презентация по английскому языку на тему " science of the future/ mass media"
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В презентации содержится материал к уроку анлийского языка на тему "science of the future- mass media"
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Подписи к слайдам:
What is our future? mass media internet books
What is the media? press radio television internet
entertain The role of the Media for our future? inform educat e
How do people use the media? ?
The media help people To relax - отдыхать To entertain - развлекать To receive information – получать информацию To travel around the world without wasting money - путешествовать по миру без затрат
What is a Newspaper ? printed -напечатанный Sold - продаваемый news - новости Advertisement - реклама Article -статья Crime - преступление Entertainment -развлечение It is a paper printed and sold daily or weekly with news , advertisements , articles about political, crime, business , art, entertainment , sport events.
Newspapers in Britain Printing press was invented in the15 th century in Germany The first newspaper in Britain appeared in 1513 . !
Newspapers for children The Newspaper is the only national newspaper for 8 to 14 year old children designed for the classroom. It is produced by a small team of teachers and journalists. It was first published in April 2000 and has been delivered to schools every half term since. Do you like to read newspapers? What newspapers for children do you know? What is your favourite newspaper? How often are you delivered it? What articles do you like to read?
What is a radio? The process of sending and receiving messages through the air , broadcasting programmes for people to listen to People can get news - узнать новости listen to music -послушать музыку take part in talk shows - принимать участие в ток-шоу
Find the correct translation 3.Miss a radio programme 4.Get news over the radio 2.Turn the radio on 1.Listen to the radio b. Слушать радио a. Включить радио d. Пропустить радиопередачу c. Слушать новости по радио
What is TV ? Broadcasting( вещатель-ные ) programmes (the news, plays,advertisements , shows) for people to watch on their television sets
A documentary A programm which gives facts and information about a particular subject Документальный фильм
A Weather forecast A programm ,where the announcer says what the weather will be like the next day. Прогноз Погоды
Talk show It is a discussion, where different problems are discussed by participants . They express their opinions, ask and answer questions. Ток - шоу
Check yourself! e . produced by recording images from the world with cameras , or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects . c. A discussion, where different problems are discussed by participants . They express their opinions, ask and answer questions. a. There are a lot of music In this kind of programmers, we can watch singers and listen to songs b .A film with a lot of series , which is shown during a long time d .A programmer ,where the announcer says what the weather will be like the next day. 2 . 3 . 4. 1 . 5 .
A worldwide system of interconnected networks and computers. It was invented in the USA in 19 65
What can you do in internet? Talking to friends Online shopping Watching Videos Research ,getting necessary information Downloading/ listening to music Download music
Thank you for attention!
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