Сценарий постановки "Чарли и шоколадная фабрика"
Данное мероприятие проводилось в рамках городского конкурса-фестиваля на иностранных языках "Волшебный мир искусства"
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Сценарий постановки
«Charlie and the chocolate factory»
По мотивам книги Роальда Даля
Scene 1
Charlie | The factory I usually see on my way here… Is it really true that Wonka’s Chocolate factory is the biggest in the world? |
Grandma Josephine | True?! Of course it is true! Good heavens, didn’t you know that? It’s fifty times as big as any other! |
Charlie | And is Mr Willy Wonka really the cleverest chocolate maker in the world? |
Grandpa Joe | My dear boy, Mr Willy Wonka is the most amazing, the most fantastic chocolate maker the world has ever seen! I thought everybody knew that! |
Charlie | I knew he was famous, Grandpa Joe, and I knew he was very clever… |
Grandpa Joe | Clever! He’s more than that! He’s a magician with chocolate! He can make anything – anything he wants! Isn’t that a fact my dear? |
Grandma Josephine | Absolutely true. Just as true as can be. |
Grandpa Joe | But he never comes out! The only thing that comes out of that place are chocolates and sweets. |
Charlie | But Grandpa, what sort of people are they that work in there? |
Grandpa Joe | My dear boy, that is one of the great mysteries of the chocolate-making world. Nobody knows. |
Charlie | But that`s absurd. Hasn`t someone asked Mr Wonka? |
Grandpa Joe | Nobody sees him any more. We know only one thing about his workers. They are very small! |
(They switch on the TV) | |
Willy Wonka | Listen to the greatest news ever?! I, Willy Wonka, have decided to allow five children – just five, mind you, and no more – to visit my factory this year. These lucky five will be shown around personally by me, and they will see all the secrets and the magic of my factory. So watch out for the Golden Tickets! Good luck to you all, and happy hunting! |
Scene 2
Walking along the street Charlie finds a coin and brings it to the shop. | |
Charlie | One Wonka’s chocolate bar. |
Charlie eats the bar very quickly and grabbed another one. | |
Shopkeeper | You look like you wanted that one, sonny. Take it easy, you`ll have a tummy-ache if you swallow it like that without chewing. |
Then he buys another one. | |
Charlie | I think, I think… I’ll have just one more of those chocolate bars. |
Shopkeeper | Why not? (gives another bar and sees the ticket appearing from the cover) |
Charlie | Oh, look! It`s a golden ticket. |
Shopkeeper | It’s a Golden Ticket! You’ve got a Golden Ticket! You’ve found the last Golden Ticket! Hey, would you believe it! Come and look at this, everybody! The kid’s found Wonka’s last Golden Ticket! Somebody call the newspapers quick and let them know! Watch out, sonny! Don’t tear it as you un wrap it! That thing is precious! |
Customer 1 | (shouting) Where is it? Hold it up so all of us can see it! |
Customer 2 | There it is, there! He’s holding it in his hands! See the golden shining! |
Customer 3 | How could he manage to find it, I’d like to know? I’ve been buying twenty bars a day for weeks and weeks! |
Customer 4 | (enviously)Think of all free sweets he’ll get! A lifetime supply! |
Customer 1 | (laughing) He’ll need it, he is too thin! |
Customer 2 | Listen, I’ll buy it from you. I’ll give you fifty pounds. How about it, eh? And I’ll give you a new bicycle as well. Okay? |
Customer 4 | Are you crazy? Why, I would give him two hundred pounds for that ticket! Do you want to sell that ticket for two hundred pounds, young man? |
Shopkeeper | Leave the kid alone! (to Charlie) |
Scene 3
Willy Wonka | Welcome, my little friends! Welcome to the factory! Will you come forward one at a time, please! |
AugustaGloop | I’m AugustaGloop. |
Willy Wonka | Augusta! My dear girl! How good to see you! Delighted! Charmed! Step through the gate! |
Veruca Salt | My name is Veruca Salt. |
Willy Wonka | My dear Veruca! How do you do? What a pleasure this is! I’m so glad you could come! Please, go in! |
Mike Teavee and Violet Beauregarde | Mike Teavee! Violet Beauregarde! |
Willy Wonka | Overjoyed to see you! Step forward! |
Charlie | Charlie Bucket. |
Willy Wonka | Charlie! Well, well, well! So there you are! You’re the one who found the ticket only yesterday, aren’t you? Yes, yes! Just in time, my dear boy! I’m so glad! I’m so happy for you! And this? Your grandfather? Delighted to meet you, sir! Overjoyed! All right! Excellent! |
Scene 4
Charlie and Grandpa Joe come to the stage. | |
Charlie | How lovely and warm! |
Grandpa Joe | I know. And what a marvelous smell! The smell of roasting coffee and burnt sugar … |
Charlie | And melting chocolate and mint and violets… And crushed hazelnuts and apple blossom… I could eat the whole field! |
(пытается опуститься на колени, но Чарли удерживает его.) | |
Grandpa Joe | I could go round like a cow and eat every blade of grass in the field! |
Mr Willy Wonka | The grass you are standing on is made of a new kind of soft, minty sugar. I`ve just invented it. You can try it. Please, do. |
Charlie | What is it? It is moving! These are little people! Can you see them, Grandpa? |
Charlie | But who are they? Are they real people? |
Willy Wonka | Of course they are real people! They are Oompa-Loompas. |
There the Oompa-Loompas who were sitting quietly stand up and dance and sing their song. В конце танца они разворачивают коричневую ткань и начинают покачивать её так, будто это течёт шоколадная река | |
(GrandpaJoeукоризненнокачаетголовой)Пока она кричит, Augusta забирается в шоколадную реку. | |
Grandpa Joe | Augusta! Don’t do that! |
Scene 5
Willy Wonka | Herewego! Hurryup, everybody. This is the most important room in the entire factory. All my most secret new inventions are cooking here. Now, listen to me. No touching and no tasting! Is that agreed? |
Willy Wonka | Don’t you know what it is? |
Violet Beauregarde | By gum, that’s gum! It’s a stick of chewing gum! |
Willy Wonka | Right you are! It’s a stick of the most amazing and fabulous gum in the world! This gum is my latest, my greatest, and my most fascinating invention! It’s a chewing gum meal! There is a whole three-course dinner in one chewing gum. No rubbish! This piece of gum has tomato soup, roast beef, and blueberry pie! |
Violet | What do you mean, it’s tomato soup, roast beef, and blueberry pie? |
Violet | I want the gum. (хватает жвачку и запихивает в рот) |
Willy Wonka | No, no, no, no, no! It isn’t ready for eating! It isn’t right! You mustn’t do it! |
Violet | I feel strange! (Виоллета изчезает раздается взрывной звук) |
Scene 6
Willy Wonka | All right, stop here for a moment and catch your breath. Whatever you do, don’t go into THE NUT ROOM! If you go in, you’ll disturb the squirrels! |
Veruca Salt | Squirrels! |
Mike Teavee | Oh, my God. |
Willy Wonka | These squirrels are specially trained for getting the nuts out of walnuts. There! Look! Watch that squirrel nearest to us! I think he’s got a bad one now! |
Mike Teavee | Why use squirrels, why not use Oompa-loompas? |
Willy Wonka | Noone can do this job better than squirrels do. |
Veruca Salt | Hey, I’ve decided I want a squirrel! Get me one of those squirrels! All I’ve got at home is two dogs and four cats and a silly old hamster! I want a squirrel! |
Willy Wonka | They are not for sale! You can’t have one! |
Veruca Salt | Who says I can’t! |
WillyWonka | Don’t!!! |
Она порывается зайти в комнату, в это время Oompa-Loompas хватают её и утаскивают за сцену. |
Scene 7
Mike Teavee | My feet are getting tired… I want to watch television. |
Willy Wonka | Here we go! This is the Testing Room for my very latest and greatest invention – Television Chocolate! |
Mike Teavee | But what is Television Chocolate? |
Willy Wonka | Good heavens, child, stop interrupting me! It works by television. Well, watch this! I shall now send a bar of my very best chocolate from one end of this room to the other – by television! Get ready, there! Bring in the chocolate! |
Вносят кусок шоколада и отправляют его через экран телевизора? | |
Mike Teavee | And what about people? Could you send a real person from one place to another in the same way? |
Willy Wonka | A person? Are you crazy? |
Mike Teavee | But could it be done? |
Willy Wonka | Good heavens, it might have some very bad results! No, no, no, no!!! |
В это время MikeTeavee залезает в телевизор, где его хватают Oompa-Loompasи утаскивают за сцену. Затемонивыбегаютнасценуитанцуюттанец. |
Scene 8
Willy Wonka | Which room shall it be next? Come on! Hurry up! We must get going! And how many children are there left now? |
Grandpa Joe | But Mr Wonka, there’s… there’s only Charlie left now |
Willy Wonka | But my dear boy! That means you’ve won! Oh, I do congratulate you. |
You see, my dear boy, I have decided to make you a present. As soon as you are old enough to run it, the entire factory will become yours. | |
Grandpa Joe | But… but.. why you want to give your factory to little Charlie? |
Willy Wonka | Listen! I’m an old man. I’m much older than you think. I’ve got no children of my own, no family at all. So, who is going to run the factory when I get too old to do it myself? So I have to have a child! |
Grandpa Joe | But Mr Wonka, do you really mean that you are giving the whole of this enormous factory to little Charlie? |
Willy Wonka | And all his family! They can all live in the factory from now on!! |