Контрольная работа Курс: 1 Темы: The Present Indefinite Tense; My working day Вариант: 1
методическая разработка на тему

Молчанова Ирина Георгиевна

 Курс: 1 Темы: The Present Indefinite Tense; My working day Вариант: 1


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Контрольная работа

Курс: 1

Темы: The Present Indefinite Tense; My working day

Вариант: 1

  1. Установите соответствия.

  1. weekdays
  2. to get up at seven o’clock
  3. to take a shower
  4. to clean one’s teeth
  5. to dress/ to put on something
  6. to go to college
  7. to watch TV
  8. to go to bed
  9. to cook breakfast
  10. to have supper

  1. рабочие дни, будни
  2. ужинать
  3. чистить зубы
  4. идти в колледж
  5. приготовить завтрак
  6. принимать душ
  7. смотреть телевизор
  8. вставать,подниматься в 7 часов
  9. одеваться
  10. идти спать

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite и переведите предложения на русской язык.

  1. She (to go) to  school at 12 o’clock.
  2. I (to do) my homework every day.
  3. He ( to have) a cup of tea for breakfast.
  4. My working day ( to begin) at 7 o’clock.

3.Прочитайте текст, переведите 1 и 2 абзацы и ответьте на вопросы.

My Working Day

On week days I usually get up nearly six o'clock. I do not like to get up early.

I make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mother usually prepares breakfast for me, but sometimes I do it myself. I do not like big breakfasts; I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

Then I go to school. It is rather far from my house and I go there by bus. I have classes till two or three o'clock, it depends on a week day. Then I come home and have dinner

After my dinner, I have a rest for a couple of hours and then I do my homework. If I have some spare time I do some work about the house. I sweep the floor, dust the furniture and clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner. Sometimes my mother asks me to go shopping.

Then I have free time. I go for a walk with my friends or watch TV, or read books or play my favourite computer games. Then I have supper with my family. I like evenings very much, all members of our family get together after work and study and have the opportunity to talk and to discuss our family affairs.

I usually go to bed at about ten o'clock, sometimes at eleven o'clock.


1. When do I usually get up on week days?
2. Do I like big breakfasts?
3. What do I do when I have some spare time?
4. When do I usually go to bed?

Контрольная работа

Курс: 1

Темы: The Present Indefinite Tense;  My working day

Вариант: 2

1.Установите соответствия.

  1. to wake up
  2. to do morning exercise
  3. to wash one’s face and hands
  4. to make  one’s bed
  5. to take a bus
  6. to have breakfast
  7. to come home
  8. to fall asleep
  9. to listen to music
  10.  to have lunch
  1. просыпаться
  2. заснуть
  3. мыть лицо, руки
  4. завтракать
  5. делать утреннюю зарядку
  6. застилать кровать
  7. садиться в автобус
  8. завтракать во второй раз
  9. слушать музыку
  10. –приходить домой

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite и переведите предложения на русской язык.

  1. I always (to make) my bed.
  2. He sometimes (to do) morning exercises.
  3. Tom (to go) to the bathroom.
  4. They (come) home in the evening.

3. .Прочитайте текст, переведите 1 абзац и ответьте на вопросы.

My working day

  I usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. I do my morning exercises, but not always, make my bed, wash and dress. Then I have breakfast. At 8 o'clock I leave home and go to school. As a rule I come to school in time as the lessons begin at 9 o'clock. I live not far from school and it usually takes me 15 minutes to get to school on foot. Usually we have 6 or 7 classes every day and after classes I return home.

 At 3 o'clock I have dinner and rest a little. After that I do my homework and help my mother about the house if she needs my help. Then I have supper and if the weather is good I go for a walk with my friends and if the weather is not good I stay at home something I watch TV; sometimes I listen to music or chat with my friends over the telephone.

  I never work late in the evening. At 11 o'clock I usually go to bed but sometimes I watch television till late in the evening and that's why I may go to bed very late. But I always remember the proverb: "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise."


  1. When do I usually get up on week days?
  2. What do I do when I have free time?
  3. Is my school close to me?

       4. When do I usually go to bed?

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