Афанасьева О.В. контрольная работа 6 класс 3 четверть.
методическая разработка на тему

Брагина Любовь Константиновна

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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

Example: If you (not know) anything about Little Italy, I (tell) about it. If you don’t know anything about Little Italy, I will tell you about it.

  1. I hope we (go) to Broadway as soon as we (arrive) in New York.

  1. If Tom (discover) the truth, he (be) really happy.

  1. If he (stay ) in Mexico for a long time, they (miss) him.

  1. As soon as winter (come), we (make) a snowman.

  1. After dad (buy) meat, mother (prepare) soup.

  1. I (go) to the theatre after I (wash) the plates.

  1. They (fly) to Spain before autumn (come).

  1. If it (not be) windy, they (sail) to the sea.

  1. As soon as Mary (write) her homework, she (have) free time.

  1. Complete the sentences with the derivatives.

Thanksgiving is a ………………………………….(tradition) American holiday. Columbus’…………………………..(discover) of America is very important. It was a ………………………….(peace)   talk. His answer was really………………………..(emotion).  The children had a …………………………..(danger) voyage to the island.  Columbus’ voyages to America are very …………………….(fame). I …………………(near) fought with my friend.  There are a lot of …………………(rock) mountains in the country.  Many ……………… (visit) come to see it. The city looked really ………………………….(beautiful) on that day.

  1. Write the prepositions where necessary. (across, in, on, to, from, for, by, up, through, about).

Columbus arrived….. Central America, but he didn’t know it. We live far…………the city. When we arrived……………the station, it was morning. Mag went…….the forest and found………a nice pond there. All people hope……….the best. I think he is …….Moscow, but I’m not sure……..it. when John arrived ……home, he hung his coat ……….the hook. People come………the island to hunt …….wild animals.    There are a lot ……skyscrapers in New York. Very few plants grow……..a rocky land……..the seashore. Mountains extends………north………..south………..the country. Do you like to travel….plane or……..car? Are you doing anything …….Saturday night? I am going…….the skating rink.

  1. Complete the disjunctive questions.

Boys don’t like to sleep in pyjamas,………………………?  Girls like to put on different clothes,…………… ?  Both boys and girls wear jeans,………………………. ? You can wear mittens in autumn,………………….? Trainers are very comfortable,………………………..? Teachers never wear jeans,………………………?  You won’t wear this dress,…………………………..? There was a good film in the cinema,……………………….? Students should wear school uniform,……………………..? He always takes off his boots when he enters the house,……………………?

  1. Choose the right forms.

Don’t you think that (this/these) shorts (is/are) too small? Your clothes (is/are) so beautiful! Where (is/are) your old dress?  - I through (it/them) away. I like (this/these) sandals, show (it/them) to me, please. Mother’s gloves (is/are) really soft. I’d like to wear(it/them).

  1. Use the proper tense.

Where you (go) for holidays?

Don’t worry! I (wait ) for you.

They (leave) for New York tomorrow at 3 p.m.

I think I (buy) a kilo of bananas for them.

Olga (be) fifteen this year.

It (be) Saturday tomorrow.

We (visit) her soon.

We (make) a dinner in ten minutes.

  1. Correct the mistakes.

Can I have any coffee? If I will go there, I’ll see him. She will leave for New York in the evenings. He fighted with his friends yesterday. There were four businessman in the office. Baseball is very popular at Americans. He doesn’t do it next week. I’m not sure in it. Will I open the window? They arrived at Moscow at 5 o’clock. There were a lot of people on the bank of the lake.

  1. Use the, a/an where necessary.

……Buckingham Palace is situated in……London.  I don’t like…… frosty weather. Last….. Christmas we went to …….Siberia. ………….London is…………capital of ……England. He saw ….beautiful snowflake falling to…….ground.  ……….Red Square is…….symbol of…….Russia. Yesterday it was …….sunny but…..cold day. My favorite holidays are…… Easter and Christmas.  I forgot to send……..e-mail to……my friend…….last week. It was…..real treat to go to…….theatre…….last Sunday.

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