Контрольная работа для 3 курса
Работа содержит текст, задания на лексику и грамматику
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1 вариант
Задание 1. Read the text and do the tasks.
Community payback work
The six men digging the road in London yesterday were like any labourers doing a hard day’s work – except for one thing. These were the first UK criminals to wear “the vests of shame”. These bright orange vests, with the words “community payback” on the back, tell the public that offenders who are cleaning graffiti or digging the road are doing it as a punishment.
Community payback work, or “restorative justice”, is an alternative punishment to prison. The idea is that offenders restore or give something back to the community. It is also a way to avoid increasing the population of the already overcrowded prisons. There is already some evidence that offenders who complete a community service punishment are less likely to re-offend than those who go to prison.
1. Complete the sentences with words from the text.
a. To “restore” is to give__________.
b. Prisons in the UK have too many people in them. They are _________.
c. People who go to prison are more likely to _______ than those who do community service.
d. Offenders often feel _________ when people recognize them in the orange vests.
2. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Correct the false ones.
1. The men in orange vests were volunteers.
2. Community payback work is a kind of punishment.
3. This kind of punishment prevents criminals from committing more crimes.
3. Answer the questions.
What are the types of punishment? What is the purpose of corrections?
In what cases are summary trials held?
Задание 2. Fill the gaps with new words.
1. If a judge finds a verdict of guilt, the accused is sentenced to jail or payment of a ….
2.Summary trials are held for …… offenses.
3. At the end of the …, the man was found guilty.
4.The defendant can …. his conviction before the actual sentence is imposed.
Задание 3. Open the brackets using Infinitive or Gerund.
Example: 1. They enjoy (sit) in the sun.
They enjoy sitting in the sun.
2. She wanted (become) an artist.
She wanted to become an artist.
1. I hate (travel) by train.
2. He left without (say) goodbye.
3. She managed (lose) a lot of weight.
4. (Swim) helps you keep fit.
5. We are sorry (say) that you have failed the exam.
6. I’d love (go) to the cinema tonight
2 вариант
Задание 1. Read the text and do the tasks.
Prison sentences in England and Wales
There must be a life sentence for murder. There is an automatic life sentence for a second serious sexual or violent offence. There is a minimum seven-year prison sentence for third-time trafficking in Class A drugs. This applies to the importation, production, supply and possession with intent to supply of Class A drugs. The maximum penalty for these offences is life imprisonment.
There is a minimum three- year prison sentence for third-time domestic burglary. The maximum penalty for burglary is 14 year’s imprisonment.
There is a minimum five-year prison sentence for possession or distribution of weapons or ammunition. The maximum penalty is 10 year’s imprisonment.
I. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Correct the false ones.
1) Death is punishment for murder.
2 )A second serious sexual or violent offence is punished by a life sentence.
3) You must be punished no matter you produce or are involved in drug trafficking in Class A drugs.
4) The maximum penalty for these offences is seven years.
5) If you commit a burglary in England or Wales you will be put into prison from 3 to 14 years.
6) If a person possesses arms he will be fined.
7) The maximum penalty for possession of weapons is 10 year’s imprisonment.
II. Answer the questions.
What is a felony? What are the types of punishment?
When is the date for sentencing set?
Задание 2. Fill the gaps with new words.
1. The lawyer didn’t agree with the … so she filed an appeal.
2. At the … the suspect is photographed and fingerprinted.
3. Corrections help …. offenders.
4. The …. may take place without a warrant.
Задание 3. Open the brackets using Infinitive or Gerund.
Example: 1. They enjoy (sit) in the sun.
They enjoy sitting in the sun.
2.She wanted (become) an artist.
She wanted to become an artist.
1. I’m still too upset (talk) about it.
2. Don’t disturb him. He’s busy (work).
3. Stop (bite) your nails!
4. She agreed (lend) him 1000 pounds.
5. I don’t know how (do) this exercise.
6. It’s no use (tell) her. She won’t listen.
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