Тест по английскому языку по теме: "Эпитеты"
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Проверочный тест по теме: "Эпитеты" поможет преподавателю провести проверку знаний своих студентов.
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The epithets:
- Find the epithet here:
- round table
- white snow
- loud ocean
- green meadows
- Find the epithet here:
- a devil of a sea rolls in that bay
- a thousand death
- the poorest millionaires
- with fingers weary and worn
- Find the compound epithet here:
- heart-burning sigh
- wild wind
- the littlest great men
- pleasantly ugly face
- Find the string of epithets:
- sleepless pillow
- fairly-balanced, give-and-take couple
- sylph-like figures
- dark forest
- Find the associated epithet here:
- dreary midnight
- to smile cuttingly
- this devil of a woman
- Alon
- zo the Clown
- Find the unassociated epithet here:
- white snow
- voiceless sands
- blue skies
- deep feeling
- Find the metaphorical epithet here:
- a devil of a job
- round table
- fantastic terrors
- sleepless bay
- Find the fixed epithet here:
- true love
- floods of tears
- a thousand pardons
- my better half
9.How is the following epithet “merry Christmas” called:
- fixed
- affective
- emotive
- trite
- How is the epithet “swift-footed Achilles called:
- affective
- Homeric
- Figurative
- Magnificent
- How is the epithet “nasty weather” called:
- figurative
- affective
- inverted
- transferred
- How is the epithet “the smiling sun” called:
- affective
- inverted
- figurative
- trite
- How is the epithet “the giant of a man” called:
- affective
- reversed
- figurative
- Homeric
- How is the epithet “unbreakfasted morning” called:
- affective
- reversed
- inverted
- transferred
- Find the sentence with the epithet (J. London):
- He steeled himself to keep above the suffocating languor that lapped like a rising tide through all the wells of his being.
- He saw the perambulating corpses, the ghastly death’s heads of men who laborated in the dye rooms.
- On the bottom of the huge and glassy lagoon was much pearl shell, and from the deck of the schooner, across the slender ring of the atoll, the divers could be seen at work.
- In the whole atoll not two stones remained one upon another.
- Find the sentence with the epithets (A. Hailey):
- Still watching the student nurses, Mc. Neil saw that two were deathly white, a third had gasped and turned away; the other three were stoically watching.
- The present storm had been born five days ago in the lee of the Colorado.
- “What are you guys doing – having a supper and ladies’ night.”
- “The reports are taking too long. Much too long.
- Find the sentence with the epithets (J. London):
- Jim Cardegee awoke, choking, bewildered, starting down the twin wells of steel.
- At times his mind wandered farther afield, and he plodded on, a mere automation, strange conceits and whimsicalities gnawing at his brain like worms.
- The golden strain of Polinesia betrayed itself in the sun-gilt of his skin and cast up golden sheens, and lights through the glimmering blue of his eyes.
- Just as daylight laid its steel-gray fingers on the parchment window, Jacob Kent awoke.
- Find the sentence with the epithet (J. London):
- Young puppies and old gray dogs who ought to have known better – oh, they all came up and crawled around her skirts and whined and fawned when she whistled.
- He threw off his pack and went into the rush grass on hands and knees, crunching and munching, like some bovine creature.
- They grew frightened, sitting thus and facing their own apprehensions and a callous, tobacco-smoking audience.
- The sun had disappeared, and a lead-colored twilight settled down.
- c
- a
- a
- b
- a
- b
- a
- a
- a
- b
- b
- c
- b
- d
- c
- a
- c
- d
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