The World of Money
методическая разработка на тему
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Методическая разработка открытого урока: “Money” предназначена для проведения открытого урока на 2 курсе специальности 080114 «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет».
Целями методической разработки является:
· Повторение и закрепление лексико-грамматического материала по теме: «Money».
· Развитие навыков чтения, говорения, перевода
· Повышение интереса к изучению английского языка, к своей специальности
Урок, комбинированный в рамках занятия используются различные виды. Это диалогическая и монологическая речь, работа над аудированием текста, выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений, теста и т. д. Смена деятельности работы студентов повышает интерес к теме, к уроку.
На уроке также присутствуют и игровой момент, что повышает активность и интерес студентов.
Методическая разработка помогает развить коммуникативные навыки, лексико-грамматические знания, умения, развить внимание, наблюдательность, прививать речевую культуру на иностранном языке, что является целью обучения иностранным языкам.
Выбор этой темы позволяет расширить кругозор по теме, научить их умело общаться в рамках изучаемой темы.
После проведения занятия студенты должны знать: термины по теме, лексико-грамматический материал
Уметь: Употреблять изученную лексику в монологической и диалогической лексики
Понимать: Материал содержащий знакомые лексико-грамматические единицы
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Методическая разработка открытого урока: “Money” предназначена для проведения открытого урока на 2 курсе специальности 080114 «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет».
Целями методической разработки является:
- Повторение и закрепление лексико-грамматического материала по теме: «Money».
- Развитие навыков чтения, говорения, перевода
- Повышение интереса к изучению английского языка, к своей специальности
Урок, комбинированный в рамках занятия используются различные виды. Это диалогическая и монологическая речь, работа над аудированием текста, выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений, теста и т. д. Смена деятельности работы студентов повышает интерес к теме, к уроку.
На уроке также присутствуют и игровой момент, что повышает активность и интерес студентов.
Методическая разработка помогает развить коммуникативные навыки, лексико-грамматические знания, умения, развить внимание, наблюдательность, прививать речевую культуру на иностранном языке, что является целью обучения иностранным языкам.
Выбор этой темы позволяет расширить кругозор по теме, научить их умело общаться в рамках изучаемой темы.
После проведения занятия студенты должны знать: термины по теме, лексико-грамматический материал
Уметь: Употреблять изученную лексику в монологической и диалогической лексики
Понимать: Материал содержащий знакомые лексико-грамматические единицы
Ход занятия.
I.Организационный момент
- Greetings
Good afternoon dear students, our quests.
I am glad to see you. Are you ready for the lesson? Who is absent?
II.Начальная мотивация учебной деятельности
So, let’s begin our lesson. Our lesson is devoted to money.
The aim of our lesson is to learn some information about money, it’s history.
During our lesson you must answer these questions:
- Does money rules the world?
- What is it role in our life?
- Where to get money?
So, what is money?
Студенты отвечаю на вопросы.
Видеоролик: «Money» - (43с)
1 The word «money» is a noun
2 That normally relates to the means or way of exchanging the value of an item that is sold or a task that is carried out or done.
3 When we give money, we pay for it and when we receive money we are paid for it.
III. Работа над грамматикой
Pay attention to the form at the world «money»
-The verb is always used in the singular with this word.
- Do not use the world «money» in the plural form.
- Do not use the indefinite article with the word money.
Examples: Here is your money.
A lot of money.
Translate into Russian:
1.He earns a lot of money.
2.To withdraw money from the account.
3. The money is on the table.
4.Money doesn’t grow on tree.
Translate into English:
1.Он зарабатывает много денег.
2.Снять деньги со счета.
3.Деньги на столе.
4.Деньги не растут на дереве.
IV. Работа над пословицами
1. Listen the proverbs:
- The love of money is the root of all evil. - Сребролюбие-корень всех зол.
- Money talks. - деньги имеют вес.
- Never spend your money before you have it. - Не трать денег пока их не получил.
- Time is money. - время деньги.
2. Here are some proverbs and saying about money. Find the appropriate variants for them ( use your dictionaries).
English variants:
1. Money rules the world.
2. Muck and money go together
3. Money has no smell.
4. Money is a good servant but a bad master
5. Money spent on brain is never spent in rain
6. Cheapest is the dearest.
7. He that has no money needs no purse
8. Money to spare likes good care
9. Ask what you may-asking needs to pay.
3. Видеоролик («Meaning some verbs»)
Now, look at the screen and listen about the meaning of some verbs.
V. Работа над аудированием текста.
-Do you know the history of money?
Let’s listen to someone talking about.
- Before you listen, read through the statement below.
Do you think they are true or false.
-The earliest kind of money was used about 3,000 years ago.
-Shells were used as a kind of fiat money.
-The first metal coins appeared in Greece.
-The first coins were round.
-Paper money first appeared in China.
-The Idea of paper money travelled quickly to Europe.
2. Listen to the text: «The history of money»
3. Give a summary of the text.
4. Видеоролик (2 мин) «History of money»
VI. Работа над текстом
- Vocabulary
Look at the screen. Read the new words:
glimpse- быстрый взгляд
glimpses of history- немного об истории
fur- мех
leather- кожа
settler- поселенец
precious metal-драгоценный метал
goldsmith- ювелир
- Text
Read and translate the text:
Text. Glimpses of history of money
At different periods of time and in different parts of the world many different commodities have served as money.
These commodities were: cattle, sheep, furs, leather, fish, tobacco, tea, salt, shells etc. The illustration shows shell money used by early settlers in North America. The shells were threaded into strings or belts called wampum. The experts underline that to serve effectively as money; a commodity should be fairly durable, easily divisible, and portable. Nome of the above-mentioned commodities possessed all these qualities, and in time they were superseded by precious metals.
First they were superseded by silver and later by gold.
When a payment was made the metal was first weighed out. The next stage was the cutting of the metal into pieces of definite weight and so coins came into use.
Paper money first came into use in the form of receipts given by goldsmiths in exchange for deposits of silver and gold coins. After goldsmith became bankers their receipts became banknotes. That's how the first banknotes came into existence.
At first coins were worth their face value as metal. But later token coins of limited value as legal tender were issued. Now smaller denomination coins are made from bronze and are often referred to as coppers. Bigger denomination coins are made from cupronickel and are usually called silvers or silver.
- Exercises
1.Make sentences from the following elements:
In the past | many different commodities | serve | as money |
At present | cattle, sheep, furs, tea etc. Silver and gold Paper banknotes and coins Goldsmiths receipts | served |
2.Find the answers in the text:
(1). what are the requirements of a commodity to serve as money?
(2).why did precious metals start to serve as money?
(3).what precious metal was used first to serve as money?
(4).how did coins come into existence?
(5).how did paper banknotes come into existence?
(6).what coins are called silvers?
(7).what are coppers?
3.Complete the sentences with the following words:
Coins, metal, banknote, payment, bronze, coppers, silvers, denomination, cupronickel
(1).at first coins were worth their face value as …
(2). When a …was made the … was first weighed as …
(3).this … is 1- pence worth
(4).this... 10 dollars' worth.
(5).now smaller denomination coins are made from ... and are often referred to as
(6).bigger... coins are made from ... and are usually called ...
4.Sum up what the text says about:
The money in the past
The way banknotes appeared
The metals of which coins were and are made
The silvers and coppers
VII. Беседа: «Does money rule the word? », «Where to get money? »
Teacher: People sometimes think that money rules the world.
Is it really so important to be rich and have a lot of money?
Where to get money, how do spend it? You how do you feel when you have no money?
Student 1: Money…
I fully depend on my parents.
They pay for my studies and they are the only source. I can get money from. I spend a great sum of money on eating out, discos and little presents for my present.
Student 2: I need money for these things:
clubs, clothes, CD-s, cinema, walking out with friends. Money doesn’t play sick a big role in my life. I feel happy that my life is not totally centered around the money. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. And just readily a good book from the library. Money isn’t everything got me, but I steel need it to live as I want
Student 3: People sometimes think that money riles the world. But I can’t say
that I agree with it. Surely, people need money to live, to get educated to have rest. But I don’t think that they should fully depend on money.
Teacher: Thank you for your answer. The answers to this questions are very
different. One more problem is where to get money. Some people work hard to earn it, others simply take it from others, still others sell something to get it.
VIII. Выполнение теста, заполнение таблицы.
- Here is a table with the information about the most popular ways to spend money. Complete it talking into consideration the interests of Russian young people. Compare the Russians and the British
The ways to spend money
Great Britain | Russia | |
Cinema | ♥♥ | |
Bowling | ♥♥♥ | |
Eating out | ♥♥♥ | |
Expensive things | ♥♥ | |
Amusement parks, fairs, festivals | ♥ | |
Books | ♥♥♥ | |
CDs and tapes | ♥♥♥ | |
Clothes | ♥♥♥ | |
Magazines and newspapers | ♥♥ | |
Going out | ♥♥♥ | |
Night clubs | ♥♥♥ | |
Taxi | ♥♥♥ | |
Food | ♥♥♥ | |
Sport | ♥♥ | |
Keeping pets | ♥♥ | |
College | ♥♥♥ | |
Summer trips | ♥♥♥ | |
Social activities | ♥♥ | |
The internet | ♥ | |
Presents | ♥♥ | |
Parents | ♥ | |
Girl/ boyfriends | ♥ |
Are these ways of spending money popular in Russia? Why? Find out other ways of spending money popular among your classmates.
Speak about your attitude to money and the ways spend it. You can use the following model for help.
- I think that money plays ... because ...
- The only couse of getting money for me is ...
- But sometimes I...
- I can also get money ...
- I usually spend money on ...
- What's more, I ...
- That's why I ..
- So, ...
- Do you know your attitude to money? Would you like to make sure if it's positive or negative. Do the following quiz and find it out.
YES | NO | |
| 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 |
3. Your friend asks you to come to his place, but you have to do some work that's well-paid. Will you tell your friend that you're busy and stay at home to complete the work? | 0 | 1 |
4. Do you prefer expensive presents, to an interesting book and a bouquet of flowers? | 0 | 1 |
5. You are a very good translator and you earn a lot of money. Your sister asks you to help her friend translate an article for his English class free of charge. Will you help him? | 1 | 0 |
6. You have a lot of work to do and you know the sooner you complete it the more money you'll get/ your friends invite you to go to disco with them and have some rest. Will you go with them and leave your work for the next day? | 1 | 0 |
7. You've won a large sum of money. Will you share it with your parents? | 1 | 0 |
8. You are asked to do a work but you don't know very much about it You'll be paid much. Will you take money, although you're not sure that you 11 do this work well? | 0 | 1 |
9. Do you prefer to take money from your parents instead of working hard to earn it yourself? | 0 | 1 |
10. Do you agree with the proverb « money rules the world» | 0 | 1 |
Now sum up you score and find the results
(10-8) You think that you don't need any money at all.
(7-4) Yeah! You are not crazy about money, but you still think that it's better to have it than not to. You are right-money isn't everything in the world, but sometimes people need it to make their dearest people happier.
(3-0) Oh-oh! Money is everything for you. You are ready to give up everything for its sake. But never forget that sometimes it's better to enjoy your friends' company than working hard to get as much as possible. Not only money makes people happy.
Imagine that you have no money. What are you selling? (студенты отвечают)
Видео: «If you have no money at all then you can be described as: bankrupt, broke, bust, destitute, insolvent, impoverished, needy, on the breadline, poor, penniless».
«He who knows how to be poor knows everything.»
IX. Проведение игры
Now, it’s time to play.
1. Name of your team.
2. Definition of «money».
3. Country and money. (видеоролик)
4. Dollar bills. Presidents.
5. Reports.
X. Заключение
Thank you, I think we find the answer: «What is money?»
Видеоролик: (0,54)
Of course we need money to live and we must work for it. However, some people may become too concerned with making money and forget all about the thing in life that cost nothing. Those you have little or no money may appreciate the small things they own while those with millions in the bank may hot care about anything but themselves you could say that money is a paradox.
If you have… If you have some…, then you want more if you have lots, then you may find yourself discovering that the phrase… Money can’t buy happiness is completely true.
As Oscar wide once wrote: I may be lying in the gutter, but I looking up at stats.
XI. Исполнение песни.
Let’s sing the song: «Money, money, money» (ABBA)
Все хором исполняют караоке.
Thank you four your attention. I think that today’s lesson was interesting for you. Everybody gets only good and excellent marks today. Thank you and goodbye.
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