Ancient Britons
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Галкова Ирина Александровна

Around 10,000 BC Britain was peopled by small groups of hunters and fishers. They followed herds of deer, which provided them with food and clothing. in the course of time, different groups of people kept arriving in Britain, bringing their customs and skills. The Romans, who occupied Britain in the 1st century, brought the skills of reading and writing. The written word was important for spreading ideas and culture.


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History Ancient Britons

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Like other primitive people in other parts of the world, they lived in caves and hunted animals for food. They made primitive tools and weapons of stone. Later they learned to smelt metal and make metal tools and weapons. These people were religious.

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About 500-600 BC new people – the Celts – appeared in Britain. They were tall, strong with long red or sandy hair, armed with iron sword and knives. The Romans called these people Britons and the island – Britannia.

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The Britons were polytheistic ( политеистический), that is they believed in many gods. They belived that different gods lived in the thickest and darkest parts of the forests. Some historians think that the Britons were governed by a class of priests called Druids who had great power over them.

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