Раздаточный материал к лекционным занятиям для студентов 1 курса СПО
Упражнения на закрепление лекционного материала
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Предварительный просмотр:
4 основных типа чтения гласных
- Note, lone, mice, rice, type, tune, shy, lay, say, he, hay, name, same, nine, nice, game, came, make, Kate, Pete, five, tie, life, eve, me, size, no, cope, smoke, rose, nose, spine, sly, cry, vine, maze, home, tube, made, fume, cube, pace, lace, sky, hale, spine.
- Cap, pen, bed, ten, not, spot, lot, bad, rat, sit, send, test, pit, in, send, spell, tin, less, ban, mad, fat, Sam, land, did, fit, sat, pet, tin, slip, sad, glad, bag, jam, gap, lag, can, kin, Jim, Jack, yes, ink, cup, run, cod, spin, not, doll, hop, hot, bank, rank, spin, up, us, bus, bun, cut, fun, vet, well, but, nut.
- stern , Far, curt, hard, hart, car, card, cart, fork, cork, work, sort, term, first, Byrd, furs, curl, her, curb, turn, girl, sir, burn, turn, word, born, torn, bird, form, serf, herb.
- Fare , here, pure, rare , cure, during, mare, fire, bare, mire, stare ,tire, sere, mere, store, core, more, care.
Таблица правил сочетаний гласных букв под ударением
Согласные буквы, имеющие два варианта чтения
Таблица чтения сочетаний согласных букв
Таблица чтения гласных в сочетании с согласными
Речевой этикет. Реплики-клише
Одобрение / Неодобрение (Approval / Disapproval).
Свое одобрение или неодобрение на английском языке можно выразить такими фразами:
* What a good idea!
* Good!
* Splendid!
* Wonderful!
* That’s not a very good idea.
* You shouldn’t do that.
* That’s silly.
* What for?
Уверенность /Неуверенность (Certainty / Uncertainty).
* I am absolutely sure of it.
* Yes, certainly.
* There’s no doubt about it.
* I couldn’t say.
* No, certainly not.
* I’m not certain of it.
Представление (Introduction).
Оказавшись в ситуации представления или знакомства с кем-либо, Вы можете услышать приблизительно такие фразы:
* Let me introduce you to my sister.
* I’d like you to meet my sister Jane.
* Meet my sister Jane.
* May I introduce my sister Jane to you?
Весьма вежливо с Вашей стороны будет ответить следующим образом:
* I’m pleased to meet you.
* Nice to meet you.
* Nice to see you.
Завершить ситуацию знакомства может взаимный обмен репликами:
* How do you do? (Рад(а) с Вами познакомиться.)
* How do you do?
Приветствие (Greeting).
Поприветствовать друг друга на английском языке можно по-разному. Например, так:
* Hello, how are you?
* How are you doing?
Ответ может быть приблизительно таким:
* Fine, thanks.
* Very well, thank you.
* Quite well, thank you.
Поприветствовать можно и так:
* How are things with you?
* How’s business?
* How’s life?
Если дела у Вас идут неплохо или так себе, то Ваш ответ может иметь следующий вид:
* Not bad, thanks.
* So-so.
Если же у Вас все хорошо, эти ответные реплики будут наиболее уместны:
* Good, thank you.
* Very good, thank you.
Прощание (Farewell).
Прощание по-английски звучит примерно так:
* Good bye.
* Bye.
* Cheerio. (Счастливо. Всего хорошего.)
* See you.
* See you later.
* See you soon.
Вашей ответной репликой при прощании может быть одна из следующих фраз:
* Good bye.
* Bye. See you tomorrow.
* Good bye and keep in touch.
English law
The Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand, London is the seat of the High Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal.
English law is the legal system of England and Wales, and is the basis of common law legal systems used in most Commonwealth countries and the United States except Louisiana (as opposed to civil law or pluralist systems in use in other countries). It was exported to Commonwealth countries while the British Empire was established and maintained, and it forms the basis of the jurisprudence of most of those countries. English law prior to the American revolution is still part of the law of the United States through reception statutes, except in Louisiana, and provides the basis for many American legal traditions and policies, though it has no superseding jurisdiction.
English law in its strictest sense applies within the jurisdiction of England and Wales. Whilst Wales now has a devolved Assembly, any legislation which that Assembly enacts is enacted in particular circumscribed policy areas defined by the Government of Wales Act 2006, other legislation of the U.K. Parliament, or by orders in council given under the authority of the 2006 Act. Furthermore that legislation is, as with any by-law made by any other body within England and Wales, interpreted by the undivided judiciary of England and Wales.
The essence of English common law is that it is made by judges sitting in courts, applying their common sense and knowledge of legal precedent (stare decisis) to the facts before them. A decision of the highest appeal court in England and Wales, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, is binding on every other court in the hierarchy, and they will follow its directions. For example, there is no statute making murder illegal. It is a common law crime – so although there is no written Act of Parliament making murder illegal, it is illegal by virtue of the constitutional authority of the courts and their previous decisions. Common law can be amended or repealed by Parliament; murder, by way of example, carries a mandatory life sentence today, but had previously allowed the death penalty.
England and Wales are constituent countries of the United Kingdom, which is a member of the European Union. Hence, EU law is a part of English law. The European Union consists mainly of countries which use civil law and so the civil law system is also in England in this form. The European Court of Justice can direct English and Welsh courts on the meaning of areas of law in which the EU has passed legislation.
The oldest law currently in force is the Distress Act 1267, part of the Statute of Marlborough, (52 Hen. 3). Three sections of Magna Carta, originally signed in 1215 and a landmark in the development of English law, are extant, but they date to the reissuing of the law in 1297.
Королевские суды в Стрэнде, Лондон, являются местом пребывания высокого суда и апелляционного суда.
Английское право является правовой системой Англии и Уэльса и является основой общего права правовых систем, используемых в большинстве стран Содружества и Соединенных Штатов, за исключением Луизианы (в отличие от гражданского права или плюралистических систем, используемых в других странах). Она экспортировалась в страны Содружества, в то время как британская Империя была создана и поддерживалась, и она составляет основу юриспруденции большинства этих стран. Английское право до американской революции все еще являлось частью законодательства Соединенных Штатов через законы приема, за исключением Луизианы, и обеспечивает основу для многих американских правовых традиций и политики, хотя он не имеет заменяющей юрисдикции.
Английское право в его самом строгом смысле применяется в пределах юрисдикции Англии и Уэльса. В то время как Уэльс сейчас имеет укороченный Ассамблеи, любое законодательство, что Собрание принимает выносится определение, в частности, описанной политики, определенными законом О Правительстве Уэльса 2006, иными правовыми актами британского парламента, или по приказу в Совете дали под властью законом 2006 года. Кроме того, это законодательство, как и любой подзаконный акт любого другого органа в Англии и Уэльсе, толкуется неразделенной судебной системой Англии и Уэльса.
Суть английского общего права заключается в том, что оно составляется судьями, заседающими в судах, применяя свой здравый смысл и знание правового прецедента (stare decisis) к рассматриваемым ими фактам. Решение высшего апелляционного суда Англии и Уэльса-Верховного Суда Соединенного Королевства-является обязательным для всех других судов в иерархии, и они будут следовать его указаниям. Например, нет закона, запрещающего убийство. Это общеуголовное преступление, поэтому, хотя нет письменного акта парламента, объявляющего убийство незаконным, оно является незаконным в силу конституционных полномочий судов и их предыдущих решений. Общее право может быть изменено или отменено парламентом; убийство, например, сегодня влечет за собой обязательный пожизненный приговор, но ранее допускало смертную казнь.
Англия и Уэльс входят в состав Соединенного Королевства, которое является членом Европейского Союза. Таким образом, право ЕС является частью английского права. Европейский Союз состоит в основном из стран, которые используют Гражданское право, и поэтому система гражданского права также находится в Англии в этой форме. Европейский суд может направлять английские и Валлийские суды по смыслу областей права, в которых ЕС принял законодательство.
Старейший закон в настоящее время действует закон О бедствии 1267, часть Статута Мальборо, (52 курица. 3). Три раздела Великой Хартии вольностей, первоначально подписанной в 1215 году и ставшей вехой в развитии английского права, сохранились, но они датируются переизданием закона в 1297 году.
- Что означает понятие II тип чтения английских гласных -___________________
- Опишите звуки во II типе чтения:
Aa | Oo | Ee | Ii | Yy | Uu |
3) Подчеркните слова I типа чтения:
Side, smile, bring, pile, disc, slide, his, mix, king, mice, bike, fish, dinner, fit, pie, pipe, pink, mile, chin, fill, pig, him, hip, ink, life, if.
4) Напишите фразы на английском языке, которые вы будите использовать при знакомстве за границей.
- Что означает понятие I тип чтения английских гласных -___________________
- Опишите звуки в I типе чтения:
Aa | Oo | Ee | Ii | Yy | Uu |
3) Подчеркните слова II типа чтения:
Back, hand, face, paper, apple, table, map, cat, flat, bag, cake, late, game, flag, rat, rate, lake, man, wave, make, plate, face, wage, can, stand, bank, catch, cake, made, damp, jam.
4) Напишите фразы на английском языке, которые вы будите использовать в разговоре при одобрении / не одобрении за границей.
- Что означает понятие IV тип чтения английских гласных -___________________
- Опишите звуки в IV типе чтения:
Aa | Oo | Ee | Ii | Yy | Uu |
3) Подчеркните слова III типа чтения:
Car, cart, worn, church, card, Carl, morn, paper, apple, cargo, mice, lard, lark , make, sort, mix, table, sport, clock, garden, circus, dirty, cat, black, fill.
4) Напишите фразы на английском языке, которые вы будите использовать при прощании за границей.
- Что означает понятие III тип чтения английских гласных -___________________
- Опишите звуки в III типе чтения:
Aa | Oo | Ee | Ii | Yy | Uu |
3) Подчеркните слова IV типа чтения:
Fare , here, mother, pure, rare , cure, during, mare, morn, fire, bare, block, mire, stare ,tire, sere, football, mere, store, core, more, sportsmen, church, care.
4) Напишите фразы на английском языке, которые вы будите использовать при знакомстве за границей.
- Что означает понятие II тип чтения английских гласных -___________________
- Опишите звуки во II типе чтения:
Aa | Oo | Ee | Ii | Yy | Uu |
3) Подчеркните слова I типа чтения:
mine, first, type, bid, did, fine, pit, five, vine, me, fire, meet, lend, mete, eve, rare, seem, pep, lake, beef, ebb, see, send, pie, type, tin, more, fine, pin, best, sin, fist, miss, moon, pens.
4) Напишите фразы на английском языке, которые вы будите использовать в разговоре при ответе на вопрос”How do you do?” за границей.
- Что означает понятие I тип чтения английских гласных -___________________
- Опишите звуки в I типе чтения:
Aa | Oo | Ee | Ii | Yy | Uu |
3) Подчеркните слова III типа чтения:
church, usually, card, Carl, morn, paper, season, apple, cargo, mice, lard, lark , flat, make, sort, mix, table, sport, clock, rubbish, garden, circus, cock, dirty, room, cat, black, fill.
4) Напишите фразы на английском языке, которые вы будите использовать в разговоре при одобрении / не одобрении за границей.
Промежуточная диагностика
Глагол “to be”, “have”.
- Вставьте вместо пропусков am, are , is. Сделайте перевод предложений.
The boy ______ at the stadium.
Ann_______ from Volgograd.
They ____ ten.
His dogs_____ two years old.
You ____ kind and clever.
She ____ a pupil. We____ pupils too.
Denis and I ____ in school.
- Опровергните утверждения. Сделайте перевод предложений.
The girls are ten.
Nick is in the shop.
Peter is in the yard.
Ann and Peter are in the cinema.
The teachers are in the hall.
Alice and Diana are funny.
The kittens are white.
- Задайте общие вопросы и дайте на них ответ.
The boys are in America.
The apples are red.
The girl is at the lesson now.
The cat and the dog are friends.
The crocodile is in the river.
My parents are in the forest now.
In winter my dogs are in the house.
- Выберите правильную форму – have или has. Сделайте перевод предложений.
Her cat ____ a red ball.
I ___ an English book.
You _____ a white rabbit.
We _____ a good film.
We ______3 days to finish the project.
This table ______ 3 legs.
You _____ a very strict teacher this year.
- Составьте 5 своих собственных предложений с глаголом “have” в отрицательной форме.
- Вставьте do или does в вопросы. Переведите предложения.
….you sleep in your bedroom?
….she walk in the park on Sunday?
…they go to school?
….we play football?
Промежуточная диагностика
Глагол “to be”, “have”.
- Вставьте вместо пропусков am, are , is. Сделайте перевод предложений.
My mother _____ a cook.
The picture ____ on the table.
The sky ____ blue.
They ___ famous.
Bob and I ____ in the swimming pool.
The bread ___ fresh.
Her parents _____ from Moscow.
- Опровергните утверждения. Сделайте перевод предложений.
You are writing a letter.
She is my girlfriend.
Your sister is a photographer.
Ann and Kate are glad to see you.
It is a nice flower.
He is our History teacher.
The books are on the shelf.
- Задайте общие вопросы и дайте на них ответ.
My apple pie is very good.
He is a tall and handsome guy.
She is always late.
My family is very happy.
It is snowy in Russia.
They are married.
This is your favoutite song.
- Выберите правильную форму – have или has. Сделайте перевод предложений.
We _____ a talent show at our school this week.
You ______ a good memory.
Man ____ a perfect lunch on the plain.
Marly ___ a great trip.
We ____ visitors today.
I_____ a day off on Sunday.
My so _____ a new address.
- Составьте 5 своих собственных предложений с глаголом “have” в отрицательной форме.
- Вставьте do или does в вопросы. Переведите предложения.
....he like eggs?
….you have eggs on your breakfast?
….Ann like flowers?
….this car new?
№ 1. Образуйте множественное число от следующих слов, напишите перевод в двух числах:
A fairy a wolf a suit
A piano a watch a glass
A book a mouse a dress
A shelf a foot a nose
A clock a tooth a puppy
A fish a man a factory
A boy a child a baby
A park a woman a dish
A school a goose a deer
An apple a dog cheese
A city a toy a room-mate
A wife a fox German
№ 2. Образуйте притяжательный падеж по образцу. Сделайте перевод получившегося.
Example: My sister has two dolls. ----- My sister’s dolls.
- Foxes have long tales.
- A boy has a red pen.
- Bess has a green apple.
- Pets have a white box.
- Dogs have a nice house.
- My friend has a black rabbit.
- Children have History books.
- Your teacher has clever pupils.
- Mice have an own box.
- My cousin has a very interesting magazine.
- Schoolteachers have clever students.
- His dad has a blue car.
- Her parents have a shop in the city center.
- My sister has a handsome husband.
- Student have a computer on the desk.
Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. This is… pen… pen is red.
2. These are pencils.. pencils are black.
3. This is… soup… soup is tasty.
4. In the morning I eat… sandwich and drink… tea.
5. She gave me… coffee and. cake.. coffee was hot and. cake was tasty.
6. Do you like… ice-cream?
7. I see… book in your… hand. Is… book interesting?
8. She bought… meat,… butter and… potatoes yesterday.
9. She also bought… cake… cake was very… tasty. We ate… cake with. tea.
10. This is… bag… bag is brown.
11. It is my sister’s… bag.
12. And this is my… bag. It is… yellow.
13. This is. tree.. tree is green.
14. I can see… boys… boys are playing.
15. I have.bicycle… bicycle is black. My friend has no… bicycle.
16. Our… room is large.
17. We wrote… dictation yesterday… dictation was long.
18. She has two… daughters and one… son. Her… son is… pupil.
19. My… brother’s… friend has no… dog.
20. This… pencil is broken. Give me that… pencil, please.
21. She has… ball… ball is… big.
22. I got… letter from my… friend yesterday… letter was interesting.
Абстрактные существительные от прилагательных образуются при помощи следующих суффиксов:
- -ness – sleepiness (sleep — спать) — сонливость , loneliness (lonely — одинокий) – одиночество, darkness (dark — темный ) — темнота, politeness (polite — вежливый) — вежливость
- -ment — movement (move — двигать) — движение , announcement (announce — объявлять) – объявление, agreement (agree — соглашаться) — согласие
- -dom – freedom (free — свободный) — свобода, boredom (bore — скучный) — скука, kingdom (king — король) — королевство
- -ion/ -tion / -sion / -ssion – competition (compete — соревноваться) — соревнование, admission (admit — признавать) — признание, celebration (celebrate — праздновать) — празднование, revision (revise — пересматривать) — пересмотр
- -ure / -ture — adventure — приключение, agriculture – сельское хозяйство, nature —природа
- — hood – childhood (child — ребенок) – детство, brotherhood (brother — брат) – братство, neighbourhood (neighbour — сосед) соседство
- -ship – partnership (partner- партнер) партнерство, ownership (owner — собственник) — собственность, hardship (hard — трудный) — трудность
- — ist — idealist (ideal — идеал) — идеалист, artist (art — искусство) pianist (piano- пианино) — пианист
- -ance/-ence – importance (important — важный) — важность, disappearance (disappear — исчезать)- исчезновение, presence (present- присутствовать) – присутствие, silence (silent — безмолвный) — молчание
1 вариант
1) Вставьте артикль, там где это необходимо
1. …Smiths have a dog and a cat.
2. She was the first woman to swim across … English Channel.
3. Go down … Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street.
4. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... teacher. My sister’s ... husband is ... pilot.
5. I have ... car. ... car is white. My ... friend has no ... car.
6. …Beatles were extremely popular the 1960s.
7. …Titanic sank on April 14, 1912.
8. Excuse me, how can I get to ... National Gallery?
9. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to visit … Hermitage.
10. His dream is to become an editor of ... Times one day.
11. Pravda was the main newspaper of … Soviet Union.
12. …Red Square is the central square of …Moscow.
13. …Kennedy Airport is located in the …New York city.
14. …Hyde Park is famous for Speaker’s Corner.
15. …Great Wall of China is about 5,500 miles long.
2) Образуйте притяжательный падеж. Сделайте перевод словосочетаний
1) the hat of the man,
2 )the leg of the boy,
3) the homes of the boys,
4) the home of the girl,
5 )the stick of John,
6) the laughter of the girls,
7) the wing of the bird,
8 )the legs of the horses
9) the cries of the children,
10) the servants of the ladies
3) Поставьте множественное число существительных в скобках,. Переведите предложения.
1. Sara is feeding … (goose) in the garden.
2. … (fish) live in water.
3. The … (thief) broke the windows in the bank.
4. I have 60 … (sheep) in my flock.
5. You should clean your … (tooth) after meals.
6. My … (child) hate cabbage soup.
7. My favourite fairy-tale is about … (elf).
8. My … (foot) always hurt after jogging in the park.
9. Those … (person) are waiting for the manager.
10. These (box) are little.
4) Преобразуйте слова с помощью словообразования.
Apply depart false
Historic patience crimson
Glory thought to attack
Refrigerator every +наречие window + сущ
Force good hesitate
Cheer join address
To love under + сущ Black + сущ
Compare owner federal
Home piano lonely
Brother revise agree
2 вариант
1) Вставьте артикль, там где это необходимо
1. Have you ever visited ... Winter Palace in …St. Petersburg?
2. Everybody knows that the home of the Royal family is ... Buckingham Palace.
3. …House of Commons is a part of the Parliament of …United Kingdom.
4. … Jack is … youngest but … cleverest boy at … school.
5. … Jacksons live in that lovely cottage with … fantastic garden.
6. … Harrisons are not religious and they never go to … church.
7. It takes about … hour to get from … Domodedovo airport to … Lenin street.
8. … Colorado river flows through … Grand Canyon.
10. … Urals are lower than … Caucasus.
11. My friend usually goes to … Alps in … spring by … plane.
12. … Volga is … longest river in … Russia.
13. … Ukraine and … Turkey are separated by … Black sea.
14. I had … my holiday in … northern Italy … last year but I’m going to cross … Atlantic ocean and visit … USA … next year.
15. … Great Britain is situated on … two large islands.
2) Образуйте притяжательный падеж. Сделайте перевод словосочетаний
1) the face of the baby,
2) the laughter of the man,
3) the voices of the pupils,
4) the friend of my brothers.
5) the shop of the chemist,
6) the friend of my brother,
7) the dog of Mrs. Smith,
8) the songs of the women,
9) the dinner of the cat.
10) the shouts of the men
3) Поставьте множественное число существительных в скобках,. Переведите предложения.
1. Where are the … (knife)?
2. Our … (sportsman) are the best!
3. How many … (woman) work in your office?
4. It’s autumn, the … (leaf) are falling down.
5. Let’s cut this orange into … (half).
6. We could hear … (deer) wandering in the forest.
7. There are … (mouse) in the kitchen.
8. Alice and I are wearing similar … (dress) today.
9. I need … (strawberry) for the cake.
10. The (sportsman) are there.
4) Преобразуйте слова с помощью словообразования.
Fortune tract code
Air delight cinematograph
Child disappear tooth + сущ
short+ гл to pre’sent educate
partner prisoner production
logical announce dark
impress high + сущ out+ сущ
lie bore narrate
polite claim down + наречие
calm between use
Упражнение№ 1. Вставьте местоимения по смыслу.
1. Once upon a time (однажды) there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. Together with _______ mum, __________lived in a big forest (лес).
2. One fine day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother said,
3. " ________- grandma is ill. Please go and take this cake and a bottle of wine to ___________ . Grandma's house is not too far from ____________ house, but always go straight (прямо) and don't stop!"
5. So, Little Red Riding Hood took basket (корзина) and went to Grandma's house.
6. In the forest ____________ met the big bad wolf.
7. Little Red Riding Hood greeted (приветствовать) _________ and the wolf asked ___________:
8. "Where are _________ going, Little Red Riding Hood?"
9. "To _________ grandma's house." answered Little Red Riding Hood.
10. "Can you tell _________ where ____________ grandma lives?"
11. " ___________lives in a little cottage at the edge (край) of the forest."
12. "Why don't _________ pick (собирать) some nice flowers for __________?" asked the wolf.
13. "That's a good idea." said Little Red Riding Hood and began looking for(искать) flowers. Meanwhile (тем временем), the wolf was going to grandma's house.
14. The house was quite (совсем) small but nice and ________ roof(крыша) was made out of straw (солома).
15. The wolf went inside (вовнутрь) and swallowed (проглотить) poor old Grandma. After that ___________ put Grandma's clothes on (put on - надевать) and lay (lie - lay - ложиться, лежать) down in _________ bed.
Упражнение№ 2. Вставьте возвратные местоимения по смыслу.
1. Ivan took this photo __.
2. Nina did the homework __.
3. We helped __ to some cake at the party.
4. Vera, did you paint __?
5. I wrote this novel __.
6. He cut __ with the knife by accident.
7. The tiger can defend __.
8. My grandmother often talks to __.
9. Alex and Maxim, if you want more coffee, help __.
10. They assembled the desk __.
Упражнение№ 3. Замените выделенные слова местоимениями
1. Some of us are going for a walk ? Would you like to go with … .
2. There was much food at the party but I didn’t eat … .
3. This writer isn’t well-known. Few people have heard of … .
4. I have met this man but I don’t know … well.
5. Do you want to watch this programmme? No, I’m not interested in … .
6. I expected the weather to be cooler. I didn’t expected … so warm.
7. My parents have got a lot of money, they don’t know what to do with … .
8. He found a picture so interesting that he looked at .. carefully for a long time.
9. Your spelling isn’t good enough. You must improve … .
10. I came into the shop, but there was no one to serve … .
11. Do you often punish your children? Why do you punish … .
12. The food in the hotel was awful. I couldn’t eat … .
13. The water is very dirty. Don’t drink … .
14. When Jack lose his job? – He lost … a year ago.
15. My mother said something but I didn’t undersatand … .
16. When his brother came into the room I didn’t recognize … .
17. Are you sure, that your parents know all about my friend and me. – Yes, I am. They know all about … .
18. The boy caught hold of the man’s hand and the man pulled … up.
19. She has a very big dog. She always goes for a walk with … in the evening.
20. I came here with Alec and Mary. I wanted to show … my office.
Проверочная работа по теме «Местоимения»
1 вариант
1) Вставьте подходящие по смыслу личные местоимения.
1. Ben is a little boy. … is six. 2. Jane is a house-wife. … is lazy. 3. Max is a soldier. … is brave. 4. Lily is a young woman. … is very beautiful. 5. Alice is late. … is in a traffic jam (в дорожной пробке). 6. Nick and Ann are far from Moscow. … are on a farm. 7. This is Ben's room. … is nice. 8. These are new books. … are interesting. 9. This is Elsa. … is a student. 10. Nick and Max are students. … are students of a Moscow university. 11. The rooms are small but … are light and warm. 12. The new flat is comfortable but … is far from the university. 13. Jack has many French books. … likes to read French very much. 14. Hans is a new student. … is German. 15. Alice and Jane are new secretaries. … are not lazy.
2) Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном падеже.
1. I like Nick. 2. We like Bess. 3. He likes ice-cream. 4. Can you show the pictures to Ben? 5. You can tell Helen my e-mail address. 6. Are you interested in football? 7. I want to buytwo bottles of milk for Bess. 8. Do you want to play tennis with Ben? 9. We must speak toNick. 10. You should invite Helen and Bess to your house for dinner. 11. Do you know Mary? 12. Tell Nick about your plan. 13. I see my friends every day.
3) Выберите подходящее притяжательное местоимение.
1. Mark is (their, theirs) cousin. 2. This is our car. It is (our, ours). 3. These are Mary's books. They are (her, hers). 4. White is (my, mine) favourite colour. 5. You can't have this book. It is not (your, yours). 6. (Her, Hers) house is big. 7. Is this (your, yours) coat? - No, it is not (my, mine). 8. Are these your friends' books? - Yes, they are (their, theirs). 9. That is (our, ours) house. It is (our, ours).
4) Используйте правильную форму возвратных местоимений
1. I sent her a photograph of (she). 2. He had prepared (he) for this important meeting. 3. We (we) have to make this important decision. 4. Let’s ask (we) if we are prepared for new hard-ships. 5. Joe was feeling rather pleased with (he). 6. It is the party leaders (they) who made this decision. 7. You have to have some respect for (you). 8. As far as I know, the suggestion came from the president (he).
Проверочная работа по теме «Местоимения»
2 вариант
1) Вставьте соответствующие личные местоимения в предлагаемых ответах на вопросы.
1. Is your house new? – Yes, … is. 2. Are the students at the English lesson now? - Yes, ... are. 3. Is your university in Green Street? – Yes, … is. 4. Are Helen and Bess your sisters? – Yes, … are. 5. Is Ben's sister an engineer? – Yes, … is. 6. Are the pencils red? – No, … are not. 7. Is this room comfortable? - No, … isn't. 8. Are the textbooks on the shelf? - Yes, ... are. 9. Does the girl often visit the museum? – No, … doesn't. 10. Does this pen write well? – Yes, ... does. 11. Is Ben on holiday now? – No, … isn't. 12. Is Helen nice? - Yes, … is. 13. Are you an engineer? - Yes, … am.
2) Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в именительном или объектном падеже.
1. The vase is on the table.2. Mother often sends Ben to buy milk. 3. Are Bess and Helen ready to do the work? 4. Nick and Ben spend their holidays at the seaside. 5. The man is in the park. 6. The managers are not at work now. 7. Helen and I are good friends. 8. Is Ben at the lesson now? 9. Where is the calculator? 10. The newspapers are on the 11. The child is in the garden with his mother. 12. Our parents are always glad to see us. 13. My brother and I are good football players.
3) Измените следующие предложения по образцу, употребляя абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений.
e.g.This car is my car. - This car is mine.
1. This calculator is my calculator. 2. Is this bicycle your bicycle? 3. These hats are her hats. 4. This room is their room. 5. This dog is our dog. 6. My flat is more comfortable than your flat. 7. Our house is near their house. 8. Which of the dictionaries is your dictionary? 9. Is this book his book? 10. Whose cat is this? Is it her cat or his cat?
4) Используйте правильную форму возвратных местоимений
1. We thoroughly enjoyed (we) in the circus. 2. The teacher asked the pupils to write a brief essay about (they).
3. The machine switches (it) off when it has finished printing. 4. The pie is easy to bake. You can do it (you). 5. My mother keeps photographs of (I) when I was a baby. 6. The document (it) is divided into three parts. 7. Goodbye, children. I hope you’ll enjoy (you) at the theatre. 8. I’m going to pour (I) another coffee.
1. Underline the correct word. Подчеркни правильное слово.
1) They’re going away for a few / a little days.
2) I think you’ve put too many / too much sugar in your tea.
3) How many / much time have we got left?
4) Do you know much / many foreign people? — No, I don’t. I know very few / a few.
5) He’s got little / a little time. He can play football.
6) We’ve got little / a little coffee. It’s not enough for all of us.
7) There are a few / few sweets in the box. It’s almost empty.
8) I’ve got few / a few apples. I can make some juice.
2. Correct the mistakes. Исправь ошибки.
1) There isn’t many milk in the fridge.
2) How much tomatoes do you need?
3) There’re a few people at the theatre. It’s almost empty.
4) There is many juice in the cartoon.
5) This dress doesn’t cost many money.
6) How much tigers are there in the zoo?
7) I would like a little biscuits to drink with tea.
8) We’ve got few ham. We can’t make any hamburgers.
3. Fill in many, much, a lot of. Вставь many, much, a lot of.
1) How … sugar would you like?
2) How … peppers have we got?
3) I’ve got … new business ideas.
4) There aren’t … benches in the yard.
5) I saw … interesting films last week.
6) How … is this dress?
4. Поставьте подходящее слово из скобок.
- There is too … (much/many/a few) salt in the soup.
- There are … (much/a little/a few) sky-scrapers in our city.
- I’ve got … (much/a few/a little) albums of this singer.
- My job allows me to travel … (much/many/a few).
- We’ve got … (little/many/few) free time.
- I have never seen so … (much/little/many) stars in the sky.
- Anna spent … (much/a few/a little) days in Rome.
- I’d like just … (much/a few/a little) tea.
- There was very … (little/few/many) rain last autumn.
- Very … (few/little/much) Russian tourists are staying at our hotel.
5. Choose the correct answer. Выбери правильный ответ.
1) How … cheese should I buy?
A much B many C lots of
2) Could I have … more ice in my drink?
A a few B a little C many
3) Only … people know that he was a famous actor.
A much B a few C a little
4) I’ve got …. free time today. There’re a lot of businesses to do.
A little B much C few
5) She doesn’t eat … chocolate because she’s on a diet.
A many B a lot of C much
6) How … sweets are there in the bowl?
A lots of B few C many
6. Fill in a little, a few, little, few. Вставь a little, a few, little, few.
1) What would you like in your tea? – Just …. sugar, please.
2) I’ve only got … money, so I can’t afford to buy this jacket.
3) There are still …tickets left for the concert next Monday. – Great. I’ll go and buy one.
4) There’s …. wine in the bottle. Would you like some?
5) Are there … chemists near here? Yes, …
6) I eat … fish. I prefer meat.
Предлоги места и направления
I. Выберите правильные предлоги.
1. a train ____ Moscow 5. ____ the ten o’clock show
A to B for C on A on B in C at
2. a ticket ____ the plane 6. a visit ____ a college
A on B to C for A on B at C in D to
3. the plans ____ the future 7. ____ John’s birthday
A for B on C to A on B at C in
4. He is ____ his sister’s 8. What are the office hours ____ you?
A by B near C at A at B by C near D with
II. Поставьте правильные предлоги места.
____ the South; ___ the stadium; __ the corner; ___the post-office; __ the factory; ____ the meeting; __ the sky; __ the hostel; __ the station; __ the fifth floor; ____ the concert; ____ the picture; ____ the apple-tree; __ the forest; ___the newspaper; __ Ottava; __ the chemist’s; ____ the USA; ____ the air.
III. Заполните пропуски одним из предлагаемых предлогов.
above across against among around behind towards below beneath beside onto over out of
a. The cowboy leant _____ the bar in the saloon, drinking a beer.
b. She took her purse _____ her bag and paid the taxi driver.
c. Our cat just loves to curl up ________ the fire and go to sleep.
d. The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. We could see the town and the river ______ us, and people who looked like ants.
e. Last night the temperature fell to three degrees _____ zero.
f. The burglar heard a noise coming from upstairs, so he hid _____ the curtains.
g. The dog jumped _____ my lap, and settled down for a good sleep.
h. The hunter froze as the tiger started running ____ him. He had nowhere to hide.
i. She has beautiful works of art all ____ her house, even in the kitchen and the bedroom.
j. These days, politicians like to walk ____ the crowds, shaking hands and saying one or two words.
k. He climbed _____ the wall and ran _____ the field.
l. The plane took off and was soon flying _____ the clouds.
Степени сравнения прилагательных
1. Выберите в скобках правильную степень прилагательного:
- Nick is (happier, the happiest) boy that I know. – Ник – самый счастливый мальчик, которого я знаю.
- Of the six cars, I like the silver one (better, best). – Из шести машин мне нравится серебристая больше всего.
- Jane’s notebook is (cheaper, the cheapest) than mine. – Ноутбук Джейн дешевле, чем мой.
- This is (more delicious, the most delicious) cheese-cake I have ever had! – Это самый вкусный чизкейк, который я пробовала!
- This bookcase is (more beautiful, the most beautiful) than that one. – Этот книжный шкаф красивее, чем тот.
- Do you feel (better, the best) today than yesterday? – Ты чувствуешь себя лучше сегодня, чем вчера?
- I think my cat is (prettier, the prettiest) of all the cats in the world. – Думаю, что моя кошка – самая красивая кошка в мире.
- Steve Jobs is (more famous, famouser) than Stephen Wozniak. – Стив Джобс более известен, чем Стивен Возняк.
- This week the weather is (hotter, more hot) than last week. – На этой неделе погода жарче, чем на прошлой неделе.
- Our new house is (more expensive, expensiver) than the old one. – Наш новый дом дороже, чем старый.
- Girls are usually (cleaner, more clean) than boys. – Девочки обычно более чистые, чем мальчики.
- Chemistry was (harder, the hardest) subject at school. – Химия была самым трудным предметом в школе.
2. Дайте степени сравнения прилагательных.
Н-р: wet – wetter – the wettest
expensive – more expensive – the most expensive
1. big (большой) 2. clever (умный) 3. good (хороший) 4. pleasant (приятный) 5. poor (бедный) 6. bad (плохой) 7. funny (смешной) 8. important (важный) 9. sunny (солнечный) 10. far (далекий) 11. comfortable (удобный) 12. wise (мудрый)
3.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательного со следующих слов.
1. Hot 2. Beautiful 3. Happy 4. Brave 5. Fast 6. Calm 7. Cool 8. Loud 9. Short 10. Strong 11. Dangerous 12. Handsome 13. Nice 14. Sarcastic 15. Bad
4.Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
1. We should eat (healthy) food.
2. Today the streets aren’t as (clean) as they used to be.
3. It’s (bad) mistake he has ever made.
4. This man is (tall) than that one.
5. Asia is (large) than Australia.
6. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi.
7. Which building is the (high) in Moscow?
8. Mary is a (good) student than Lucy.
9. The Alps are (high) than the Urals.
10. This garden is the (beautiful) in our town.
11. She speaks Italian (good) than English.
12. Is the word “newspaper” (long) than the word “book”?
13. The Thames is (short) than the Volga.
14. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean.
15. Chinese is (difficult) than English.
16. Spanish is (easy) than German.
17. She is not so (busy) as I am.
18. It is as (cold) today as it was yesterday.
19. She is not so (fond) of sports as my brother is.
20. Today the weather is (cold) than it was yesterday.
Местоимения much, many, a lot of, few, little
Степени сравнения прилагательных
1 вариант
- Заполните пропуски. Используйте much, many, a lot of. Сделайте перевод предложений
- Your friend doesn’t ask… questions.
- We don’t have… water.
- Is there … sugar in your tea?
- There isn’t… jam in the jar.
- He likes … salt in his food.
- …. chocolate can you eat in an hour?
- Заполните пропуски. Используйте few, little. Сделайте перевод предложений
- Don’t buy much milk. We have … in the fridge.
- I want to make a salad. How many cucumbers do I need? Take…
- There is … snow this winter.
- I have … time. I can help you.
- There are … eggs in the fridge. She can make a cake.
- Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму. Сделайте перевод предложений.
- (big) This bear is…, but that bear is…
- (fat) That pig is… this pig.
- (old) It … house in the town.
- (good) Mike’s story … Kate’s story.
- (beautiful) He thinks London … city in England.
- Напишите письмо другу по переписке, Бену. Количество слов 100. Ответьте на 3 вопроса друга и задай свои три вопроса ему.
…We’ve moved house and now I have to go to a new school. It’s a pity because I liked my old school and I had a lot of friends there. Now I feel a bit lonely but I hope to find some friends here too….
…What do you like most about your school? Have you got a lot of friends at school? What do you usually do with your school friends in your free time? …
Местоимения much, many, a lot of, few, little
Степени сравнения прилагательных
- вариант
- Заполните пропуски. Используйте much, many, a lot of. Сделайте перевод предложений
- There aren’t …shops in this street.
- Do you have…books about animals?
- Will you invite…people to your birthday party?
- There are … new pupils in our class this year.
- …pens are there in your bag?
- They don’t’ eat… meat.
- Заполните пропуски. Используйте few, little. Сделайте перевод предложений
- Very … people are going to eat this cake. It’s very sweet.
- Your pizza is very nice, but there is .. salt in it.
- I can’t go out now. I have … time before my Mum comes home.
- I need….milk. Do you have any?
- He is not a famous write. Very … people know about him.
- Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму. Сделайте перевод предложений.
- (short) Peter is the … boy in his class.
- (bad) This shop … that shop.
- (interesting) This lesson … that lesson.
- (good) Tom’s dictation was good. But mine was … in the class.
- (polite) Steve is polite, he is … boy I know.
- Напишите письмо другу по переписке, Бену. Количество слов 100. Ответьте на 3 вопроса друга и задай свои три вопроса ему.
…I am so fond of Japanese cartoons, that I’ve decided to learn Japanese. Mum says it’s hard, but I think it’s worth it. Besides, their writing is cool! …
…What languages do you learn at school? What other language would you like to learn, why? What do you think about my choice of Japanese?…
Местоимения much, many, a lot of, few, little
Степени сравнения прилагательных
- вариант
- Заполните пропуски. Используйте much, many, a lot of. Сделайте перевод предложений
- Do you know … funny songs?
- Is there … coffee in your mug?
- There is … cheese in my sandwich.
- We have … time today.
- … salt do you like in your soup?
- How … streets are there in your town?
- Заполните пропуски. Используйте few, little. Сделайте перевод предложений
- There is very … salt in this soup.
- I know very … poems by heart.
- I know … teachers in your school
- I’m not a vegetarian. I eat .. meat.
- My grandfather is never alone. He has … friends.
- Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму. Сделайте перевод предложений.
- (heavy) My suitcase is heavy, but my brother’s suitcase is…
- (safe) I think bicycles are … than motorcycles.
- (interesting) TV-6 programme is … programme on TV.
- (slowly) Could you speak a bit …, please?
- (little) She seemed to be … interested in our conversation.
- Напишите письмо другу по переписке, Бену. Количество слов 100. Ответьте на 3 вопроса друга и задай свои три вопроса ему.
…I am a bit sad because I have just quarrelled with my mum. I didn’t want to wash the dishes and make my bed because there was an interesting film on TV…
…Do you think children should help their parents with the housework, why or why not? What do you do about the house? What do you usually do in your free time? …
Местоимения much, many, a lot of, few, little
Степени сравнения прилагательных
- вариант
- Заполните пропуски. Используйте much, many, a lot of. Сделайте перевод предложений
- I’m allergic to sugar. I don’t eat…
- This town isn’t very interesting for tourists. There aren’t … in his fridge.
- Winter brings … cold.
- … water is there in the mug?
- Do you need … milk?
- I don’t know … people in this room.
- Заполните пропуски. Используйте few, little. Сделайте перевод предложений
- I’ll have to go home now. There are … buses at night.
- This film is boring. … people like it.
- We can’t make ham and cheese sandwiches. We have a lot of cheese, but … eggs.
- Why are the farmers sad this summer? There is … rains.
- He’s a very interesting man. He has … hobbies.
- Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму. Сделайте перевод предложений.
- (old) Uncle Albert doesn’t feel a day … than forty.
- (early) I have to get up … this morning than yesterday.
- (popular) I think the Beatles’ songs are … songs.
- (nice) Margaret is … person I know.
- (good) My jeans are … than yours.
- Напишите письмо другу по переписке, Бену. Количество слов 100. Ответьте на 3 вопроса друга и задай свои три вопроса ему.
…My cat is getting old. But he’s still able to jump on the fridge and he likes to watch Mum making dinner for him. And he is so cool: big, white and furry! He is such fun! I can’t understand people who prefer to live without pets…
…Why don’t some people want to have any pets? Do you approve of keeping exotic pets like spiders or snakes, why? What pets are popular in your country? …
Упражнение 1. Напишите ответы словами по-английски.
ОБРАЗЕЦ. 1.50 a.m. — It is 10 minutes to two.
a.m — in the morning; p.m. — in the afetnoon, in the evening
1.50 a.m.; 10 p.m.; 3.15 p.m.; 5.25 a.m.; 7.30 a.m.; 12.00 p.m.; 12.00 a.m.; 12.55 p.m.; 10.35 a.m.; 11.45 p.m.; 9.40 a.m.; 3.20 p.m.; 15.15; 17.45; 21.30; 14.15; 10.15; 6.50.
Упражнение 2. Который час? Напишите ответы цифрами по-английски.
A quarter past three in the afternoon.
Half past five in the morning.
A quarter to six in the evening.
Twenty-five to nine in the morning.
Twenty to eleven at night.
Ten to four in the afternoon.
Five to nine in the morning.
Twenty past six in the evening.
Twenty-five to two in the afternoon.
Eleven o’clock.
Упражнение 3. Скажите по-английски, который час.
ОБРАЗЕЦ 5:20 — It is twenty minutes past five.
Упражнение 4. Произнесите и напишите даты по-английски.
06.01.1978 01.06.1453
17.02.1955 12.08.1690
05.03.1797 02.11.1564
22.04.1915 03.10.1986
15.12.1367 23.04.1998
Упражнение 1. Вставьте is или are и переведите предложения.
There … many old trees in the park.
There … children under the trees.
There … a lake in the park.
There … boats on the lake.
There … a woman in the boat.
There … a glass on the table.
There … a cup of coffee on the coffee-table.
There … flowers in the vase.
There … seven bottles under the table.
There … a water-melon in the fridge.
Упражнение 2. Составьте предложения из слов.
five, there, in the park, children, are
on the, there, a cat, is sofa
little, balls, there, three, are, floor, on , the
big, a dog, in the, there, hall, is
a cake, in the, there, picture, is.
Упражнение 3. Сделайте отрицательные предложения
There is a bicycle near the tree.
There are books on the table.
There were sweets in the box.
There was a bird in the cage.
There is a pear on the dish.
Упражнение 4. Задайте вопросы к предложению и ответьте на них. Используйте образец.
1.There is a good programme on TV tonight.
— Is there a good programme on TV tonight? — Yes, there is.
2. There aren’t any theatres in my town.
— Are there any theatres in your town? — No, there are not/there aren’t.
1. There is a cat in the window.
2. There is book on the shelf.
3.There are several pictures on the walls.
3. There are many glasses in the cupboard.
4. There isn’t a peach on the plate.
5.There was a shop at the corner.
6. There were many apples in the basket.
7. There wasn’t a boy in the room.
8. There weren’t any pears on the plate.
9. There will be a lot of people at the stadium.
10. There will be some interesting programmes on TV tomorrow.
Упражнение 5. Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык.
1. В этом журнале (magazine) много интересных статей (articles). 2. В нашем городе много музеев и театров. 3. В этой комнате есть телефон? 4. В этой комнате два окна. 5. В чашке не было чая. 6. Сколько статей было в этом журнале? — Там было несколько статей. 7. Сколько студентов в группе (group)? — Двадцать. 8. Рядом с нашим домом будет парк. 9. На этой улице была школа? 10. На столе лежит несколько книг.
Времена группы Simple
- Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple. Сделайте перевод предложений.
- My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock.
- I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises.
- It (to take) me fifteen minutes.
- At half past seven we (to have) breakfast.
- My father and I (to leave) home at eight o’clock.
- He (to take) a bus to his factory.
- My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o’clock.
- In the evening we (to gather) in the living room.
- Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple. Сделайте перевод предложений.
- Peter and Ann (to go) away an hour ago.
- Yesterday we (to become) students.
- In May I (to finish) secondary school.
- Two days ago he (to meet) his friends at the Institute.
- They (to work) as engineers at small enterprise in 2011.
- We (to have) English lesson the other day.
- First-year students (to watch) educational film last week.
- Professor (to give) a lecture on physics some hours ago.
- Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple. Сделайте перевод предложений.
- Students (to receive) the results tomorrow.
- The group of students (to pass) the exam in English in 1 year.
- We (to translate) the text next Friday.
- Schoolchildren (to have) special courses next term.
- In two days she (to go) at Moscow conference.
- I (to read) the article in two days.
- Tomorrow he (to become) a first-year student.
№ 1Выберите из скобок нужную форму. Объясните сделанный выбор.
1. Не often (go) to the cinema. 2. They (watch) TV at the moment. 3. She (write) letters to her mother every week. 4. Nina usually (drive) to work. 5. Father (sit) on the sofa now. 6. Listen. The telephone (ring). 7. Tim (study) a new language every year. 8. We always (spend) the summer in York. 9. In summer we usually (go) to the seaside. 10. Look at Tom. He (ride) a horse. 11. My brother (talk) to Tom now. 12. Не (work) hard every day. 13. That girl (speak) English very well. 14. My friend (enjoy) hamburgers very much. 15. John and Frank (write) letters at this moment. 16. The children (sleep) for two hours every afternoon. 17. It (rain) very much in autumn. 18. Miss Peters (talk) to Mr Johnson right now. 19. We (do) Exercise 13. 20. My mother (cook) very well.
№ 2 Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1.We not going to school today. 2. What you doing after school? 3. At the moment Peter is work in Russia. 4. Does he got a new car? 5. He never wear a hat. 6. He don’t like black coffee. 7. We are have a good time. 8. What you doing now? 9. It rains at the moment. 10. How you like the game? 11. Where your sister work? 12. I’m go to the cinema tonight. 13. How much you sleep? 14. We no wear a uniform at school. 15. That’s my brother over there. He stands near the window. 16. Claire not like oranges. 17. Sorry. You can’t speak to Jane. She’s sleep. 18. My friend live in Great Britain. 19. Peter’s a businessman. He’s working all over the world.
№ 1Выберите из скобок нужную форму. Объясните сделанный выбор.
1. Не often (go) to the cinema. 2. They (watch) TV at the moment. 3. She (write) letters to her mother every week. 4. Nina usually (drive) to work. 5. Father (sit) on the sofa now. 6. Listen. The telephone (ring). 7. Tim (study) a new language every year. 8. We always (spend) the summer in York. 9. In summer we usually (go) to the seaside. 10. Look at Tom. He (ride) a horse. 11. My brother (talk) to Tom now. 12. Не (work) hard every day. 13. That girl (speak) English very well. 14. My friend (enjoy) hamburgers very much. 15. John and Frank (write) letters at this moment. 16. The children (sleep) for two hours every afternoon. 17. It (rain) very much in autumn. 18. Miss Peters (talk) to Mr Johnson right now. 19. We (do) Exercise 13. 20. My mother (cook) very well.
№ 2 Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1.We not going to school today. 2. What you doing after school? 3. At the moment Peter is work in Russia. 4. Does he got a new car? 5. He never wear a hat. 6. He don’t like black coffee. 7. We are have a good time. 8. What you doing now? 9. It rains at the moment. 10. How you like the game? 11. Where your sister work? 12. I’m go to the cinema tonight. 13. How much you sleep? 14. We no wear a uniform at school. 15. That’s my brother over there. He stands near the window. 16. Claire not like oranges. 17. Sorry. You can’t speak to Jane. She’s sleep. 18. My friend live in Great Britain. 19. Peter’s a businessman. He’s working all over the world.
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