Учим английский с Гарри Поттером
Просмотр фильмов на иностранном языке помогает учащимся расширить словарный запас.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Harry Potter
1. Study the adjectives. These are Harry’s character traits.
- Fair – честный
When Dumbledore asked: «What is bothering you? » he was fair.
- Adroit – ловкий
Harry Potter is adroit because he managed to catch the snitch
- Generous – щедрый
- Wealthy – богатый
- Wasteful – расточительный
Harry Potter is generous but sometimes wasteful because once he spent much money on food for Ron and himself
- Obeying – послушный
Harry Potter always obeyed his parents
- Amicable – дружественный
Harry was amicable for Dobby.
- Reserved – тихий, замкнутый
Harry Potter didn’t use to have many friends spending most of his time under stairs. He was quite reserved.
- Loyal - верный
Harry has loyal friends.
- Courageous – храбрый
He went to the dark forest and he proved himself as courageous .
2. Match the adjective with its translation.
1)Wasteful | a) Верный |
2)Fair | b) Щедрый |
3)Reserved | c) Богатый |
4)Generous | d) Расточительный |
5)Wealthy | e) Послушный |
6)Loyal | f) Дружественный |
7)Obeying | g) Честный |
8)Amicable | h) Тихий |
3.Describe your friends or family using these adjectives.
4. Conditional sentences.
Third Conditional type.
Выражают нереальные ситуации, которые могли бы произойти или не произойти в прошлом при определенных условиях.
Мы используем данную конструкцию, если:
-сожалеем о чем-то и хотели бы изменить свои действия в прошлом (но так как события уже произошли, мы не можем сделать этого);
-рассуждаем о прошлых действиях, воображаем альтернативные варианты (такие предложения могут выражать не сожаление, а, наоборот, радость, что все произошло именно так);
-критикуем чьи-то поступки в прошлом.
If + past perfect, would have + v3
If Harry had not gone to Chamber of Secrets, he would not have got a stone. (Если бы Гарри не вошел в Тайную комнату он не получил бы камень)
5. Open the brackets using the construction.
If Dobby (not drop) cake, uncle Vernon (not punish) Harry.
If Ron (not sacrifice) himself in chess, Harry (not go) further.
If not for Hermione ,Harry (received) a stone.
If Harry (not be punish), his uncle (not fallen out) of the window
If Hermione (not help) her friends, they (not guess) about the snake.
Harry (not come) to Hogwarts if Ron (not use) his father’s car.
Hagrid (help) Harry and Ron if he (not go) to Azkaban.
If Voldemort (have) the chance, he (try) to kill Harry in the forest.
6.Make up sentences in the 3rd conditional based on the film “Harry Potter and the chamber of secret”.
7.Study Modal verbs with Harry Potter.
Modal verbs - не употребляются самостоятельно, а только в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола. Модальный глагол не означает само действие, а лишь отношение к нему говорящего. К модальным глаголам относятся: can, must, would, to have to и другие.
Read the sentences where the modal verbs are used and translate them:
Can - мочь, уметь (часто физическая возможность)
- Can you hear me ?
- Can we find all this in London?
- Can you tell me where I might find Platform 9 ¾?
- I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks.
- Can I borrow this?
Would – воля, желание, намерение; вежливая просьба или приглашение.
- I would trust Hagrid with my life.
- I wouldn't bet on that.
- Why would I throw something at you?
- What would any of us done?
- No... she couldn't – she wouldn't.
Have to – необходимость под влиянием обстоятельств.
- We have to see Professor Dumbledore, immediately!
- We have to move its paw.
- Look... we have to ask you something. Do you know who's opened the Chamber of Secrets?
- Thanks. But we have to move.
- I have to go on.
Must – обязанность, необходимость; приказ, совет; допущение с большой долей уверенности.
- Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.
- Then you must have some idea who's behind it all?
- All students must be equipped with...one standard size two pewter cauldron and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad.
- The stranger, though, you and he must have talked.
- I must say, when I took the job, nothing in the job description.
Should – моральный долг, совет, рекомендация; предположения с долей уверенности.
- Maybe we should go wait by the car.
- Uh, Ron. I should tell you.
- D'you think I should've told them -- Dumbledore and the others, I mean.
- So the Sorting Hat was right. I should be a Slytherin.
- I should think it'd be obvious.
8.Use some of the modal verbs in your own sentences.
Предварительный просмотр:
Draco Malfoy
1.Study the adjectives. These are Draco’s character traits.
- Spoilt - a child who is spoilt behaves badly if they do not get what they want, because people have always given them everything they want.
Draco was from a rich family. Their money’s made him a spoilt child who got what he wanted at any cost.
- Impudent - behaving in a rude way that shows no respect for someone.
When Draco first meets Harry and Ron, he is extremely impudent towards them.
- Cowardly - a cowardly person is not brave enough to fight or do something difficult or dangerous that they should do.
Draco was afraid to go to the Forbidden forest. That night he behaved cowardly.
- Vicious – extremely violent.
Malfoy was vicious most of the time: to his friends, classmates and, especially, Harry Potter.
- Irritable - likely to become easily annoyed or impatient.
Draco Malfoy seemed to be very irritable when people didn’t do what he wanted them to do.
- Arrogant - someone who is arrogant thinks they are better or more important than other people and behaves in a way that is rude and too confident.
Draco got the habit of being arrogant from his father. He always thought that he was better than others.
2.Complete the sentences using the adjectives from exercise 1.
a)Her child is so ___________. He hates animals and brings them pain.
b)Do you really think you’re better than the other candidates? It’s ________________.
c)Soldiers during the war never showed ____________ behavior. They bravely started all attacks.
d)You should show some respect to older people. Don’t be so __________________.
e)You become easily very quickly. People say you’re too ________________.
3.Make up your own sentences with the adjectives.
4.Useful phrases from Draco Malfoy.
It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Обратите внимание на использование предлога в сочетании «в поезде».
Have it your way, then! Полезное выражения для разнообразия устной речи. «Будь по-твоему!»
You know, I’m surprised that the Daily Prophet hasn’t done a report on all these attacks. Обратите внимание на использование предлога в сочетании «доклад о».
I suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up. Фразовый глагол «замалчивать, замять дело»
God, this place is going to the dogs. Выражение означает «катиться под откос»
It comes and goes. Выражение означает «находит временами»
But my father did say this: It’s been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. Глагол did в данном случае является усилителем. Он подчеркивает уверенность, с которой выражен глагол say.
5.Learn Phrasal verbs with Draco Malfoy.
- Go in – входить, заходить на территорию.
We can't go in there. (about the forbidden forest)
- Come on – ну-ка, ну, давай.
Come on, Fang.
- Sit down – садиться, присаживаться.
Well, sit down.