День святого Валентина

Докучаева Марина Васильевна
Сценарий праздника "День святого Валентина" Учитель английского языка МОУ «Клишинская ООШ» Докучаева М. В.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий праздника

Учитель английского языка

МОУ «Клишинская ООШ»

Докучаева М. В.

2020 г.

Задачи: 1. Знакомство с историей и традициями празднования Дня Святого Валентина.

           2. Расширение словарного запаса по теме «Дружба, любовь».

           3.  Развитие инициативы в процессе решения речемыслительных задач.

Подготовительный этап

Учащиеся подбирают информацию о традициях и обычаях праздника, истории его возникновения, разучивают стихи, готовят поздравительные открытки «валентинки».


Плакаты с изображением Купидона, сердца, таблички “Stop in the name of  LO     E”, “ One way to your           “, «сердца» с заданиями и карточки для проведения конкурсов.



Сценарий праздника

Teacher: Today is February 14. It is a wonderful holiday, called St. Valentine’s Day. Everybody likes it. St. Valentine’s Day is the day of sweethearts. On this day people show their friends, relatives and loved ones that they care. But no one really knows the actual origin of Valentine’s Day. Let’s listen to some legends.

Pupil 1: According to one story, St. Valentine was a priest who would marry the young couples. The Roman Emperor was against it, he believed that single young men made better soldiers. St. Valentine was imprisoned.

Pupil 2:  Another legend tells us about Valentine, who had been thrown in prison for his teaching. On February 14, he was beheaded. Before the execution he cured his jailer’s daughter of her blindness and wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine”.

Pupil 3:  This same Valentine was a good friend to children. While he was in prison the children that he had befriended missed him and sent him loving notes. Many of the notes expressed the thought that “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. Maybe this is why we exchange friendly and caring notes on this day.

Pupil 4: Some people believe that the word valentine came from a Norman word galatine, which means a “gallant” or a “lover”. Others connect the celebrating of St. Valentine’s Day with an old English belief that birds choose their mates on February 14.

Pupil 5: February 14 was also a Roman holiday, held in honour of the Goddess of Love. Young men by lottery chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date has continued to our day.

Teacher: Thank you for your stories. Let’s match some famous couples now.

       Activity 1 “Famous Couples”(group work)

Teacher: Hearts are the most common romantic symbol. Candy, cookies and cakes are made in heart shapes for valentine parties. Little hearts appear on valentines themselves. Let’s create happy valentine faces. To design ones you can use a large paper heart, adding small hearts for ears, eyes, lips, etc.

       Activity 2 “Happy Valentine Face” (two teams)

Teacher: One of the most famous valentine symbols is Cupid with his bow and arrow. He goes back to Roman times. Here is a story the Romans told about him.

Pupil 6: Cupid was the son of a beautiful goddess, Venus. He was a gay little god, who went around shooting gold-tipped arrows into the hearts of humans. Then they fell in love. Venus, his mother, had a golden mirror. She looked into it every day and saw the most beautiful face. One day she lost her mirror. The shepherd found it. When Cupid saw his rough, bearded face, he grew angry. He struck the mirror from the shepherd’s hand. It fell to the ground and broke into hundreds of pieces. Plants with beautiful blossoms sprang up where the mirror had broken. Later the people called the flowers “Venus’ Looking-Glass”.

Teacher: Cupid helped people to fell in love. But love can break hearts. Some of them are on the board. You have to answer my questions correctly in order to mend the broken heart.

       Activity 3 “A Heart Game” (2-4 pupils)

Teacher: There are a lot of interesting customs connected with St. Valentine’s Day. They come from different countries. Here are some of them.

Pupil 7: Many old-fashioned Valentine’s Day customs involved ways single women could learn who their future husbands might be. In England in the 1700s, women wrote men’s names on scraps of paper, rolled each in a ball of clay, and dropped them into water. The first paper that surfaced supposedly had the name of the woman’s true love.

Pupil 8: In Italy a young girl would stand at her window for half an hour before sunrise. If no one went by, she believed she would not be married that year. If she saw a man pass, she thought she would marry him or someone who looked like him.

Pupil 9: In Germany the girls planted onions on St. Valentine’s Day. They tagged several day onions with the names of young men and put the onions in a corner near the fireplace. She thought she would marry the man whose onion sprouted first.

Pupil 10: A French princess named her palace “The Valentine”. She had grand valentine parties in the early 1600’s. There were dancing and namedrawing. The knight gave flowers to the lady whose name he drew at each dance they attended that year.

Teacher: I think you like the customs. You can try some of them, can’t you? But right now it’s time to do another activity. You have to complete the sentences.

       Activity 4 “Complete the sentences” (group work)

Select the word that best completes the sentence.

  1. On the classroom walls there are (celebrations, decorations, festivals).
  2. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and (romance, decorations, parents).
  3. Valentines cards have messages of (affection, humorous, share).
  4. It is traditional to send flowers to (celebrate, spouses, dedicate) on Valentine’s Day.
  5. On this day people share feelings of affection with friends, family and (flowers, affection, companions).
  6. (Sweethearts, spouses, merchants) decorate their stores with red hearts and cupids on Valentine’s Day.
  7. This is a day to celebrate (feelings, humorous, decorations) of friendship and love.
  8. Some Valentine cards are funny; they have (loving, humorous, romance) messages.
  9. Many people call people they love (sweetheart, romance, spouse).
  10. Hearts are the most common romantic (spouse, symbol, festival).

Teacher: Another St. Valentine’s custom is sending valentine cards.

Pupil 11: The custom of sending valentine cards started in Europe in the 1700’s. But written valentines began about 1400. In the Middle Ages few people could read or write. Commercial valentines were first made in the early 1800’s. In America men often sent valentines as proposals of marriage. Sometimes the young lady sent one in return, saying yes.

Pupil 12: There were many different kinds of valentine cards. Beautiful pictures, silhouettes and cutouts were popular. Often a lock of hair was enclosed in a valentine. Special valentines were made for children. They liked the mechanical ones imported from Germany. Some valentine cards looked like a puzzle.

Teacher: That’s right. Would you to like to solve one of them?

       Activity 5 “True–Love or Endless-Love Knot” (group work)

Teacher: Valentine verses were also different: funny, romantic, amazing. Let’s listen to some valentine messages.

       Activity 6 “Valentine verses” (7-10 pupils recite poems one by one)

Teacher: St. Valentine’s Day is a day to share loving feelings with friends and family. Here are some useful words connected with this festival of romance and affection.

       Activity 7 “Match words with similar meanings” (group work)

Teacher: As valentines became more and more popular so did valentine parties. They have their own customs.

Pupil 13: Children in the nineteenth century played “Drop the Handkerchief” at their parties. The boy kissed the girl who dropped the handkerchief, but he had to catch her first. Grownups had valentine dinners and parties. Sometimes they wore masks and dressed like famous couples. Today people still keep many of the old valentine customs. Girls tell fortunes. They count the buttons on their clothes saying:

        Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief,

        Doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief.

The last button is supposed to tell which man the girl will marry. There is often a valentine box at the valentine party. You can also enjoy different games and activities.

Teacher: I hope you enjoy our activities too.

      Activity 8 “Select the word that best completes the sentence” (group work)

      Activity 9 “Unscramble the words” (group work)

      Activity 10 “Noun or adjective?” (group work)

Teacher: Today you’ve learned a lot about the history of St. Valentine’s Day, its old customs and traditions. What about the new ones? Text messaging is the smart way to communicate in the 21st century. In 2003 Britons exchanged over fifty million text messages on St. Valentine’s Day. Do you want to send a Valentine? Here are some hints for E- valentines:

        WUBMV          Will you be my Valentine?

        ILU                    I love you

        LUWAM<3       Love you with all my heart

        X                        Kiss

        XOXOXO          Hugs and kisses

        MAU                  Mad about you

You can also send an Emoticon with your message:

        {you}               Hug

        :-*                     Kiss

To sum up, there are a lot of ways to make your friends happy on St. Valentine’s Day. Just as happy as our happy valentine faces are. Let’s have a look at them. They are wonderful, aren’t they? (Activity 2)

Happy Valentine’s Day!


  1. Famous Couples

Match the famous couples

  1. Carmen                        a. Josephine
  2. Adam                                b. Jane
  3. Lady Di                        c. Eve
  4. Napoleon                        d. Prince Charles
  5. John Lennon                        e. Don Jose
  6. Tarsan                                f. Yoko
  7. Rhett Butler                        g. Orpheus
  8. Cho-Cho-San                        h. Scarlet O’Hara
  9. Eurydice                        i. Captain Pinkerton

  1. Happy Valentine Face

During the whole party two teams, for example three boys and three girls, create their faces using paper hearts.

  1. A Heart Game

Cut some large paper hearts into two separate puzzle pieces. On one half place a question about St. Valentine’s Day. Place the answer on the other half of the broken heart. The student must answer each question correctly in order to mend the broken heart.

  1. Complete the sentences


  1. St. Valentine’s Day is in _____________
  2. February is the second month of the__________                                              

February        3.  We give our___________pretty Valentine cards.                                                                                           

        4.   It is fun to get__________Valentine cards than our friends.

        5.   Some people _________their own cards instead of buying

sell        them in the store.






                    winter                               red    


  1. True-Love or Endless-Love Knot

The True-Love or Endless-Love Knot was usually a hand-drawn maze, sometimes forming interlocking hearts. The verses were written inside. It wasn’t easy to figure them out.


        This true love knot is from me.

        My love is endless you can see.

        Choose me valentine please do.

        My heart is filled with love for you!

  1. Valentine verses

Here’s a valentine,

And this is what it’s for-

To say that every day

You’re loved

More and more and more!


You’d make the nicest Valentine

That there could ever be!

And so I’m asking,

“Pretty, please, be Valentines with me?”


Not only when it’s Valentine’s Day

But always all year through,

You’re thought about with words of love

And wished much gladness, too!


Although I know that friendship reaches

Far across the miles,

I’d still be glad to see one of

Your warm and friendly smiles.

And though I know

The times we’re shared

Will last within the heart,

I just can’t keep from wishing that

We weren’t so far apart!


I hope that Valentine’s Day,

Will bring you lots of fun!

He thinks you’re extra-specially nice,

And so does everyone!


I dream about you

Every night.

Be my Valentine

And hold me tight.


Here’s a special valentine

With lots of love for you,

And since you’re very special

Here are hugs and kisses, too!


If you will be my valentine,

My charming little dear,

The sun can never help but shine

Throughout the coming year.


Just wanted to say…

Have a bright, delightful

Valentine’s Day

  1. Match words with similar meanings
  1. romance                a. boyfriend, girlfriend
  2. affection                b. love
  3. humorous                c. tenderness, warm feelings
  4. decorate                d. make attractive
  5. merchant                e. wife or husband
  6. spouse                        f. emotions
  7. feelings                g. funny
  8. companion                h. celebration
  9. festival                i. storekeeper
  10. sweetheart                j. friend

  1. Select the word that best completes the sentence
  1. On the classroom walls there are (celebrations, decorations, festivals).
  2. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and (romance, decorations, parents).
  3. Valentines cards have messages of (affection, humorous, share).
  4. It is traditional to send flowers to (celebrate, spouses, dedicate) on Valentine’s Day.
  5. On this day people share feelings of affection with friends, family and (flowers, affection, companions).
  6. (Sweethearts, spouses, merchants) decorate their stores with red hearts and cupids on Valentine’s Day.
  7. This is a day to celebrate (feelings, humorous, decorations) of friendship and love.
  8. Some Valentine cards are funny; they have (loving, humorous, romance) messages.
  9. Many people call people they love (sweetheart, romance, spouse).
  10. Hearts are the most common romantic (spouse, symbol, festival).

  1. Unscramble the words

  1. erpesnt
  2. figt
  3. erd
  4. alce
  5. rhaet
  6. vole
  7. aveelntni
  8. naormce
  9. pucdi


10. Noun or adjective?

  1. It is a (romance, romantic) poem.
  2. The Spring party was a (festival, festive) occasion.
  3. The TV comedy was full of (humor, humorous).
  4. The Christmas tree was (decorated, decoration) with colored lights.
  5. He wrote a message of (affection, affectionate).

Список использованной литературы

  1. Crazy English. Лучшие материалы, опубликованные в журнале “Speak out”.
  2. Интернет-ресурсы