Контрольная работа по английскому языку.
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса.
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по английскому языку.
1.Fill in the gaps with some, any, one, somebody, anybody, someone,
anyone, anything where possible.
I’m in a hurry. Give me…..shirt.
I can’t see …..on the shelf.
Where can I buy….discs?
Would you like…..coffee?
Which pen do you need?-…..of them.
2.Put the adjectives in the correct form
My friend is(tall)than me, so he plays basketball (good) than me.
Who is (famous) tennis player in the world.
For me it’s ( interesting) to play football myself than watch it on TV.
Yesterday it was (good) match of all.
Figure skating is (capturing) of all the games.
Climbing is (dangerous)sport.
3.Make questions to the answers.
Men are more interested in sport than women.
Cricket is the fairest game in the world.
Climbing is more dangerous than tennis.
Which ……?
This game is played during summer.
Karate is a Russian martial art and combat game.
4.Put the verbs in the Present Continuous or Present Simple tenses.
She usually (to sing)only for her friends.
Where are the students?-They (to have) dinner at the canteen.
What ……you (to do) these days?-I (to work).
This food (to taste) good.
Steve (to go) shopping very seldom but today he (to buy)a new jacket.
5.Go,do or play? Use them in the correct form.
She …..gymnastics.
My wife….horse riding twice a week.
Why don’t we ……a set of tennis.
He’s quite the athlete .He …….basketball, baseball and hockey.
I enjoy …..sailing every time when I have time for it.
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по английскому языку.
1.Make all possible questions to the following sentences:
We went to the restaurant yesterday.
We invited them to the party a week ago.
I have bought a new car this week.
I was cooking a delicious dinner when he called me.
I will be preparing for the exams all day long tomorrow.
2.Write answers to the following questions:
What did you have for breakfast yesterday?
How many meals a day do you usually have?
What are you going to cook for the Christmas party?
How often do you celebrate holidays together with your family?
What is your favourite dish? Can you write a recipe of it?
3.Make sentences with the following phrases:
To lay out a table, to arrange a party, to invite friends and relatives
To have a lot of fun, to cook tasty dishes.
4.Put the verbs given in the brackets either in the Past Simple or in the Past Continuous
When I (to come) home yesterday my parents (to watch TV)in the lounge.
I (to do) the home work while my mother (to prepare) supper in the kitchen.
I (to be late for classes) yesterday, and non of my groupmates (to tell)me of the home task
for the next day.
When he (to cook) dinner he (to cut) his finger.
We ( to arrange) the party while they ( to make) invitation cards for the guests.
5.Translate from Russian into English:
Это блюдо готовят из мяса.
Его маму попросили испечь ее фирменный яблочный пирог вчера.
Все эти люди будут приглашены на обед завтра.
Они сделали большой заказ в нашем ресторане вчера.
Гости нашего ресторана были приятно удивлены большим разнообразием блюд
предлагаемых в меню.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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