Все произнесенное можно не просто прослушать, но сохранить у себя на диске, чтобы при необходимости вернуться к прослушиванию, не заходя в Интернет.
Обучение чтению
Интернет - превосходное средство для получения информации о последних событиях в мире. Таким образом, можно с помощью Интернет превратить аудиторию в агентство новостей, а обучающихся - в первоклассных репортеров. Такой вид деятельности подойдет для старших курсов , так как включает в себя объемное чтение и искусство интерпретации, беглую речь.
Практически все значимые газеты в мире имеют свои web-страницы. Для того, чтобы узнать, где и какие существуют газеты, можно предложить обучающимся посетить страничку MEDIA LINKS, предлагающую ссылки ко множеству изданий.
Можно предложить обучающимся работать по двое или по трое, исследовать статьи, охватывающие все стороны жизни: передовицы, спорт, погоду, культуру... Преимущество такой работы заключается в полной вовлеченности всей группы (подгруппы) в сочетании с дифференциацией заданий: сильные обучающиеся могут заняться исследованием более трудных статей, в то время как более слабым можно поручить отчет о погодных условиях или что-нибудь из области культуры.
В дополнение к работе над навыками чтения и говорения, можно пополнять словарный запас. Для этого надо предложить обучающимся составить словарные статьи, опираясь на прочитанную информацию. Возможно приобретение новых грамматических навыков, примеры которых встретились в статьях.
Результатом такой работы может стать создание своей странички, посвященной одному конкретному событию, где необходимо попытаться дать нейтральное видение проблемы, основываясь на анализе информации различных новостных агентств.
Основным достоинством такой работы является то, что обучающиеся получают доступ к информации из первых рук, а не к недельной или того более давности печатным изданиям, и оказываются вовлеченными в гущу мировых событий, самолично оказывая на него влияние.
Интернет может и должен использоваться не только пассивно, но и активно. обучающиеся могут попробовать себя в роли не потребителей, а поставщиков информации. Сайт THE YOUNG VOICES OF THE WORLD- открытый форум, представляющий собой некое издательство, где желающие могут опубликовать свои работы, сделав их достоянием многомиллионной аудитории и высказав на обсуждение свое мнение. Все работы сопровождаются электронным адресом их создателя, что позволяет осуществление обратной связи и завязыванию дискуссий.
Обучение письму.
Общение в виртуальной реальности осуществляется с помощью электронной почты, которая для овладения межкультурной компетенцией может использоваться следующим образом:
Установление дружеской переписки.
Международный обмен письмами можно осуществлять в любой группе и на любом уровне владения языком. Помимо целенаправленного использования изучаемого языка, установления дружеских контактов и изучая таким образом культуру, электронная переписка имеет свои преимущества по сравнению с бумажной: она быстрее, удобнее и дешевле.
Для получения оптимальных результатов такого вида деятельности необходимо остановиться на некоторых проблемах, которые могут возникнуть в ходе работы.
Не на все письма приходят ответы, что влечет за собой глубочайшее разочарование. Чтобы этого не случилось, можно предложить обучающимся общаться сразу с несколькими партнерами (в той же группе или в параллельной, в другом городе и даже стране).
Проанализировав опыт использования электронной почты в процессе обучения иностранным языкам, Марк Варшауэр и другие преподаватели пришли к следующим выводам:
1. Предпочтение отдается работе в небольших группах, без жесткого контроля со стороны преподавателя. Наилучшие результаты достигаются за счет возможности обучающихся самим выбрать тему для обсуждения, а не беспрекословно следовать указаниям учителя и большинству группы (в таком случае просто образуется новая группа).
2. Электронная коммуникация - прекрасная практика языка, где осуществляется переход от формы к содержанию - в сторону истинного общения и свободного полета мыслей. Присутствие реальной публики обеспечивает повышение качества письма - речь школьников становится более выразительной, к обычным повествовательному и описательному жанрам прибавилась аргументация.
3. Изменяется процесс письма - больше внимания уделяться редактированию работ и исправлению ошибок, причем даже для составления монологов учащиеся нередко обращаются за мнением или советом к своим партнерам - такая работа представляет собой воплощение принципа интерактивности.
4. Использование e-mail повышает интерес к самому процессу изучения языка.
Помимо формального языкового опыта, приобретенного при помощи телекоммуникаций, нельзя отрицать и развитие межкультурной компетенции.
Учебный материал для самостоятельной работы обучающихся
Вопросы, выносимые на самостоятельное изучение
1)Выполнение упражнений на закрепление грамматического материала, рассматриваемого во время аудиторных занятий:
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Модальные глаголы can, may, must, have to.
Модальные глаголы should, ought to, need.
Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.
Имя числительное.
Страдательный залог.
When и if в придаточных предложениях условия и времени.
Согласование времён
2)Cамостоятельное изучение грамматических тем:
Неличные формы глагола: герундий. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
Неличные формы глагола: причастие I. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
Неличные формы глагола: причастие II. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
- Изучение иностранных языков
Здоровый образ жизни
Я хочу быть хорошим специалистом
Компьютеры в нашей жизни;
Интернет и современная жизнь
История развития компьютеров;
Первые вычислительные устройства;
Четыре поколения компьютеров
Запоминающее устройство;
Блоки памяти;
Компоненты памяти
Составление тематического глоссария по теме сообщений
написание к ним тезисов
5)Чтение статей из журналов :
1) Why some computer viruses refuse to die
By Mark Ward Technology correspondent, BBC News
14 August 2018malware that never dies is still roaming the net
There are zombies on the internet - odd, undead lumps of code that roam endlessly seeking and finding fresh victims to infect that help keep the whole ugly horde staggering on, and on.
Most of these shambling data revenants are computer viruses and the most long-lived of all are worms.
"Most of those worms are self-spreading - that's why we still see them moving around," said Candid Wueest, principal threat researcher at Symantec, who has hunted viruses for years.
Typically, he said, when these malicious programs infected a machine, they kicked off a routine that scanned the entire net looking for other computers vulnerable in the same way as their current host.
When they found one, they installed a copy that also started scanning.
"All it takes is a few machines to get them moving around again," he added.
The living dud
One of the most active zombie viruses is Conficker, which first struck in November 2008. At its height, the worm is believed to have infected up to 15 million Windows PCs.
The French navy, UK warships, Greater Manchester Police and many others were all caught out by Conficker, which targeted the Windows XP operating system.
The malware caused so much trouble that Microsoft put up a bounty of $250,000 (£193,000) for any information that would lead to the capture of Conficker's creators.
That bounty was still live and, Microsoft told the BBC, remained unclaimed to this day.
Dr Paul Vixie, from Farsight Security, was part of the Conficker Working Group, set up when the malware was at its feverish peak.f viruses in circulation - but most have only a short life
The group had managed to stem the tide of infection, said DrVixie, because of the way the virus worked.
One of the ways it spread was by it checking one of a handful of net domains for instructions or updates every day.
And the first two variants of Conficker picked one domain from a list of 250 randomly generated names.
But some clever software reverse engineering worked out how the daily domains were generated.
In 2008, DrVixie helped to run the net's Domain Name System so was able to co-ordinate a global effort to register every day's possible domains before the malware's creators did the same.
And data sent from infected machines was then "sinkholed" almost neutering Conficker's ability to spread.
"We got it from 11 million down to one million," said DrVixie. "That sounds like progress but one million is still a pretty big number."
That zombie virus was still wandering around, said DrVixie.
Statistics gathered by Symantec suggest there were 1.2 million Conficker infections in 2016 and 840,000 in 2017.
India suffered the highest number of infections last year.
"The population is gradually reducing in size because eventually computers wear out or they get upgraded or replaced," DrVixie said.
And that is just as well because the concerted efforts to directly combat Conficker are all but at an end.
DrVixie and some others still block a few of the domains its variants seeks out but only to sample the traffic they send to get an idea of the viral load Conficker places on the net.
The good news was that Conficker had never been "weaponised", said DrVixie.
His theory is that Conficker escaped too early and was too successful for its creators to risk making it more malicious.
Data of the dead
But Conficker was not alone in persisting long after its initial outburst, said MrWueest, from Symantec.
Its network of sensors across the net regularly catches a wide range of malware that has lasted for much longer than anyone expected.
Symantec regularly sees the SillyFDC virus from 2007, Virut from 2006 and even a file infector called Sality that dates from 2003.
"We do see Dos viruses now and then," he said. The disk operating system (Dos) is more than 36 years old and dates from the early days of the desktop PC. Even older versions ran on mainframes.
"Our guess is that sometimes it is researchers that have found an old disk and its gets run and gets detected," said MrWueest.
There were many others, said Martin Lee, technical, lead for security research at Cisco.
"Malware samples can be long-lived in that they are continued to be observed 'in the wild' many months or years after they were first encountered," he said.
One regularly caught in the spam traps by Cisco is another worm, called MyDoom, that appeared in 2004.
"It's often the most commonly detected malware we get in our traps," said Mr Lee.
But many viruses lived on in another fashion, he said, because of the way the cyber-crime underground treated code.
"Malware is rarely static," he said, "computer code from older malware families can be shared, or stolen, and used in the development of new malware."
One prime example of this, said Mr Lee, was the Zeus banking Trojan, whose source code was leaked in 2011.
That code had proved so useful that it was still turning up seven years later, he said.
The trend of zombie malware was likely to continue if more modern viruses were any guide, said Mr Lee.
Mirai first appeared in 2016 but is proving hard to eradicate.
"It has features suggesting that it will be exceptionally long lived," Mr Lee said.
The bug infects networked devices unlikely to be running anti-virus software. Some cannot be upgraded to run any kind of decent protection.
As the net grows and starts to incorporate more of those dumber devices, Mirai, like Conficker will probably never be eradicated.
"With the source code of the malware leaked, and a simple method of propagation using default usernames and passwords to compromise devices, it is something that will be with us for years," Mr Lee said.
Степени сравнения имён прилагательных. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
1.1 Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень сравнения от следующих прилагательных
1) Large, tall, long, easy, hot, big, cold, nice, bad, strong, short, wide, good, happy, high, low, busy, little, many, far
2) Wonderful, necessary, interesting, comfortable, popular, active, famous, beautiful, difficult, important
1.2 Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную степень сравнения прилагательных
1) “You are (clever) than I gave you credit for,” said Diana.
2) She is (greedy) member of this family, which says a lot, I should think.
3) Sit you down then. No, no. Not there. Have the big chair. It’s (comfortable).
4) Mark was (angry) than he had ever been in his life.
5) Abruptly, Diana dropped the subject of her (old) daughter. “And how are my other children?”
6) “Papa was never (happy) than at Whitby,” he said on one of our Sunday strolls across Hampstead Heath.
7) “He is not Fatty,” cried Ralph, “His real name is Piggy!” A storm of laughter arose and even (tiny) child joined us.
8) After all, she thought, we are almost of one age, although she is a few years (young).
9) I took (small) of the cream cakes. I ate it slowly and with difficulty.
1.3 Не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями
Образец: The music by U-2 is melodic. – (The Beatles) = I think (to my mind) the music by the Beatles is more melodic.
1) Naomi Campbell is beautiful. – (Cindy Crawford)
2) The books by Gilbert Chesterton are popular. – (Agatha Christie)
3) Tom Cruise is a gifted actor. – (Paul Newman)
4) Italian cars are reliable. – (German cars)
5) Iron is very heavy. – (Lead)
6) The Jupiter is situated at a far distance from the Sun. – (The Saturn)
7) Hungarian is a complicated language. – (Chinese)
8) St. Paul’s is a high cathedral. – (St. Peter’s)
9) American comedies are funny. – (French comedies)
10) The climate of the USA is hot. – (Mexico)
1.4 Дайте недостающие степени сравнения прилагательных
The biggest, longer, faster, the hardest, the heaviest, thinner, narrower, lower, the greatest, newer, colder, the hottest, the shortest, less, the worst, more
1.5 Переведите обороты в сравнительной степени согласно образцу
Образец: The longer the nights, the shorter the days. – Чем длиннее ночи, тем короче дни
1) The harder we study, the more we know.
2) The more you work, the better you know English.
3) The more we study nature, the more we know about it.
4) The nearer the earth is, the denser the atmosphere is.
5) The stronger the wind, the harder the conditions of work for weather observers.
6) The quicker we finish, the sooner we will go home.
1.6 Найдите в каждом ряду прилагательные в сравнительной степени и переведите их
teacher, taller, thermometer, thinker
worker, weather, worse, writer
bomber, brother, brighter, barometer
darker, driver, denser, dancer
bigger, best, builder, better
father, farther, foreigner, faster
earlier, easier, eater, engineer
compressor, computer, colder, closer
meter, mover, more, motor
1.7 Прочитайте ситуации и дополните предложения. Используйте сравнительную степень прилагательных (-er или more)
1) Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today it’s only six degrees. -
It’s соlder than it was yesterday.
2) The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train. – It takes ………
3) Dave and I went for a run. I ran ten kilometres. Dave stopped after eight kilometers. – I ran …….. .
4) Chris and Joe both did badly in the exam. Chris got 20% but Joe only got 15%. – Joe did …….. .
5) I expected my friends to arrive at about 4 o’clock. In fact they arrived at 2.30. – My friends …….. .
6) You can go by bus or by train. The buses run every 30 minutes. The trains run every hour. – The buses …….. .
7) We were very busy at work today. We’re not usually as busy as that. – We …….. .
1.8 Дополните предложения, используя конструкцию …. and ….
1) It’s becoming …….. to find a job. (hard) – It’s becoming harder and harder to find a job.
2) That hole in your pullover is getting …….. . (big)
3) My bags seemed to get …….. as I carried them. (heavy)
4) As I waited for my interview, I became …….. . (nervous)
5) As the day went on, the weather got …….. . (bad)
6) Travelling is becoming …….. . (expensive)
7) Since she has been in Britain, her English has got …….. . (good)
8) As the conversation went on, he became …….. . (talkative)
2 Модальные глаголы can, may, must, have to. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
2.1 Переведите на русский язык и прокомментируйте употребление модальных глаголов can, may, must, have to
1) I can remember myself last summer, coming back from that examiners’ conference in Durham.
2) You can have an intelligent conversation with her.
3) Look, Margaret, you know as well as I do that I can’t sing, I can’t act, I can hardly read and thank God I can’t read music.
4) He cannot have been more than 30 at the time we met him, but he seemed very old to us in Oxford.
5) ‘I wonder how far off you could see that,’ said Miles.
6) You may think it none of my business, but I feel a sense of responsibility.
7) ‘May I ask one more question?’ she said. – ‘Of course.’ – ‘Why me?’
8) ‘I think I may say I have read it,’ replied Mr. Gogarty with care.
9) We cabled to the last address we had, but there was no answer. There still may be time for him to see her.
10) So you don’t want to see Sam after all? Splendid! May I inquire why you have decided not to worry him?
11) The weather might be described, I suppose, as calm.
12) Francesca decided she must go home to England at the end of the month.
13) You must beg her pardon at once. Say you are sorry, Michael!
14) It must have been very early in the morning because Bobby was still wearing pyjamas.
15) You’ve lost your nerve. But you mustn’t lose it, Sam.
16) Somebody has to earn a living in this family.
17) But I said I would and so I had to come.
18) ‘I’m afraid I shall have to leave right away, Mrs. Welsh,’ Dixon said.
19) But when, two years later, Robyn was appointed to Rummidge, they had to split up again.
20) Yet I have to accept the fact that we are living in the most violent century in our history.
2.2 Выберите подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы
1) He could/must be right though I doubt it.
2) He must/can be reading in the library.
3) He must/could have talked to her already. She knows what has happened.
4) It must/have to be raining outside. Do you hear the noise?
5) ‘No, Basil, you must/have to tell me,’ insisted Dorian Gray. ‘I have a right to know.’
6) You may/must use my car tomorrow since I do not need it: I am staying at home.
7) You must/may not smoke here. Look, there is a “No smoking” sign over the door.
8) You must/have to go now, but remember what I have told you.
9) I haven’t seen her for ages. She must/can have changed since then. I’m sure I won’t recognize her.
10) I had to/might feel my way down the stairs as there was no light.
2.3 Дополните предложения, используя модальный глагол have to/has to/had to + один из перечисленных ниже глаголов
do read speak travel wear answer buy change get go walk
1) My eyes are not very good. I ….. glasses.
2) At the end of the course all the students ….. a test.
3) Mary is studying literature. She ….. a lot of books.
4) He doesn’t understand much English, so I ….. very slowly to him.
5) George is not often at home. He ….. a lot in his job.
6) There were no buses yesterday evening. We ….. home.
7) I’m going to bed early tonight. I ….. up early tomorrow morning.
8) It’s late. I ….. now. I’ll see you tomorrow.
9) I went to the supermarket after work because I …… some food.
10) This train doesn’t go to London. You ….. at Bristol.
11) We did an exam yesterday. We ….. six questions out of ten.
3 Модальные глаголы should, ought to, need. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
3.1 Проанализируйте значение модальных глаголов should и ought to. Переведите предложения на русский язык
1) ‘You should live in the city like me, Brian,’ said Vick. ‘Not thirty miles away.’
2) I think you should give Brian a chance to adjust.
3) The information is confidential, but I think you ought to know.
4) I think you ought to let your parents know that you are here; otherwise they’ll be angry.
5) Tea is between half past five and six and it should be ready now.
6) George did not see why he should not discuss the matter with his chief.
7) Your father ought to know about your financial failure: he is always ready to help you, don’t forget about it.
3.2 Дайте совет на следующие реплики
Образец: I’ve got toothache. – You should go to the dentist.
Or: You shouldn’t delay your visit to the dentist.
1) I’m bored so much by my daily routine.
2) I constantly feel the shortage of money.
3) I feel so lonely in my huge house.
4) I don’t know how to change my image.
5) I wonder how one can weaken nervous stress.
6) I’m hungry and there’s nothing to eat at home.
7) My bag doesn’t match my coat.
8) I suffer from insomnia.
3.3 Используя образец, скажите своему другу/своей подруге, что ему/ей не нужно делать то, что он/она собирается делать
Образец: to catch the 5 o’clock bus - You needn’t catch the bus. I’ll give you a lift.
Use: to borrow the book at the library; to leave a message for somebody; to put down the recipe; to take sandwiches with you; to buy a dictionary; to entertain somebody; to put a notice on the board; to cancel the appointment
3.4 Дополните следующие предложения
1) I should study tonight because ….. .
2) I ought to study tonight because ….. .
3) I should wash my clothes today but ….. .
4) It’s a beautiful day. We ought to ….. .
5) You shouldn’t stay up late tonight. If you do ….. .
3.5 Прокомментируйте следующие высказывания. В зависимости от своего отношения к высказываниям используйте модальные глаголы can/must/may/should или need
Образец: I can’t get Albert on the phone.
*He can’t be out, try again.
*He must be at the library.
*He may be playing tennis.
*You should have called him up yesterday.
*You needn’t disturb him, I can tell you everything.
1) Frank did the exercises, then read the rule.
2) The majority voted against Mr. Adams.
3) The telegram was sent at 9 p.m.
4) When leaving the room Richard went ahead of Ms. Gibbson.
5) He bought the car at three thousand dollars and sold it at 10 thousand.
6) There is no one to replace Mr. Johnson.
4 Имя числительное. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
4.1 Напишите цифрами следующие даты
1) The first of May nineteen seventy-six.
2) The sixteen of April nineteen five.
3) The third of July two thousand four.
4.2 Напишите по-английски
1) 7 марта 1999 года; 2) 1 сентября 1974 года; 3) 22 апреля 1911 года; 4) 11 марта 1951 года; 5) 12 декабря 2004 года
4.3 Напишите по-английски дробные числительные
4.4 Напишите цифрами дробные числа
1) a (one) half;
2) two thirds;
3) a (one) quarter;
4) three fourths;
5) two and a (one) half;
6) five and one sixth;
7) a (one) fifth;
8) zero (nought/ou) point two;
9) two point four five;
10) four point five;
11) three four (thirty four) point one zero two;
12) nought point nought one;
13) six point three five;
14) fifty eight point three nought five
4.5 Переведите на английский
1) 220 дней;
2) 1500 человек;
3) 20545 книг;
4) около 100 страниц;
5) почти 300 тетрадей;
6) первый автобус;
7) вторая страница;
8) миллионный посетитель;
9) часть первая;
10) номер десятый;
11) два миллиона человек;
12) миллионы книг;
13) триста восемьдесят страниц;
14) двадцать первое декабря 1999 года;
15) двенадцатое марта 2005 года;
16) одна четвёртая;
17) три пятых;
18) ноль целых, двадцать пять сотых;
19) четыре целых и пять шестых
5 Самостоятельное чтение текста и написание тезисов к тексту
In 1948 due to the invention of transistors there appeared the possibility to replace vacuum tubes. The transistor occupiedan important place on the way to computer development. Thepotential advantage of the transistor over the vacuum tube wasalmost as great as that of the vacuum tube over the relay. A transistor can switch flows of electricity as fast as the vacuum tubesused in computers, but the transistors use much less power thanequivalent vacuum tubes, and are considerably smaller. Transistors are less expensive and more reliable.They were mechanically rugged, had practically unlimited life and could do somejobs better than electronic tubes. Transistors were made of crystallic solid material called semiconductor.
With the transistor came the possibility of building computers with much greater complexity and speed.
2.The integrated circuit constituted another major step inthe development of computer technology. Until 1959 thefundamental logical components of digital computers were theindividual electrical switches, first in the form of relays, thenvacuum tubes, then transistors. In the vacuum tubes and relaystages, additional discrete components, such as resistors,inductors, and capacitors were required in order to make thewhole system work. These components were generally eachabout the same size as packaged transistors. Integrated circuittechnology permitted the elimination of some of these components and integration of most of the others on the same chip of semiconductor that contains the transistor. Thus the basic logic element — the switch, or "flip-flop', which required two separate transistors and some resistors and capacitors in the early 1950s, could be packaged into a single small unit in 1960. The chip was an important achievement in the accelerating step of computer technology.
3. In 1974 a company in New Mexico, called Micro Instrumentation Telemetry System (MITS) developed the Altair 8800, a personal computer (PC) in a kit. The Altair had no keyboard, but a panel of switches with which to enter the information. Its capacity was less than one per cent that of the 1991 Hewlett-Packard handheld computer. But the Altair led to a revolution in computer electronics that continues today. Hardware manufacturers soon introduced personal computers, and software manufacturers began developing software to allow the computers to process words, manipulate data, and draw. During the 1980s computers became progressively smaller, better and cheaper.
Today the personal computer can serve as a work station for the individual. A wide array of computer functions are now accessible to people with no technical background.
2 Прочтите внимательно текст. Составьте на английском языке план текста, выделив основные его темы. План можно составить в вопросной, назывной или тезисной форме. Познакомьтесь с образцами планов, представленными после текста; сравните со своим планом
It is interesting to note that memory, one of the basic components of the computer, is often called storage. It stores calculation program, the calculation formulae, initial data, intermediate and final results. Therefore, the functions of the computer memory may be classified in the following way. Firstly, the computer memory must store the information transmitted from the input and other devices. Secondly, memory should produce the information needed for the computation process to all other devices of the computer.
Generally, memory consists of two main parts called the main, primary or internal, memory and the secondary, or external memory. The advantage of the primary memory is an extremely high speed. The secondary memory has a comparatively low speed, but it is capable of storing far greater amount of information than the main memory. The primary storage takes a direct part in the computational process. The secondary storage provides the information necessary for a single step in the sequence of computation steps.
The most important performance characteristics of a storage unit are speed, capacity and reliability. Its speed is measured in cycle time. Its capacity is measured by the number of machine words or binary digits. Its reliability is measured by the number of failures (отказ) per unit of time.
План в вопросной форме.
1. What is memory?
2. What is the function of memory?
3. What are the main parts of memory?
4. What are advantages and disadvantages of a storage unit?
5. What are their functions?
6. What are performance characteristics of the main and secondary memory?
7. What units are performance characteristics measured by?
План в назывной форме
1. The definition of memory.
2. The main functions of memory.
3.Classification of memory.
4.Advantages and disadvantages of memory components.
5.The functions of memory components.
6.Performance characteristics of memory.
7.The units for measuring the performance characteristics of memory.
План в тезисной форме.
1.Memory is one of the basic components of the computer.
2.Memory stores initial data, intermediate and final results.
3.It produces the information needed to other devices of the computer.
7 Страдательный залог. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
7.1 Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice:
They call the first stage of a primary school infant school. Comprehensive schools now replaced most of the old grammar and modern schools. At the age of 16 British schoolchildren take their GCSE exams. Many educationalists and teachers criticized the eleven plus exam. In comprehensive schools they teach children in mixed ability classes. 16-year-old will take their GCSE exams at the same time throughout the country. Some British pupils take their school- leaving exams at the age of 18.
7.2 Answer the following questions as in the model
Model: Will you answer the letters tomorrow?-
Yes, the letters will be answered tomorrow.
1) Did you settle the question?
2) Does anyone look through the business letters?
3) Do they examine students at the end of the academic year?
4) Will they paint the walls pink?
5) Do they sign the exam papers?
6) Did you mention these facts in your report?
7) Did they lose the documents a week ago?
8) Will pupils choose several subjects in the second year of their studies?
9) Do pupils drop some subjects at the beginning of the third year?
7.3 Make up two passive constructions from each sentence (see the model)
Model: They showed the tourists the way to the underground.-
The tourists were shown the way to the underground.
The way to the underground was shown to them.
1) He will tell you an interesting story.
2) The teacher gave them excellent marks.
3) The parents sent their son a telegram.
4) They promised me a birthday present.
7.4 Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past
1) Ask about the telephone. (when/ invent?)
When was the telephone invented?
2) Ask about glass. (how/ make?)
3) Ask about Australia. (when/ discover?)
4) Ask about silver. (what/ use for?)
5) Ask about television. (when/ invent?)
7.5 Choose the correct form of the verb
1) English … all over the world.
a) speak b) is spoken
2) We … a lot of money on advertising campaign.
a) spent b) were spent
3) The fax … them tomorrow.
a) send b) will be sent
4) The storm … on Monday afternoon.
a) began b) was begun
5) I … a pay- rise next month.
a) give b) will be given
6) His film … for Oscar.
a) nominated b) was nominated
7) In Japan marriages of young people … by their parents.
a) usually arrange b) are usually arranged
8) She … a well- paid job. I think she’ll take it.
a) offered b) was offered
9) Our parent company … in Sweden.
a) located b) is located
7.6 Change into the Passive Voice
1) Are they still examining the students?
2) Everybody is still laughing at his joke.
3) They were discussing the problem when the teacher came.
4) What are they selling in this shop?
5) I was present at his lecture. Everyone was listening to him with great interest.
6) They were building this new school when I moved to the town last year.
7) They were looking for the head- teacher at the moment.
8) The pupils were looking at the map of London when the teacher came in.
9) They are constructing some new metro lines now.
10) They were discussing the question when the head-master came in.
7.7 Translate the following sentences into English
1) Студентов экзаменовали в аудитории 403.
2) Что строится на левом берегу Дона?
3) Доклад слушали с большим интересом.
4) За детьми присматривали в тот момент.
5) В актовом зале обсуждается важный вопрос.
6) Что там обсуждают? – По- моему фильм «Санта-Барбара».
7) Почему все смеются над ним?
8) Когда он вошел в аудиторию, экзаменовали последнего студента.
9) Нас ждут сейчас в спортивном зале.
10) Почему все его ищут?
7.8 Use the Passive Voice as in the model
a) - Will you send the telegram, please?
- But it has just (already) been sent.
b) - Are you going to translate the article?
- It has just (already) been translated.
1) Are you going to arrange everything yourself?
2) Will you please look for him?
3) Will you please give them the instructions?
4) Are you going to invite them to your birthday party?
5) Will you please examine this new student?
6) Are they going to discuss the British education system?
7) Is anybody going to speak this matter?
8) Will you please translate the article?
9) Are you going to return your books to the library?
7.9 Open the brackets using the perfect tense forms in the Passive Voice
1) He is sure his mistake … (to discover).
2) This house … (to build) for many years.
3) I wonder if the invitation … (to accept).
4) He doesn’t know if the translation … (to finish).
5) Does he know that the books … (to return) to the library?
6) She … (to see) for weeks. She’s ill.
7) He knows nothing about it. He … (to tell the truth).
8) The case is serious. I wonder if the doctor … (to send for).
7.10 Put the following sentences into the Passive Voicе
1) I know her family. Her brother Charles has taken me there more than once.
2) They informed me that they had seen you in Oxford Street.
3) They have not yet told him about it.
4) I remember that we have paid for the tickets.
5) I thought they had already sent the letter.
6) They have done all the exercises in written form.
7) Somebody has invited her to the concert.
8) No one has seen him anywhere this week.
9) She has been told everything.
10) The lecture has just been typed.
7.11 Choose the correct verb form from those in brackets
1) The jumper (is/ has been) washed several times.
2) Nylon (has/ has been) produced since 1938.
3) The Houses of Parliament (were/ have been) built between 1840 and 1857.
4) Scientists hope that a cure for cancer will soon (be/ have been) found.
5) Each Concord (was/ had been) built at a cost of 55 million pounds.
6) Boss says I will (be/ have been) given a pay-rise next time.
7) By next year everybody will (be/ have been) given a pay-rise.
8) He (is being/ has been) interviewed for 40 minutes already.
7.12 Change these sentences from active to passive
Example: Somebody has taken my book. – My book has been taken.
1) Alan will paint the house for us while we’re away.
2) He was sure someone had moved his papers.
3) The whole family watches this program.
4) Somebody has drunk all the water.
5) They have found your wallet in the supermarket.
6) When she last worked with him, someone was training him to use a computer.
7.13 Put in passive verbs
1) Over forty languages (speak) in Kenya.
2) The telephone (invent) by a Scotsman.
3) Walk more quickly. I think we (follow)!
4) Windscreens (make) from glass.
5) This novel (write) by my grandmother.
6) My new car (deliver) tomorrow.
7) The church (build) in 1356.
8) Your wedding dress (finish) in a couple of days.
9) Listen to this! A flying saucer (see) over London.
7.14 Change these sentences from passive into active
Example: The “Moonlight Sonata” was composed by Beethoven.→
Beethoven composed the “Moonlight Sonata”.
1) The last lecture will be given by Professor James.
2) Paris is visited by thousands of tourists each year.
3) We are being driven to the airport by my brother.
4) The ironing is usually done by my husband.
5) When she first met him he was being arrested by the police.
6) This building was designed by a German architect.
8.Прочитайте и переведите текст по специальности
Informed citizens of our information-dependent society should be computer-literate, which means that they should be able to use computers as everyday problem-solving devices. They should be aware of the potential of computers to influence the quality of life.
There was a time when only privilliged people had an opportunity to learn the basics, called the three R's: reading, writing, and arithmetics. Now, as we are quickly becoming an information-becoming society, it is time to restate this right as the right to learn reading, writing and computing. There is little doubt that computers and their many applications are among the most significant technical achievements of the century. They bring with them both economic and social changes. "Computing" is a concept that embraces not only the old third R, arithmetics, but also a new idea — computer literacy.
In an information society a person who is computer-literate need not be an expert on the design of computers. He needn't even know much about how to prepare programs which are the instructions that direct the operations of computers. All of us are already on the way to becoming computer-literate. Just think of your everyday life. If you receive a subscription magazine in the post-office, it is probably addressed to you by a computer. If you buy something with a bank credit card or pay a bill by check, computers help you process the information. When you check out at the counter of your store, a computer assists the checkout clerk and the store manager. When you visit your doctor, your schedules and bills and special services, such as laboratory tests, are prepared by computer. Many actions that you have taken or observed have much in common. Each relates to some aspect of a data processing system.
Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.
1. What does "a computer-literate person" mean?
2. Are you aware of the potential of computers to influence your life?
3. What do the people mean by "the basics"?
4. What is the role of computers in our society?
5. What is "computing'?
6. What is a program?
7. Prove that we all are on the way to becoming computer-literate.
8. Give examples of using computers in everyday life.
9 Самостоятельное чтение газетной и написание тезисов к тексту
Volume 8, No 1. Sofia, 2008
The first "hackers" were students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who belonged to the TMRC (Tech Model Railroad Club). Some of the members really built model trains. But many were more interested in the wires and circuits underneath the track platform. Spending hours at TMRC creating better circuitry was called "a mere hack." Those members who were interested in creating innovative, stylistic, and technically clever circuits called themselves (with pride) hackers.
During the spring of 1959, a new course was offered at MIT, a freshman programming class. Soon the hackers of the railroad club were spending days, hours, and nights hacking away at their computer, an IBM 704. Instead of creating a better circuit, their hack became creating faster, more efficient program - with the least
number of lines of code. Eventually they formed a group and created the first set of hacker's rules, called the Hacker's Ethic.
Steven Levy, in his book Hackers, presented the rules:
Rule 1: Access to computers - and anything, which might teach you, something about the way the world works - should be unlimited and total.
Rule 2: All information should be free.
Rule 3: Mistrust authority - promote decentralization.
Rule 4: Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogus criteria such as degrees, race, or position.
Rule 5: You can create art and beauty on a computer.
Rule 6: Computers can change your life for the better.
These rules made programming at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory a challenging, all encompassing endeavor. Just for the exhilaration of programming, students in the Al Lab would write a new program to perform even the smallest tasks. The program would be made available to others who would try to perform the same task with fewer instructions. The act of making the computer work more elegantly was, to a bonafide hacker, awe-inspiring.
Hackers were given free reign on the computer by two AI Lab professors, "Uncle" John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, who realized that hacking created new insights. Over the years, the AI Lab created many innovations: LIFE, a game about survival; LISP, a new kind of programming language; the first computer chess game; The CAVE, the first computer adventure; and SPACEWAR, the first video game.
10 Неличные формы глагола: инфинитив. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
1 Complete the following with an infinitive phrase
1) It is fun ….. .
2) It is easy ….. .
3) It is dangerous ….. .
4) It is impolite ….. .
5) It is wrong ….. .
6) It is important ….. .
7) It is difficult ….. .
8) It is necessary ….. .
9) It takes a lot of time ….. .
10) It is a good idea ….. .
.2 The phrase “for (someone)” may precede an infinitive to identify exactly who the speaker is talking about. Add “for (someone)” to the following sentences and any other words to give a more specific meaning
1) It is important to take advanced math courses. – It is important for science students to take advanced math courses.
2) It is easy to speak Spanish.
3) It is important to learn English.
4) It is unusual to be late.
5) It is essential to get a visa.
6) It is dangerous to play with matches.
7) It is difficult to communicate.
8) It was impossible to come to class.
9) It is impossible to be on time.
10) It is a good idea to study grammar.
3 Supply the appropriate form of the infinitive for each sentence
1) It is easy (fool) to be fooled by his lies.
2) Don’t all of us want (love) ….. and (need) ….. by other people?
3) I thought Sam was sick. But he seems (recover) ….. very quickly.
4) During the war Tim was in the army. He is lucky (escape) ….. from the enemy.
5) Tim hasn’t been very friendly to me lately. That is why I didn’t expect (invite) ….. to his birthday party.
6) We can go out now. The rain seems (stop) ….. .
7) When Jane fell down she broke her leg. She was lucky (help) ….. by a passer-by.
4 Complete the sentences with infinitives
1) I was glad ….. from you.
2) I was relieved ….. that I had passed the exam.
3) Sue is lucky ….. alive after the accident.
4) The children are eager ….. to the circus.
5) Dick didn’t feel like going anywhere. He was content ….. home and ….. a book.
6) The teacher is always prepared ….. us.
7) Be careful not ….. on the icy sidewalks!
8) Tom was afraid ….. home alone on the dark street.
9) Ann is proud ….. the top student in her class.
10) I was surprised ….. Mr. Yamanoto at the meeting.
11) We were shocked ….. the bad news.
.5 Answer the questions in complete sentences
1) What are you careful to do before you cross a busy street?
2) What are children sometimes afraid to do?
3) When you’re tired in the evening, what are you content to do?
4) If one of your friends has a problem, what are you willing to do?
5) Sometimes when people don’t know English very well, what are they reluctant to do?
6) If I announce there is a test tomorrow, what will you be motivated to do?
7) What are you determined to do before you are 60 years old?
8) What are some things people should be ashamed to do?
10 Неличные формы глагола: герундий. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
10.1 Change the structure of the sentences. Use the words given in brackets
Model: We would like to improve our trade contacts with a number of firms (to be interested). – We are interested in improving our trades with a number of firms.
1) She was sure he’d continue to work at the invention (to go on).
2) The producer doesn’t want Helen to play the leading part (to object).
3) They all recommend me to see the performance (to be worth).
4) I expect him to come to our place for his holiday (to look forward).
5) She sings nicely. It will be a pleasure for us to listen to her (to enjoy).
6) Eric would like to set up a company of his own (to be interested).
10.2 Combine the sentences using the gerund. Make all necessary changes
Model: It is a wonderful novel. I’m sure you will enjoy it. – I’m sure you will enjoy reading this wonderful novel.
1) An old friend of mine is coming to Moscow soon. I’m looking forward to it.
2) I hope the weather will change for the better. Our trip depends on it.
3) They can join us. Nobody will object to it.
4) My son often plays chess with his father. He is fond of it.
5) It was difficult to translate this article. I could not finish it in the time given to us.
10.3 Complete the sentences using the gerund
1) My brother is fond of classic music. He enjoys ….. .
2) When the weather is fine I like ….. .
4) My son’s friends are leaving for the Caucasus. I don’t object to ….. .
5) Though the scientist was tired he went on ….. .
6) My sister doesn’t like skating. She prefers ….. .
7) The article is very long. It seems she never finish ….. .
8) You’ll enjoy this opera. It’s worth ….. .
9) The transaction seems profitable. Our company is interested in ….. .
10) We are going to buy the goods if the firm reduces the price. So our final reply depends on ….. .
10.4 Choose the right variant
1) I enjoyed (swimming, to swim) in the morning.
2) Instead of (to correct, correcting) the mistake they changed the whole document.
3) We agreed (to adhere, adhering) to these new standards.
4) He was not allowed (to introduce, introducing) changes in the final version.
5) You cannot prevent him from (spending, to spend) all his money.
6) I’ll join you later. I have to finish (to write, writing) my report.
7) We decided (to check, checking) the file.
8) They went on (discussing, to discuss) the terms of the loan agreement.
10.5 Using the words in brackets, prepositions and any other necessary words, complete the sentences
1) Ken went to bed instead ….. . (finish) – Ken went to bed instead of finishing his work.
2) I thanked her ….. . (lend)
3) I’m excited ….. . (go)
4) I’m not accustomed ….. . (live)
5) He didn’t feel good. He complained ….. . (have)
6) I don’t blame you ….. . (want, not)
7) I have a good reason ….. . (be)
8) It’s getting late. I’m worried ….. . (miss)
9) I’m interested ….. . (find out about)
10) I’m thinking ….. . (go)
11) I apologized to my friend ….. . (be)
12) Nothing can stop me ….. . (go)
13) In that office, who is responsible ….. . (take care of)
10.6 Make sentences from the given words. Use any tense and any subject
Example: enjoy + read the newspaper = I enjoy reading the newspaper every morning while I’m having my cup of coffee.
1) enjoy + watch TV;
2) mind + open the window;
3) give up + eat desserts;
4) stop + rain;
5) avoid + answer the questions;
6) postpone + do the work;
7) delay + leave on vacation;
8) keep on + work;
9) consider + get a job;
10) discuss + go to a movie;
11) mention + go to a concert;
12) talk about + listen to music
11 Неличные формы глагола: причастие I (причастие настоящего времени) . Выполнение грамматических упражнений
10.1 Give the Present Participle of these verbs
To advertise, to crowd, to produce, to exhibit, to cross, to complete, to sit, to study, to build, to turn, to inform, to greet, to examine, to play, to quote, to dance, to fall, to state, to request, to agree
11.2 Transform the sentences using the Present Participle
Model: I think the man, who is trying on that suit, wears the same size as you do. – I think the man trying on that suit wears the same size as you do.
1) When the director came into the office he saw several people who were waiting for him.
2) I don’t know the name of the actor who is playing the part of Karenin.
3) The famous ballerina who was dancing the leading part made the greatest impression on us.
4) When she crosses the street she is always very careful.
5) When I lived in St. Petersburg I often visited the Russian Museum.
6) When I travel I always reserve accommodation in advance.
7) The sea that washes Norway in the southwest is called the North Sea.
8) He stood at the window and admired the scenery.
9) Do you know the name of the woman who is talking to Mrs. Black?
10) The girl looked at the plane which was disappearing in the clouds.
11.3 Choose the right form of the verb
1) Can you see the gentleman ….. with your chief account?
a) spoke;
b) to speak;
c) speaking;
d) is speaking
2) I like the girl ….. on the right.
a) is sitting;
b) sitting;
c) sit;
d) sat
3) An interesting exhibition ….. the achievements in information technology was opened yesterday.
a) showing;
b) showed;
c) shows;
d) show
4) A chart of accounts is a means ….. the location of the account in the ledger.
a) determine;
b) determining;
c) determines;
d) determined
5) Many businesses ….. cash in many transactions have a cash receipts journal.
a) receiving;
b) received;
c) will receive;
d) receives
11.4 Use the appropriate form of the Present Participle
1) The (to fall) snow makes the landscape picturesque.
2) (To read) books I learn much that is new to me.
3) (To send) on business to London my friend hoped to improve his language.
4) While (to study) at the University I got interested in physics.
5) (Not to know) what to do I made up my mind to consult a lawyer.
6) (To ask) in French I could not understand what I was asked.
7) (To lay) the table don’t forget to put forks and knives properly.
11.5 Translate into Russian
1) the following information;
2) beginning year;
3) information including assets and liabilities;
4) purchasing firm;
5) selling company;
6) A firm buying goods in credit receives an invoice from the sellers for those goods;
7) The chart of accounts following the accounting equation lists asset accounts first;
8) This book is a list of each sales invoice showing the date, the name of the firm and the amount of the invoice;
9) Assets are assigned numbers beginning with 100.
12 Неличные формы глагола: причастие II (причастие прошедшего времени). Выполнение грамматических упражнений
12.1 Give the forms of these verbs and translate their Past Participles forms into Russian
To repeat, to complete, to examine, to hold, to enclose, to quote, to produce, to tell, to build, to show, to forget, to establish, to purchase, to invite, to sell, to require
12.2 Read and translate these sentences
1) The price of these goods quoted by the firm is very high.
2) The goods ordered under Contract No. 12/1418 arrived with a two weeks’ delay.
3) The defects found by the inspector are to eliminated as soon as possible.
4) The required samples will be sent tomorrow.
5) The goods offered by the firm are of high quality.
6) We are satisfied with the transaction concluded between our firms.
7) The checked documents were grouped according to their dates.
8) Transactions recorded in the journal will be later posted to the ledger accounts.
9) All account titles used in bookkeeping operations are listed in the chart of accounts.
10) Payment for the goods sent by the company was made on time.
12.3 Transform the sentences using the Past Participle
Model: An enterprise which is owned by one person is called a sole proprietorship. - An enterprise owned by one person is called a sole proprietorship.
1) Transactions which are recorded in the journal are entered in the chronological order.
2) The progress which is achieved by our chemical industry is wonderful.
3) Everybody likes pictures which are painted by Repin, the famous Russian artist.
4) I have just read the article that was published yesterday in “The Times.”
5) Have you found the wallet that was stolen from you?
6) John took part in the conference which was held in Paris last week.
7) The contract which was discussed yesterday will be signed at the next meeting.
8) The new performance which is produced at the Sovremennik Theatre made a great impression on everybody.
12.4 Pay attention to the position of the Past Participle and its translation into Russian. Translate the sentences
1) The problem discussed aroused interest.
2) The experiment made gave good results.
3) The lecture delivered caused discussion.
4) The letter posted was not delivered to the addressee.
5) The distance covered amounted to 2,000 km.
6) The method employed gave good results.
7) The data reported were used in the experiment.
8) Many of the books reviewed are available from stock.
9) The new film produced was met by the audience with enthusiasm.
10) The participants of the scientific conference adopted all the items of the agenda proposed.
11) The paper reviewed dealt with the new achievements in computer technology.
12.5 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Participle according to the model
Model: The policemen examined the body ….. behind the curtain (to hide). – The policemen examined the body hidden behind the curtain.
1) Will this newspaper publish an article ….. from German? (to translate)
2) Have you heard anything about the meeting ….. at our office? (to hold)
3) Have you received a fax ….. from London? (to send)
4) We are waiting for pizza ….. for lunch. (to order)
5) The policemen are still looking for the picture ….. from the gallery. (to steal)
6) Do you know anything about the man ….. in the office? (to murder)
7) Can you tell me the names of your colleagues ….. to the party? (to invite)
8) Could you close the window ….. in the kitchen? (to open)
9) Have you seen the book ….. by my uncle? (to write)
10) What is your opinion of the matter ….. at the meeting? (to discuss)
11) Where are the souvenirs ….. from Brazil? (to bring)
12) I’ve got a few books ….. in England. (to publish)
13 Сослагательное наклонение. Выполнение грамматических упраж-
13.1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets
1) If I have enough apples I (to bake) an apple pie this afternoon. – If I have enough apples I will bake an apple pie this afternoon.
2) If had enough apples I (to bake) an apple pie this afternoon.
3) I will fix your bicycle if I (to have) a screwdriver of the proper size.
4) I would fix your bicycle if I (to have) a screwdriver of the proper size.
5) I (to make) a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden are ripe.
6) I (to make) a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden were ripe.
7) Jack would shave today if he (to have) a sharp razor.
8) Jack will shave today if he (to have) a sharp razor.
9) Sally always answers the phone if she (to be) in her office.
10) Sally would answer the phone if she (to be) in her office.
13.2 Complete the following spaces with conditional sentences II
1) If I were the President ….. .
2) If I were the Spanish Queen ….. .
3) If I lived in New York ….. .
4) If I had an island at Bahamas ….. .
5) If I had a helicopter ….. .
6) If I were a banker ….. .
7) If I were interested in this matter ….. .
8) If my life didn’t suit me ….. .
9) If it were summer ….. .
10) If it weren’t raining now ….. .
13.3 Complete the sentences. Pay attention to the meaning of the “If clause” (unreal in the present/future)
1) I would do everything for you if ….. .
2) I wouldn’t complain if ….. .
3) I wouldn’t behave like this if ….. .
4) I would never doubt if ….. .
5) I wouldn’t insist on this idea if ….. .
6) She wouldn’t refuse if ….. .
7) She wouldn’t forgive him if ….. .
8) If ….. I would be present at the meeting.
9) If ….. he would prescribe medicine for you.
10) If ….. you would be a success.
13.4 Change conditional sentences of type I into conditional sentences of type II
Model: If you take this medicine it will do you good. – If you took this medicine it would do you good.
1) If she takes bus 27 she will get there in a quarter of an hour.
2) If you get to know them well you will grow fond of them.
3) If he goes out without his coat he will catch a cold.
4) If you get down to business at once you will finish the job today.
5) If the cast is good I will go to see the play.
6) If it keeps fine we will stay in the country for a week.
13.5 Complete the sentences to show unreality in the past according to the model
Model: If we (to share) one room at the hotel during our holidays we (to get to know) each other better. – If we had shared one room at the hotel during our holidays we would have got to know each other better.
1) If you (to accompany) me to the concert you (to enjoy) the wonderful music.
2) If we (to solve) that problem in time we (not + to be involved) in such a situation.
3) If he (to treat) his wife in a right way she (to leave) him.
4) If he (to develop) his talent for music he (to become) a real pianist.
5) If my friend (to keep) my secret nobody (to speak) about it.
6) If those people (to refuse) to help me at once I (to find) another way out.
7) If I (to reach) my business partner on the phone we (to appoint) a meeting for today.
8) If those people (not + to fall) in love with each other they (to part) long ago.
9) If anything wrong (to happen) to my cousin I (to be informed) about it.
10) If her friend (to break) her life she (not + to stand) it.
13.6 Complete the sentences using Indefinite Subjunctive I
Pattern: I wish I ….. 10 years younger. (to be) – I wish I were 10 years younger.
1) I wish I ….. not so tired. (to be)
2) I wish you ….. in a good humour. (to be)
3) I wish I ….. all the truth about those people. (to know)
4) I wish I ….. my friends tonight. (to join)
5) I wish I ….. in a new way. (to live)
6) I wish my friend ….. not so proud of himself. (to be)
7) I wish I ….. into an indifferent person. (to turn)
8) I wish you ….. a rest at the seaside. (to have)
13. 7 Complete the sentences using Perfect Subjunctive II
Pattern: I wish I ….. to drive a car before. (to learn) – I wish I had learned to drive a car before.
1) I wish I ….. only on one problem. (to concentrate)
2) I wish I ….. those people before. (to come across)
3) I wish I ….. on my opinion then. (to insist)
4) I wish I ….. that talk. (to avoid)
5) I wish I ….. those people. (not + to trust)
6) I wish I ….. to appoint a meeting. (to manage)
7) I wish I ….. my friend’s advice then. (to follow)
8) I wish I ….. my friend such words. (not + to tell)
14 Согласование времён. Косвенная речь. Выполнение грамматических упражнений
14.1 Change the sentences. Report the speaker’s words
Pattern: My friend said, “I’m glad to see you.” – My friend said that he was glad to see me.
My friend said,
1) “My favourite song is “Strawberry fields” by Beatles.”
2) “Two days ago I hurt my leg.”
3) “I don’t eat asparagus.”
4) “I have never been to Spain.”
5) “My Mother always encourages me.”
6) “Last week I got a letter from America.”
7) “I shall explain to you my idea later.”
8) “Something has happened to my colleague.”
9) “I’ll stay at home tomorrow.”
10) “I found my driving licence yesterday.”
14.2 Convert the following general questions into Reported/Indirect Speech
Patterns: 1) He asked me, “Are you busy?” – He asked me if (whether) I was busy.
2) He asked me, “Do you drive a car?” – He asked me if (whether) I drove a car.
He asked me,
1) “Are you hungry?”
2) “Are you tired?”
3) “Are you at the office?”
4) “Is your father a lawyer?”
5) “Are you going to the country?”
6) “Do you travel much?”
7) “Does your uncle write books?”
8) “Does your mother cook well?”
9) “Have you bought anything else?”
10) “Have you seen a new film yet?”
11) “Did you enjoy a play yesterday?”
12) “Did you sleep well last night?”
13) “Do you remember me?”
14) “Have you ever been to Italy?”
14.3 Convert the following special questions into Reported/Indirect Speech
Pattern: She asked me, “Where is a bus stop?” – She asked me where a bus stop was.
She asked me,
1) “What is your name?”
2) “Where are you?”
3) “Why are you shocked?”
4) “When is your birthday?”
5) “How many years do you drive a car?”
6) “Where does your chief usually stay in London?”
7) “What have you said?”
8) “Where were you born?”
9) “Why didn’t you call me yesterday?”
10) “Where will your colleagues meet?”
11) “How will I recognize them?”
12) “Why did you get up so late?”
13) “What has happened to you?”
14.4 Convert the following requests and orders into Reported/Indirect Speech
Patterns: 1) “(Will you) close the window!” – He told (asked) me to close the window.
2) “Don’t bother me!” – He told (asked) them not to bother him.
3) “Go back!” – He ordered to go back.
1) “(Will you) help me!”
2) “(Will you) listen to me!”
3) “Try to do it again.”
4) “Don’t throw stones at dogs.”
5) “Don’t forget to phone me tomorrow.”
6) “Follow me!”
7) “(Will you) phone me tomorrow!”
8) “Wash your hands!”
9) “Don’t wait for me.”
10) “Sit down, please.”
14.5 Convert the following jokes into Reported/Indirect Speech
1) “Well, Peter, how much is two plus one?” asked the teacher.
“I don’t know, sir,” answered the boy.
“Well, Peter, imagine I give you two pens and then one pen more. How many pens will you have?”
“Four pens,” answered the boy quickly.
“But why?”
“Because I have got one pen already, sir.”
2) The plane was flying over some hills near Athens. From one of its windows a girl peered inquiringly, then called the stewardess.
“What’s that stuff on those hills?” she asked.
“That’s snow,” came the reply.
“Well,” said the girl, “that’s what I thought, but the man in front told me it was Greece.”
3) The bus was crowded. A passenger sitting next to the window suddenly closed his eyes and turned his head aside. The man next him asked, “Are you feeling ill? Can I do anything for you?” “I am quite well,” answered the man. “Only I hate to see old ladies standing.”
15. Прочитайте и переведите текст
In 1930 the first analog computer was built by American named Vannevar Bush. This device was used in World War II to help aim guns.
Many technical developments of electronic digital computers took place in the 1940s and 1950s. Mark I, the name given to the first digital computer, was completed in 1944. The man responsible for this invention was Professor Howard Aiken. This was the first machine that could figure out long lists of mathematical problems at a very fast rate.
In 1946 two engineers at the University of Pennsilvania, J.Eckert and J.Maushly, built their digital computer with vacuum tubes. They named their new invention ENIAC (the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator).
Another important achievement in developing computers came in 1947, when John von Neumann developed the idea of keeping instructions for the computer inside the computer's memory. The contribution of John von Neumann was particularly significant. As contrasted with Babbage's analytical engine, which was designed to store only data, von Neumann's machine, called the Electronic Discrete Variable Computer, or EDVAC, was able to store both data and instructions. He also contributed to the idea of storing data and instructions in a binary code that uses only ones and zeros. This simplified computer design. Thus computers use two conditions, high voltage, and low voltage, to translate the symbols by which we communicate into unique combinations of electrical pulses. We refer to these combinations as codes.
Neumann's stored program computer as well as other machines of that time were made possible by the invention of the vacuum tube that could control and amplify electronic signals. Early computers, using vacuum tubes, could perform computations in thousandths of seconds, called milliseconds, instead of seconds required by mechanical devices.
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний.
Цифровые компьютеры; технические усовершенствования; совершенствование компьютеров; ответственный за изобретение; математические задачи; электронные трубки; важное достижение; запоминающее устройство; значительный вклад; двоичный код; высокое напряжение; низкое напряжение; электрические импульсы; тысячная доля секунды.
Происходить; завершать; вычислять; хранить команды внутри компьютера; запоминать информацию; запоминать команды; содействовать; использовать единицу и ноль; упрощать дизайн; усиливать сигналы; выполнять вычисления.
Просмотрите текст еще раз и ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста.
1. When was the first analog computer built?
2. Where and how was that computer used?
3. When did the first digital computers appear?
4. Who was the inventor of the first digital computer?
5. What could that device do? 6. What is ENIAC? Decode the word.
7. What was J.Neumann's contribution into the development of computers?
8. What were the advantages of EDVAC in comparison with ENIAC?
9. What does binary code mean?
Список мультимедийных обучающих программ по дисциплине "Английский язык":
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3.Электронная энциклопедии"Основы перевода стихотворных текстов"
4.Мультимедийный конспект лекций "Достопримечательности Москвы".
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