Зачетные задания для студентов СПО
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Зачетное задание для студентов СПО 1 курса 1 семестр
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Предварительный просмотр:
Variant 1
- Choose the correct form of pronoun
Kate and ... work together. | 1.Me 2. I 3. my | |
My sister and ... are good friends. | 1. I 2. me 3. my | |
... enjoy playing tennis | 1. Us 2. We 3. Our | |
Helen and ... are neighbors. | 1. them 2. they 3. their | |
Are you going to invite ... here? | 1. she 2. her 3. hers | |
I didn't like the film. I don't like to speak about .... | 1. it 2. its 3. it's | |
Don't ask ... this question. I don't know how to answer .... | 1. I 2. me 3. her 4. it 5. my 6. him 7. them 8. its | |
We'll be very happy if you go on a trip with .... | 1. we 2. us 3. our | |
This is Maria. … is having lunch in the canteen | 1.he 2.she 3.they | |
Look at the children! … are playing football in the snow! | 1.he 2.she 3.it 4.they |
- Put the correct form of the verb to be
1.They ... happy.
- Am
- Is
- Are
2. It ... near.
- Am
- Is
- Are
3. My work ... easy.
- Am
- Is
- Are
4.I ... at work today.
- Am
- Is
- Are
5.... you ready?
- Am
- Is
- Are
6.... your friends here?
- Am
- Is
- Are
7.My boss ... angry.
- Am
- Is
- Are
8. We ... busy now.
- Am
- Is
- Are
9. This problem ... serious.
- Am
- Is
- Are
10. Our dog ... big.
- Am
- Is
- Are
- Fill the gaps with the verb to be and make the sentences negative.
- He … an elephant.
- Her name … Mary.
- We … pupils.
- His name … Tom.
- I … seven.
- Rex … brave and kind.
- They … friends.
- Her name … Bess.
- Her name … Jill.
- She … seven.
- Put the nouns into plural form (do not forget about the article)
A pen, a class, a story, a road, a day, a bush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a wolf, a country, а lion, a park, a play, the man, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.
- Convert quantitative to ordinal numerals
- eighty-three
- twenty-five
- twelve
- two thousand and nine
- seven hundred and sixteen
- eleven
- two
- thirty-eight
- ninety-six
- ten
- Write in words
1. ¼
2. 5/6
3. 9/13
4. 4/9
5. 2/17
- Write the date of your birthday in words.
I was born on …
- Use the object case of nouns.
- This notebook belongs to Jane.
- These suitcases belong to our guests.
- This bedroom belongs to my son.
- These keys belong to Mark.
- This painting belongs to Picasso.
- These poems belong to Pushkin.
- This helicopter belongs to our boss.
- These dictionaries belong to the students.
- Choose the correct form of object case of nouns.
1. the bedroom of my sisters - ...
1. my sister's bedroom
2. my sisters' bedroom
3. my sisters's bedroom
2. the hobby of my wife - ...
1. my wife's hobby
2. my hobby's wife
3. my wifes' hobby
3. the photo of her boyfriend - ...
1. her photo's boyfriend
2. her boyfriend's photo
3. her boyfriends' photo
4. the decision of the government - ...
1. the governments' decision
2. the government' decision
3. the government's decision
5. the wedding of Tom and Jane -
1. Tom's and Jane's wedding
2. Tom and Jane's wedding
3. Tom and Janes' wedding
6. the car of the Millers - ...
1. the Millers's car
2. the Miller's car
3. the Millers' car
7. the umbrella of Professor Jones - ...
1. Professor Jones' umbrella
2. Professor's Jones's umbrella
3. Professor Jones's umbrella
- Describe the room using the prepositions
- Describe your own appearance.
- Translate the text
Now let me describe my appearance. I am tall and slim and have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I think I am just good-looking. I love sports and music. I was very serious about a career in gymnastics when I was in the 5th form. But then I broke my arm and doctors didn't let me go in for gymnastics. I love to listen to modern music and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming. I always swim in the Black sea when I visit my parents, my dear family.
Variant 2
- Choose the correct form of pronoun
We spent our holidays with ... | 1. they 2. them 3. their | |
She writes to ... every day. | 1. he 2. him 3. his | |
... enjoy playing tennis | 1. Us 2. We 3. Our | |
Helen and ... are neighbors. | 1. them 2. they 3. their | |
Are you going to invite ... here? | 1. she 2. her 3. hers | |
We'll be very happy if you go on a trip with .... | 1. we 2. us 3. our | |
I love my parents and ... like to spend my weekend with... | 1. my 2. me 3. I 4. their 5. them 6. they | |
Vanya is my friend. … is riding a bike now. | 1.he 2.she 3.they | |
Look at Pavel's parents. …. are reading a book. | 1.he 2.she 3.they | |
Lisa is Pavel's friend. Listen! …. is singing! | 1.he 2.she 3.they |
- Put the correct form of the verb to be
1.The hamster ___ in the cage.
- Am
- Is
- Are
2. I ___ a painter.
- Am
- Is
- Are
3.Emma and Betty ___ good friends.
- Am
- Is
- Are
4. ___ you from Scotland?
- Am
- Is
- Are
5.We ___ children.
- Am
- Is
- Are
6.I ___ a football fan.
- Am
- Is
- Are
7. They ___ in the car.
- Am
- Is
- Are
8. His pencil case ___ at home.
- Am
- Is
- Are
9.Paul and John ___ from London.
- Am
- Is
- Are
10. She ___ a nice girl.
- Am
- Is
- Are
- Fill the gaps with the verb to be and make the sentences negative.
- Her name … Jill.
- She … seven.
- Tom … smart.
- Mr Greenwood … nice.
- His pet … funny.
- Bob … strong.
- Crocodiles … green
- Pupils … lazy.
- Tiny … kind and funny.
- I … seven
- Put the nouns into plural form (do not forget about the article)
A mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.
- Convert quantitative to ordinal numerals
- eighty-three
- two thousand and nine
- eleven
- seven hundred and sixteen
- twenty-five
- twelve
- two
- ninety-six
- ten
- thirty-eight
- Write in words
1. 1/2
2. 4/9
3. 9/13
4. 5/11
5. 3/17
- Write the date of your birthday in words.
I was born on …
- Use the object case of nouns.
- This notebook belongs to Jane.
- These keys belong to Mark.
- This painting belongs to Picasso.
- This bedroom belongs to my son.
- These dictionaries belong to the students.
- These suitcases belong to our guests.
- These poems belong to Pushkin.
- This helicopter belongs to our boss.
- Choose the correct form of object case of nouns.
1. the hobby of my wife - ...
1. my wife's hob
2. my hobby's wife
2. the decision of the government - ...
1. the governments' decision
2. the government' decision
3. the government's decision
3. the bedroom of my sisters - ...
1. my sister's bedroom
2. my sisters' bedroom
3. my sisters's bedroom
4. the wedding of Tom and Jane -
1. Tom's and Jane's wedding
2. Tom and Jane's wedding
3. Tom and Janes' wedding
5. the car of the Millers - ...
1. the Millers's car
2. the Miller's car
3. the Millers' car
6. the umbrella of Professor Jones - ...
1. Professor Jones' umbrella
2. Professor's Jones's umbrella
3. Professor Jones's umbrella
7. my wifes' hobby
1. her photo's boyfriend
2. her boyfriend's photo
3. her boyfriends' photo
- Describe the room using the prepositions
- Describe your own appearance.
- Translate the text
I would like to tell you about my family. There are five people in our family. My father's name is Vladimir Stepanovich. He is a mathematician by education and businessman by profession. My mother's name is Tatyana Petrovna. She is a housewife. She has much work about the house because I have a younger sister. She is a pupil. My sister Natasha is in the fifth form. My grandmother, my mother's mother, lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.
Variant 3
- Choose the correct form of pronoun
Will you give ... some help? | 1. she 2. her 3. hers | |
Helen and ... are neighbors. | 1. them 2. they 3. their | |
Are you going to invite ... here? | 1. she 2. her 3. hers | |
I didn't like the film. I don't like to speak about .... | 1. it 2. its 3. it's | |
Don't ask ... this question. I don't know how to answer .... | 1. I 2. me 3. her 4. it 5. my 6. him 7. them 8. its | |
We'll be very happy if you go on a trip with .... | 1. we 2. us 3. our | |
I love my parents and ... like to spend my weekend with... | 1. my 2. me 3. I 4. their 5. them 6. they | |
This is Maria. … is having lunch in the canteen | 1.he 2.she 3.they | |
Look at the children! … are playing football in the snow! | 1.he 2.she 3.it 4.they | |
Vanya is my friend. … is riding a bike now. | 1.he 2.she 3.they |
- Put the correct form of the verb to be
1.My boss ... angry.
- Am
- Is
- Are
2.They ... happy.
- Am
- Is
- Are
3. My work ... easy.
- Am
- Is
- Are
4. It ... near.
- Am
- Is
- Are
5.I ... at work today.
- Am
- Is
- Are
6.... you ready?
- Am
- Is
- Are
7.... your friends here?
- Am
- Is
- Are
8. We ... busy now.
- Am
- Is
- Are
9. This problem ... serious.
- Am
- Is
- Are
10. Our dog ... big.
- Am
- Is
- Are
- Fill the gaps with the verb to be and make the sentences negative.
- The girl’s flowers … nice.
- My uncle … a director of the large company.
- He … often on a business trip.
- Now he … at home with his family.
- His daughters … so much exсited.
- The students … at the hostel now .
- My sister … not at work next month.
- Where … your mother now?
- He … not a pupil 20 years ago.
- My name … Brenda Foster.
- Put the nouns into plural form (do not forget about the article)
A pen, a class, a story, a road, a day, a bush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a wolf, a country, а lion, a park, a play, the man, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.
- Convert quantitative to ordinal numerals
- seven hundred and sixteen
- thirty-eight
- eighty-three
- twelve
- two thousand and nine
- eleven
- twenty-five
- two
- ninety-six
- ten
- Write in words
1. 1/5
2. 5/7
3. 9/15
4. 4/9
5. 2/11
- Write the date of your birthday in words.
I was born on …
- Use the object case of nouns.
- These keys belong to Mark.
- This painting belongs to Picasso.
- These poems belong to Pushkin.
- This notebook belongs to Jane.
- These suitcases belong to our guests.
- This bedroom belongs to my son.
- This helicopter belongs to our boss.
- These dictionaries belong to the students.
- Choose the correct form of object case of nouns.
1. the decision of the government - ...
1. the governments' decision
2. the government' decision
3. the government's decision
2. the bedroom of my sisters - ...
1. my sister's bedroom
2. my sisters' bedroom
3. my sisters's bedroom
3. the photo of her boyfriend - ...
1. her photo's boyfriend
2. her boyfriend's photo
3. her boyfriends' photo
4. the hobby of my wife - ...
1. my wife's hob
2. my hobby's wife
3. my wifes' hobby
5. the umbrella of Professor Jones - ...
1. Professor Jones' umbrella
2. Professor's Jones's umbrella
3. Professor Jones's umbrella
6. the wedding of Tom and Jane -
1. Tom's and Jane's wedding
2. Tom and Jane's wedding
3. Tom and Janes' wedding
7. the car of the Millers - ...
1. the Millers's car
2. the Miller's car
3. the Millers' car
- Describe the room using the prepositions
- Describe your own appearance.
- Translate the text
Our family is very friendly, we have many friends. In summer many relatives come to visit us. And, of course, they use a chance to spend several weeks in beautiful Sochi.
In May I have finished school No 5 in Sochi. I did well in all the subjects but my favourite subjects at school were Physics and Computer Science. I also enjoyed English lessons.
Variant 4
- Choose the correct form of pronoun
Kate and ... work together. | 1.Me 2. I 3. my | |
We spent our holidays with ... | 1. they 2. them 3. their | |
My sister and ... are good friends. | 1. I 2. me 3. my | |
She writes to ... every day. | 1. he 2. him 3. his | |
... enjoy playing tennis | 1. Us 2. We 3. Our | |
Will you give ... some help? | 1. she 2. her 3. hers | |
Helen and ... are neighbors. | 1. them 2. they 3. their | |
Are you going to invite ... here? | 1. she 2. her 3. hers | |
I didn't like the film. I don't like to speak about .... | 1. it 2. its 3. it's | |
We'll be very happy if you go on a trip with .... | 1. we 2. us 3. our |
- Put the correct form of the verb to be
1. It ... near.
- Am
- Is
- Are
2.They ... happy.
- Am
- Is
- Are
3. My work ... easy.
- Am
- Is
4.My boss ... angry.
- Am
- Is
- Are
5.... you ready?
- Am
- Is
- Are
6.I ... at work today.
- Am
- Is
- Are
7.... your friends here?
- Am
- Is
- Are
8. We ... busy now.
- Am
- Is
- Are
9. Our dog ... big.
- Am
- Is
- Are
10. This problem ... serious.
- Am
- Is
- Are
- Fill the gaps with the verb to be and make the sentences negative.
- My friends… teachers.
- My uncle…. a driver.
- My parents … doctors.
- My cousins … vets.
- My mum … a shop-assistant.
- My son ... a student.
- His name ... Nick.
- We ... teachers.
- I ... a doctor.
- I and Tom … friends.
- Put the nouns into plural form (do not forget about the article)
A lion, a pen, a tooth, a class, a story, a road, a day, a bush, a desk, a table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a wolf, a country, , a park, a play, the man, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, the sheep, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.
- Convert quantitative to ordinal numerals
- seven hundred and sixteen
- thirty-eight
- eighty-three
- twelve
- two thousand and nine
- eleven
- twenty-five
- two
- ninety-six
- ten
- Write in words
1. 1/6
2. 5/8
3. 7/15
4. 4/5
5. 2/13
- Write the date of your birthday in words.
I was born on …
- Use the object case of nouns.
- These suitcases belong to our guests.
- These keys belong to Mark.
- These poems belong to Pushkin.
- This notebook belongs to Jane.
- This bedroom belongs to my son.
- This helicopter belongs to our boss.
- This painting belongs to Picasso.
- These dictionaries belong to the students.
- Choose the correct form of object case of nouns.
1. the bedroom of my sisters - ...
1. my sister's bedroom
2. my sisters' bedroom
3. my sisters's bedroom
2. the decision of the government - ...
1. the governments' decision
2. the government' decision
3. the government's decision
3. the hobby of my wife - ...
1. my wife's hob
2. my hobby's wife
3. my wifes' hobby
4. the photo of her boyfriend - ...
1. her photo's boyfriend
2. her boyfriend's photo
3. her boyfriends' photo
5. the umbrella of Professor Jones - ...
1. Professor Jones' umbrella
2. Professor's Jones's umbrella
3. Professor Jones's umbrella
6. the car of the Millers - ...
1. the Millers's car
2. the Miller's car
3. the Millers' car
7. the wedding of Tom and Jane -
1. Tom's and Jane's wedding
2. Tom and Jane's wedding
3. Tom and Janes' wedding
- Describe the room using the prepositions
- Describe your own appearance.
- Translate the text
Hello, friends. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Ann or Anya for my friends. My surname or last name is Sokolova. I was born on the 2nd of October in Sochi, Krasnodarsky Krai. This is the most beautiful city in Russia situated on the Black Sea coast. Now I am a first-year student at the Technical Academy. In five years I'll be an engineer.
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