урок английского языка по теме "Праздники"
план-конспект урока на тему

Вводный урок по теме "Праздники". Цели: 1. Систематизация и тренировка лексического материала по теме. 

2. Тренировка в употреблении порядковых числительных

3. Развитие умений изучающего чтения


Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson Plan

 developed by Irina Ilina

Topic: Holidays and traditions in English-speaking countries. Religious holidays.


  • to develop students skills around the topic of holidays
  • to develop grammar skills (to practice ordinal numbers)
  • to develop reading skills (  reading for detail)

Recourses: Power Point Presentation equipment;

                   Worksheets (Appendixes 1-5)

                   Grammar tables (Ordinal Numbers)


This lesson reviews vocabulary relating to holidays and traditions and the grammar practice in ordinal numbers. The new vocabulary also takes place.  Students practice it completing a text with them.  They read text about Christmas and Easter, make the tasks for detailed reading.


  1. Greeting, the aims of the lesson (slide 1 in Power Point presentation)

  1. Vocabulary  and grammar practice (review)
  • Students should fill the word-web (slide 2)

A teacher gives the task: What holidays do you know? Look at the word-web, read and translate.

  • Students should do the task on the worksheet 1 (pair\individual work)
  • Students check the task watching and listening the right answers (slide 2)
  • A teacher gives questions «What holiday have you never heard about? », «When is this holiday celebrated? » (slide 2)
  • Students make up the sentences  on the worksheet 2, then check the task (slide 3)
  • Students systematize the words around the names of the holidays (slide 4-5)

  1. Vocabulary practice to the topic  «Easter and Christmas». Reading for detail

  • Group work

Students match the words on the topic  with their translation  (worksheet 3)

A teacher gives the task: Find the equivalents to the words to the topic «Christmas» (for group 1) and  «Easter» (for group 2). Match the English words and words   combinations with their translation.

  • Group work

Students read the text and put in the missing words (group 1 – worksheet 4; group 2 – worksheet 6), then check the task (slide 7-8)

  • Students change the texts , do the test on the worksheet 5 (pair\individual work), check the task (slide 9-17, 18-19)

  1. Round-up. Homework

Students should finish the test task on the worksheet 5 (when it`s necessary)

They should find additional information about religious holidays in English speaking countries (by the Internet)

Worksheet  task 1

        Match the holidays and the countries where they are celebrated.

  1. Christmas (December 25th)
  2. St Valentine's Day (February 14th)
  3. Australian Day (January 14th)
  4. Canada Day (July 1st)
  5. Independence Day (July 4th)
  6. Waitangi Day (February 6th)
  7. Victory Day (May 9th)
  8. Independence Day (June 12th)
  9. Christmas (January 7th)




the USA

the UK


1, 2, 3


New Zealand

          Worksheet task 2

When are these holidays celebrated? Make up the sentences.

Russian people


British people

People in English-speaking countries




Mother's Day

April Fool's Day

New Year’s Day

Motherland Defender's Day


Thanksgiving Day

Women's Day


my Birthday

December 31st (January 1st)

February 23rd

March 8th

in February or in March

at the end of  March or in April

in March

April 1st

October 31st

the forth Thursday in November



Worksheet task 3

Mach the words with their translation

Group 1

a roast turkey

посылать поздравительные  открытки


дарить и получать подарки

a  church service

украшать что-либо чем-либо

to give and receive  presents (gifts)

цветные шары

to decorate smth  with…

класть  рождественские сапожки рядом с кроватью

the Christ's birth

рождение Иисуса Христа

a Christmas (X-mas) tree

второй  день рождества,   день подарков

to send greeting cards

Рождественская ёлка

to put stockings near the beds

жареная индейка

colored balls

цветные огни

colored lights

петь  рождественские церковные гимны

to sing carols

Дед Мороз

Father Christmas (Santa Claus)


Boxing Day

традиционный обед

a traditional  dinner

речь королевы

the Queen's speech

школьные каникулы

school holidays

церковная служба

Christmas Eve

время веселья

to climb down the chimney


to collect money for charity

залезать в дом по трубе

to put presents under the tree

выходной день для всех официальных заведений

a bank day

собирать  деньги на благотворительность

a  time of fun

класть подарки под ёлку

Group 2

a  church service

пасхальный кролик, главный персонаж детских пасхальных игр

to give and receive  presents (gifts)

посылать поздравительные  открытки

to decorate smth  with…

прятать яйца

a rabbit

дарить и получать подарки

chocolate eggs

украшать что-либо чем-либо

to dye eggs

шоколадные яйца

to send greeting cards

раскрашивать яйца

spring flowers (a lily\a daffodil)

весенние цветы (лилия\нарцисс)

hot cross buns


fluffy chick

школьные каникулы

school holidays

горячие булочки с выпеченным крестом

to organize parades

церковная служба

Easter Bunny

пушистый цыплёнок

а Sunday Day

выходной день для всех официальных заведений

the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

время веселья

a bank day

воскресный день

a  time of fun

игра «Катание яиц»

Egg rolling game

воскрешение Иисуса Христа

to hide eggs

организовывать парады

Worksheet task 4

Group 1.  Read the letter. Put in the missing words.

Christmas tree (2)      Father Christmas     chimney     Christ's birth    traditional dinner           decorated                      roast turkey       celebrated               Queen's speech                  balls and lights                 public holiday                              prepare presents(2)              carol             X-mas cards              charity                       service                stockings(2)

Dear Russian friend!

My name is John Brown. I live in the small English town York. The citizens of my town are rather conservative and keep a lot of traditions and customs. We celebrate different holidays and festivals, but my favorite one is Christmas.

Christmas Day is _____________on December 25. For most British families, this is the most important festival of the year; it combines the Christian celebration of _____________  with traditional festivities of winter.

Some weeks  before Christmas people are very busy. They _______________________for their friends and relatives. People also send __________________to all of them.

People try to buy a _________________which is ___________________with toys, colored ____________________________.

On the Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a _______________where ______________hymns are sung. Sometimes carol singers can be heard on the street as they collect money__________________.

There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but perhaps the most important one is the giving of______________. Family members leave gifts under the  ___________________to be found on Christmas morning.

On Christmas Eve children put their ______________near their beds hoping that  at night______________ will come down the __________________and put  the presents into the children's ______________.

On Christmas day the family sit down to a_______________________ followed by __________________and Christmas pudding. Later in the afternoon they may watch the ________________ on television as she sends her traditional Christmas message to the United Kingdom.  

            26th December is also a ___________________, Boxing Day, and this is the time to visit friends     and relatives or watch football.

Did you like my story? Do people in your country celebrate Christmas? I'd like to know what Christmas traditions you have in Russia.

Write me soon.

Best wishes your pen friend John Brown.

Group 2. Read the letter. Put in the missing words.

Easter       chicks              hot cross buns       lilies               a time of fun                 Easter bunny             egg      resurrection of Jesus Christ        dye                      a bank holiday    eggs made of chocolate     celebrated                Egg rolling game

Dear Russian friend!

My name is Stephen Wooding. I live in the main Welsh town Cardiff. The citizens of my town are rather conservative and keep a lot of traditions and customs. We celebrate different holidays and festivals, but my favorite one is Easter.

Easter is ________________on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. That’s why it’s on a different date each year.

The word “_________________” comes from “Eostre”, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring.

Christians celebrate the______________________ on Easter Sunday, many  people celebrate the beginning of         spring. So it is often  _______________and celebration. The Friday before Easter Sunday and the Monday after are______________ in the UK.

On the Friday before Easter people in England enjoy the traditional Good Friday breakfast of ______________________.

 One of the oldest spring symbols in the world is the__________. Eggs are a symbol of a new life.

The eggs are hard-boiled and people ____________them in various colours. Nowadays people often give each other Easter ______________________________, usually hollow and filled with sweets.

Bunnies,______________ , lambs and flowers (especially ___________and daffodils) are associated with Easter because they are born in the spring.

 The legend says an “_________________”      hides eggs in the garden and children   have to find them on Easter morning. Sometimes the eggs are put in a basket.

______________________when  children roll hard-boiled eggs  down a hill is very popular in Wales.      

Did you like my story? Do people in your country celebrate Easter? I'd like to know what Easter traditions you have in Russia.

Write me soon.

Best wishes your pen friend Stephen Wooding.

Worksheet task 5

 Test. Group 1.

  1. True\false

Christmas is the most important holiday for people of English-speaking countries

  1.  True\false

Christmas is a bank holiday.

  1. On December 25th people celebrate…
  • the  birth of Jesus Christ
  • the resurrection of   Jesus Christ

  1. Match the place and  the things:

On the Christmas tree                      toys

Under the Christmas tree                 little colored lights

Near beds                                         colored balls



  1. True\false

People put their presents under the tree on Christmas morning

  1. In Britain Father Christmas enters houses …
  • by climbing through  the window
  • by coming the  chimney
  • through the door

  1.  A «carol» is  …
  • a X-mas card
  • a religious Christmas song
  • a Christmas party with dancing

  1. The traditional food of Christmas is …
  • beef
  • pork
  • turkey
  • chicken

  1. The correct order of events:
  • For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes, vegetables
  • Then they have tea
  • Then they have the Christmas pudding

  1. The correct order of events:
  • Boxing Day
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas morning
  • Christmas lunch\dinner

Group 2. Match the questions with their answers!

  1. When is Easter celebrated?        
  2. What do people celebrate on Easter Sunday?
  3.  Who is Eostre?  
  4. How many  days do Easter holidays last in the UK?  
  5. What is the traditional Easter food?    
  6.  What are the main Easter symbols?
  7. Who is «Easter Bunny»?
  8. How do people decorate eggs?
  9. What games are there on Easter Sunday?

a) …the resurrection of Jesus Christ   and the beginning of the spring

b) …at the end of march or in April

c) …eggs, bunnies, chicks and daffodils

d) …three days

e)… they dye them in different colors

f) …the goddess of spring

g) …hot cross buns

h) …a rabbit

i) …eggs hiding and eggs rolling game












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