Рыцарский Турнир-викторина

Торопцева Наталья Николаевна

участвуют два класса в конкурсе о рыцарях средневековья. Требуются знания умений и традиций рыцарей.


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Knight tournament

Before we start our contest the teams are given the right to greet each other as polite as possible.

Heralds were the judges and caretakers at  knight tournaments. These people knew all details about heraldy, had  good   understanding about coat of arms and even could make them themselves. The “word coat of arms” means “inheritance”. By  the form of the coat of arms and its colour  you could  know the merits of the knight and his family. Those were the coats of arms displayed before tournaments and mottos written on the rim of shields, by which heralds learnt about the history of each knight and decided if a knight deserved to take part in the tournament or not.

The captains of the teams have to represent  their coats of arms and read  mottos and explain the symbols of the coats of arms.

Each wealthy knight was surrounded by weapon bearers. Usually they were from noble  families, young people of 14-15 years old. They had the duty not only to carry the arms and armory of the knight but fulfil all his orders. That was a good training for young weapon bearers.

Each team has to name as  many as possible different weapons and armory used by knights.

The  knight codex is a vow.

Attention !  A necessary ritual of a knight is a vow. Now according to the tradition knights should give a vow. Are you ready, knights?

We, knights, before the all who present here, are giving  a solemn vow

To be brave, courageous, fearless and gallant.

To be honest, kind, truthful and loyal. We are vowing!

In this contest we will know who of the knights better than others know famous strong men and heroes.

By the picture you have to name a knight or an athlete ( Asterix, Abelix, Iliya Muromets, Dobriniya Nikitich, Alesha Popovich)

Among the knights cult of lady was wildly spread.  The Knights worshiped the ideal of women, they had the duty to respect, obey and serve the lady-love. We are sure that knights still exist now.

You have to say a compliment (a few pleasant words to you lady-love)

The task: you have to say as many as possible adjectives to the word “ a knight”. For your answers you will be given a token. Who will have the most tokens wins and gets an award.

Supposed answers: good, handsome, clever, talented, educated, generous, noble-minded, polite, lucky, brave, crafty, punctual, accurate, neat, tolerant, responsible, dedicated, cowardly, rude, talkative, curious, hard working, mean, greedy.

We invite here arms bearers. Those who will get through the test work

will become a knight. The test is to say within 1 minute as many  as possible geographic sights of Britain.

To give names of seven knight skills.

  1. Riding
  2. Fencing
  3. Spearing(lancing)
  4. Swimming
  5. Hunting
  6. Playing draughts
  7. Composing poems and singing

Why  are a shield and a spear always together but enemies in all  times?

Teams ask questions to each other that they prepared at home