Презентации для уроков английского языка
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Турсунова Мухайё Сулеймановна

Презентации к урокам  английского языка , ОУД .02  Общеобразовательный цикл


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Слайд 1

Тема «Город, деревня, инфраструктура» Автор:Турсунова М.С, Преподаватель английского языка БУ «Советский политехнический колледж. 1

Слайд 2

The Country and the City 2 Some people live in the city Where the houses are very tall. Some people live in the country Where the houses are very small. But in the country where the houses are small, The gardens are very big. And in the cities where the houses are tall There are no gardens at all.

Слайд 3

3 Vocabulary : 1) rural [' гшг (э)1] — деревенский, сельский 2) urban [' з:Ь (э)п] — городской 3) hustle and bustle of a big city — суета большого города 4) convenient [ kan ' viiniant ] — удобный 5) to graduate from a university — окончить университет 6) renowned [ n ' naund ] — знаменитый, прославленный 7) reputed [ n ' pju : tid ] — имеющий хорошую репутацию; из¬вестный 8) educational institution — образовательное учреждение 9) personal development — личностный рост 10) there are too few hours in a day — в сутках не хватает 24-х часов 11) city dweller [' dwela ] — горожанин, городской житель 12) heavy traffic — интенсивное дорожное движение 13) traffic jam — затор на дороге, пробка 14) to delay [ di ' lei ] — откладывать 15) to be in a hurry — спешить 16) to be pressed for time — совершенно не иметь времени; вре¬мя поджимает 17) overcrowded cities [. auvs ' kraudid ] — перенаселенные города 18) overpopulation [. auva . popju ' leijl ^ n ] — перенаселенность 19) air / water pollution — загрязнение воздуха / воды 20) domestic heating — домашнее отопление 21) harmful — вредный 22 ) ecological problems — экологические проблемы 23) to unite efforts — объединить усилия 24) urban poverty [' povati ] — городская бедность 25) crime — преступление 26) burglary [' b 3: gtan ] — незаконное проникновение в помеще¬ние (с преступными целями); квартирная кража со взломом 27) burglar [ fb 3: gb ] — вор-домушник, взломщик 28) pickpocketing — карманная кража 29) pickpocket [' pik , pokit ] — вор-карманник 30) robbery [! гэЬ (э)п] — грабеж, разбой, ограбление (с приме¬нением насилия) 31) robber [ тэЬэ ] — грабитель, вор 32) gambling [' gaemblin ] — азартная игра 33) drug addiction — наркомания 34) unemployment [. лшт'рЬппэпг ] — безработица 35) barefoot [' beafut ] — босиком 36) hammock [ Ъаетэк ] — гамак 37) livestock [ laivstok ] — домашний скот 38) sour cream [' saua kri : m ] — сметана 39) cottage cheese — творог 40) dairy products — молочные продукты 41) commuting — ежедневные поездки на работу (из пригорода в город и обратно) 42) to commute [ ka ' mjuit ] — ездить на работу в город (о жителе пригорода) 43) emergency assistance — неотложная помощь

Слайд 4

Urban and rural life: advantages and disadvantages Some people prefer hustle and bustle of big cities, while others prefer peaceful lifestyle of rural areas. Tastes differ. There is no definite answer which lifestyle is better. In my opinion, everything depends on personality. Let us examine more thoroughly some advantages and disadvantages of both rural and urban life . Living in a city can be very convenient. There are a lot of opportunities of education, career and social life. If you live in a big city, you have many education options to choose from. You can graduate from the most renowned and reputed universities or educational institutions, find a well-paid job and have more opportunities for personal development. Besides, the social life is so diverse. There are lots of theatres, museums, cinemas, exhibitions and art galleries. Urban life will definitely suit an individual who prefers to lead an active lifestyle and who think that there are too few hours in a day . However, there are lots of disadvantages of urban life. One of the most burning problems a city dweller faces every day is heavy traffic. People who stuck in traffic jams have to delay their plans or even miss important meetings. People are always in a hurry and pressed for time. Besides, big cities are overcrowded and its population is growing with every passing day. Another problem of big cities is air and water pollution caused by industrial plants, domestic heating and traffic. It is generally agreed that air pollution as well as smog have harmful impacts on health. Thus, in recent years people are getting more and more concerned about ecological problems. I am sure all people must unite efforts to save our Planet. Moreover, urban poverty can be the reason of many crimes, such as burglary, pickpocketing and robbery. The last but not the least, gambling, drug addiction, unemployment are just few biggest problems that have become acute in almost all big cities . There are a lot of advantages of rural life. The rural areas are not as crowded as urban ones. People live in the harmony with nature . Just imagine, how awesome is to wake up with birds singing and the first rays of sunlight and go fishing. You can walk barefoot or sleep in a hammock. Village people keep the livestock and do gardening. Undoubtedly, all homemade products, like sour cream or cottage cheese, do taste better. Moreover, people who live in the country are more open, friendly and warm-hearted. They are one big family. The last but not the least, living in a country is good for health. People eat fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy products and meat. The air is fresh and less polluted. The roads are less dangerous and you can safely ride a bike . However, there are also some disadvantages of living in the village. First of all, it is a commuting problem. There is a lack of public transport in the country and that can be a great problem for people who need emergency assistance. Besides, if you want to make a career or get a higher education, you'll have to commute between your home in the country and your office in the city. Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that people should choose where to live, in or out of town, according to their preferences, lifestyle and vocation. 4

Слайд 5

Задание : 1 Прочитать. 2. Перевести. 3 Составить таблицу +/- города и деревни. 4. По образцу составить рассказ о своём городе. 5

Слайд 6

Спасибо! 6

Слайд 7


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