Стихи о России

Каргаполова Татьяна Михайловна

Россия- это наша страна с её необъятной красотой. У нас есть красивые леса, рощи, моря, океаны, города, есть чем гордиться. О россии сложено немало стихов и песен. Мои ученики пишут тоже : написали стихи о России на русском и английском языках.


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Предварительный просмотр:

We write poems about Russia.

I live in Russia, it’s my country,

My native land and pride,

I  love  it’s  people, landscapes,

And I’ll here die.

I’ll live in Russia all my life,

I’ll here learn and married,

Bring up my children perfectly

My parents love and cherish.

Everything I like in Russia:

Birches, berries, dogs and cats,

It’s houses, it’s architecture,

It’s  comfortable  flats.

I like a road to my school,

Where I can meet my friends,

Them I can say:” Hello!’’

And loving kisses send!

                                                      Botova Kate – 7-th form.

My country – is my Russia,

With  all  it’s  fields  and  seas,

Great cities and the villages,

With people, Russian  reeds.

With valleys, green and wide,

Museums, theatres and arts,

With all celebrities it has,

With sportsmen taking part:

In famous competitions,

We have the highest prize,

As they have got a lot of medals,

And never, never  hide.

I’ll never leave my country,

Here I was born,

I have my friends and close people,

I won’t be a “gone!”

                                                    Kozukevich Gleb – 7- - form.