Steps to understanding culture
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Culture includes music, visual arts, literature, beliefs, different values, morals, laws, traditions and patterns of human behavior. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge in particular group of people. What is culture ?
Every nation has its own traditions and customs which can be unique and not the same with others. For example, Russian celebrate holidays as well as Easter, Maslenitsa and etc. During Maslenitsa people usually cook pancakes and go to their relatives. On Easter people paint eggs and eat cakes. Also Russian hospitality is characteristics of our culture. Traditions and customs
Somebody think culture is art , literature, music. Anybody say that culture means people’s behavior and their customs and tradition. Everyone sees understanding of the term « culture » differently. But there are universal values such as passing their experience to next generation. Understanding « Culture » for people
Arts, music, literature , cinema , theatre are important parts of culture. Art is cultural activity of people . It helps us to learn the world around. It includes sculpture, painting, photographing. Music is other kind of art. It gives us opportunities to listen and enjoy music . We do it every day. Literature is the totality written and printed works of particular people . Other important parts of culture
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