билеты 2-5 для первого курса
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Предварительный просмотр:


« Clothes departmetn»

Fill the gaps and retell the dialogue:


Customer: I'd like to buy a sweater.


Customer: Forty - eight.


Customer: I prefer green or dark blue colour. Shopossistent: You are lucky. We have got a new Italian

collection. Would you like to try on this



Shopossistent: The fitting - room is on your right.

A few minutes later.


Customer: Yes, I'll take it. How much is it?


Customer: It's rather expensive, but it's worth paying.

Предварительный просмотр:

БИЛЕТ № 4 «Hobbies»

A: ............................................ ... ............. ... ................ .

B: Yes, I like ........... ......................................................

A: How much time do you spend on your hobby?

B: Usually I spend ................. a day (a week, a month).

A: Is your hobby expensive?

B: ....................................................................................

A: Do you expect your hobby to be your future profession?

B: .......................... .. ......................................................

A: Do your relatives like your hobby?

B: ............................................ .......................................

A: Do you need another person (people) to communicate (or to change ) about your hobby? Why?

B: .................................... . , because ......... . ........

Предварительный просмотр:


« Hotel conversation »

Fill the gaps and retell the dialogue:

Receptionist: Good morning, what can I help you ?

Visitor (mr. Adams): I hope you have a room for me.

Receptionist: Are you interested a single room or a double one?

Visitor :…………………………,……………?.

Receptionist: There is a private  bathroom . a TV set and a fridge.

Visitor ……………………………………?

 Receptionist ninety dollars per night.


Receptionist: No problem .You can order a breakfast by phone.

Visitor: Splendid……………………………?

Receptionist: There is a hairdresser’s ,a currency exchange , a post-office , a dry- cleaner’s a shoe repair shop and a laundry. May I have your passport ?


Receptionist: Here is your key. Have a good time in our hotel.


Предварительный просмотр:

БИЛЕТ №2 « The customs»

Customer official: ............................................................

Passenger: I’m from Russia.

Customer official: Are you travelling alone?

Passenger: .................... ..................................................

Customer official: What is the purpose of your visit?

Passenger: .......................................................................

Customer official:- ...................................................

Passenger: I’m going to stay in a hotel.

Customer official: How long are you going to stay in


Passenger: ...................................................................

Customer official: ............................................... ....... ?

Passenger: These are only few presents.

Are these things on duty?

Customer official: ............................................................

Passenger: How much should I pay?

Customer official: ............................................................

Passenger: .............. . ......................................... ............

Customer official: The inspection is over. Have a good

time in America.

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билет 7 для первого курса


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