Рабочая тетрадь для студентов 1 курса ВТЖТ-филиала РГУПС
учебно-методическое пособие на тему

Перевозникова Людмила Генадьевна

Рабочая тетрадь создана для студентов первого курса. Включает в себя лексически, граммотическй материл. Можно ипользовать ее как для работы на занятии, так и для ыполнения домашних заданий.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения»


Волгоградский техникум железнодорожного транспорта

(ВТЖТ – филиал РГУПС)



Дисциплина Иностранный язык

рабочая тетрадь для студентов 1 –го курса специальностей

13.02.07 Электроснабжение (по отраслям),

23.02.06 Техническая эксплуатация подвижного состава железных дорог,

08.02.10 Строительство железных дорог, путь и путевое хозяйство




        Рабочая тетрадь для студентов курса. Л.Г.Перевозникова; ВТЖТ – филиал ФГБОУ ВПО РГУПС. – Волгоград, 2014. – 45с.

Предназначено для студентов специальностей

13.02.07 Электроснабжение (по отраслям),    

23.02.06 Техническая эксплуатация подвижного состава железных дорог,

08.02.10 Строительство железных дорог, путь и путевое хозяйство

Одобрено к изданию учебно-методическим советом ВТЖТ – филиала ФГБОУ ВПО РГУПС.


     Данная рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов I курса колледжей и техникумов и ставит перед собой цель помочь учащимся повторить и систематизировать основы грамматики английского языка, полученные в школе, пополнить словарный запас, развивать навыки письменной и устной речи. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержать достаточно материала для запоминания рассматриваемых в предлагаемой рабочей тетради грамматических форм и выработки навыков их применения. Задания рабочей тетради могут использоваться на аудиторных занятиях под руководством преподавателя или в качеств домашнего задания для самостоятельного выполнения.
































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Тема: Артикли

Indefinite Article

Definite Article

Zero Article





with Singular Countable Nouns

with Singular and Plural Countable and Uncountable Nouns 

with Uncountable and Plural Countable Nouns 


1. = one 

Britain is an island. 

2. for jobs 

I am a doctor.

3. in descriptions

Madrid is a big city. 


an (not a) is used before 


an apple;

an interesting book 

Also an hour (h) is not pronounced: an (h)our, but – a university) 

1. to talk about definite people, things or ideas 

The hostel is not very far from here. (= my hostel)

2. a) with some geographical names

the USA; 

b) with the names of rivers, mountains, seas and oceans

the Volga, the Alps, the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean

1. to speak generally Teenagers are welcome here. 

Money is not everything. 

2. with countries, towns, names of people

Russia, France, Moscow, Paris, James, Mr Brown

3. with nouns in certain phrases

at home, at work, at university, at school 

4. with academic subjects 


Exercise 1 Write a or an in front of the words.


1. _____ book                                                              8. _____ economist

2. _____ old book                                                9. _____ actress

3. _____ university                                                   10. ____ hour

4. _____ engineer                                                   11. ____ assistant

5. _____ man                                                           12. ____ nice day

6. _____ game                                                13. ____ address

7. _____ computer                                                14. ____ brother

Exercise 2 Put in a/an “—”.

1. Kate and Liz are _____ students.

2. Jack is _____ very nice person. You must meet him.

3. _____ tennis is _____ very popular sport.

4. I like working with _____ people.

5. Tom and Pam are not at _____ home now.

6. Are you interested in _____ Physics?

7. My mother is at _____ work now.

Exercise 3 Put in the or “—“with geographical names.

1. Terry is not from _____ Canada.

2. _____ Nile is a river in _____ Africa.

3. _____ Pacific is between _____ America and _____ Asia.

4. My friends live close to _____ Black Sea.

5. _____ Alps are mountains in Central Europe.

6. I’m from _____ Moscow.

7. Stockholm in the capital of _____ Sweden.

8. Alan is from San Francisco, which is in _____ west of _____ United States.

Exercise 4 Put in a/an, the, or “”.

1. Rome is _____ capital of Italy.

2. Don’t sit on _____ chair. It is dirty.

3. Peter and Mary have two children, _____ boy and _____ girl. _____ boy is seven years old and _____ girl is three.

4. I live in _____ old house on the outskirts. It’s two miles from _____ city center.

6. In North Street you will see three houses: _____ red two-stored house, _____ blue three-stored house and _____ nice white house. I live in ____ white house.

7. Tim lives in _____ small village in _____ country.

8. Close _____ door, please. I am cold.

Countries and Nationalities

Exercise 5 Match the countries with the nationalities.

COUNTRY                                                NATIONALITY

1) Britain                                                a) the French

2) Ireland                                                b) the Italian

3) Poland                                                c) the Portuguese

4) Spain                                                d)the  Brazilian

5) Turkey                                                e) the Greek

6)Japan                                                f)the Turkish

7) Portugal                                                g)the  Polish

8) Brazil                                                h)the  American

9) Egypt                                                i) the Japanese

10) Italy                                                j) the Irish

11) Germany                                        k)the  Spanish

12) the United States                                1)the  British

13) France                                                m)the  German

14) Greece                                                n) the Egyptian

Проверочная работа.

1.Вставьте вместо точек артикли a, an ,the, где это необходимо.

…Мr Jones has … new office. There is …desk, … telephone, … computer. …Мr Jones issitting at… desk, he is speaking on… telephone now and his secretary is at … computer. …Мr Jones and his secretary are busy in … office today.

2. Вставьте артикль там, где это потребуется.

  1. … United States is … big country. It is made up of… 50 states. … Hawaii is … 50th state. … Rhode Island is … smallest. … capital of … USA is … Washington, D.C. There are … mountains in … west and big lakes in … north. … longest North America river, … Мississippi, begins near these lakes and flows into … Gulf of Мexico.
  2. … New Zealand is … small country. It is situated south-east of … Australia. Nearly 3.5 million … people live in … country. The capital of … New Zealand is … Wellington. … official language is … English. …climate of …  New Zealand is moist. There are … many rivers in … country. … main rivers are … Waikoloa and Walrus

3. Вставьте артикль там, где необходимо.

  1. This is … book. It is my … book.
  2. I have …sister. Мy … sister is … engineer.
  3. I can see three … boys. … boys are playing.
  4. This is … pen. …  pen is red.
  5. Do you need … camera?
  6. Мy granny of ten tells us … long … interesting … stories.
  7. … sun is shining brightly.
  8. There is … tree in … garden.
  9. Where is … bus station? … bus station is next to the … gas station.
  10. William Shakespeare, … greatest English play -write, was born in 1564 in …Stratford-upon-Avon in … England.

Тема: Глагол to be

  1. Вставьте вместо пропусков am, is или are.

1. The weather is very nice today

2. I … not tired.

3. This case … very heavy.

4. These cases … very heavy.

5. The dog … asleep.

6. Look! There … Carol.

7. I … hot. Can you open the window?

8. This castle … one thousand years old.

9. My brother and I … good tennis players.

10. Ann … at home but her children … at school.

11. I … a student. My sister ... an architect.

  1. Напишите утвердительные или отрицательные предложения, используя am / am not / is / isn’t / are / aren’t.

1. (Paris / the capital of France)    Paris is the capital of France.

2. (I / interested in football)    I’m not interested in football.

3. (I / hungry)    I ………………………………………………………………………………….

4. (it / warm today)   It ……………………………………………………………………………

5. (Rome / in Spain)   Rome ………………………………………………………………………

6. (I / afraid of dogs)   I …………………………………………………………………………...

7. (my hands / cold)   My …………………………………………………………………………

8. (Canada / a very big country) …………………………………………………………………..

9. (the Amazon / in Africa) ……………………………………………………………………….

10. (diamonds / cheap) ……………………………………………………………………………

11. (motor-racing / a dangerous sport) ……………………………………………………………

12. (cats / big animals) ……………………………………………………………………………


  1. Составьте вопросы из данных слов используя am / is / are

1. (your mother at home?)   Is your mother at home

2. (your parents at home?)   ………………………………………………………………………

3. (this hotel expensive?)   ………………………………………………………………………...

4. (you interested in art?)   ………………………………………………………………………...

5. (the shops open today?)   ……………………………………………………………………….

6. (the park open today?)   ………………………………………………………………………...

  1. Напишите вопросы с What / Who / How / Where / Why …? Используйте am / is / are.

1. (what colour your car?)   What colour is your car

2. (where my key?)   Where ………………………………………………………………………

3. (where my socks?)   ……………………………………………………………………………

4. (how old your father?)   How ………………………………………………………………….

5. (what colour his eyes?)   ………………………………………………………………………..

6. (why John angry with me?)   …………………………………………………………………...

7. (how much these shoes?)   ……………………………………………………………………..

8. (who your favourite actor?)   …………………………………………………………………...

9. (why you always late?)   ………………………………………………………………………..

  1. Задайте вопросы. Сначала прочитайте ответы на вопросы.

1. (your name?)   What’s your name

2. (married or single?)   ………………………………

3. (British?)  ……………………………. ………….

4. (where / from?)   …………………………………

5. (how old?)   ……………………………………..

6. (a student?)   ……………………………………

7. (your wife a teacher?) ………………………….

8. (where / from?) …………………………………

9. (her name?)   ……………………………………

10. (how old?)   ……………………………………


I’m married.

No, I’m not.

From Australia

I’m 25.

No, I’m a teacher.

Now, she’s a lawyer.

She’s Italian.


She’s 25 too.

  1.  Напишите краткие положительные или отрицательные ответы.

1. Are you married?     No, I’m not.

2. Are you tall?   Yes, I am.

3. Is it cold today?   ……………………...

4. Are you a teacher?   …………………..

5. Are you tired?   ……………………….

6. Is it dark now?   ………………………

7. Are your hands cold?   ………………..

8. Are you hungry?   …………………….

9. Is your father tall?   …………………...

10. Is it sunny?   …………………………

  1.  Вставьте am / is / are / was / were. Некоторые предложения в настоящем времени, некоторые в прошедшем.

1. Last year she   was   22, so she   is   23 now.

2. Today the weather ….. nice, but yesterday it ….. cold.

3. I ….. hungry. Can I have something to eat?

4. I ….. hungry last night, so I had something to eat.

5. Where ….. you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning?

6. Don’t buy those shoes. They ….. too expensive.

7. Why ….. you so angry yesterday?

8. We must go now. It ….. very late.

9. This time last year I ….. in Paris.

10. We ….. tired when we arrived home, so we went to bed.

11. Charlie Chaplin died in 1978. He ….. a famous film star.

12. ‘Where ….. the children?’   ‘I don’t know. They ….. in the garden ten minutes ago.’

  1.  Вставьте was / wasn’t / were / weren’t.

1. We didn’t like our hotel room. It   was   very small and it   wasn’t   very clean.

2. Kate got married when she ….. 24 years old.

3. I phoned you yesterday evening but you ….. at home. Where ….. you?

4. George ….. at work last week because he ….. ill. He’s better now.

5. The shops ….. open yesterday because it ….. a public holiday.

6. ‘ ….. you at home at 9.30?’     ‘No, I ……… I ……. at work.’

  1.  Напишите вопросы.

1. I saw a film.

2. I met some people.

3. I did an examination.

4. I bought some boots.

5. I went to a museum.

(good?)     Was it good

(friendly?)   …………………………..

(difficult?)   ……………………………..

(expensive?)   ………………………….

(interesting?)   ………………………….

  1. Хелен собирается в поездку по Европе на следующей неделе. Посмотрите на ее планы. Где она будет в эти числа?

1. (8th)   She’ll be in Paris.

2. (10th)   She …………………….

3. (25th)   ……………………………….

4. (14th)   ………………………………

5. (20th)   ………………………………

6 – 9 Paris

9 – 11 Munich

11 – 15 Vienna

16 – 22 Rome

23 – 28 Athens

Тема: Глагол have / has (got)

2.1. Напишите вопросы.

        1. (you / a camera?)   Have you got a camera?

        2. (you / a passport?)   …………………………………………………..

        3. (your father / a car?)   …………………………………………………….

        4. (Carol / many friends?)   ……………………………………………………………….

        5. (Mr and Mrs Lewis / any children?)   ………………………………………………..

        6. (how much money / you?)   ……………………………………………………………..

        7. (what kind of car / John?)   ……………………………………………………………….

2.2. Что есть у Анны и Джима? Что есть у вас? Посмотрите на информацию и напишите предложения об Анне, Джиме и о себе.

a camera

a bicycle

black hair

brothers / sisters

Ann (she)

Jim (he)





two brothers




one sister





1. (Jim / a camera)   Jim has got a camera

2. (I / black hair)   I’ve got black hair

(or I haven’t got black hair)

3. (Ann /  a camera)   Ann …………………

4. (I / a camera)   I ………………………….

5. (I / a bicycle) ……………………………..

6. (Jim / a bicycle)   …………………………

7. (Ann / black hair)   ……………………….

8. (Ann / two brothers)


9. (Jim / black hair)


10. (Ann / a bicycle)   ………………………..

11. (Jim / a sister)   …………………………

12. (I / brothers / sisters) …………………….


2.3. Вставьте have got (‘ve got), has got (‘s got), haven’t got or hasn’t got.

        1. They like animals. They  ‘ve got   three dogs and two cats.

        2. Sarah   hasn’t   got a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

        3. Everybody likes Tom. He ….. a lot of friends.

4. Mr and Mrs Johnson ….. two children, a boy and a girl.

        5. An insect ….. six legs.

        6. I can’t open the door. I ….. a key.

        7. Quick! Hurry! We ….. much time.

        8. ‘What’s wrong?’     ‘I ….. something in my eye.’

        9. Ben doesn’t read much. He ….. many books.

        10. It’s a nice town. It ….. a very nice shopping centre.

        11. Alice is going to the dentist. She ….. toothache.

        12. ‘Where’s my newspaper?’    ‘I don’t know. I ….. it.’

        13. Julia wants to go on holiday but she ….. any money.

        14.  I’m not going to work today. I ….. a bad cold.

Тема: Мой друг.

                                                          My Friend

People  cannot live without friends.

I have a lot of friends. Almost all of my class-mates  are my friends. I,m on good terms with them.

But my best friend is Alex. We have been friends for ten years already. We made friends when   they moved in our house. We went to the same kindergarten, then we went to the same school. We are both  the pupils of the 9th form now and we are both 15 years old.

Alex is a tall handsome boy. He is a fine guy. His hair is dark, his eyes are brown. He is always neatly and well dressed.

Alex is brave and strong. He goes in for ice-hockey  and has good results in it. His team takes part in different competitions and youth championships, and they often win. Alex is one of the best players of the team. But he is intrested in many other things beside sports. He likes music and plays the guitar.

When we have parties at school he is one of the most popular “actors”.

Alex is always cheerful and full of energy.

We spend much time together. Though we have much in common (we like sports, we collect stamps, we like to read, we try to be good pupils), we have different views on some things. I like to read detectives and love stories, he likes historical novels and science fiction, he likes pop music but I don,t I,m not so interested in politics as he is, and so on.

But we never quarrel. I always trust him and I know he is a person I can rely on. He is honest and

sincere. He is always ready to help his friends. The proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed” is just about him. Alex is modest. He never boasts. He doesn,t like to speak about his achievements or when  others speak about them. That,s why he is always treated with respect.

I,m happy to have such a true and sincere friend.


To be on good terms -  .                                                                  cheerful –

                                                                                                       science fiction –

to make friends -                                                                           to quarrel –

kindergarten -                                                                                to trust smb. –

handsome -                                                                                    to rely on –

guy -                                                                                              honest –

neat -                                                                                              sincere –

to go in for -                                                                                   modest –

to be interested in -                                                                        to boast –

besides -                                                                                          to treat smb. With respect –

a guitar –


1.Have you got a friend?                                                     11. What is yor friend keen on?

2.What is his name?                                                            12.  What kind of literature does he like

3.How old is he?                                                                         To read?

4.How long have you known each other?                           13. Does he go in for sports?

5.Do you study at the same school?                                    14. Do you sometimes quarrel?

6.Describe the appearance of your friend.                          15. Is your friend a man you can rely on

7.What features of character do you appreciate                  16. What do you speak about when you

   in him?                                                                                    you are together?

8.  Does he posess any negatrive features?                         17. Is yor friend treated with respect?

9.  Do you have much in common with your friend?         18. Does your friendship help you in      

  10.Do you have the same views on all things?                         your life or does  it tear you from serious  


Тема: Множественное число существительных

1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе

        1. flower    flowers

2. man     men

3. boat   …………...

4. language   ……

5. watch   ………….

6. country   ………..

7. knife   …………..

8. woman   ………………..

9. address   ……………….

10. sheep   ………………..

11. tooth   …………………

12. leaf   …………………..

13. child   …………………

14. foot   ………………….

15. umbrella   ……………..

16. person   ……………….

17. family   ………………..

18. holiday   ………………

19. sandwich   …………….

20. city   …………………..

21. mouse   ……………….

  1.  Вставьте вместо пропусков is или are.

        1. Is   the shop open?

2. Are   the shops open?

3. My hands ….. cold.

4. My nose ….. cold.

5. My feet …... cold.

6. Where ….. my camera?

7. Where ….. my glasses?

8. Where ….. the children?

9. Your coat ….. dirty.

10. Your jeans ….. dirty.

11. Mice ….. small animals.

12. Where …..the scissors?

  1.  Вставьте указательные местоимения this или these

1. this chair

2. these chairs

3. ………. sandwich

4. ………. things

5. ………. children

6. ………. place

7. ………. houses

8. ………. trousers

4. Употребите указательные местоимения that или those

        1. that   picture

        2. those   socks

        3. ………. men

4. ……….   tree

5. ……….   flowers

6. ………. woman

7. ……….   room

8. ……….   plates

5. Распределите исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в 2 столбика и переведите их.

        Time, water, music, snow, word, coffee, money, idea, family, sea, knowledge, hour, tree, silver, meat, happiness, information, news, house, book, weather, milk, friend, pen, paper, clothes, picture, air, money, fruit, foot.

6. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе

  1. box   boxes
  2. sheep …………
  3. place ………….
  4. library ………..
  5. photo ………….
  6. lady …………..
  7. glasses ………..
  8. mouse ………
  9. bush …………..
  10. bus …………….
  11. wife …………………...
  12. day …………………….
  13. knife …………………..
  14. knowledge …………….
  15. hero …………..............
  16. goose ………………….
  17. life …………………….
  18. deer …………………...
  19. tomato ………………..
  20. city ……………………
  21. man …………………...
  22. play …………………...
  23. news …………………..
  24. child …………………..
  25. fruit …………………...
  26. shelf …………………..
  27. fish ……………………
  28. information …...............
  29. money ………..............
  30. advice …………………

7. Поставьте следующие словосочетания во множественном числе.

  1. this man    these men
  2. that match   those matches
  3. this tea-cup ……………………..
  4. this leaf …………………………
  5. this wall ………………………..
  6. that picture …………………….
  7. this foot …………………………………..
  8. that mountain …………………………….
  9. this lady ………………………………….
  10. that window ……………………………...
  11. this knife  ………………………………..
  12. that mouse ……………………………….

8. Употребите все существительные в следующих предложения во множественном числе, произведя нужные изменения.

Образец: This is my sock — These are my socks

            It is a child — They are children

  1. A new house is in our street ……………………………………………………………….
  2. This story is very interesting ………………………………………………………………
  3. A woman, a man, a boy and a girl are in the room ………………………………….……
  4. In the farm-yard we see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose …………………………
  5. Put this knife on that table …………………………………………………………………
  6. He keeps his toy in a box …………………………………………………………………
  7. This man works at our office ……………………………………………………………..
  8. It’s a yellow leaf …………………………………………………………………………..
  9. It’s a beautiful deer ………………………………………………………………………...
  10. There is a sheep in the field ………………………………………………………………

9. Употребите существительные в скобках в форме множественного числа

  1. Polly’s …………………. (grandfather) are …………………. (policeman).
  2. There are five ………………. (church) in our town.
  3. My uncle is not married. He has no …………………… (child).
  4. Mr Wilson’s brothers are …………………… (salesman).
  5. The ……………………… (businessman’s) ………….. (wife) are at the theatre now.
  6. My ………………. (cousin) often have ………………. (party).
  7. There are two ……………. (piano) in the class room.
  8. Are there any ……………. (tomato) in the fridge?
  9. Mrs Turner’s baby has only four …………….. (tooth).
  10. I am not afraid of …………………… (mouse).
  11. She doesn’t like to speak about her ……………… (hobby).
  12. Nick is fond of reading ………………….. (biography) of popular …………… (actor) and ………………….. (sportsman).
  13. ……………… (leaf) are usually green.
  14. The …………. (lady) became …………….. (friend).
  15. The farmer bought ten ……………. (sheep) and fifteen …………… (goose) two ……………. (day) ago.
  16. ……………………. (sportsman) eat a lot of …………….. (vegetable), don’t they?
  17. I like to visit art ………………… (museum), picture ………………. (gallery) and ………………… (exhibition).

10. Употребите подчеркнутые существительные в форме множественного числа. Внесите при этом необходимые изменения.

  1. The boy is going to visit that city ………………………………………………………….
  2. The businessman often goes to this town …………………………………………………
  3. The pupil wants to see this square …………………………………………………………
  4. What is the main question? ………………………………………………………………..
  5. There will be an art gallery here …………………………………………………………..
  6. This church is very old …………………………………………………………………….
  7. That road was very bad ……………………………………………………………………
  8. This text is about that theatre ……………………………………………………………...
  9. This country is famous for its traditions …………………………………………………...
  10. Is there any cinema here? ………………………………………………………………….

11. Define only plural forms:

(Отметьте только слова во множественном числе)

1. price

2. mice

3. oxen

4. build

5. children

6. faxes

7. photos

8. place

9. carrots

10. feet

I2. Write nouns in plural:

(Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:)

  1. a fly
  2. an orange
  3. a deer
  4. a ray

  1. a dress
  2. a nose
  3. a fish
  4. a knife

I3.  Distribute words in three colomns: [s]        [z]         [iz]

(Распределите слова по столбикам в зависимости от звучания окончания:

[s]        [z]         [iz])

A stock, a brush, a bug, a range, a toy, a photo, a palm, a coach, a lamp, a train, a boat.

14.Change singular in plural:

(Замените в предложениях единственное число на множественное:)


  1. Have you got a nice dog?
  2. There is a pretty woman in the picture.
  3. It is a new student.
  4. I can see a teacher.
  5. This is my friend.
  6. Is that your child?
  7. This is not his pen.

Тема: Проблемы молодежи.

  1. Задание:  отметить буквой Р жалобы родителей, а буквой Т – жалобы подростков на родителей и обозначить проблемы, близкие студентам. Время, отведённое на выполнение задания – 5 минут. Один представитель от команды сообщает мнение группы.

Mark the parents’ complains with the letter P and the teenagers’ complains with the letter T and point out the problems that you have. You have no more than 5 minutes to do it.

Common complains


or Teenager?

I have the same problem


They don’t help about the house


They don’t listen to my opinion


They don’t make their beds


They give not enough pocket money


They come home late at night


They don’t respect my privacy


They play too much computer games


They criticize appearance


They don’t pay attention to advice


They miss lessons


They think they are always right


They have strange friends


They watch too much TV


They don’t understand me


They dress badly

2) Задание: обсудив полученное письмо, выбрать ответ из предложенных вариантов. Время выполнения – 5 минут, время на презентацию – 3 минуты на каждую команду. Объясните суть письма и выбранного ответа.

Imagine that you are journalists working in a youth newspaper. You’ve got a letter and you have to respond it. Your colleges gave you several variants, choose one of them. begin with: We’ve received a letter from … . His (her) problem is that … . We advise him (her) to … .


I’m 16 and I have never been out with a girl. I’ve never even kissed one. My friends have all had lots of girlfriends, but girls don’t seem to be interested in me. Now I tell everyone that I have a girlfriend in other city, but I don’t think they believe me. What should I do?

Richard, 16.

№ 2

My parents went away on holiday recently, so I decided to dye my hair. I am blond and I dyed my hair black. Now it looks awful and I don’t know what to do. A couple of days ago my parents came home and when my Mum saw my hair, she went completely mad. Now, as a punishment, she says I can’t dye it back. What should I do?

Lucy, 16

№ 3

I live on a farm, and I have started thinking about animal rights. Now I am a vegetarian. My problem is that my parents are furious. My Mum doesn’t cook anything different for me, so every night what I eat is vegetables and bread and cheese. I don’t think this is fair. Why can’t she cook me something tasty?

Michelle, 17

Варианты ответов:


I think you’re being a little selfish. You chose to stop eating meat, not your parents. Your mother is probably a very busy woman. I think you should cook for yourself. Baked potatoes are very easy!


People of your age, especially boys, often tell stories about their experiences. I’m sure some o your friends are telling stories too! You shouldn’t tell lies, because that will make you feel more worried, and people will learn the truth sooner or later. Don’t worry about not having a girlfriend. Your time will come.


I think you should dye your hair back to its original colour. Tell your mother first that this is what you’re going to do if you want to, but I’m sure she’ll be pleased to see her “old” daughter again.

Тема: Порядок слов в предложении.

1 Make up sentences:

  1. till 10 o’clock in the morning / slept / the children / in the bed.
  2. summer / usually / in / we / to the seaside / go.
  3. I / well / don’t / speak / English.
  4. since then / has happened / nothing.
  5. your / article / I / quickly / last night / in bed / read.
  6. on this shelf / left / this morning / I / some money.
  7. hides / mrs Jones / under the bed / her money.
  8. your food / slowly / should eat / you.
  9. near the bus sop / saw / the old man / I/
  10. in the park / at night / shouldn’t walk / you/

  1. Make up sentences.
  1. not far / we / from / the park / live.
  2. now / my / is / in / playing / sister / the garden.
  3. when / usually / you / get up / do?
  4. he / interesting / give /you / a book / can.
  5. uncle / funny /is / man /Albert.
  6. talking / what / he / about / is?
  7. summer / usually / in / we / to the seaside / go.
  8. well / I / read / English / can / quite / books.

Тема: Отрицательные предложения. Отрицательные местоимения





Ther is something intersting in the newspaper.

There is somebody coming to the house.


(not) anything

(not) anybody



There isn’t anything new in the letter.

There isn’t anybody absent.

I have nothing to say.

Nobody is absent.




Have you anything to eat?

Is there anybody playing in the yad?

  1. Write these sentences again with nobody / no-one / nothing.
  1. There isn’t anything in the bag.  There is nothing in the bag.
  2. There isn’t anybody in the office. _______________________________________
  3. I haven’t got anything to do. _____________________________________________
  4. There isn’t anything on TV tonight._______________________________________
  5. Jack hasn’t got anyone to help him.________________________________________
  6. We didn’t find anything._________________________________________________

  1. Write these sentences again with anybody / anyone / anything.
  1. There is nothong in the bag. There isn’t anything in the bag.
  2. I’ve got nothing to read._______________________________________________
  3. There’s nobody in the bathroom.__________________________________________
  4. We’ve got nothing to eat.________________________________________________
  5. There was no-one on the bus._____________________________________________
  6. She heard nothing._____________________________________________________
  1. Answer these questions with nobody, no-one, nothing.
  1. What did you say?  Nothing.
  2. Who saw you?_____________________________
  3. What did you want?_________________________
  4. Who did you meet?_________________________
  5. What did you buy?_________________________
  6. Who knows the answer?_____________________
  7. What happened?____________________________
  8. Who was late?______________________________
  1. Make negative sentences.

  1. One of the rules is mine.___________________________________________________
  2. She said nothing._________________________________________________________
  3. There are apples on the table._______________________________________________
  4. Somebody can help you.____________________________________________________
  5. He likes tea._____________________________________________________________
  6. Can you see me?_________________________________________________________
  7. She says something about it.________________________________________________
  8. Is he having supper?_______________________________________________________
  9. I have done a lot of work.___________________________________________________
  10. We study English._________________________________________________________

Тема: 3 Описания явлений природы, состояния погоды.

  1. Translate the words, learn them by heart.

Sunny_____________ ; cold___________; warm_____________; wet_____________; hot___________; foggy_____________; cloudy______________; frosty____________;

Clear_____________; windy_______________; rainy_________________; to snow__________; to rain______________; to blow____________________; to shine_______________.

  1. Learn the dialogues by heart and act them out.


A: It’s a fine day today, isn’t it?

B: Yes, it’s nice and bright this morning.

A: Yes. Much better than yesterday. It’s good to see the sun again.

B: Let’s hope it will keep fine for the weekend.


A: What a nasty day, isn’t it? It has been raining since yesterday morning.

B: They say it is going to get even colder.

A: Oh, no! I hate cold and rain.

B: So do I. Let’s hope it won’t last.

Make up your own dialogues. Use the following wirds and word combinations instead of those in bold type.

Cool and wet                                                                                      What a hot day!

Warm and sunny                                                                                What a cold day!

Bright and frosty                                                                                What a sunny day!

Hot and stuffy                                                                                    What a rainy day!

Wet and foggy                                                                                     What a windy day!

Cool and windy                                                                                   What a foggy day!

                                                                                                            What a wet dasy

Тема: Город, деревня, инфроструктура.


     Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was mentioned in the records dates to the year 1147. At that time it was a small frontier post. The history of Moscow is connected with the history of Russia. In 1237 Moscow fell under the yoke of the Tatars. And it was Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy who led the Russian troops to decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of Kulikovo field in 1380.

     By the 15-th century Moscow turned into a wealthy city. It was under Ivan III that Moscow became the capital of the state of Muscovy. At that time the Kremlin was rebuild and the largest Kremlin Cathedrals were erected.

     During the Time of Troubles Moscow was occupied by the Polish invaders but they were routed by the popular levy headed by citizen Minin and prince Pozhrsky.

     In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. The city was set ablaze. The army had to retreat. That was a poor substitute for the military triumph in Russia, so much desired by Napoleon.

     Nowadays Moscow is the largest city of Russia. It is a political, administrative, economic, educational and cultural center of the country.

     There are many places of interest in Moscow. The city is famous for its monuments, museums, art galleries and theatres. The Historical Museum, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the Tretyakov State Picture Gallery are world famous. Moscow is proud of the Bolshoi, Mali and Art theatres. Moscow is an industrial centre with highly developed engineering, electric, light and chemical industries.

     Moscow is a scientific centre too. The Russian Academy of sciences, the oldest university, many schools of higher learning, colleges and scientific institutions are located here.

     Moscow is the country’s largest sports centre. It often becomes a scene of international sports festivals.


  1. Put a tick (^) next to the correct answer.

  1. When was Moscow first mentioned in the records?

a) 1380          b) 980          c)1147

  1. Who headed the liberation movement in the 14-th century?
  1. Prince Dmitry Donskoy
  2. Citizen Minin and prince Pozharsky
  3. Ivan III

  1. When did Moscow become the capital of Russia?
  1. in the 15th century
  2. in the 12th century
  3. in the 16th century

  1. What happened to Moscow in September of 1812?

a) rebuild          b) set ablaze     c) a great festival was held

  1. Rearrange the list of dates in the proper historical order:

      1237, 1380, 1147, 1812, the 15th century


  1. Write a list of your favorite Moscow sights.

Тема: Мой рабочий день.

  1. Переведите слова и выучите наизусть:

Weekdays -___________________________

Alarm clock-___________________________

To comb hair-___________________________

To turn on (off)__________________________

To get dressed___________________________




It takes me … to get to the technical school by.._______________________________________

To get tired________________________________

To take a shower_________________________

To wake up_____________________________

To get up_______________________________

Leave (home) for (technical school)

  1. Напишите короткий рассказ о своем типичном рабочем дне, ответив на следующие вопросы.

  • When do you usually get up?____________________________________________________
  • Is it easy for you to get up early?___________________________________________________
  • Does your alarm clock wake you up or do you wake yourself?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Do you take a shower in the morning?________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What do you usually have for breakfast?________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • When do you usually leave your house?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • How long does it take you to get to your technical school?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Do you go there by bus / trolley-bus or walk?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • How many lectures do you usually have every day?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Where do you usually have lunch (dinner)?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What time do you come back home?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • How long does it take you to do your homework?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • How do you usually spend your evenings?________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Do you have much free time?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What time do you usually go to bed?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Тема: Средства массовой информации.


In Great Britain there are no official government newspapers. The government does not exercise any official control over the newspaper industry and most of the English newspapers are very proud of their peculiarities, their individual styles. British newspapers differ from one another. And although every newspaper has a definite profile; they can be classified into two main groups: quality and popular newspapers.

Quality newspapers are serious, national, daily newspapers, appealing mainly to the upper and middle classes. They are “Financial Times”, “The Times”, “The Guardian”, “The Daily Telegraph”.

“The Daily Telegraph” contains reports on national and international news, gives a full covering of sports and other topic. “Financial Times” is read mainly by professional and business people as it contains a comprehensive coverage of industry, commerce and public affairs. “The Guardian” gives a wide coverage of news events and reports on social issues, the arts, education, etc. “The Times” is the most famous newspaper. It is not actually the oldest newspapers in Britain, but some years ago it celebrated its two hundredth birthday. “The Times” represents the views of the establishment and is well-known for its correspondence column.

Popular, tabloid newspapers are smaller in size and contain many photographs. Unlike quality newspapers popular newspapers are not so serious and their stories tend to be sensational. “Daily Express”, “Daily Mirror”, “Daily Mail”, “Daily Star”, “The Sun” are popular newspapers. They have a national daily circulation and appeal mainly to the working and middle classes. “Daily Mirror” supports the Labour party. “The Sun” has a larger circulation than any other daily newspaper.



  1. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:



tabloid newspapers___________________________________________________

to give a coverage_____________________________________________________

  1. Match the adjectives to the appropriate newspaper titles.

                                                                   “Daily Mirror”

quality                                                        “The Guardian”

                                                                    “Daily Star”

                                                                    “The Times”

                                                                    “The Sun”

                                                                    . “Financial Times”

popular                                                        “Daily Mail”

                                                                      “The Daily Telegraph”

                                                                      “Daily Express”

  1. Here are descriptions of some of the newspapers. Match them up to the given titles.
  1. It represents the views of the establishment.
  2. It reports on social issues, the arts, education, etc.
  3. It has a national daily circulation.
  4. It gives a full covering of sports and other topics.
  5. It supports the Labour party.
  6. It contains coverage of industry, commerce, public affairs.
  1. “Financial Times”
  2. “Daily Mail”
  3. “Daily Mirror”
  4. “The Times”
  5. “The Guardian”
  6. “The Daily Telegraph”

  1. Can you answer the following questions? Write a sentence in answer to each question.
  1. Is there any official government newspaper in Great Britain?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What are the English newspapers proud of?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. What is the difference between quality and popular newspapers?____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Newspapers in Russia.

     Today Russia can be proud of the variety of newspapers circulating throughout the country. On the news stalls one can find newspapers of all kinds: national and local, official and private,

Quality and popular, newspapers issued for children, teenagers, people of different trends, for all kind of fans: sport-fans, car-fans, ets. The freedom of press has become real today.

     The Russian government continues to exercise control over the newspaper industry, but at lower scale.

     Most of the newspapers can boast their independence, their individual styles, their peculiarities. Now it is almost impossible to classify all the Russian newspapers into two big   groups: quality and popular. It is possible to name the newspapers and the bodies responsible for the issue of this or that newspaper to illustrate the variety of the modern Russian press. “Moscovsky Komsomolets” is a social and political newspaper of the Russian youth; “Arguments and Facts” is an independent newspaper; :The Evening Club” is a newspaper of Moscow intellectuals; “Evening Moscow” is an independent people’s newspaper; “The Red Star” is the newspaper of the Defense Ministry.

     There are a lot of local and professional newspapers. Today people have a chance to have full information about events in their own country and abroad, they can compare the positions and programmers of different political parties and make their own choice. Various genres and forms are used in the Russian newspapers. The most space is taken by topical information and public pieces.

     Usually there are four or eight pages in a newspaper, but some newspapers have twelve or sixteen pages. There is no need to read all the articles. People can look through the newspapers and read the columns they are interested in.

     Newspapers come out all the time to provide people with fresh and objective news. Newspapers have become a daily and essential necessity with Russian press calls the readers’ attention to outstanding issues of the day, reports about various aspects of life.


  1. Can you answer the following questions?

  1. What newspapers circulate on the territory of Russia?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What are the most well-known newspapers in Russia?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. What is your favorite newspaper?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Imagine that you are an editor. What newspaper would you like to make? Write a description of this newspaper.


Тема:  «Моя будущая профессия»


  • What professions do you know?
  • What professions are well-paid?
  • What professions are important?

New words

A locomotive driver__________________________________________

A mechanic__________________________________________________

An electrician_______________________________________________

A conductor_________________________________________________

An electric train driver_________________________________________

A controller__________________________________________________


The topic

My future profession.

There are many useful and noble professions in our modern life. It is not easy to decide what profession to choose. But I’ve already made up my mind. And now I am a first year student of Volgograd Railway Technical School. Some students entered our Technical School because of their parents’ wish; others found it easy enough to study here and convenient to get to. But most of the students want to continue their parents’ career and become railwaymen, high-qualified specialists. This is just the case with me. We study special subjects dealing with railway technology. Modern railway transport plays an important part in our everyday life, that’s why it needs good specialists serving it. All my group mates are eager to become real railwaymen. I hope that in the future we’ll be able to improve the work of our railway transport to make it the most comfortable and convenient and safe to use.

The tasks:

  1. Give English equivalents:
  • Улучшать работу__________________________________________________
  • Современный железнодорожный транспорт________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Первокурсник_________________________________________
  • Высококвалифицированные специалисты_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Предметы, связанные с железнодорожной технологией______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Continue the sentences:
  • But most of the students…________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • All my group mates are…____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Some students entered our Technical School…_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-
  • I hope that in the future…__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. True or false?
  •  All my group mates are eager to become bad railwaymen.
  • We study special subjects dealing with railway technology.
  •  And now I am a second year student of Volgograd Railway Technical School.
  • Most of the students want to continue their parents’ career and become railwaymen,

  1. Answer the questions:
  • Is it easy to decide, what profession to choose?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What are you now?________________________________________
  • What part does modern railway transport play in our life?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Why did some students enter our Technical School?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Why do you study here?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


































































































































































































Тема 3 . Традиции и обычаи стран изучаемого языка. Традиции и обычаи России. Города России.


Bank holidays, peculiar English holidays, were appointed by Act of Parliament in 1871. They come four times a year: Easter Monday, Whit-Monday, the first Monday in August and December 26th. December 26th  is refers to the boxes of Christmas presents. Other public holidays are: Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday and May Day. On these days all banks and all places are closed and practically everyone takes a holiday.

But besides public holidays the British people observe certain traditions on such days as Pancake Day, Bonfire Night, St. Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Mother’s day, which unless they fall on Sunday are ordinary working days.

 One of the old English legends says that London can be the capital of the country, rich and great until twelve black raves live in the Tower of London. Each has got its name and the keepers carefully look after them. If one of the birds dies, another younger raven takes its place. Londoners believe this legend and always bring some food to give to the birds when they come to the Tower. The keepers cut the bird’s wings a bit as they are afraid that they may fly away.

Another old English tradition is Guy Fawkes Day. Children go out into the streets on the 5th of November with figures like scarecrows. They stand in the streets and squares asking for the usual “penny for Guy”. Then with the money they have collected they buy fireworks and burn the guy (the figure like a scarecrow) on their bonfire.

The Christmas tree which is put in Trafalgar Square for Christmas speech to the UK and the Commonwealth on television. On Christmas day many people go  to the church. On returning from church the family gather round the tree and open their parcels. Everyone gets something. Christmas meal is really traditional – stuffed turkey, boiled ham, mashed potatoes to be followed by plum pudding, tea or coffee and cakes. People traveled from all parts of the country to be at home for Christmas.

A raven - ворон

A wing - крыло

Guy Fawkes Day – День Гая Фокса

A scarecrow- чучело

Firework - фейерверк

Bonfire – большой костер


  1. Find wards and phrases in the text that mean:


Великая Пятница_________________________________________

День Святого Валентина___________________________________

Первое Апреля___________________________________________


  1. Can you answer the following questions?
  • How many public holidays are there in Great Britain?
  • What are they?
  • What is the usual Christmas meal?
  • What holiday is celebrated on November, 5th?
  • Why do the keepers cut the birds’ wings?

  Holidays in Russia.

     There dates and events in the life of our country that are memorable to every Russian citizen. The dates of this kind are: Victory Day, May Day, Constitution Day, Women’s Day, and the Day of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation. These are national holidays; people do not work on these days. The most memorable date is Victory Day which is celebrated on May 9 to commemorate the Victory of the Russian troops over Nazi invaders. Love for freedom has been a national character of the Russian people. No enemy has been able to conquer our country. When Russia was attacked by the enemy, the Russian people rose up in defense of their Motherland.

     May Day is regarded as the day of solidarity of the workers of the world. It commemorates the tragic events of the years 1884-88 in Chicago when then workers were fighting for their rights.

     Recently new national holidays have been introduced. They are Christmas and Easter. They are of religious origin.

     In Russia Christmas is celebrated on January 7. In Europe and in the USA it is marked on December 25. On Christmas people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Easter symbolizes the Revival of Jesus Christ. For the greater part of people of our country these holidays have lost their religious significance and are the days of family reunion, relax and happiness.

     There is one more holiday which is loved both by adults and children. This is New Year, with a New Year Tree, bells, presents and Grandpa Frost, European Santa Claus. People believe that a miracle is a must on this day. New Year’s celebrations receive widespread coverage by mass media.

     On the New Year night people go to a dance, visit their friends or stay at home and watch TV. Party-goers enjoy a hearty meal.

     January 1 is now a national holiday, fortunately for those who like to celebrate most of the night.


  1. Rearrange the list of holidays in the correct order.

     May Day, the Day of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation, New Year, Easter, Victory Day, Constitution day, Christmas, Women’s day


2. Write some sentences in answer to the following questions:

  1. How many national holidays in Russia?


  1. What national holidays are observed in Russia?


  1. What religious holidays are celebrated in Russia?


  1. What is the favorite holiday of the Russia?


  1. Ask your group mate about his/ her favorite holiday. Write down questions you’d like to ask.


  1. Write a description of your favorite holiday.


Test “Russia”

1. Choose the correct item:

1) Russia is one of the ……….. countries in the world.

a. longest            b. highest                c. largest                d. smallest

2) Our country ……… on Poland, Finland, Estonia, Mongolia, etc.

a. has                    b. looks                   c. sees                   d. borders

3) The Russian Federation is ……… in natural resources.

a. rich                  b. poor                     c. good                   d. brave

4) The head of the Russian state is the ………   .

a. King                b. president               c. prime-minister        d. vice-president

5) The state emblem of the Russian Federation is ………     .

a. three-colour flag       b. two-headed eagle           c. lion          d. hymn

2. True or false?

1) The climate of our country is continental.

2) The total area of Russia is more than 24 mln. km2.

3) The Russian Federation is a democratic legally-based federal state with a republican form of government.

4) Moscow is located on the banks of Moskva river and has a population of 10 mln. people.

5) One of the national symbols in Russia is two-colour flag.

6) Russia covers the area both of Asia and Europe.

3. Fill in the gaps with the given words:

  Agriculture,  seas,  sights,  rich,  president,  three-colour flag,  mineral,  oceans

1) Russia is ________ in natural and __________ resources.

2) The ________ is elected every four years in a universal vote by secret ballot.

3) Industry and ______________ are highly developed in Russia.

4) Peter the Great was the first to use ___________ in 1705.

5) Twelve ___________ and three ___________ wash the territory of our country.

6) There are many __________ in our capital to attract tourists from Russia and abroad.

4. Define the odd word:

1) State Duma, business, Federal Assembly, President.

2) seas, lakes, mountains, oceans, rivers.

3) long, usual, large, huge.

4) horrible, beautiful, nice, wonderful, good.

5) flag, hymn. Emblem, government.

5. Find the synonyms:

1. State Duma

2. two-headed eagle

3. territory

4. ethnic group

5. Federal Assembly

a. the Council of the Federation

b. area

c. nation

d. the Parliament of the Russian Federation

e. state emblem of Russia

6. Ask questions to the underlined words:

1) The head of state in Russia is the president.

2) Russia borders on Finland, Poland, Estonia, etc.

3) Russia  is washed by 12 seas.

4) Russia covers the territory of 17 mln. km2.

 Тема: Географическое положение страны. Политическое устройство.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles which consist of 2 large islands: Great Britain and Northern Ireland and about 5000 small islands.

The population of the country is over 57 million.

The United Kingdom is made up of 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom is washed by the North Sea, the English Channel, the Strait of Dover, the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

The surface of the British Isles varies very much. There are a lot of mountains, valley and plains. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.

The climate of Great Britain is mild all year long.

The chief industries are shipbuilding, machinery, electronics, and textile.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy with a parliament and the Queen as head of State.

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